The Glory of the Empire

More colloquially known as the Glories, these are adventurers of (theoretically) good morals who are responsible for maintaining peace in the Empire of Astor. Need rats removed from your basement, goblins driven from their cave, orcs stopped from invading your town, or dread pirate ghosts from beseiging your shipping lines? For the right price, the Glories will step in and handle the problem.

Glories operate out of various Glory Outposts through the Empire - these basically give professional adventurers a place to ply their trade, to pick up local adventure assignments or hear about distant assignments that might be available.

The Glories have a ranking system which determines what sort of missions they will allow someone to go on - after all, there's little wisdom in sending unseasoned neophytes to stop a diplomatic assassination, and grand champions are unlikely to be interested in solving the local midwife's dire rat infestation.

Rank Title Notes
0 Greenblade New adventurer that has been accepted to the Glories. Able to receive training at Glory Outposts, use Glory stores, and sell found goods to Glory merchants.
1 Copperblade Modestly competent adventurer that has survived some basic adventures. Able to receive room and board when at Glory Outposts.
2 Ironblade Competent adventurers that can handle themselves in a difficult situation. Able to commission small objects and potions.
3 Steelblade Toughened adventurers who can easily handle themselves. Able to commission items and request support.
4 Silverblade Skilled adventurers entrusted with difficult assignments. Able to lead adventuring teams on military support operations and take command of city garrisons in emergencies.
5 Stoneblade
6 Crystalblade
7 Diamondblade
8 Legendblade

The titles are mostly ceremonial, but privileges are unlocked at each rank that make it worth going through the hoops to get promoted and earn your place in the Glories.