Table of Contents

GURPS Pleasantdale

Pleasantdale, 1950

Population: 75,000 (Search +2)

Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Plains

Appearance: Attractive (+1)

Hygiene: +0

Mana Level: None

Culture and Economy

Language: English

Literacy: Native

TL: 7

Wealth: Average (x1)

Status: -2 to 5

Political Environment

Government: Representative Democracy

CR: 3 (Corruption -1)

Military Resources: $7.875M (Cold War wartime measures)

Defense Bonus: +5

Pleasantdale is a picturesque town that is equipped to deal with some, but not all, of the consequences of the Red Menace. The population count only includes civilians.

This Just In

The top story on everyone's lips – Communists have invaded and brainwashed our townspeople!

An unidentified Russian in military uniform carrying an assault rifle was seen to be giving orders to several Communist sympathizers who proceeded to engage the celebrants in savage combat, causing serious injuries. The attack, which began at the neighboring Burger Chef, caused eight townspeople to be hospitalized following the attacks, and three to be killed. Although brave action from several concerned citizens broke up the Communist attack, their leader and several followers retreated into the woods through Buford's Trail.

Local authorities intend to canvas the woods and flush out the Communist agitator, and are conducting aggressive search efforts. Until further notice, the deer hunting season for Pleasantdale is called off, and all citizens are requested to keep themselves and their children away from the woodlands area for the foreseeable future.

In light of the attack, Mayor Tuttleford has declared a state of emergency in Pleasantdale. All citizens are advised to make sure their personal shelters are stocked, and all efforts are going into properly stocking and managing the town's public shelters to be ready in the event of another attack by the Red Menace. The New Jersey National Guard is currently operating to contain the area, and no vehicles will be allowed to travel into or out of Pleasantdale until the Communist threat is brought under control and its ringleaders caught. The Federal Civil Defense Administration has designated Chester Wilson, by confirmation of Mayor Tuttleford, as civil defense coordinator during this emergency situation and recommends all inquiries and reports to their offices regarding potential Communist activities, defense of homestead, and so forth be directed through him.

A mandatory curfew has been announced for 9 PM for all citizens under the age of 18, and 11 PM for all other citizens without a permit; anyone found on the streets between curfew and 5 AM may be arrested for suspicious activities. Please obey the curfew, as it is for your own protection from the looming threat of Communism and will be lifted as soon as the state of emergency has lifted. Applications for permits due to needs of work, civil defense assignments, etc, must be filed at the City Hall office.


Stock Up for Defense sale at Grand Union

Seth Arms - The Arms That Saved The Day

People of Decency calling for youth inspection for communist sympathies; destruction of comic books and 'sinful' influences

Sunshine Dairy - selling bottled water for shelters

Zombie Levels

The Effects of Radiation Science Never Warned You About

Sufficient exposure to radiation can indeed cause sickness and death. However, interesting effects are noticeable when radiation is directly introduced into the body under controlled circumstances. The United States government experimented with this technique, codenamed 'Operation Sunstrike'. Those exposed to the radiation treatments reported physical enhancements that made them stronger, tougher, and capable of enhanced cellular regeneration, hastening recovery processes. Unfortunately, there were long-term ramifications involved in exposure to treatment. Sufficient radiation damage could cause death… or zombification. The body's normal physical impulses would cease to operate properly, and instead would be replaced by an extreme need for energy. While this could be managed through regular injections of the radioactive serum used to create the soldiers, it created an insane hunger if the serum was withheld for too long, and the longer the serum was taken, the more rapidly the cravings came on. The end results? Not pretty.

As such, 'Operation Sunstrike' is of dubious merit in creating a drug-based supersoldier, as long-term reliance of it as a physical enhancer and medical aid are established to be impractical. On the other hand, that's not to say it hasn't been experimented with further in search of a true immortality drug - something that preserves life after death is far more valuable than something that creates a 'super soldier', after all, heartbeat be damned. And if you have to eat a baby every now and then to keep the process going, well, there are plenty of babies.

But What About Hiroshima?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the first major examples of mass radiation exposure - if radiation exposure, such as from a nuclear blast, could cause zombification in and of itself, there would probably have been some initial signs in Japan, and further experiments – from the United States and from Russia – may have been geared towards testing this more carefully. Whether the public was actually told about this is highly doubtful, of course, especially if it was in the least bit true, or if any unusual effects were seen in the survivors (who, in all likelihood, were 'dealt with' by the respective governments.)

That said, if radiation -is- known to have effects on the human body (beyond being potentially fatal), there may be other reasons why the United States is concerned about the Red Menace – and why they may be concerned enough to begin focusing on establishing fallout shelters earlier in this timeline than expected, if the threat is actually credible. (If a nuclear attack could turn America into a zombie-infested hellpit, this would be a bigger problem than if it just killed a fair number of people.)

Are Zombies Infectious?

The penultimate question. The first introduction to the Zommunist menace is in the form of a strange animal followed by the attack on Founder's Hall (one Communist from the outpost and a few of the folk from a farm in the Agricultural District). Each of them caught it somehow.

The transmissibility of the Z-Virus is dependent on a variety of factors, and the most significant is that the most virulent versions are the original progenitors of the serum - the treated soldiers themselves. The Zommunists, in turn, were first infected by being bitten and eventually dying through infection and cumulative injuries sustained in their original encounter; those turned by them and any zombies they infect are, in turn, infected by a combination of infection and injury.

In short, zombies each have a Contagion factor, which is higher depending on how close to the source they are. Being pecked by an infected raven is much less unsafe than being bitten by a ravenous ZI Joe, for example. Contagion is an effective 'strength' of the infection carried, which is resisted by your Constitution doubled, plus 1d10, -1 every time you have had to check (until you've been clean for at least a week.) If you fail, congratulations, you've managed to become infected with the Z-Virus. This is likely to make you unpopular with friends, and unless you're an PC, is likely to mark your curtain call in the near future.

Curing Radionecrotic Conversion Syndrome

Taking potassium iodide and similar radiation-protecting drugs adds a +2 to all rolls made to resist the Z-Virus for a period of 8 hours.

Taking a strong dose of general antibiotics gives an opportunity to reroll failed resist checks immediately, at a bonus or penalty based on the current Z-Level.

Competent care by a Doctor, including at least four hours of complete rest and ongoing treatment of existing symptoms, allows a patient to roll a resistance check and add the Doctor's success levels to their resistance check; a medical malpractice result (no successes on a Doctor roll, or no Doctor at all) inflicts a -2 to the resistance check. This can be attempted once per eight hour 'shift' of Doctor work.

If the infection is removed before Z-Virus Phase 4, maximum LP lost returns at the rate of one point per day. If the afflicted is under medical care, a Doctor can roll once per day and add their success levels to the amount of max LP restored per day.

If at any time during the progression of the Z-Virus, the character's heart stops for more than one minute, the character becomes a Zombie, with all of the unfortunate effects this brings.

Z-Virus Phase 1 - Initial Infection

Symptoms: Injury area is recent and turning reddish, a clear sign of infection, with faint bluish streaks along the veins possible. After four hours, the flesh around the bitten area begins to turn pale, with the area immediately around the bite turning bright red.

Effects: Once per hour, the character's maximum LP decreases by 1 point. At this stage, a tourniquet can slow the infection from spreading if the bite wound is on an arm or leg (halve LP loss for up to four hours), but will do no further good after this point.

Rerolls provided by medical treatment at this phase receive a +1 to shake off the infection (minus the total number of rolls done for the week), as the Z-Virus has not taken hold yet.

When max LP reaches 75% of normal, the infection proceeds to Phase 2.

Z-Virus Phase 2 - Sickness Worsens

Symptoms: The area around the wound begins to turn blackened and nasty, with the open wound putrefying and emitting an unpleasant smell.

Effects: The character is beginning to feel the effects of the deterioration of his condition. He will become tired more frequently, and will be unable to use Drama Points on 'I Think I'm Okay' - and may find out the hard way that he's in Phase 2 Z-Virus if he gets a point returned for this reason! He will lose 2 max LP every hour while in this phase, and treatment at this point will allow a reroll without bonuses to shake off the effects.

Rerolls provided by medical treatment at this phase receive no bonus (minus the total number of rolls done for the week), as the Z-Virus is now festering.

When max LP reaches 25% of normal, the infection reaches the Terminal phase.

Z-Virus Phase 3 - Terminal Phase

Symptoms: The wound emits a blackish sludge (which in itself is infectious if touched). The character's senses are muffled and their perception is essentially reduced by 2, and they walk with a stumbling gait.

Rerolls provided by medical treatment at this phase receive a -2 (minus the total number of rolls done for the week), as the Z-Virus has by now flooded the victim's system and is actively destroying its vital functions.

Effects: The character is almost certainly going to die at this point - treatment at this phase allows a reroll at -2, but otherwise the patient continues to deteriorate at the rate of 1 max LP every ten minutes until dead.

Z-Virus Phase 4 - Reanimative Phase

Symptoms: The body's immune system has completely shut down, their heartbeat has ceased, and normal life functions have ceased. They are effectively dead, barring a medical miracle.

Effects: Technically, the patient is neither alive nor undead at this point. If the patient had any maximum LP remaining, they deteriorate at the rate of 1 max LP every ten minutes. Once max LP reaches zero, the patient rises as a zombie ten minutes later, with Dead Points instead of Life Points.

Things Have Been Okay For Me Except That I'm A Zombie Now

So you're a zombie now. Well, first off, welcome to the realm of GM puppets (or maaaaaybe Adversary characters.) But now, here's what could possibly happen to change the character sheet. Each zombie is determined via a set of basic criteria. The tables are rigged to favor certain outcomes, but occasionally they may have an odd result - blame the wonder that is atomic science! Each modifier has a Power rating, which gives you a rough indication of how tough a particular zombie is compared to other zombies of the same stripe.

Weak Spot

d100 Result
1 - 20 All: Power + 0. Any attack that harms the living harms the dead. In short, no particular area is susceptible; bash, slash, shoot, or burn it until it stops moving, again.
21 - 40 Fire: Power - 5. Zombies are surprisingly flammable given ample opportunity to burn - death has a way of drying a body out, after all. These zombies take double damage from fire attacks; however, note that fire isn't exactly an instant kill, and unintelligent zombies may ignore the fact that they are burning to death and wander on into your house and thus set your drapes on fire.
41 - 80 Brain: Power + 6. The time-honored classic - even in death, the brain acts as the seat of consciousness, and damaging it puts the zombie out of commission. -5 to hit the brain, but all of the zombie's Dead Points are in the head, and damage to any other part that doesn't destroy a part is ignored. Dead Points of the brain are 15.
91 - 99 Spine: Power + 5. Some of the less intelligent zombies may not need their brains for thinking. That doesn't mean they don't need their spines to control their movement. Break the connection and you break the control system, theoretically. -4 to hit the spine when targeting from the rear, -5 when targeting from the front. Dead Points are all located in the spine, and less than complete destruction of any other part has no effect on the zombie. Dead Points of the spine are 15.
100 None: Power + 10. The atomic powered zombie that has the power of radiation in every cell, this is animated on a cellular level, and to destroy it requires essentially utter annihilation via fire, utter mincing, acid, or some other appropriate method of destruction.

Getting Around

d100 Result
1 - 60 Slow and Steady: Power + 0. These traditional undead cannot run and even when they walk they do so at much less than normal human speed. On the other hand, like all zombies, they never, ever get tired. Dexterity 1; Speed 2.
61 - 90 Life-Like: Power +3. The zombie has the same basic mobility as a living human. Usually this is accompanied by ominous creakings and crackings from the zombie's dead joints and bones, but the dead don't seem to mind, so why should you? Even though these zombies can move around like humans when walking, they still cannot run well. The typical zombie does not have the best sense of balance and running tends to throw them off rather quickly. The zombie can walk quickly however, usually half as fast as the average walking pace for living folks. Dexterity 2; Speed 4.
91 - 100 The Quick Dead: Power +10. These zombies can actually move faster and better than normal humans. This makes them particularly dangerous. Quick moving zombies often look strange to the living because their movements are not normal. They flail their arms wildly and move like they had rubber bands for limbs. Their run is a kind of loping gait. It may sound funny, but it’s not when there's a pack of them closing in. Dexterity 3; Speed 18.

Movement Bonuses

d100 Result
1 - 50 No special features. You're welcome.
51 - 70 Climbing: Power +2. As a general rule of thumb, zombies do not climb. First, they tend to think in two dimensions (food and more food) and second, climbing usually requires more coordination and dexterity than the zombie will ever have. In this case, the zombie has the ability to climb through a combination of heightened dexterity and undead strength. The zombie can scale surfaces that would give pause to an experienced mountain climber simply by not caring about pain and using its strength to claw into whatever surface it needs to climb. Thus the zombie can easily scale things like chain link fences, wooden barricades, and even the walls of some houses and buildings. It cannot climb vertical concrete, the glass walls of skyscrapers or any other very tough surface. Gain Climbing 2 skill. Climbing Speed: 3 feet (one meter) per Turn.
71 - 75 Leaping: Power +3. Few zombies possess this high flying movement technique, but it is not unheard of. The zombie can literally leap up great heights or forward great distances. This frog-like movement technique is used primarily for attacking prey or getting over obstacles. It is a product of the zombie’s animated musculature more than actual speed. Preparing for the jump might still be a slow process if the leaper is a slow zombie. However, once airborne, the laws of physics take over and it moves fast and high. Can leap obstacles up to 6 feet (2 meters) in height. Can leap forward up to 12 feet (4 meters).
76 - 90 The Lunge: Power +3. Zombies shamble about in their unlife with no haste or hurry. All that can change however once it gets near delicious, living human flesh. Then instinct takes over and the thing becomes capable of quick bursts of speed. Much like a cat stalking its prey, the zombie moves at regular speed until it is within striking distance. Then, like a flash, it can lunge forward (up to three yards/meters on average) as quick as a cat. This often catches the living off guard the first time, but if they survive this surprise attack, they will likely not make the same mistake again. +2 Initiative in close combat.
91 - 100 Aquatic: Power +2. Most zombies don’t do very well with water. They either float around helplessly or sink to the bottom like a rock and get mired in the mud. There are those undead, however, who can deal with the watery depths admirably. These zombies either swim at a slow pace or, since they do not need to breathe, walk along the bottom as they please. The important thing is that this ability allows them to do both. Thus, unlike some undead, they won't get trapped in the deep end of the pool. Gain Swimming 2 skill. Underwater Speed: 3.


d100 Result
1 - 25 Ninety-Pound Weakling: Power -3. There's nothing like dying to shed those unsightly pounds. Unfortunately, as we all know, muscle disappears a lot faster than fat. Zombies of this low caliber fall below human average when it comes to strength. However, these weaker zombies are often faster than others and may have special abilities to make up for their lack of strength. Either that or they come in very large numbers. Strength 1.
26 - 70 Dead Joe Average: Power +0. These walking dead returned with all the muscle fiber of a regular joe (or jane). Nothing special here, but not below average either. Strength 2.
71 - 95 Strong Like Bull: Power +5. This zombie has returned with a great deal more going on in the strength department. While much stronger than average, the zombie is still not beyond human range or experience – at least with respect to strength. Strength 4.
96 - 100 Monstrous Strength: Power +10. Reanimation has made the zombie something quite special indeed, something capable of breaking rocks over its own head, punching through walls, and bending iron bars. Zombies this pumped up would win the World’s Strongest Man competition hands down and not even break a sweat. Strength 7.

Strength Bonuses

d100 Result
1 - 50 No special features. You're welcome.
51 - 60 Damage Resistant: Power +5. Death has made the zombie’s flesh and bones more resistant to damage. The skin is tough as leather, the muscles resilient as vulcanized rubber. Even the bones have grown harder, almost as tough as rocks. This makes it much harder to destroy the zombie, even if it has a weak spot like the brain. All weapons except fire and chemicals do half damage.
61 - 70 Iron Grip: Power +1. Once the zombie grabs hold of something with one of its hands, nothing is going to make it let go. Forcibly breaking the grasp is nearly impossible, no matter how many cool aikido moves are thrown. The only way to make a zombie let go is to cut its fingers off one at a time. Even if its hand gets severed from the rest of its body, it keeps on holding on. Of course the zombie can let go anytime it wants, but that seldom happens once it has its hands on some tasty morsel of flesh. Strength for gripping equal to 10.
71 - 80 Claws: Power +8. Humans are not naturally the most impressive fighting machines. They have no real built-in weapons for killing prey. Some zombies have, in their undeath, developed more potent mechanisms for destruction, usually in the form of claws. Sometimes the claws are merely the tough fingernails of the risen dead. More often the zombie actually chews off the flesh on the ends of its fingers, revealing an inch or so of bone. These bone tips become preternaturally sharp and capable of tearing through flesh, leather, and even thin sheet metal (say, the roof of a car). No modifier to hit in close combat. 2 x Strength in armor-piercing, slashing damage.
81 - 90 Teeth: Power +4. Of course, if zombies could talk they would call them fangs because it sounds scarier, but basically these are just your average human chompers with a few modifications. Most notable is that the strength of the jaw has increased dramatically. As a result, the zombie’s bite has all the same advantages of the special ability Iron Grip (it’s just a little harder to bite something than it is to grab it). The zombie’s bite also does extra damage when it latches on to a target. It continues to cause damage each Turn until the zombie runs out of flesh to eat or somehow gets removed (a welding torch works well for this). -3 to hit in close combat. Damage equals 6 per Turn.
91 - 100 The Hug of Death: Power +8. It shambles forward, arms outstretched. A week ago he was a loved one. Then he became one of the living dead. Still, he hasn't lost any of his affection. All he wants now is a hug… of death. The zombie needs to get both its arms around the target, but once it does there’s no getting out of it. The zombie grasps its prey in a bear hug and starts squeezing the life out of her. The two usually fall to the ground as the zombie even wraps its legs around the target, causing damage each round until something stops it. Even if the zombie is destroyed, it still holds on (although it no longer squeezes). Better cut it free before the next one arrives. -2 to hit in close combat to establish hug. Strength once hugging equal to 10; hug damage equals 10 per Turn, and the target is effectively Grappled. This does not prohibit the zombie from biting.


d100 Result
1 - 40 Like The Dead: Power +0. Being chewed on by other zombies and the damage from zombification and decay hasn't exactly done wonders for the zombie's senses. They are significantly less than human standard. The zombie can only make out dim forms moving around – just the outline of a human figure for instance. Their senses of smell and touch are gone completely and their sense of hearing is pretty shabby. Basically, the zombie will chase down anything that moves without too much discrimination. Even so, it will not attack other zombies. A zombie always knows a brother living dead. Perception 1.
41 - 70 Like The Living: Power +1. This zombie returns with the perception of an average human. The better to see you, my dear! There is a drawback to this – since the zombie retains its sense of touch, it can also feel pain. While attacks to nonvital parts cause no real damage, it still feels like they do. As a result, the zombie becomes temporarily distracted every time it takes significant damage. It is unable to act the Turn after it suffers 10+ Dead Points in a single attack. Perception 2.
71 - 90 Like A Hawk: Power +2. The rejuvenation process was better than complete and the zombie retained all of its senses at better than average human level. Again, the zombie feels pain (see Like The Living). On the plus side, its vision is good enough to see exactly who's doing the shooting and exact appropriate vengeance. Perception 3.
91 - 100 Like Nothing You've Ever Seen: Power +10. Death has given the zombie a clarity of senses unparalleled in nature. The zombie has eyes like a zoom lens and hearing like an FBI bug. Hardly anything escapes its notice, especially if it's living and breathing. In fact, it can hear breathing from a hundred yards away. These super-perceptive zombies make deadly hunters, but do feel pain (see Like the Living). Perception 7.

Perception Bonuses

d100 Result
1 - 50 No special features. You're welcome.
51 - 60 X-ray Vision. Power + Perception x2. The zombie has the ability to see through walls, trees, and anything less than three feet (one meter) thick that is not lead. In fact, the zombie probably sees the world this way all of the time – a series of solid and semi-transparent objects, some of which move around and look especially delicious. Range equals ten times Perception in yards.
61 - 80 Life Sense. Power + Perception x2. These zombies always know where their next meal is going to come from – right around that corner. Being dead has given the walking corpse the ability to sense the presence of living beings within a certain range, no matter what obstructions lie between it and its moving dinner. Of course, being able to sense a living thing does not mean the zombie can get to it. Zombies are simple creatures, however, and once they find a nearby source of food they tend to stay as close as possible. Thus, holing up in the old barn is not such a great idea. The zombies cannot get in (at the moment), but they keep massing outside, waiting for you to come out. They know there’s food inside and they are hungry! Range equals ten times Perception in yards.
81 - 90 Scent Tracking: Power + Perception. Like a well trained bloodhound, the zombie has a nose for human flesh. Even if the zombie’s senses are normally terrible, when it comes to sniffing out prey, there’s no stopping this reanimated cadaver. It can follow the scents of living beings that are up to 24 hours old. Like any tracker, it loses the scent if the target passes through water – although if it’s just a stream, the zombie can probably already smell the scent from the opposite bank. Zombies tend to follow these scent trails around until they find something to eat. Once a zombie encounters potential prey, it often single-mindedly follows that particular scent until it finds the prey once more. Perception times 2 for purposes of smelling (minimum 4).
91 - 100 Infravision: Power + Perception x2. No, zombie elves or dwarves are not the only ones to come back with Infravision. These zombies home in on the heat given off by living creatures, just like a guided missile. In fact, most zombies with this ability can only tell the living from the dead because of the heat signature. This allows them to hunt day or night, but can cause some problems on a really hot day when even zombie bodies reach temperatures over 98 degrees. Also, the zombies can be distracted by high heat sources. Range equals ten times Perception in yards.

Need to Feed

In most cases, zombies created through the process of infection require daily meals of human flesh, whereas the ones accidentally or deliberately engineered don't 'need' to as frequently. However, there is a random chance that a newly infected individual will have a lower-than-average requirement.

d100 Result
1 - 70 Daily: Power + 0. Everyone needs three square meals a day to make the most out of life and these zombies are no exception. They don’t need to eat a whole lot but they must consume at least 10 ounces of whatever it is they crave each day. After a day without eating, the zombie starts to lose Strength. For every day of starvation, the zombie loses one quarter of its original Strength rating (round up for purposes of using the Attribute) to a minimum of zero. Every day of starvation after Strength falls to zero costs the zombie 1 max Dead Point as it suffers an unpleasant form of radioactive decay.
71 - 85 Occasionally: Power + 2. The zombie can go up to three days without eating, but every fourth day it needs to consume at least 16 ounces of its preferred nutrient. It doesn't have to eat all 16 ounces at once, but it does need at least that much each three day period. Each day after that, the zombie starts suffering Strength loss (see Daily).
86 - 95 Weekly: Power + 4. The zombie can keep going with even the smallest amount of food. Once a week it needs to have a nice big meal of at least 24 ounces or it starts to suffer the effects of starvation (see Daily).
96 - 100 Who Needs Food?: Power: +8. These zombies have no need to feed at all. They kill just for the fun of it. The zombies created during earlier nuclear experiments had a dependence on radiation instead of on human flesh, and needed it to survive - after the radiation levels died down sufficiently, the zombies created by the nuclear blast did as well. Should a nuclear blast be out of reach, zombies of this type can be found congregating by other sources of high-intensity electromagnetic waves, such as radio and television stations, power plants, and manufacturing facilities. In an area under complete blackout, their unlife half-life is likely to be reduced significantly. Effects as starvation occur if it goes a full day without spending an hour less than 50 feet from a power source, or a full week without spending an hour less than 50 feet from any large power source or urban area.


No matter what it needs to eat, how it moves around, what it sees, or how strong it is, the one factor guiding all of a zombie's activities is its intellect (or lack thereof). Some zombies are purely creatures of instinct, shambling around, feeding, and moving on to the next closest target. Others retain some of their old intellect, much to the misfortune of the living. As often as not, these intellectual abilities come in fragments – they can talk but they don’t remember how to drive a car. One thing that tends to make zombies manageable for humans to fight is that they are very, very stupid. In fact, most zombies are in the none-too-bright category.

d100 Result
1 - 40 Dumb as Dead Wood: Power +0. This is the basic zombie intelligence. It detects something alive and it tries to kill it, end of story. It cannot open doors or climb over things real well, or do much more than walk in straight lines and knock things down. The zombie has Intelligence -2 regardless of how bright it was in life, and cannot use language or tools.
41 - 60 Basic Animal Cunning: Power +2. The zombie has a basic amount of animal cunning (Intelligence 0), and knows to use direct paths to cut off prey, create ambushes, and avoid harmful attacks.
61 - 70 Advanced Animal Cunning: Power +5. The zombie is at Intelligence 1, but on par with a reasonably clever animal; it can open doors by pushing, lift objects without grasping, leave crude traps to get at prey, and manage basic levels of teamwork and cooperation to hunt food and communicate with each other.
71 - 80 Basic Human Cunning: Power +8. The zombie is Intelligence 1, and is capable of understanding any languages it could understand while alive; it can even understand and talk with others, though you may not like what it has to say. These zombies can also use basic tools (operate doors, use melee weapons, and other items that require little thought), and are capable of sophisticated teamwork when within twenty yards of each other, without requiring any form of verbal communication.
81 - 90 Intermediate Human Cunning: Power + 16. These zombies are still Intelligence 1, but in addition to understanding language, they are capable of using tools which require some level of thought - such as, say, firearms, light switches, elevator controls, or telephones. They also have retained a sense of long-term memory, so that they can recognize individuals, or recognize that particular approaches aren't working – for example, that a particular entrance is getting their brethren blasted and that perhaps they should try a different one.
91 - 99 Advanced Human Cunning: Power + 25. These zombies are Intelligence 2 (or their original Intelligence, if higher), and can operate complicated machinery, use long-term memory and problem solving skills, and can access some or all of the skills they possessed while alive. They can make the connection between the dead security guard on the ground with a keyring and the locked door they need to open to get at the tasty people inside, they can remember that the people behind that door are unarmed, and they can call a mocking taunt while they're searching for the right key.
100 Gone Horribly Right: Power + 35. Every now and then, the process that turns soldiers into super-soldiers turns thinkers into super-thinkers. As a result, a zombie whose Intelligence has Gone Horribly Right has an Intelligence 2 higher than they had when alive (minimum Intelligence 4), and receives a +2 to his three highest skills. However, aside from whatever personal flaws he already had (and, oh yeah, the desire to eat people), he immediately gains a wide collection of new and nasty mental problems as his brain becomes further unhinged from all that expansion.

Spreading the Love

In this campaign, there are several methods by which a zombie can be created. First, if you catch the Z-Virus and die while under its influence, you have a very high chance of rising as a zombie. Second, you can be deliberately infected with the virus through Sunstrike serum – which, when it boils down to it, isn't really much different than Z-Virus infection, though it takes place over a much more protracted period of time and has initially more beneficial effects. Third, you can undergo radiation treatments that can trigger a zombification transformation – and with proper scientific control, can control how the zombification turns out, hence the Olympians.

Special Zombie Features

The Atomic Zombies in this campaign use one special feature across the board – all of them regenerate, which adds Power + 2 to their overall power score.

Regeneration: Power +2. These zombies have the special ability to recover from the damage done to them. This does not mean that ineffective holes or partially missing limbs are repaired. That is window dressing that gives the zombie a real visual ummph. This regenerative ability is limited to the Dead Point damage that will ultimately force the zombie to stop moving around and eating. At the lower level (+2 Power), the zombie regains 1 Dead Point per minute. Special: Atomic Zombies regenerate twice as fast if exposed to any significant level of radiation.

There Are Zombies On The Lawn

Just when you thought it was safe to walk the streets during the day, the horrible undead are roaming, hungering for human flesh. But what sorts of undead are out there?


Undead animals, those who have turned into zombies by feeding on infected flesh, or in less frequent cases, by being fed upon. (Incidentally, you should never eat infected flesh. This is why.)

Undead Raven/Crow/Hawk

Contagion: 1

Die Roll Modifier: -10

While vultures have proven quite resistant to the Z-Virus, carrion birds like the raven, crow, and hawk are all susceptible, and can become undead birds of prey, making for an unpleasant town experience. These birds defend their territory fiercely, and attack by swooping down and pecking at the heads of the living. They can often be seen pecking at the flesh of the dead, or the dying.

Undead Fox

Foxes are not too picky about feeding on carrion, and this red fox has had the misfortune of feeding on infected flesh. Now it's gotten a bit more aggressive about what it eats…

Undead Squirrel

Distinctly unintimidating, this undead squirrel is mostly dangerous because people may assume it's harmless until they get bitten.

Notes: Move Bonus is -always- Climbing if present.

Undead Rabbit

Just a harmless little rabbit, maybe, but given

Notes: Move Bonus is -always- Leaping if present.

Undead Wolf

While wolves are rare, they are not unheard of in the woods outside of Pleasantdale. If part of a pack, all wolves in the pack will automatically have Basic Animal Cunning and Lifelike speed at minimum, and one member (the alpha male) receives no penalty to die rolls and always has at least Advanced Animal Cunning.

Undead Bear

Due to a bear's natural strength, even a 'dead joe average' Bear is a dangerous threat to your average hunter, especially since it is much more aggressive and much more likely to eat people's heads.

Undead Dog / Cat

These housepets have had the misfortune of being chewed upon by a townsperson, or maybe chewing upon a fallen zombie, and have joined the armies of the deceased. They do not appear among the ranks of the undead until after Town Zombies appear.


Contagion: 2

Die Roll Modifier: None

Zombified Citizen

A month ago, this John Doe was carving up a steak dinner. Now he's looking to chow down on your shoulder.

Zombified Housewife

Probably still wearing a bloodstained housedress, this formerly lovely housewife is driven by a craving for human flesh.

Zombified Elderly

Hard to tell apart from the living until you get closer, these crotchety undead old folks want to sink their rotting teeth into your flesh!

Zombified War Veteran

Let's just hope that this combat veteran didn't retain his combat training and firearms when he went zombie, shall we?

Zombie Greaser

Aside from his leather jacket and his slicked back hair, there's an outside chance he might be packing some sort of weapon or even raising hell in his hot rod if he can still think well enough to drive it. Fortunately, driving zombies are few and far between.

Biker Zombies

Again, motorcycling zombies are few and far between. The more problematic threat is that they may still be wearing the motorcycle helmet, making an easy headshot a much more difficult proposition.

Retail Zombie

Shuffling along, repeatedly performing the same actions over and over… not much has changed since they became undead.

Carhop Zombie

Short skirts, roller skates, and a desire to eat your flesh! If they're coordinated. If not, they're just sort of hilarious, trying to get to their feet to chase people, then falling back on their faces.

Full Service Zombie

Missing a large chunk of flesh or a limb hasn't stopped these station attendants from wanting to provide you with a full service experience. It's just that now they want to clean all of that glistening flesh from your bones.

Little Zombie Boys and Girls

Guess Billy and Becky didn't duck and cover, huh?

Zombified Hunter

Fortunately, most of the zombies encountered won't be capable of using weaponry. Unfortunately, those that can may well still be carrying knives or guns they are willing to use. Here's hoping their aim is more atrophied than their brain, huh?

Sweater Zombie

This girl still fills out a sweater nicely - it's just that she'd probably bite off anything you tried to put in her mouth at this point.

Zombified Cop

Policemen are supposed to be the symbol of law and order. Unfortunately, this guy is now just the symbol of how bad things have gotten.


The Red Menace in its most evil form yet. Whatever will our heroes do?

Contagion: 3

Die Roll Modifier: +10

Zommunist Sympathizer

Zommunist Sympathizers are actually normal townsfolk who have been infected - and then come under the control of - a Zommunist. They have an effective Zombie Rank of 1 (Commie), and will obey orders without question. However, they are often limited to the same equipment and capabilities as other infected.

Zommunist Soldier

The soldiers infected with Zommunist fervor are hazardous in part because of their difficulty to kill and in part because many of them are still quite capable of obeying orders and using weaponry. Since they are well-armed, this is a significant problem.

Notes: Zommunist Soldiers always have Basic Human Cunning or better.

Zommunist Technician

These non-combat Commie technicians may still be capable of operating machinery and equipment, even if they don't offer as much of a direct hand-to-hand threat, and may still have skills that serve the Zommunist cause well.

Notes: Zommunist Technicians always have Intermediate Human Cunning or better.

Zommunist Lieutenant

Lieutenants are take-charge, take-command types who are infused with Zommunist fervor and want to spread their control to the entire town. If one is present, they take command of other Zombies, making them a far more dangerous threat.

Notes: Zommunist Lieutenants always have Advanced Human Cunning or better.

Zommunist Commander

Commander Vasilli Aleksandrov was once a brave member of the Communist Party, and even in his altered state he is aware of his overall goal and objectives, and seeks to carry them out despite the lack of a pulse. He has a total of 10 Drama Points which he may use to further his objectives, as well as multiple special powers that have allowed him to keep control of his men, for now.

ZI Joe

What's this? Never mind, soldier. You're not cleared to know that.

Contagion: 4

Die Roll Modifier: +20

ZI Joe Grunt

ZI Joe Sergeant

ZI Joe Lieutenant

ZI Joe Supersoldier

ZI Joe Captain


This is classified Eyes Only.

Contagion: 5

Die Roll Modifier: +40

Olympian Scientists

Olympian Soldiers

Olympian Projects

Olympian Heads

Zombie Attack Plan

The Zommunist in charge has requested that four of his 'troops' emerge from the woods directly to the north of the field, another four emerge from the woods to the east to cut off egress in that direction, and six more accompany him around the Founder's Hall to try to pen people in. His objective will be to inflict as much harm as possible, and if half of his 'troop' are lost he will call a general retreat.


Zommunist Lieutenant [Lt. Anton Smirnov]

Contagion: 3 (roll 3+3+d10 resisted by Constitution doubled, plus 1d10, -1 every time you have to check (until you've been clean for at least a week.)

Power: 47

Weak Point: Brain (15 points to brain will kill in one hit; damage to body parts besides head do not reduce DeadPoints)

Getting Around: Lifelike (Dex 3, Speed 4)

Move Bonuses: Climbing (Speed 3 feet per Turn)

Strength: Dead Joe Average (Str 3)

Strength Bonuses: Damage Resistant (Half damage from anything but fire and chemicals)

Senses: Like a Hawk (Per 4, unable to act the turn after it suffers 10+ Dead Points in a single attack)

Sense Bonuses: None

Need to Feed: Occasionally (can go three days without eating)

Intellect: Advanced Human Cunning (Int 2, can use tools, weapons, and problem solving skills)

Special Powers:

Zombie Rank 4 (Commies): Any creature with a Zombie Rank can be ordered around by any zombie with a higher rank, and will cooperate with any zombie from the same 'group'.

Regeneration: Zombie regains 1 Dead Point per minute if left alone.

Combat Statistics:

Dead Points: 26 | Drama Points: 3 | Contagion: 3 | Power: 45

Str: 3 Con: 3 Dex: 3 Int: 2 Wil: 2 Per: 4

Gun Fu: 4 Get Med: 3 Kung Fu: 2

Weapons: Soviet Assault Rifle, Soviet Pistol, Combat Knife, Bite

Armor: SSh-40 Helmet [DR 10 vs attacks to the brain], military uniform [DR 2]


Zommunist Sympathizers

Contagion: 2 (roll 2+2+d10 resisted by Constitution doubled, plus 1d10, -1 every time you have to check (until you've been clean for at least a week.)

Power: 13

Weak Point: Brain (15 points to brain will kill in one hit; damage to body parts besides head do not reduce DeadPoints)

Getting Around: Slow and Steady (Dex 1, Speed 2)

Move Bonuses: None

Strength: Dead Joe Average (Str 2)

Strength Bonuses: None

Senses: Like The Dead (Per 1, ignores damage)

Sense Bonuses: None

Need to Feed: Daily

Intellect: Advanced Animal Cunning (Int 1, can push and lift and cooperate)

Special Powers: Zombie Rank 1 (Commies): Any creature with a Zombie Rank can be ordered around by any zombie with a higher rank, and will cooperate with any zombie from the same 'group'. Regeneration: Zombie regains 1 Dead Point per minute if left alone.

Combat Statistics:

Dead Points: 26 | Drama Points: 0 | Contagion: 2 | Power: 13 Str: 2 Con: 2 Dex: 1 Int: 1 Wil: 1 Per: 1 Kung Fu: 2 Weapons: Bite

Commander Vasilli Aleksandrov's Logs


Requesting evacuation. The Americans found and attacked our base of operations. We have lost roughly half of our fighting force and most of our technical crew and have been forced to retreat to our emergency fallback position.

The Americans we faced are like men possessed by devils, with the strength of ten men and a refusal to die no matter how many times we shot them. One of them tore out a man's throat with his bare teeth in hand to hand combat! These men are savage wolves, not soldiers, and they are still on the hunt for us.

Commander Aleksandrov requesting emergency evacuation immediately top priority. We are running low on supplies and cannot maintain position in hiding for much longer. Respond at once Command.

Their blood is on my hands. My own men have turned into something else. We searched the compound for supplies, hoping that the Americans would not be there, and we found two of our wounded comrades. We thought that we had saved them. We were wrong.

Sergei approached Pvt. Ivanov and attempted to treat his injuries, and Ivanov grabbed him in a rage and attempted to pummel him with bare hands. The man would not stand down, nor listen to reason, nor be contained. Several of us were badly hurt trying to restrain him. He fought like a man possessed, biting and clawing like an animal instead of a man. We were forced to shoot him. He had lost his mind, we were in dire straits, what could we do?

Sergei treated the wounds on my arm this morning. They are growing dark; infection, he says, not good. He has done his best to treat the injury, but our supply of disinfectants is not good and the wound is growing nasty.

One of the Americans was found while we searched the compound. We wasted no time in shooting him, and he fell. It was when we were occupied searching, and thought him dead, that he rose up again. Our bullets barely caused him pause. Dimitri's head was crushed against a wall by this American monster, and Sergei's arm was snapped like a twig by the beast as it took his gun away from him and opened fire.

The American is still out there, and there are strange noises and growls out there as well. Those of us who managed to retreat are still trapped like dogs in a cellar, unable to open the door to freedom. Those who are still out there… I shudder at the thought of their fate.

I saw a horrible sight that must be noted for my report, because I do not know when I will next have time to make notes. Sergei. He was dead, I saw him fall to them. He was at the door, banging on it, demanding to be let in. But there was something odd about his voice. I ordered the men to leave the door barred, but they did not listen. They opened the door. Sergei it was, but his face was sallow, his teeth bright and stained with blood, and he looked as savage as a demon. He leaped upon one of the men who had opened the door and began tearing at his arm, ripping flesh away with his teeth as he took the rifle from his hands. We shot without thinking. This was not Sergei, it was a monster in his guise. His uniform front became puckered with holes from our bullets, staining black, but he did not fall. He would not fall. He simply howled like a madman and then ran off with his prize, the rifle, clutched to him like a child.

We will not open the door again until the noises are silent. There are things out there that steal men's faces.

What is happening to my men? All I hear from outside is screams and howls and guttural talk and gunfire. Yet we are too afraid - I admit, we are terrified - to open the door. We would sooner starve in here than face what lies beyond.

The infection is growing worse. My arm is shot with veins of blue, and the burning is intense. Flesh from the wound has begun to slough off, a disgusting blackness that makes my stomach churn. The men are watching me with unease. Anton died last night from the wounds he suffered at Sergei's hands. I fear I may be next.

Where is everyone? My comrades. The room is empty, the door is open. I have almost no strength left. I woke from sleep, and the door was open. There is nobody here but myself. Have they left me to die alone? Perhaps that is for the best. I am done for. Whoever finds this, tell my family that Vasilli died for his country, not that he died of a festering wound. My honor requests that much.

I feel strange. Everything seems to flow and swim in the air. My hands seem to clutch the pencil I write with as if it might otherwise attempt to escape. The wound on my arm remains unpleasant to look at, but it no longer burns. Nothing hurts. I do not bleed. I must go find my men.

Pleasantdale Population Scorecard

For purposes of our keeping score, we're estimating that Pleasantdale's territorial region covers roughly the same amount of land/sea territory as Topeka, Kansas in 1950 - this gives us a recognizable baseline to work with, setting our base population number at “about 75,000” for purposes of keeping score.

District Scorecard

District Base Pop Current Pop Percent Zombanimals Zombie Townsfolk Zommunists ZI Joes
Agricultural District 5,000 5,000 100% ? ? ? ?
Historic District 5,000 5,000 100% ? ? ? ?
Victorian District 10,000 5,000 100% ? ? ? ?
Redview Road 5,000 5,000 100% ? ? ? ?
Grant Boulevard 5,000 5,000 100% ? ? ? ?
Pleasantdale Valley 20,000 5,000 100% ? ? ? ?
Pleasantdale Ridge 20,000 5,000 100% ? ? ? ?
Harbor District 5,000 5,000 100% ? ? ? ?
The Secret District 3,000 3,000 N/A ? ? ? ?
Total 78,000 78,000 100% ? ? ? ?

For zombie townsfolk, the numbers in the brackets denote [Dumb/Normal/Smart] zombies. Dumb zombies don't use tools and can't lead other zombies; normal zombies can use tools (including melee or occasionally ranged weapons) and cooperate, but seldom provide leadership over other zombies; and smart zombies can actually lead other zombies and have long-term memories, not unlike your average gang leader compared to their gang members.

The Secret District

This encompasses places the players have no knowledge of or that need tracking that aren't really 'locations' on the map, or that get more detail here than elsewhere.

Surveillance Base 435

Surveillance Base 435 was originally a reconnaissance base meant to house a squad of soldiers and a team of scientists who studied the town's broadcast traffic and passed interesting data on to a relay station further south. In particular, the Russians were investigating the rumor that the United States had established an emergency wartime command center, complete with a nuclear power plant, refinery, manufacturing facility, and other places that would make it an ideal self-contained military complex. Technically, they weren't entirely wrong - the town is indeed a project - one they've now become a part of.

The Surveillance Base is now entirely populated by Zommunists; those who survived the initial assault and the fighting upon their return have fled, some becoming roaming zombies later, others just desperate to avoid everything. They obey a regimented rank structure, and all retain the ability to use their firearms; they also have a fairly good supply of ammunition, so a straight firefight is not terribly wise. There are also ten Zommunist technicians that can still operate the base's alarm and surveillance systems; however, their original mission of 'Destroy America by relaying its information' has been replaced by 'Destroy America by converting its populace into zombies and feasting on the flesh of the dead.' Those turned directly by the Zommunists become Zommunist Sympathizers and are eventually brought back to the base to increase its numbers; they are the first line of defense against attack, and fight with melee weapons.

Current Zombie Population

Zommunist Sympathizer: 0 (for now)

Zommunist Soldier: 40

Zommunist Technician: 15

Zommunist Lieutenant: 5

Zommunist Commander: 1

Quebec 21

Quebec 21 is the testing facility that was monitoring the Pleasantdale Project, and was also conducting experiments on supersoldiers using the atomic reactor in its basement. Unfortunately, they discovered an unfortunate side effect of supersoldier blood getting into the wounds of their enemies - zombie infection. Not good, especially when it turned out that both their own dead and the enemies' were getting up hungry.

The base originally had 60 regular grunts, each in six man squads led by a sergeant, and each five squads led by a lieutenant, who then reported to the captain. In addition, there was a lieutenant in direct charge of the AGI Program's oversight, who was responsible for the ten supersoldiers. There was also a team of twenty-five technicians on staff to keep things running - including the recon gear and support equipment.

Unfortunately, the supersoldiers are likely to zomb out within a few weeks at best, as are most of the base personnel. Unlike the Russians, the US troops were well-supplied and well-armed, and all of them are equally familiar with their weaponry. Worse, they've all spent time with the nuclear reactor, making them stronger, tougher, and nastier than their Zommunist counterparts - and the supersoldiers are the cream of the crop.

Current Zombie Population

ZI Joe Grunts: 48

ZI Joe Sergeants: 8

ZI Joe Lieutenants: 3

ZI Joe Captain: 1

ZI Joe Supersoldiers: 10

The Woods

While the woods are mostly just a large map area of 'place that isn't townlike', it's also a place to note the general area where people in the middle of nowhere (read: zombie bait!) live, as well as zombified animals and other migratory herds of undead monstrosities. If someone wants to go zombie hunting, let 'em! Just remember that zombies are awful quiet compared to the sound of a gunshot, and they might be all around you…

Current Zombie Population

Zombanimals: 50 and rising

Mobile Monitoring Station November

In light of the Quebec 21 incident, the Pleasantdale Experiment has been considered launched - a biological weapon is loose and now it's time to observe the effects on a civilian environment. As such, Mobile Monitoring Station November has been set up to remotely observe and monitor the situation. Essentially, MMS November is a special forces deployment team that has taken position in the general vicinity of the north ridge of town, setting up a campground, helipad, artillery embankment, and other fortifications in position to target the town. They also maintain secured broadcasts to coordinate with other military forces in the area to properly quarantine the town, arranging for snipers to pick off the tires of those attempting to drive past the highway blockades or triggering detonations at 'warning points' to take stubborn drivers out of commission, neutralizing those who stray too far from town if they spot them, and sinking ships attempting to leave the harbor with the cooperation of a US submarine crew.

In short, the MMS November is one of three stations responsible for stopping things from getting out of hand - it is the one that is 'most visible'. (The others, in all likelihood, are stationed at the south and northwest of town, respectively; they are focused much more on concealment and more will be noted about them if an aggressive search for them occurs.)

Consequential Actions

As things progress over time or at certain population decline points, town functions begin to become impaired. (Of course, the party's actions may change this significantly.) This chart assumes that the party takes no positive or negative action that would modify the results listed.

Time-Based Actions

Time Event
T-Minus Two Weeks The initial incident occurs at Surveillance Base 435. While the base itself is taken, the surviving Communists fall back to their pre-arranged safehouse to coordinate and re-deploy. Several 'deceased' soldiers are left behind; Communists captured or killed during the struggle are brought back to the Army deployment base (Quebec 21), including several infected Communists, for intelligence recovery.
PC Alerts: A series of loud banging noises and a bright flash occurs northwest of town in the very late evening - likely in the middle of a 'teenagers doing teenage things' post, but it's loud enough to wake sleeping people, even though they may not see what woke them. The paper report the next day will include an editorial from a concerned parent insisting that the police department look into hooliganism and reporting a small forest fire caused by several biking ruffians setting off fireworks.
T-Minus One Week Situations turn sour at both Quebec 21 and Surveillance Base 435. On Q-21's front, several Communists killed in close combat with the Americans have been revived - much to the surprise and contamination of the medical team. This has caused Quebec 21 to become compromised as a functioning outpost, and a lockdown situation ensues. The situation worsens as many of the American soldiers sent to quell the threat, who have received treatments, rise again as ZI Joes and end up making things that much worse.

Meanwhile, at Surveillance Base 435, the surviving Communist soldiers and scientists have carefully returned to recover what they can and relocate to a new outpost. Unfortunately, the soldiers killed in the initial struggle are still there … and they're hungry. In the ensuing fight, a number of Communists get infected and either killed and zombified immediately, or later as the disease slowly kills them.
T-Minus Six Days Animals bitten by zombified individuals, as well as those making the mistake of feasting on the dead and undead around the base area, begin turning. This, too, begins spreading from the affected region.
PC Alerts: If someone is carefully exploring the region where the 'fireworks' went off, there is a chance they may encounter one of the zombified animals.
T-Minus Five Days One of the Communists from Surveillance Base 435 that was bit in close combat with one of the zombified soldiers fled and has been hiding out in the woods, progressively getting worse. He eventually perishes, comes back, and starts seeking out something fresh… finding his way to Pleasantdale Pastures.
PC Rumors: One of the local rumors involves one of the missing people who may have skipped town to get away from his wife for a few days. If this is investigated closely, this gives a headstart on noting that this person actually went missing while on the job in the fields of Pleasantdale Pastures and just never checked in at the end of the day.
T-Minus Four Days A zombified raccoon turns up and is taken down by a local hunter, who notes with some surprise that it took eight shots to bring the animal down, and that after the first shot, the animal actually bared its teeth and aggressively charged directly at him.
PC Alerts: If this is an NPC hunter, there is a very good chance that this hunter may turn if left alone; if investigated, PCs may find out that he has a nasty bite wound that was treated by his local doctor with 'a needle the size of my johnson' full of antibiotics, and the wound seems to be settling. Or he may still have the dead raccoon in a box. Or he may have sent it to the taxidermist, whether it stays dead or not… Information gained here may not be all in one day, of course.
T-Minus Three Days A judgment call is made by the scientist in charge of the Pleasantdale Experiment in light of developments at Quebec 21. Given that the most likely population vector for any surviving zombies is Pleasantdale - most other population zones are too far away - they recommend forming a silent observational cordon one hundred miles out from the town and seeing whether the outburst results in contamination of Pleasantdale - and if so, on what scale.
T-Minus Two Days Four employees from Pleasantdale Pastures who live in the outskirts area have succumbed to the Communist zombie, who has remained somewhat intelligent and managed to stalk them down and pick them off one by one. He gradually amasses a small horde that is more or less obedient to his command, although none of them turns out to be particularly bright.
PC Rumors: A complaint from a Sunshine Dairy delivery truck driver comes in about keeping your dogs leashed. If investigated, the dog is a zombie, owned by one of these missing zombified workers. The truck driver escaped injury, but will the PCs be so lucky?
T-Minus One Day A bit of brain rot, and the Zommunist with aspirations of glory decides to lead his troops towards town. On their way, however, they practice by arranging an attack on a gas station at the edge of town; the Zommunist puts his gun to use this time to take down the most resistant people quickly, and he and his followers feast. This also creates a horrifying story that won't make the news until someone actually stops at the station and checks to see why it's still closed…
PC Alerts: A story appears in the news that announces that the on-road leading to the Interstate north to New York City is temporarily closed due to a bridge collapse. Mayor Tuttleford has vowed to get the bridge back into working order as soon as possible and is reportedly working with the NJDOT to make this happen, but for now, those heading northwards need to take a one-hour-long detour along the southern Interstate to reach their destination.
Zero Hour The Zommunist and his horde - now five strong, including the four farmworkers and a customer from the gas station - decide to launch an attack on the Founder's Hall Festival, bolstered by confidence and a desire to amass more followers.
T-Plus Four Hours Those infected by the attack on Founder's Hall are likely to be showing signs of the infection, and may seek medical attention. People with family doctors will likely start making appointments, which may result in an overload if many were injured. Anyone who was actually shot will receive immediate hospital treatment including antibiotics - which gives them a reroll at +1 to shake off the effects of the virus, assuming they survive to reach the hospital. Those who seek out family practitioners are unlikely to be seen before the virus reaches secondary stages, which means at best an antibiotic and tetanus shot (and a reroll with no bonus). Note that most 'average townies' get a base Con of 2 to resist zombification.
T-Plus 24 Hours Those initially infected by the attack on Founder's Hall are likely either very sick and slowly recovering, or in Phase 2 or Phase 3 of the Z-Virus. A few deaths may be reported.
T-Plus 48 Hours Past this point, people are either recovering from their brush with the Z-Virus, or dead (and rising). Depending on what district they rise in, things may get very interesting very quickly.

Population-Based Actions

Population Event
90% The town is beginning to show significant signs of damage from the zombie harassment. Telephone and broadcast contact with the outside world abruptly ceases. People are starting to panic; convincing NPCs to do something useful that might put them at risk is at a -1 to Influence rolls unless they are Reckless. Service outages begin to happen as nobody comes in to fix things or resupply depleted fuel and parts.
80% The external connection to the power and gas grids is cut off; by now, the fact that no fuel trucks have shown up should be severely compromising local vehicles. Unless the PCs figure out a way to get things back online or have a generator in their base of operations, they're going to be hiding from zombies in the cold and dark.
70% The Zommunists begin to come out of the woodwork in force, and are beginning to organize targeted strikes on the town. This is a distinct problem, not least because it means more zombies!
60% The Mayor, press, and other local powers, if not already brought to this conclusion, start to realize that things are really, really messed up. What happens next depends highly on the PC's actions, but is likely to involve martial law and preparations borrowed from Commie fighting that may or may not work on actual zombies.
50% Any district that reaches this point has a reasonable chance of any particular business being closed at GM's whim due to zombies (owner got eaten, fled, barricaded himself in and refuses to let anyone in, etc). Also, if the districts that contain major services hit this point, these services are likely to fail without serious intervention on behalf of the party (no water is a bad thing, as is no lights).
40% Most people are truly alarmed at this point, and are at -2 to Influence to do anything but protect themselves; they will however be eager to take advice from authority figures, especially if it is proven valid. If the authority figures are why the population is in such decline, though, they may be violently resistant to suggestions at this point.
30% Civilization is breaking down heavily at this point, with people alternating between barricading themselves in under the hope that they'll be rescued eventually, or making a break for it. The media is becoming highly cynical, if it still functions, and whatever functions still operate do so more out of routine than out of any real gain (postmen driving through zombie mobs to deliver mail, for instance).
20% If no real sense of order in the face of the crisis has been established by now, there may be severe struggling amongst citizens for basic resources and supplies, and the zombie threat may be secondary to the threat of humanity itself. Worse, if the ZI Joe threat hasn't been discovered yet, it may force itself out of the woodwork at this point.
10% The area has become a ghost town, with few people still alive and carrying on activities. Most survivors are at -4 to Influence at this point for anything that doesn't help them, and civilized society may have broken down utterly.
0% Congratulations - this area is basically depopulated. While there may be the occasional survivor here and there, this place is mostly populated by the undead. Enjoy your sleep.