Table of Contents

Carlito, the Mundane

Xp: 1

Adult, friendly face, work clothes (scrubs)

Pronouns: they / them

Carlito Esperanza is a nurse at the local clinic. They are cousin to the Chosen One Gil. Michelle comes to them for humanity advice They are suspicious of Obsidian.



You have a full first aid kit, and the training to heal people. When you do first aid, roll +Cool. On a 10+ the patient is stabilized and healed of 2 harm. On a 7-9 choose one: heal 2 harm or stabilize the injury. On a miss, you cause an extra 1 harm. This move takes the place of regular first aid

Let’s Get Out Of Here!

If you can protect someone by telling them what to do, or by leading them out, roll +Charm instead of +Tough.

The Power of Heart:

When fighting a monster, if you help someone, don’t roll +Cool. You automatically help as though you’d rolled a 10.

What Could Go Wrong?:

Whenever you charge into immediate danger without hedging your bets, hold 2. You may spend your hold to:

• Inflict +1 harm.

• Reduce someone’s harm suffered by 1.

• Take +2 forward on an act under pressure roll.

Mundane Weapons

Pocket knife or multitool (1-harm hand useful small)

Golf club, baseball bat, cricket bat, or hockey stick (2-harm hand innocuous – messy)

Means of Transportation


A former bloodmobile, it has happy dancing blood drops painted on the sides.


(Pick one of these for each other hunter)

- You are close relations. Tell them exactly how you’re related. Jackson, ex bro in law

- Initially rivals, you both now respect each others’ talents.

- Romantically involved, or you just have a crush on them. Ask them which they prefer.

- They’re your hero, exactly the kind of monster hunter you aspire to be. Tell them why you worship them. Gil

- Good friends. Tell them if it’s from way back, or recently. Michelle

- You’re a bit suspicious of them (maybe due to their unnatural powers or something like that). Obsidian

- They introduced you to the existence of monsters. Tell them how you feel about that. Geo

- You saved their life from a monster due to an unlikely chain of events. Tell them what. Erin