Table of Contents

Sylvia Montaguin, descendent of Montague the Forgotten

Personal Information

Character Statistics

Strength: 18
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 17
Luck: 14

Character Class: Gestalt [Fighter/Sorcerer] level 3 HP: 27 / BAB: +3 / Fort: +3+2 / Ref: +1+4 / Will: +3+0 / Melee: +3+4 / Ranged: +3+3


Summon Familiar

Eschew Materials

Weapon Focus: Greatsword - +1 bonus to attacks

Draconic Heritage: Copper Dragon (Energy: Acid, Skill: Hide)

Draconic Skin: +1 to AC.

Spells Per Day: 6 0-level sorcerer spells 5 1st-level sorcerer spells

Spells Known: 5 0-level sorcerer spells –

2 1st-level sorcerer spells –

Languages: Common


Swim: +6 Climb: +6 Intimidate: +6 Ride: +6 Hide: +6

Equipment: Montague's Dream (Greatsword) Leather armor