Adam Balister

Full Name: Adam Ryan Balister

Age: 22 when sired

DOB: February 14, 1951

Hometown: New York City, NY

Current Residence: Sunnydale, CA

Profession/Specialty: Vampire that works at The Ivory Whites

Physical Description: Adam has shaggy dirty blond hair with piercing green eyes the close to the same shade as emeralds. He's 5'11“ tall. Caucasian.

Personality: Best described as a bastard. Arrogant and cocky but loyal to a fault to his friends. Doesn't do well around a group of strangers. Tends to clam up and get too paranoid.

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Marital Status: Single

Brief History: During a wild drunken and drug induced evening out with friends, Adam stray from the group for a moment. He was picked up by an unknown man that he apparently willingly went home with. Adam doesn't remember much of the evening even to this day. When he woke, he had been transformed into a vampire by the stranger, was given a brief run down of what he was and the rules to live by, then was left to fend for himself.

The young man adapted well to his knew unlife and has made a life for himself as a perpetual college student. Moving from town to town, city to city, he lives as a college student. What better cover really. He can sleep all day, stay out all night and no one asks questions.