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Derik Montaguin, descendent of Montague the Forgotten

Character Statistics

Strength: 13
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 18
Luck: 14

Character Class: Gestalt [Rogue/Sorcerer] level 3

HP: 23
Fort: +1+3
Ref: +3+4
Will: +3+1

Base Attack Bonus: +2
Melee: +2+1
Ranged: +2+4

Special Abilities

Sneak Attack: +2d6 damage against unaware / flanked targets.

Trapfinding: You can locate traps with a DC of 20 or higher.

Evasion: You take no damage instead of half damage on successful saves against certain attacks.

Trap Sense +1: You get a +1 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps, and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.


Summon Familiar

Eschew Materials

Draconic Heritage: Copper Dragon (Energy: Acid, Skill: Hide)

Draconic Claws: You can make a natural attack with your claws, dealing damage based on size (1d6). In any round when you cast a spell with a casting time of one standard action, you can make a single claw attack as a swift action against an opponent you threaten.

Sorcerous Information

Sorcery Spells Per Day

6 0-level sorcerer spells 6 1st-level sorcerer spells

Spells Known: 5 0-level sorcerer spells –

3 1st-level sorcerer spells –

Languages: Common


Appraise: +6+Int
Disable Device: +6+Dex
Search: +6 Listen: +6 Spot: +6 Open Lock: +6 Move Silently: +6 Climb: +6 Hide: +6 Sleight of Hand: +6

Equipment: Short sword Leather armor Shield