Table of Contents

LoGL Idea File

This is basically a repository for ideas that I am intending on putting in the game 'at some point'.

Current Projects

These are projects I am currently working on.

Future Projects

These are projects I am not working on, but might work on in the future - including things for which I've started work, but haven't finished yet.

Other Ideas

These are projects that I don't really have a plan for yet, but am considering whether or not they'd be a good idea.

Random Notes

These are likely on my to-do list; I just haven't sorted them out yet.

The 'your armor' thing in Eva's now doesn't give proper values anymore. Oops. Needs fixing.

Notifications in status should reflect egging, and other buffs (like 'Earth Fist')

Maybe make the ad display prompt be the bank interest, instead of newday?

Grove of Despair needs more work, to reflect upcoming plot event work.

Add jewelry sales to Seth's shop.

Add attribute upgrades to potion capabilities.

Use kingstats report to make an official statement on the Wandering Designs bulletin board and/or the display board.


Check quipmaker and see what it was I did to shorten quips so they don't display entirely in table view.

Build training minigame. You choose from multiple options; one gives 1 XP, one gives a small amount of XP, and one gives a large amount of XP. The right option is somewhat random.

Example: Today's lesson is about evading a close-combat strike. In the field, hand-to-hand combat is incredibly dangerous for all but the most experienced practitioners, and therefore, you must be very careful. Your instructor, who has dressed in a silly leupak costume just to drive the point home, is preparing to attack. Should you: – attempt to flip him over your shoulder? – wait for him to charge and then move aside? – try to strike him the moment he gets in range?

Make 'you feel more energetic' have a slightly better effect?

Fix PVP antibuff so that it isn't necessary to keep things challenging.

Lower frequency of defensive mod posts?

Randomize the base text for the woods a bit more or make it reflect some things about you.

Make petrification lower speed?

Improve bio output (show strength, etc as text - 'weak', 'average', 'strong', 'very strong'…)

Add a vendor in town who carries a random selection of goodies?

Increase Rick's inventory and divide it up into sections so you can compare specific goods.

Improve Valexville weapon selection.

Rick needs to acknowledge the third-weapon-stat.

Speaking of equipment, the game should allow you to store equippables.

Fix the 'swing your ether' problem caused by weapontext.

Increase favor earned per fight in graveyard.

Fix 'zombileupak's tongueclaw is imbedded in your flesh' text.

Fix enemy heal-when-injuring-you buff (and siphon life) so that they don't work on a one-for-one basis.

Make it so that status effects caused by criticals show the icon that turn.

Edit eerie event to deduct a point of energy instead of fatigue.

Modify image display so that it doesn't interfere so much with combat text?

See what's causing 'you are healed' to showup twice with blood drain.

Flying Squirrel - edit victory text ('something aught'???)

Fix enchantments for less modify navs to start with letters or numbers or something that make more sense.

Adjust 'discarded' result from Seth/Casino to take appearance/charisma into account. Likewise with other charm places, like the inn. Also make it so that married couples never refuse gifts from each other.

Give a chance for a forest encounter to result in multiple attackers if the encounter's level is at most half of yours.

Make enchantment ingredient sale value depend on Shade liking you and on current game economy.

Check sobriety system… and take into account endurance and alcohol tolerance.

Fix heal criticals so that they are never used when a monster is at perfect health.

Make it so that if a monster flees, its victory text is cleared.

Fix the part where it says 'your fiery weapon sets X on fire' twice if you riposte.

Make it so that random special encounter events generated while resting focus mostly on combat.

Adjust leuptongue so that the shown number is the egg chance.

Make it so that when leups rip their way out, there's a random chance of upping the leupcount or gulaktroops?

Add new stores to Valexville - the Bookstore and the Gun Store, and maybe a Wanderball Store just because.

Improve battlescript - better use of weaponskills in combat, getting assistance from other characters in combat, streamlining the 'buff' system.

Develop houses - make them actually useful, or at least something to spend all of that cash on.

See why the other gameskins besides yarbrough are so… unwieldy, and customize a few skins.

Develop family units so that they can have their own manors and such?

Find a graphic artist to start working on new artwork.

Player-designed critical attacks. Good in the forest, great against people who surprise you in your sleep.

Move NPCs into separate data table and work on their self-administration?

Identify Function - A way to tell what an item does before you use it.

Descriptions and Revisions - Revise old equipment with new statistics, and add more descriptiveness to them.

Area Expansion:

Add more special events to forest and caves - because life isn't as amusing without some chaos. Also add special events to graveyard and dungeon.

Add the Gigaleupak to the caves.

Add more special attributes to equipment:

Improve Player Interactions section further, and provide more interactions between players.

Add pets - competent creatures that can provide assistance in and out of combat.

Add minigames to give players something to do with their time and money.

their lands for your own selfish gains.

actual performance using your various skills and powers!

Moonlight Arena. I want to set this up in the Garrett Battle Academy - of course, you have to earn an Arena Card before you can get in, but once that's out of the way, you should be able to access the Arena, challenge other Arena participants (gladiators and players) for fame and prizes, and show who's the real champion. (The Moonlight Arena also likely doubles as a wanderball arena.)

Add and develop more noncombat skills, resistances, tolerances, and so forth.

Monster Ideas

These are ideas for monsters that I might be adding to the game as time permits.

Additions: Add a Silly category? (And thereby, be able to use only non-Silly monsters in certain locales.)

The following is an unedited list of random ideas, which will be developed and fleshed out as time permits.

Monty Python Announcer. “And now for something completely different.”

Gigantic Foot. “SPLAT.”

Bicycle Policeman.

Robot Ninja Turtle.

Celebrity Secret Life. “Startling Irrelevance!”

Celebrity Career's Ghost. “Oooo…Who are you, again?”

Constipated Bear.

British Murderer.

Kawaii Shota Boy.

Castrated Bull w/ Insecurity.

Nihilist Motorcyclists.

Nihilist Big Rig Trucker.

Nihilist Kitten.

Job Market w/ Glass Ceiling

Staunch Economist w/ Denial of Free Lunch.

Band Myspace w/ Tedious Music Player.

Movie Cheerleader w/ Annoying Sequels. “I didn't even like the original.”

Foreign Visitor w/ Mistranslated Phrasebook.

Animated Paper Cutouts.

16-Ton Weight.

Nudger. “Know what I mean? Say no more.”

Keep Left Sign.

Man Armed With Fresh Fruit.

Angelic Cherub.

Angelic Guardian.

Angelic Warrior.

Angelic Knight.

Angelic Champion.

Angelic Crusader.


Wild Wolf. (or Lion, Bear, Tiger, Fox, Eagle, Vulture, Hawk, Raven…)

Forest Wolf.

Plains Wolf.

Desert Wolf.

Arctic Wolf.

Mountain Wolf.

Dire Wolf.

Earth Wolf.

Fire Wolf.

Wind Wolf.

Star Wolf.

Sun Wolf.

Giant Wolf.

Mechanical Wolf.

Metal Wolf.

Stone Wolf.

Wolf Pinata.

Rock Lobster.

Crazed Democrat.

Crazed Republican.

The One True God.

Emissary of The One True God.

Priest of The One True God.

High Priest of the One True God.

One True God.

Son of the One True God w/ Closeted Transgender Fantasies!

Accordion Owl.

Spectacle Bird.

Birdcage Bird.

Pencil-Nosed Bird.

Umbrella Vulture.

Shovel-Nosed Bird.

Hammerhead Bird.

Horn-Nosed Bird.

Mirrorhead Bird.

Cheshire Cat.

Croquet Flamingo.

Croquet Hedgehog.

White Rabbit.

Queen and King of Hearts.

Card Soldier.

March Hare.


Mad Hatter.

Unbirthday Cake.

52-Card Shuffle.

The Dodo.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

Singing Teapot.

Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar.

Locked Door.

Talking Doorknob.

Wicked Henchman.

Arrogant Newbie.

Overconfident Hero.

Megalomaniacal Villian.

Plucky Sidekick.

Mad Ventriloquist.

16-Ton Weight.

Animated Paper Cutout.

Carnivorous Baby Carriage.

Keep Left Sign.

Man Armed With Fresh Fruit.

Comfy Chair.

Singing Flowres.

Dead Parrot.

Ministry of Silly Walks.

Hell's Grannies.

Faerie Dragon.

Faerie Cat.

Faerie Hummingbird.

Dark Faerie.

Earth Faerie.

Fire Faerie.

Water Faerie.

Air Faerie.

Light Faerie.

Nature Faerie.

Tech Faerie.

Moon Faerie.

Sun Faerie.

Mushroom Faerie.

Slutty Faerie.

Fae Elf.

Faerie Child.

Faerie Warrior.

Aztec Warrior.

Aztec Shaman.

Corncob Warrior.

Corncob Knight.

Corncob Lieutenant.

Corncob Commander.

Corncob Colonel.

Gigantic Handbroom.

Jeweled Dragonfly.

Mechanical Dragonfly.

Giant Dragonfly.

Plastic Foliage.

Butterfly Faerie.

Chain Smoker.

Femme Fatale.

Funniest Joke in the World.

Killer Car.

Giant Atomic Mutant Cat.

Killer Bee.

Norwegian Blue Parrot.

Overzealous Waiter.

Wine Steward.

Leather Bikini Girl.

Chainmail Bikini Girl.

Platemail Bikini Girl.

Horny Elven Treeslut Centerfold.

Crazed Chef w/ Meat Cleaver.

Bank Robber.

Suicidal Warrior.

Suicide Bomber.

Mad Accountant.

Humbug / Bitterfly.

Gigantic Junebug.

Naked Pianist.

Spanish Inquisitor.

Upper-Class Twit.

Crazed Fembot.

Outdated Technology.

Articulated Toy Soldier.

Articulated Toy Lieutenant.

Articulated Toy Sergeant.

Articulated Toy Commander.

Deranged Programmer.

Albatross Salesman.

Armored Knight w/Dead Chicken.

Faerie Policeman.

Anime Brawler w/Gratuitous Energy Beams. “I'll see you in the next dimension!”

Insistent Food-sample Distributor.

Suggestive Cub Furry w/ Illegal implications.

Clinja w/ Circus Shuriken.

Space Cowboy.

Space Marine.

Alcoholic w/Broken Beer Bottle.

Instant Monster

The following is a list of adjectives, nouns, and other clutter that could very easily be assembled into a coherent monster name.

Glass, Crystal, Wood, Stone, Jeweled, Plastic, Rubber, Granite, Metal, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Mithril, Adamantine, Silver, Golden, Platinum, Electrum, Furry, Fuzzy, Tiny, Large, Giant, Gigantic, Huge, Colossal, Titanic, Monstrous, Mechanical, Electronic, Neon, Leathery, Scaly, Mutated, Silken, Armored, Recycled, Flaming, Fiery, Earth, Wind, Water, Watery, Lava, Exploding, Ice, Icy, Glacial, Inferno, Sonic, Mammoth, Massive, Rainy, Forest, Desert, Plains, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Arctic, Crater, Lunar, Solar, Starry, Cosmic, Galactic, Apprentice, Journeyman, Talented, Professional, Warrior, Archer, Gunner, Rogue, Hero, Villian, Sidekick, Prince, Princess, Noble, Royal, Chieftain, Shaman, Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, Demonic, Unholy, Angel, Angelic, Holy, Sacred, Profane, Pure, Vile, Feline, Canine, Vulpine, Ursine, Humanoid, Bestial, Crazed, Mad, Insane, Aminated, Animate, Living, Undead, Reanimated, Mythical, Legendary, Deadly, Quirky, Bizarre, Mirror, Polished, Paper, Blood, Bloody, Sanguine, Mud, Bone, Bony, Boneless, Skinless, Cyborg, Electrical, Electrified, Oak, Walnut, Birch, Pine, Cedar, Redwood, Tree, Silverwood, Deranged, Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald, Quartz, Jade, Ruby, Garnet, Topaz, Amber, Nyxsteel, Faersteel, Pyrite, Space, Prism, Negative, Positive, Reverse, Titanium, Plutonium, Uranium, Lead, Molten, Slime, Slimy, Alien, Leupak, Leupakian, Jakok, Dragon, Draconic, Elf, Elven, Fae, Faerie, Magical, Mystical, Psionic, Violent, Radical, Chaotic, Chaos, Drunken, Spirit, Ghost, Specter, Golem, Creation, Contraption, Machine, Rusty, Rusted, Mangy, Tattered, Battered, Beaten, Exotic, Disturbed, Demented, Overpowered, Overclocked, Overdeveloped, Underpowered, Underdeveloped, Poor, Rich, Common, Peasant, Mob, Poisonous, Toxic, Ravenous, Ignorant, Indifferent, Businessman, Salesman, Anthro, Black, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Purple, Orange, White, Gray, Metallic, Chromatic, Reflective, Polished, Dull, Rainbow, Sparkly, Sparkling, Shiny, Shining, Glittery, Glittering, Glowing, Pulsing, Shaking, Trembling, Vibrating, Disturbing, Wretched, Zombie, Ghoul, Ghast, Young, Old, New, Fresh, Rotted, Rotten, Unknown, Ominous, Man, Woman, Child, Leader, Commander, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Captain, General, Colonel, Admiral, Green, Elite, Raw, Recruit, Private, Trooper, Agent, Operative, Elite, Pirate, Soldier, Marine, Aquatic, Amphibian, Amphibious, Reptilian, Reptile, Avian, Bird, Winged, Flightless, Flying, Floating, Levitating, Hovering, Killer, Doomed, Moronic, Idiotic, Clever, Charming, Plucky, Cute, Sexy, Dextrous, Cunning, Smart, Wise, Intelligent, Intellectual, Thought, Dream, Nightmare, Drone, Follower, Lackey, Idiot, Genius, Moron, Clueless, Clumsy, Boorish, Rude, Unpleasant, Sleazy, Dirty, Filthy, Neat, Perverse, Perverted, Freak, Freakish, Nice, Sweet, Polite, Impolite, Chocolate, Vanilla, Mint, Lemon, Lime, Strawberry, Cherry, Grape, Banana, Blueberry, Blackberry, Carrot, Onion, Potato, Eggplant, Corn, Zucchini, Pumpkin, Tomato, Babe, Bimbo, Stud, Macho, Beautiful, Attractive, Wizard, Witch, Warlock, Sorcerer, Sorceress, King, Queen, Jack, Bladed, Sharp, Pointy, Blunt, Stained, Torn, Worn, Patched, Stuffed, Plush, Cat, Dog, Fish, Bird, Wolf, Shark, Eagle, Hawk, Bear, Lion, Tiger, Dragon, Crab, Bug, Spider, Beetle, Insect, Mosquito, Fly, Dwarf, Wanderkin, Wandering, Roaming, Travelling, Random, Explorer, Scout, Spelunker, Adventurer, Traveller, Wanderer, Philosopher, Rogue, Thief, Cleric, Healer, Ranger, Paladin, Magician, Illusionist, Necromancer, Conjurer, Elementalist, Evoker, Abjurer, Invoker, Robot, Automaton, Skeleton, Wight, Lich, Entity, Goblin, Goblinoid, Orc, Hobgoblin, Drake, Draconian, Lizardman, Beastman, Centaur, Bestiul, Birdman, Blasphemer, Defiler, Imp, Devil, Diabolic, Diabolical, Wicked, Tentacular, Twisted, Cannoneer, Veteran, Trained, Commando, Bunny, Squirrel, Frog, Turtle, Ninja.

These are going to eventually be sorted out into specific categories based on their function - creature names, visible adjectives, experience adjectives, job types, and so forth. For now, it's one gigantic clump.

Equipment Ideas

These are ideas for equipment (weapons, armors, etc) that I might be adding to the game as time permits.

Psycho Blast. A very large, highly caffeinated beverage that is guaranteed to make you feel more energetic.

Light Pistol. A small handgun.

Medium Pistol. A medium-sized handgun.

Heavy Pistol. A big gun for big problems.

Stubby Shotgun. A short-barreled shotgun that lacks accuracy, but makes up for it with power.

Hunting Shotgun. A respectable shotgun that works relatively well, but is slow to load.

Combat Shotgun. A well-built shotgun that can be used quickly and effectively in a fight.

Riot Shotgun. A high-powered shotgun that is fast and deadly.

Hunting Rifle. A rifle with good accuracy, but slow to fire.

Sniper Rifle. A high-powered rifle with excellent accuracy.

Assault Rifle. A very powerful rifle with good accuracy and speed.

Poisoned Shuriken. Shuriken covered in deadly poison. Be careful not to cut yourself on one.

Doom Shuriken. These shuriken are very deadly - use with great caution.

Exploding Shuriken. These shuriken are loaded with explosives that detonate on impact. Don't drop them!

Flaming Spear. A spear with a tip that is constantly on fire. Useful for lighting your way and cooking monsters.

Inferno Spear. A spear with the power of a raging inferno in the tip.

Volcano Spear. A spear with a tip as hot as magma.

Hand Bombs. These small explosives can be hurled at an enemy from a short distance, making them ideal for those who dislike fisticuffs.

Fire Bombs. These thrown incendiaries are excellent at setting a target on fire.

Poison Bombs. These bombs shower an area with toxic fumes, making them dangerous to nearby enemies.

Hell Bombs. These bombs create a gateway to one of the Abyssal Realms upon detonation, causing massive destruction.

Throwing Axe. An axe weighted for throwing.

Throwing Knife. A knife weighted for throwing.

Throwing Darts. Heavy darts weighted for throwing.

Poisoned Darts. These toxic darts will make taking down big opponents easier.

Enchanted Axe. An axe imbued with magical power.

Enchanted Lance. A spear imbued with magical power.

Enchanted Bow. A bow imbued with magical power.

Gnomish Chainsaw. A loud, buzzing monstrosity that is prone to breakdowns, but is excellent at cutting through things when used properly.

Enchanted Poleaxe. A large poleaxe imbued with magical power.

Enchanted Shuriken. A set of shuriken enchanted with magical power.

Monofilament Lance. A lance that tapers down to an incredibly fine, needle-like point, making it the sharpest lance in existence.

Exploding Darts. These heavy darts are loaded with explosives, making them very deadly.

Chakram. A metal disc with a bladed exterior, useful for cutting things at a distance.

Flaming Chakram. A metal disc that bursts into flames in flight, making it the terror of plant creatures everywhere.

Wind Chakram. A metal disc imbued with the power of the wind, making it incredibly fast.

Electric Chakram. A metal disc that crackles with electricity when in flight.

Triple Crossbow. A crossbow that fires three bolts at once for greater damage.

Broomgun. A powerful, quad-barrelled shotgun that inflicts severe damage on whatever it hits.

Aluminum Bat. A very sturdy baseball bat made of aluminum.

Titanium Bat. A practically unbreakable bat made of titanium.

Nyxsteel Dagger. A dagger made of heavy nyxsteel.

Nyxsteel Sword. A sword made of heavy nyxsteel.

Nyxsteel Axe. An axe made of heavy nyxsteel.

Nyxsteel Hammer.

Faesteel Knife.

Faesteel Sword.

Faesteel Axe.

Void Bomb.

Fragmentation Bomb.

Monowire Tennis Racket.

Monowire Whip.

Flaming Whip.

Sonic Whip.

Thorny Whip.

Razor Whip.

Laser Pistol.

Mana Pistol.

Mana Cannon.

Wand of Fire.

Wand of Ice.

Wand of Souls.

Wand of Power.

Hand Cannon.

Wand of Manabolts.

Spellbook of Air Fist.

Spellbook of Firebolt.

Spellbook of Manabolt.

Spellbook of Electroblast.

Spellbook of Destruction.

Spellbook of Inferno.

Spellbook of Razorwind.

Spellbook of Doomsday.

Spellbook of Implosion.

Spellbook of Utter Annihilation.

Spellbook of Unimaginable Torments.

Spellbook of Hellfire.

Spellbook of Holy Flame.

Spellbook of Sacred Judgment.

Spellbook of Shadow Drain.

Spellbook of Ultimatum.

Spellbook of Meteor Fall.

Spellbook of Mystic Rocks.

Spellbook of Mystic Boulders.

Spellbook of Frostbreath.

Spellbook of Tentacular Intrusion.

Spellbook of Lustful Desires.

Spellbook of Insatiable Hunger.

Spellbook of Mindblast.

Spellbook of Acid Spray.

Spellbook of Flying Blades.

Spellbook of Sonic Screams.