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Seraphina Rowen


Seraphina Rowen



Gender identity:




Important Relationships:

(indicate any NPCs associated with your character) One daughter, Danielle, who she would do almost anything for; friendly towards the living former members of Sound and Furious.


Tall, elegant woman who looks to be in her early thirties, with long black hair and green eyes. Often wears jingling bells or coins as affectations on her dress when she is wearing long flowing garments, but is equally likely to wear more revealing clothing during warmer months.

Abilities and skills:

Powerful practicing witch who is extending her lifespan with her magical and alchemical knowledge. Excellent belly dancer and very flexible.

Important assets:

(house, car, business, etc) Seraphina likes being a free spirit, and often travels with little more than a travel pack, a phone, and her wallet. She has a home in Missouri that she returns to often, however.

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes: Attunement to the forces, interesting lore, flirting with and teasing younger men and women, learning new things Dislikes: Anything that hurts her daughter, people who abuse power, werewolves


Seraphina Rowen is the mother of Danielle Rowen, which is peculiar when you note that she doesn't look old enough to play the part outside of Hollywood casting. In truth, she has been extending her lifespan and staving off the deterioration of age with magical methods, and is older than she looks. She was once very close to her daughter, even if her influence was a bit more encouraging of freedom of spirit than most parents would approve of, but has mostly fallen out of contact with her after the aftermath of a traumatic incident that hurt her daughter badly and made her shun most social contact; there is also evidence that Seraphina's handling of the incident may not have been to her daughter's liking. Those boots will be missed.