Danielle Rowen
Doesn't like to talk about it.
(indicate any NPCs associated with your character) Close friends with the Low Rent Lestats, doesn't speak to her mother at the moment.
World-weary woman with long black hair who tends to dress in flowing, loose garments except in winter. Wears a variety of stones and symbols of magical intent. Keeps an ebony-wood wand wrapped in silver and gold wire tipped with a hematite guitar pick tucked into a holster along her left hip.
Powerful practicing witch with magical heritage, former guitarist for Sound and Furious before their acrimonious breakup.
(house, car, business, etc) Tends to live in a shed on the McCune property, and seldom lets others into it. Keeps a variety of spell ingredients in her shed. Keeps a very well maintained old guitar in good condition as a memory of happier times. Has a powerful but unostentatious phone in a very sturdy case.
(Needs to be fleshed out later.)
A former guitarist for Sound and Furious, before it fell apart due to internal conflicts. Does not like to discuss the specifics and often falls into a depression when thinking about it. Has thrown herself almost completely into following her magical gifts and mostly given up on her musical gifts, despite the connection between them (the Chord, as she puts it).