Gideon Thrace

Full Name: Alpheus Kyros deVries

Age: 17

DOB: January 17, 1981

Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Current Residence: Sunnydale, California

Profession/Specialty: None

Physical Description: 6’3”, 167 lbs, Gideon’s hair is naturally auburn (though currently dyed dark brown) with hazel eyes. He used to sport a labret piercing, several ear piercings, and his tongue, but they were also changed in the event of his disappearence. He has an atheletic, lithe build.

Personality: Impulsive and sarcastic, Gideon can be as quick tempered as he is quick witted, but underneath the front, the emotions, he’s quite simple, calm, and easy going.

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Marital Status: Single, though dating Adam

Brief History: Born to a life of privledge and wealth, Alpheus lived a relatively normal life up to when one of his father’s assignments followed him home and broke into the house. Alpheus woke during the incident and arrived downstairs as the vampire killed his older sister, Cassandra, and latched onto him. Alpheus was taken to the hospital due to the neck rupture and barely survived, waking out of a coma a few days later without a memory of what happened.

The family moved afterward to a gated community, and Alpheus continued a normal enough life besides the nightmares and rigorous training brought upon by his father as a way of protecting him. He excelled both academically and atheletically with scouts and a scholarship already within grasp. Over the summer of 1998, he snapped after an “accident” that led to a compound fracture on his left leg. During the beginning of his senior year, Alpheus wound up getting into a fight with one of his teammates that ended in a suspension. That continued to a TWOC (Taken Without Owner's Consent) under the influence of alchohol without a license and therefore full expulsion from the preparatory college.

Deciding that it was that teenage angst coupled with the nightmares, Alpheus’s father was going to send him to the OSI Pittsburgh Academy alongside proper mental health care to recall the incident, but before he could fully explain, Alpheus had left, taking on the identity of Gideon Thrace, heading as far as he could from Pittsburgh without any intent of ever returning.