Jocelyn Miller

Full Name: Jocelyn Louise Miller

Age: 27

DOB: August 9, 1976

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Current Residence: Sunnydale, California

Profession/Specialty: Bartender, OSI Academy Instructor

Physical Description: 5’7”, 130 lbs, Jocelyn has a small, athletic frame that makes her look quite harmless. Depending on her location, she wears different clothes, changing from her tight jeans and high boots for work to her sweats and bare feet while at the dojo. Long, blond hair and brown eyes, she rarely wears any make-up or jewelry except for her engagement ring from Aaron. She also always carries her lucky bottle opener.

Personality: Jocelyn is bubbly and optimistic despite her upsets in life. She strives for perfection and defending the next generation of recruits and civilians, often taking their lives into consideration before her own. She’s naturally competitive.

Sexuality: Bi

Marital Status: Single

Brief History: Jocelyn grew up in LA, worked at a bar, and after an incident of almost getting mugged on the way home, almost being because she stabbed the guy in the leg with a bottle opener, she decided to take up self-defense lessons. During them, she met Aaron Fisher, a local OSI-I, and after showing off her technique in both martial arts and wrist flair, she was brought in.

Aaron proposed during one of their rock climbing trips in Colorado, and upon returning, they were attacked. Jocelyn defended herself, but Aaron was fatally struck and died during the ambulance ride.

In the end, Jocelyn decided to retire in the field and teach. She was transferred to Sunnydale to help at the academy and settled in nicely, working at The Bronze as a bartender to keep some form of normality in this not-so-normal world.