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Eli Tremblay

Name: Eli Tremblay

Character Concept: Local history and legends buff with a love for horror movies - who is not so sure how he feels about actually being in one…

Character Type: Mortal:Teenager

Appearance and Characteristics: Scrawny 16-yer old with a penchants for flannel shirts.


Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Constitution 2
Intelligence 3+1+1 Perception 3+1 Willpower 2+1

Derived Attributes

Life Points x / 26 Max Drama Points 20
Initiative Base x Base Carrying Capacity 100 lbs


NERD: 3-POINT QUALITY (especially interested in local myths&legends)
Your character is one of the smart, maybe brilliant types, more comfortable with a book or computer than with other people. Nerds don't have many friends (except maybe online), but in modern times they'll be among the first in line to make a fortune. On the other hand, in less modern times, they are usually relegated to transcribing old texts and getting bullied by peasants with beefy forearms. Nerds gain +1 to any two mental Attributes, to a maximum level of six (bonuses cannot be stacked on one Attribute); +2 skill levels to be added to any one of the following: Computers, Knowledge, or Science; -1 penalty in any roll involving social situations (due to either prejudice against them, their own social ineptitude, or a steadfast belief in their own superiority). These characters are prime candidates for the Emotional Problems or Outcast Drawbacks.

NOSY REPORTER: 5-POINT QUALITY (works for school newspaper and runs his own Blog)
The truth is out there, and if your character has his way, it’s going to be on the eleven o’clock news. Your character has an uncanny ability to pry into other people’s business and make it public knowledge. It doesn’t make him many friends, but he gets his name in the papers a lot. Of course, reporters in a world filled with demons, vampires, and werewolves soon discover the world is a very dark and complex place, and that most newspapers and TV stations cannot handle the truth. Might be time to open a rogue website and spread the news yourself.
Nosy Reporters get a +1 to both Intelligence and Perception, +1 to the Notice skill, and +1 to a skill related to their field (crime reporters get, duh, Crime, while a political beat type raises his Knowledge Skill). Your character also gets two points worth of Contacts to represent assorted sources of information. On the minus side, these characters cannot restrain their innate inquisitiveness, and they almost always end up in trouble. Whenever your character tries to resist his curiosity (deciding that, for example, meeting alone with an unknown source at midnight in the cemetery might not be a good idea), he must make a Willpower (doubled) roll.


TEENAGER/YOUTH: 2-POINT SOCIAL DRAWBACK Life sucks when you’re a teenager. You feel like an adult, and you want plenty of adult things, but you don’t have the legal rights of an adult. Characters under the age of 18 get this Drawback (sure, you still can’t drink until you’re 21 in most worlds, but life is hard - suck it up). Most of the problems teenagers face are social. Most adults instinctively distrust and look down on them, they have a lot of legal restrictions, and they have parents or guardians bossing them around. Youths have even greater restrictions, but have a measure of additional protections from most local laws (“how dare you strike a child?!”), so the Drawback cost remains the same.

CLOWN: 1-POINT MENTAL DRAWBACK Wise guy, eh? The Clown refuses to take things seriously and is always coming up with jokes and wisecracks, even at the most inappropriate moments. Perhaps your character is deeply insecure and tries to gain other people’s acceptance through humor, or he simply delights in keeping folks off-balance with her comments. The biggest problem these characters have is that they cannot keep their mouths shut even when they know a joke will only work against them. Clowns are generally accepted and liked during situations where their quirky humor is not out of place (parties and other social gatherings, or among friends). Their sense of humor gets them in trouble during tense and dangerous situations. Another problem the Clown faces is people often do not take him seriously even when they should.

DEPENDENT: 2- OR 3-POINT SOCIAL DRAWBACK Your character has a relative or someone who is close to him — perfect for the villains to terrorize, hold hostage or otherwise use and abuse. A mother, a husband, a little kid sister… If your character has one Dependent, he gets two points. More than one Dependent is worth three points—sorry, five siblings may be a bunch, but they just don’t give you any more points. In order to be a Drawback, this Dependent must appear in play, and must be a significant target; your daughter, for example, doesn't count if they are reasonably capable of defending themselves without your interference.

Experience Banked

Unspent Points x
Banked: x x
Banked: x x

Skill List


Combat Maneuvers

Maneuver Name Bonus (Attribute + Skill + Modifiers) Damage Notes
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x


Other Notes