Table of Contents


Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Size: Medium

Gender: Male

Land Speed: 30 feet

Money: 0 pp, 106 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp, 0 Scale

HP: 12

XP: 0

STR: 13 (+1)

DEX: 19 (+4)

CON: 13 (+1)

INT: 14 (+2)

WIS: 17 (+3)

CHA: 10 (+0)

Fortitude: +3

Reflex : +6

Will : +5

AC Normal : 15

AC Touch : 14

AC Flat-Footed: 11

Armor : Padded Armor (AC +1, max dex +8, pen. 0, 10 lb.)

Shield: -

BAB: +0

Initiative: 4

CMB: +1

CMD: 15

– Attacks –

* Trench Knife (-1, 1d4+1 stab or 1d3+1 punch, 19-20/x2)

* Trench Knife (-1, 1d4 stab or 1d3 punch, 19-20/x2)

* Unarmed Strike (+1, 1d6+1, x2)

– Items in Backpack –

* Padded Armor (x1, 10 lb.)

* Trench Knife (x1, 1 lb.)

* Trench Knife (x1, 1 lb.)

* Shirt (x1, 0 lb.)

* Robe(padded Armor) (x1, 0 lb.)

* Foot Wraps (x1, 0 lb.)

* Arm Wraps (cloth) (x1, 0 lb.)

– Items in Storage –

[no items]

– Carrying Capacity –

Light Load : 50 lb.

Medium Load: 100 lb.

Heavy Load : 150 lb.


Acrobatics* : +10 = 1 + +4 + +5

Appraise : +2 = 0 + +2 + +0

Bluff : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0

Climb* : +5 = 1 + +1 + +3

Craft* : +2 = + +2 + +0

Craft (traps)* : +6 = 1 + +2 + +3

Diplomacy : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0

Disable Device : +4 = 0 + +4 + +0

Disguise : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0

Escape Artist* : +4 = 0 + +4 + +0

Fly : +4 = 0 + +4 + +0

Handle Animal : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0

Heal : +4 = 1 + +3 + +0

Intimidate* : +0 = 0 + +0 + +0

Knowledge : +2 = + +2 + +0

Linguistics : +2 = 0 + +2 + +0

Perception* : +7 = 1 + +3 + +3

Perform* : +0 = + +0 + +0

Profession* : +3 = + +3 + +0

Ride* : +4 = 0 + +4 + +0

Sense Motive* : +3 = 0 + +3 + +0

Sleight of Hand : +5 = 1 + +4 + +0

Spellcraft : +2 = 0 + +2 + +0

Stealth* : +10 = 1 + +4 + +5

Survival : +3 = 0 + +3 + +0

Swim* : +1 = 0 + +1 + +0

Use Magic Device: +0 = 0 + +0 + +0

[total mod = ranks + ability + misc.]

Class Features / Racial Traits

* AC Bonus (Ex)

* Flurry of Blows (Ex)

* Languages

* Low-Light Vision

* Monk's Weapon Proficiencies

* Nimble

* Normal Speed

* Prehensile Tail

* Stunning Fist (Ex)

* Unarmed Strike

* Vanara

– Feats –

* Improved Unarmed Strike

* Stunning Fist

* Toughness

* Two-Weapon Fighting


Common, Vanaran

Appearance & Background

4' 8“, 105 lb., Age: 16

Eyes: Grey, Hair: Brown, Skin: Pale

Deity: Ragdya, Homeland: City



Ember Freeroam: A wanderkin monk who is skilled at the Scorpion Style, Ember works at the 16th Street Gulp and Go convenience store during the evenings, and visits the Folded Thought Monastery to train during the day. She does not live at the monastery, but hasn't shared where she does live.