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Aodh Gow


Aodh Gow





Gender identity:




Important Relationships:

Brynn Wenzel (Friend) K’Grakh (Friend) Zsonja Veronika Cervenak (Fellow Werewolf)


Aodh is a mountain of a man standing 6’10” and weighing more than two hundred pounds of well defined muscle with a tapestry of Scottish runes tattooed on his upper body. He appears to be elderly and wears traditional Scottish clothing including a kilt, a sporran and a Tam o Shanter. In addition to his clothing he wears a number of polished steel clasps in the shape of wolf heads that acts as buckles that allows his belts and such to extend when he changes into a Hybrid preventing him from tearing his clothes and kilts to shreds. When able he also wears a great sword slung across his back and carries a hatchet at his waist.

As wolf he is approximately the size of a giant Newfoundland, as a hybrid he stands nearly eight feet tall from head to toe and his thick coat is almost white, with haunting blue eyes reminiscent of a ghost wolf.

Abilities and skills:

Master Smith - Few alive can match Aodh Gow’s skills as a blacksmith or goldsmith. His knowledge of metals and techniques is vast and expansive and he is capable of making masterwork items, tools, weapons, armor and more. The only limitation he has is materials. It’s rumored that he has created an alloy superior to even carbon steel.

Expert Swordsman - Aodh is almost as good with a sword as he is as a smith, his preferred blade is an oversized Scottish great sword. He’s just as good at using said sword in Hybrid form as he is in human form, a fact that some might find scary given that they could very well have a werewolf trying to bifuricate them with a big ass sword rather than clawing or biting.

Supernatural Strength - Aodh is even stronger than his human form makes him seem and even when human he is able to exercise physical strength and endurance comparable to his Hybrid form. He is an excellent swimmer and can easily climb or jump over many obstacles.

Supernatural Endurance, Stamina and Vitality - Aodh is very resilient and comfortably leads an active life. He is capable of shrugging off damage that’d down a lesser man and even when severely wounded it can be difficult to actually bring him down. Part of this is due to his werewolf powers but most of it is because he is a stubborn old Scot who loves to fight. He rarely gets sick and can work hard from dawn until dusk as long as he’s fed and hydrated properly with adequate breaks to rest.

Supernatural Reflexes - Aodh is still rather spry and agile for a man of his size and apparent age. As a werewolf he is incredibly fast, able to quickly cover a lot of ground leaving a white blur. This led to him being called the Ghost Wolf back in Scotland. Trying to catch Aodh on foot can be extremely difficult no matter what form he takes but if he’s in his wolf form there isn’t a human alive that could catch up to him once he takes off.

Legendary Willpower - Aodh’s will is his most defining trait after his physical parameters. He is capable of looking directly at the full moon without transforming, not even breaking a sweat in doing so. Likewise his stubbornness is equally legendary.

Enhanced Senses - Aodh’s senses are more acute than those of most ordinary humans and even some vampires and werewolves. His senses of hearing, sight, and smell in particular are extremely strong.

Transformation: Wolf - Aodh can assume the form of a white wolf roughly the size of a fully grown Giant Newfoundland with icy blue eyes at will. This form is fast and can inflict serious damage with claws or a bite. He does not require moonlight and can also remain human under the full moon.

Transformation: Hybrid - The apex transformation of Aodh Gow, this nearly nine foot bipedal creature resembles the wolf form but walks on hind legs like a man. In the hybrid form Aodh is capable of human speech and tasks such as wielding his sword or performing blacksmithing work. He is also able to climb and jump to great heights otherwise impossible. Aodh can assume this form at will.

Expert Hunter, Tracker and Survivalist - Aodh has lived in the wilderness for a long time and he’s honed his ability to hunt, track and live off the land as well as accurately sense danger and escape from it.

Important assets:

Kilts, bagpipes, hatchet, knife

Claidheamh Teine - This massive two handed Scottish great sword is longer than the average man is tall. Made from the highest quality wootz this blacksmithing masterpiece was quenched in a cistern of holy water and sharpened to a monomolecular edge with a diamond stone. Claidheamh Teine is nearly as old as Aodh himself having been forged when he was sixteen and has the mark of Clan Gow proudly set into the pommel in a golden disc.

It is suggested at times by Aodh that he had it enchanted by a sorcerer to not break as his prodigious strength as a man was immense, more so once he became a werewolf. He needed a weapon that could withstand his might, and in Claidheamh Teine such a weapon was found.

Coins - Aodh has a considerable collection of Scottish silver and gold coins estimated to be worth more than twenty million dollars just in weight alone. He has yet to fully convert this fortune though part of this is due to stubbornness.

Likes and Dislikes:

Aodh likes working as a blacksmith, optional solitude, polite people, hunting, wolves, most other werewolves, playing the bagpipes

He dislikes the Irish (likes them compared to Brits though), people who look down on his trade, pushy Alphas, having his prey taken from him, being hunted


Aodh Gow was at one point the finest blacksmith in Edinburgh having created a host of weapons, armor and other pieces of everyday metallurgy such as nails and horseshoes. His size, strength and stamina made him an ideal soldier when it came time to fight and during those times he didn’t shy away from the opportunity. It was this way for years until one fateful night when he was attacked in his smithy by a monstrous black wolf that pinned him on the floor. It took every ounce of his strength to fight it off but Aodh managed to kill it by stabbing it in the eye with a silver nail but not before it bit his forearm and left a terrible wound.

He’d felt something was wrong after the attack but he wouldn’t find out how wrong it really was until under the next full moon he changed into a beast that looked like a wolf but walked on it’s hind legs like a man. Luckily he hadn’t hurt anybody that night having been restrained by his close friend Jamison and fiancee Mackenzie, ironically with his best chains and irons which the struggling beast could not break. Following the change once Aodh realized what he’d become he decided he couldn’t be near people anymore, breaking off his engagement to Mackenzie and leaving Edinburgh in the middle of the night after gather what he could carry and setting fire to his smithy, she knew his reasons and helped him to escape from the city. Aodh and Mackenzie never saw each other again after that night.

After wandering Scotland for a time he eventually crossed Ireland and England before making his way across the ocean to America in hopes of a new life and a chance to start over. Preferring solitude to crowded cities Aodh spent several years as a wanderer and hermit learning to control the beast within pitting the fury of the wolf against the stubborn will of an angry Scotsman who in the end reined in the former. Traveling across America for decades he has set up temporary camps working as a smith for hire as a man and evading many would be hunters as a beast. During an ‘extended’ stay in the Appalachian mountains he was mistaken for the Midnight Whistler and pursued for almost a month by relentless bigfoot hunters before finally losing them in the Shenandoah Valley, having chosen flight over fight to keep more dangerous hunters from trying to kill him in retaliation.

Following what he refers to as an ‘Exhilaratin’ bit a hikin’ in the wee hills‘ he migrated west reaching Iowa before just before winter set in. Finding it a slow trek with the poor weather Aodh dug in and hunkered down in a cave near the town of Lake Harmony using his wolf form to stay warm during the blizzard that hit the area in early 2017. After the storm settled and he emerged from the makeshift shelter Aodh took to hunting but was finding game to be scarce. Catching the scent of what he believed to be an alligator of all things he decided to avoid the lake as he wasn’t sure he wanted to meet whatever it was he smelled. He has since made friends and opened a smithy in town called the Red Anvil.