Gundren Rockseeker is a dwarven business man, his business interests are many and varied but recently involve an unknown source of potential revenue near Phandalin. Working with his brothers Tharden and Nundro, and a veteran warrior named Sildar Hallwinter.

Qelline Alderleaf A wise female halfling of forty-five, Qelline Alderleaf is a pragmatic farmer who seems to know everything that goes on in town.

Qelline lives with her son Carp on Alderleaf Farm.

Carp Alderleaf is a ten-year old halfling and the son of Qelline Alderleaf. Despite his young age, Carp is enchanted by the idea of being an adventurer.

Born in 1478 DR, Carp has spent the entirety of his young life growing up on Alderleaf Farm in Phandalin with his mother, helping with chores and occassionally exploring the woods near the farm.

Irga Skullcrusher Hobgoblin champion. She fought Cora in a wrestling match, and gave the party a token of friendship.

This item came from irgas hair and will be useful in interactions with goblinfolk, as well as irga herself, should her path cross that of the parties again

Sken is A goblin the party met during an ambush, after some negotiation, he has joined the party on a permanent basis, and Cora has begun teaching him the ways of the druid.

Phandelver main