Harry, The Cryptid

The Sts'ailes people tell stories about sasq'ets, a shapeshifting creature that protects the forest. The name “Sasquatch” is the anglicized version of sasq'ets (sas-kets), roughly translating to “hairy man” in the Halq'emeylem language.

Charm -1

Cool = 0

Sharp = 1



Sasquatch strength: Take +1 tough when dealing with unnatural or dangerous creatures

One with the forest: You can speak to the animals of the forest Roll Sharp, on a 10+ you can communicate perfectly with all natural creatures, 7-9 They can understand you but not the other way around. 6- keeper takes a hard move with said creature

Disguise: Something you have allows you to sort of blend in with everyday society, (Poorly made disguise, illusion, a charm, shapeshifting etc) but its imperfect and some parts stick out. (see MARKS)

Legends: If you are seen in cryptid form, roll weird, 10+ people tell tales about you and take 1+ forward. 7-9 some are amazed some are terrified, deal with it. 6- cover is blown here comes the pitchforks and torches

Too Big

Lots of fur

Born this way

□ Teeth (2-harm, intimate)

□ Claws (3-harm hand)

Stick (2 Harm)

HISTORY Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one for each of the other hunters. □ They encountered you in the woods and you made them believe □ You distrust them, believing they have ill intentions for forest creatures. □ They think you're another monster that needs to be rid of. □ You share a knowledge of mystical world that breeds a mutual respect. □ They find you delightful, like a powerful friend. □ They have researched you extensively and are trying to prove your existence □ You have lurked in the same woods together.