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Elemental Meta-Traits: Variable

Your body is wholly composed of a particular substance. This is an entire category of meta-traits, one for each class of substance (“element”). The main use for these meta-traits is to create “elemental” creatures. Those who can switch into and out of elemental form – a common super-ability – should buy Alternate Form and take the relevant meta-trait as their alternate racial template.

Body of Air: 36 points

Your body is made of gas.

ST 0 [-100]; +10 HP [20]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Flight (Lighter Than Air, -10%) [36]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; No Legs (Aerial) [0]; No Manipulators [-50]; Vulnerability (Vacuum and wind-based attacks x2) [-20]; and Taboo Trait (Fixed ST) [0].

Body of Earth: 175 points

Your body is made of sand or earth.

Doesn’t Breathe [20]; DR 2 [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Sealed [15]; Vacuum Support [5]; and Invertebrate [-20].

Body of Fire: 6 points

Your body is a living flame! If your flames are very hot, increase Burning Attack and DR.

ST 0 [-100]; +10 HP [20]; Burning Attack 1d (Always On, -40%; Aura, +80%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%) [6]; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Combustion, -50%) [10]; DR 10 (Limited: Heat/Fire, -40%) [30]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; No Manipulators [-50]; Weakness (Water; 1d/minute) [-40]; and Taboo Trait (Fixed ST) [0].

Body of Ice: 99 points

Your body is made of ice.

Doesn’t Breathe [20]; DR 3 [15]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood) [45]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Sealed [15]; Slippery 3 [6]; Terrain Adaptation (Ice) [5]; Vacuum Support [5]; Fragile (Brittle) [-15]; Vulnerability (Heat/fire attacks x2) [-30]; and Weakness (Intense normal heat; 1d/minute; Variable, -40%) [-12].

Body of Lightning: 56 points

Your body is made of lightning.

ST 0 [-100]; HP +10 [20]; Burning Attack 1d (Always On, -40%; Aura, +80%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%) [6]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; DR 10 (Limited: Electricity, -40%) [30]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; No Manipulators [-50]; Feature (Affected by Energy Spells (p. 178) [0]; and Taboo Trait (Fixed ST) [0]. 56 points.

Body of Metal: 175 points

Your body is made of metal.

Doesn’t Breathe [20]; DR 9 [45]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood) [45]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Sealed [15]; and Vacuum Support [5].

Body of Plastic: 125 points

Your body is made of ordinary plastic, like the material used to make plastic buckets or milk jugs.

Doesn’t Breathe [20]; DR 1 [5]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood) [45]; Pressure Support 1 [5]; Sealed [15]; Vacuum Support [5].

Body of Slime: 60 points

Your body is made of an organic slime like algae or slime mold.

Amphibious [10]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous) [40]; Bad Smell [-10]; Disturbing Voice [-10]; Invertebrate [-20]; Affected by Plant spells [0].

Body of Stone: 140 points

Your body is made of rock.

Doesn’t Breathe [20]; DR 5 [25]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood) [45]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Sealed [15]; Vacuum Support [5]; and Fragile (Brittle) [-15].

Body of Water: 175 points

Your body is made of liquid.

Amphibious [10]; Chameleon 1 [5]; Constriction Attack [15]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Slippery 5 [10]; Invertebrate [-20]; and Vulnerability (Dehydration attacks x2) [-10].

Body of Wood: 76 points

Your body is made of wood.

Basic Speed-1 [-20]; Lifting ST +5 [15]; Blunt Claws [3]; DR 2 (Semi-Ablative, -20%) [8]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous) [40]; Numb [-20]; and Affected by Plant spells [0].

Machine: 25 points

Your body is mostly or completely mechanical, composed of non-living materials such as metal, plastic, and composites – although you might have a few organic parts, such as an outer layer of skin or a brain. Examples include robots, vehicles, and full cyborgs.

This meta-trait includes Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30], Injury Tolerance (No Blood, Unliving) [25], Unhealing (Total) [-30], and several 0-point features:

Note that your Unhealing disadvantage means that the only way for you to regain lost HP is through repairs with Mechanic or Electronics Repair skill (as appropriate).

Several traits not included above are common among machines, notably the advantages Digital Mind, Doesn’t Breathe, Pressure Support, Sealed, and Vacuum Support, and the disadvantages Electrical, Fragile, Maintenance, Numb, Restricted Diet, and Social Stigma (Valuable Property).

Mentality Meta-Traits - Variable

These traits represent common types of nonhuman intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence - 32 points

A computer mind.

Absolute Timing [2]; Digital Mind [5]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; Intuitive Mathematician [5]; Photographic Memory [10]; and Reprogrammable [-10].

Automaton: -85 points

A mind lacking self-awareness and creativity. This is typical of many hive-creatures, magical constructs, undead, and simple AIs. You can combine this with the AI meta-trait. Hidebound [-5]; Incurious (6) [-10]; Low Empathy [-20]; No Sense of Humor [-10]; and Slave Mentality [-40].

Domestic Animal: -30 points

A farm animal, pet, mount, or a trained wild animal. Cannot Speak [-15]; Hidebound [-5]; Social Stigma (Valuable Property) [-10]; and Taboo Trait (Fixed IQ) [0].

Wild Animal: -30 points

An ordinary animal found in nature. Bestial [-10]; Cannot Speak [-15]; Hidebound [-5]; and Taboo Trait (Fixed IQ) [0].

Morphology Meta-Traits - Variable

These meta-traits describe some nonhumanoid body configurations that might appear on the racial templates of animals, robots, etc. Feel free to create meta-traits for other body layouts, using these examples as guidelines.

Ground Vehicle: -100 points

Your body is like a car, tank, etc.

Horizontal [-10]; No Legs (Tracked or Wheeled) [-20]; No Manipulators [-50]; and Numb [-20]. -100 points.

Ichthyoid: -50 points

You have a fish-like body (a “merman” would just delete No Manipulators).

No Legs (Aquatic) [0] and No Manipulators [-50].

Quadruped: -35 points

You are a four-legged creature with no arms (a “centauroid” would simply take Extra Legs – plus Hooves, if equine).

Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5]; Horizontal [-10]; and No Fine Manipulators [-30].

Vermiform: -35 points

Your body is similar to that of a snake or a worm (a snakeman with a humanoid upper torso would drop No Manipulators).

Double-Jointed [15]; No Legs (Slithers) [0]; and No Manipulators [-50].

Spirit - 261 points

You are a noncorporeal entity: ghost, being of pure thought, etc. You are invisible and intangible (except to others with this meta-trait!). You can temporarily become visible, or even solid, but this is draining. However, your senses can perceive the material world at all times, and your magical or psionic abilities, if any, can always affect the physical world.

Spirit includes Doesn’t Breathe [20], Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10], Doesn’t Sleep [20], Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30], Insubstantiality (Affect Substantial, +100%; Usually On, -40%) [128], Invisibility (Substantial Only, -10%; Usually On, +5%) [38], and Unaging [15].

Many spirit abilities from folklore are not part of this meta-trait; e.g., Injury Tolerance (Homogenous or Diffuse), Magery, and almost any ESP, PK, Telepathy, or Teleportation psi ability (see Chapter 6). Common spirit disadvantages include Compulsive Behavior, Dependency, Divine Curse, Dread, Maintenance, Obsession, and Weakness.

Astral Entity: 171 points

An astral entity is a spirit that cannot materialize, become visible, or use its supernatural powers in the physical world.

Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Insubstantiality (Always On, -50%) [40]; Invisibility (Substantial Only, -10%) [36]; and Unaging [15].

Enhancement Meta-Traits [P, X]

These are common combinations of advantages that are associated in biologically enhanced individuals.

Enhanced Muscles: Each level provides Lifting ST +1 [3] + Striking ST +1 [5]. 8 points per +1 ST.

Enhanced Reflexes: Combat Reflexes [15] + Basic Speed +1.00 [20]. 35 points.

Biotech Meta-Traits

These meta-traits are the (sometimes inadvertent) results of particular biotechnologies used to create lifeforms:

Bioroid: You are an artificially constructed living organism who was assembled via biogenesis (p. 26) nanotechnology rather than grown from an embryo. Early Maturation 3-5 [0]; Sterile [0]; and Unusual Biochemistry [-5]. -5 points.

Chimera: You are the result of a fusion of two different species blastocysts. Due to metabolic problems that result from this fusion, you have Restricted Diet (Very Common; Substitution, -50%) [-5]; Sterile [0]; and Unusual Biochemistry [-5]. -10 points.

Transhuman Space Meta-Traits

Bioroid Body: Includes the perk No Degeneration in Zero-G [1], the disadvantage Unusual Biochemistry [-5], and the features Early Maturation 4, Intron Messages (usually a trademark), Sterile, and Taboo Trait (Genetic Defects). -4 points.

Concealed Bioroid Body: A bioroid carefully constructed to pass for a normal human under fairly close medical examination. The design compromises that this entails mean that the character needs periodic medical attention. It combines the perk No Degeneration in Zero-G [1], the disadvantage Maintenance (3-5 people, monthly) [-6], and the features Early Maturation 4, Sterile, and Taboo Trait (Genetic Defects). Characters with this meta-trait often have significant Secrets! -5 points.

Cybershell Body: This must be taken in combination with Machine (p. B263). It includes Injury Tolerance (No Neck) [5], Electrical [-20], and the features Sterile and Taboo Trait (Physical Changes). -15 points. (Note: Unlike the 3e treatment, cybershells in 4e games do not automatically have High Pain Threshold. Sudden damage to a complex machine can easily cause “shock” effects as the system adjusts and responds to the problem. However, some models are designed for rapid adaptation and “pain resistance”; hence some cybershell templates, especially military systems, include the advantage, and well-designed or simply robust civilian models may have it. Gamers converting a 3e campaign who wish to keep this advantage for their cybershell characters can assume that they’re these robust models, and add the advantage back in for 10 points.)

GURPS Zombies

Body Meta-Traits

Living zombies, such as the infected, don’t need and rarely have these meta-traits. Other kinds, particularly undead, must select one of the mutually exclusive packages below to describe their body’s physical condition. These meta-traits address only that, and even then avoid being overly prescriptive. They omit numerous advantages and disadvantages that might seem “logical”; e.g., No Sense of Smell/Taste is absent, as lack of nose, tongue, and/or lungs doesn’t appear to impede many zombies’ ability to smell or taste brains, flesh, and other goodies. Modifiers to ST, DX, HT, HP, Basic Speed, and Basic Move are likewise left to individual templates, because such adjustments are often vital for distinguishing between subclasses of zombies with the same meta-trait.

Intact Corpse [40]

You almost look alive. You have a brain, vital organs, etc., and all of your skin. You might just pass as human from a distance – though up close, your lack of vital signs is evident. This meta-trait suits zombies that turn at or shortly after death.

Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, Unliving) [25]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Unaging [15].

Disadvantages: Supernatural Features (No Body Heat, No Pulse, Pallor) [-20]; Fragile (Unnatural) [-50]; Unhealing (Total) [-30].

Features: Affected as Dead; No Fatigue; Sterile; Will Become a Rotting Corpse*.

* Note “Won’t Become a Rotting Corpse” on the template of the rare zombie that won’t ever decompose. Most corpses definitely will decay, though.

Mummified Corpse [40]

You’re clearly dried-out and withered. To facilitate mummification, your juicy vital organs and brain were removed and preserved separately, made into sausage, or similar. This meta-trait characterizes the “zombies” encountered by pulp archaeologists.

Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, No Brain, No Vitals, Unliving) [35]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Unaging [15].

Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous; Universal, +25%) [-25]; Fragile (Combustible) [-5]; Fragile (Unnatural) [-50]; Unhealing (Total) [-30].

Features: Affected as Dead; No Fatigue; Sterile.

Rotting Corpse [24]

You have the “classic” zombie body type: rotting flesh hanging from dead bones.

Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, Unliving) [25]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Unaging [15].

Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous; Universal, +25%) [-25]; Bad Smell [-10]; Fragile (Unnatural) [-50]; Unhealing (Total) [-30].

Quirks: Sexless [-1].

Features: Affected as Dead; No Fatigue; Will Become a Skeleton*.

* For a zombie that somehow stays rotting forever, never losing enough flesh to become a skeleton, note “Won’t Become a Skeleton” on the template.

Skeletal Corpse [13]

You’re an assemblage of animated bones. In fantasy settings, you’re functionally the same thing as a “classic” zombie – you just look different. Even in backgrounds where skeletons technically aren’t zombies, this meta-trait matters because the Rotting Corpse meta-trait decays into it with time.

Advantages: Damage Resistance 2 (Partial, All but skull*, -5%) [10]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, No Brain, No Eyes, No Vitals, Unliving) [40]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Unaging [15]; Vacuum Support [5].

Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous; Universal, +25%) [-25]; Fragile (Brittle) [-15]; Fragile (Unnatural) [-50]; Skinny [-5]; Unhealing (Total) [-30]; Vulnerability (Crushing ¥2) [-30].

Quirks: Cannot Float [-1]; Sexless [-1].

Features: Affected as Dead; No Fatigue.

* The skull still has DR 2, along with the rest of the body, not DR 4.

Solidified Spirit [59]

You’re a being of ectoplasm or smokeless flame. Your current body isn’t the one you had in life – though you’re clearly dead, and look it – but one created (by the gods, your own hatred, or whatever) to let you terrorize the mortal world in material form. Unlike most spirits, you can’t become intangible to avoid harm.

Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood) [45]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Unaging [15]; Vacuum Support [5].

Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous; Universal, +25%) [-25]; Fragile (Unnatural) [-50]; Unhealing (Total) [-30].

Quirks: Sexless [-1].

Features: Affected as Dead*; No Fatigue.

* Some versions may be affected by Bind Spirit, Command Spirit, and Turn Spirit instead of Control Zombie, Turn Zombie, and Zombie Summoning.

Mentality Meta-Traits

Any zombie might have one or two of the following meta-traits to describe its mental condition. Not all zombies possess them, although most exhibit some of the constituent traits. Modifiers to IQ, Will, and Per are left to individual templates.

Automaton [-85]

This meta-trait from p. B263 is repeated here for ease of reference when reading the templates in Instant Zombies (pp. 90-107). It reflects a zombie with no selfawareness or creativity. It often accompanies Cannot Learn and Reprogrammable, but some zombies can be trained in new skills, while others can’t be taught to obey a new master.

Automaton is mutually exclusive with Inhuman (p. 70).

Disadvantages: Hidebound [-5]; Incurious (6) [-10]; Low Empathy [-20]; No Sense of Humor [-10]; Slave Mentality [-40].

Inexorable [65]

You cannot be diverted from your mission – be that serving a necromancer or eating brains – via any distraction, fear, or influence, natural or supernatural.

Once you have a goal in your sights, the only way to stop you is to interpose a barrier and wait for you to fall apart… or to destroy you.

Advantages: Immunity to Mind Control [30]; Indomitable [15]; Single-Minded [5]; Unfazeable [15].

Inhuman [-45]

An Inhuman zombie is as savage as a wild animal and cannot grasp human emotions or motivations. It might exhibit emotions, however – often terrific rage. While this meta-trait shares several disadvantages with Automaton (p. 69), with which it’s mutually exclusive, it lacks Incurious and Slave Mentality. A predator’s curiosity and willful drive to feed are almost universal traits among Inhuman zombies. Disadvantages: Bestial [-10]; Hidebound [-5]; Low Empathy [-20]; No Sense of Humor [-10].

Social Meta-Trait

All undead zombies have the following meta-trait.

Legally Dead [-45]

You have no position whatsoever in society, and no property (although you may use equipment that was buried with you or provided by a reanimator). If seen walking around, you’ll be viewed as an abomination.

Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Dead) [-20]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25].

Features: Taboo Traits (Social Position).