Table of Contents





Dragon (biracial - European and Asian)


Age: 201

Gender identity:




Important Relationships:

(indicate any NPCs associated with your character)

Bonded in service to Andan


see pic

Abilities and skills:

Has the ability to change mass and volume, shrinking down to the size of a kitten to ride on Andan's shoulder, or growing large enough to be ridden comfortably. Notably, growing larger takes a significant amount of energy.

Has a tough hide that cannot be easily pierced (note that this does nothing against the blunt-force trauma).

Able to breathe gouts of fire when properly fed.

Able to accelerate the growth of plants, although doing so will exhaust her for several days.

Important assets:

(house, car, business, etc)

Does not have possessions.

Likes and Dislikes:

Camroth loves to swim; if she can not find a pond or a lake, she will work with a sink if needs be.


Camroth is the result of a love affair between members of two separate clans of dragons. Abandoned at a fairly young age, she became a young rogue, disobeying the laws that had been passed down through the ages, one of which was do not reveal yourself to other sentient races.

After stopping to talk to humans, Camroth developed a taste for pumpkins and plants in general and has sworn to and never kill or eat meat unless absolutely necessary.

In the 1940s, when she had reached the age of 130, she was hunting in the forest for her human friends when she came upon an elf. She does not know what happened, but it is safe to say that she stayed with him.