Major NPCs

Major NPCs of City of Jhasso

Mayor Yasstrel Yeolee Human Retired Sea Captain
Guard Captain Turlath Female Human Retired Adventurer
Guard Lieutenant Vashenor Human A*hole and very Rigid on rules
Guard SGT at HQ Faturic Female Human Friendly, Beautiful, and Fair
Port Guard SGT Asaker Human Blustering, A*hole about taxes on anything into city
North Gate SGT Madelin Female Human Hot Tempered, and has a nervous twitch
East Gate SGT Jane Po Female Halfling Friendly and Helpful, until time not to be Friendly
Corporal of the Guard Shener Gnome Works the Night shift, funny and friendly

NPCs in City

Recondar Human Head of Temple of Tempus Friendly and Working to improve the area
Ladellil Human Jr. Priest of Tempus Very stand offish, doesn't smile much at all
Firefly Female Tiefling Runner & Assistant for Recondar
Labedyeck Gnome Owner and Shipwright Owner of Tusseelp Shipyard Hardworking Retired Sailor
Desij Gnome Foreman Retired sailor, crewed with Labedyeck
Tintros Gnome Project Assistant Retired sailor, crewed with Labedyeck
Beslean Gnome Engineer Rescued with PCs from Island, trained Dwarven Engineer and Cousin of Labedyeck's
Iss'ik Govah Human Owner of “The Cup and Die” Reserved, seems to always have a deal going
Kijenett Female Gnome Worse Pickpocket in town Recently started trying to get into the Fighter school
Najena Female Ifrit Scroll Writer / Mage Retired Adventurer and doesn't want to put up with crap.
Tina Banghammer Female Human Blacksmith Friendly and willing to take risks.
Dr. Mabaram Gnome Doctor / Cleric Makes jokes, but is extremely good at his job

Others Rescued

Cpt. Wintermere Gnome Was/Is Captain of The Rivior Very serious and a bit OCD about where things go
Belbena Werlyr Female Human Marine Is now a Marine on The Rivior
Ella Female Gnome Cook Was cook on “The Lady Dare” is now cook on The Rivior
Bell Human Doesn't talk

Known Dead on the Island

Old Barthus Dwarf Ships Navigator Was killed just a couple of days after you arrived on the island
Kalvin Half-Elf Deck Hand Was killed right after you woke up trying to save Marilla

Unknown Status NPCs

Cpt. Shale Human Ship Captain Has not been seen since The Lady Dare was taken
Mika the Monkeyman Human Ship Lookout Has not been seen since The Lady Dare was taken
Jack Human Very old, Tongue was cut out, was there before everyone
Wogah Human Pirate Missing an arm, very quiet
Ammi Pierce Human Crazy Man Blind, Kept trying to bite Bell

The Heroes that rescued you:

Naddar Ifrit Rogue
Keth Half-Orc Berserker
Joren Dwarf Cleric of Tempus
Glynn Half-Orc Eldritch Knight
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