Table of Contents

Valentine Varner

GURPS Conversion

Points Spent: 250 + 150 Skills = 430

Points Available: 30

Primary Characteristics

ST 12 [20p] | DX 14 [80p] | IQ 14 [80p] | HT 12 [20pt]

Secondary Characteristics



“Yay show us your — uh… ghostparts? Woo! Terri!”

Physical Appearance

Val is thirty years old. (more appearance descriptors here). He is human-sized (SM 0) and has an average build (no modifiers). He is considered Handsome.

Handsome: You could enter beauty contests. This gives +4 on reaction rolls made by those attracted to members of your sex, +2 from everyone else. 12 points.

Social Background

Val's native tech level is TL 8 (the Modern Age.) (notes about cultural familiarities). (notes about languages known.)

American Sign Language: Accented [2p].

Wealth and Influence

Val is technically Filthy Rich – having roughly two million dollars in theoretical assets – but is unable to effectively utilize his wealth due to much of it being in New Orleans property. Instead, he is considered Wealthy – he has roughly $100,000 in on-hand assets – and also has Independent Income, allowing him to gain $5,000 per month before any earnings from work.

Wealthy: Your starting wealth is five times average ($100,000); you live very well indeed. 20 points.

Independent Income 5: You have a source of income that does not require you to work: stock portfolio, trust fund, rental property, royalties, pension, etc. Your monthly income is 5% of your starting wealth (adjusted for wealth level). If your income derives from investments, you need not specify their value; this trait assumes that you cannot or will not invade your capital. 5 points.

Char Loft Rank 2: Lifetime Customer. 10 points.

Academic Rank 1: College Graduate. 5 points. Val has a teaching certificate and a college degree.

Friends and Foes

Ally: Martin Grayson [PC, no cost]

Enemy: NOVA (New Orleans Vampire Association) (Hunter, 9 or less) [-30 x1 x1]


Alternate Identity: Lewis Valentine (New Orleans) [15]


Luck: Once per hour of play, you may reroll a single bad die roll twice and take the best of the three rolls! You must declare that you are using your Luck immediately after you roll the dice. Once you or anyone else has made another die roll, it is too late to use Luck. If the GM is rolling in secret (e.g., to see if you notice something), you may tell him you are using your Luck ahead of time, and he must roll three times and give you the best result. [15p]

Hard to Kill 3: You are incredibly difficult to kill. Each level of Hard to Kill gives +1 to HT rolls made for survival at -HP or below, and on any HT roll where failure means instant death (due to heart failure, poison, etc.) If this bonus makes the difference between success and failure, you collapse, apparently dead (or disabled), but come to in the usual amount of time - see Recovering from Unconsciousness. A successful Diagnosis roll (or a Mechanic roll, for machines) reveals the truth. [6p]

Magic Resistance (Demonic Powers) +4: You have an effective +4 to any resistance roll against Demonic power sources; you cannot selectively turn this off! This can be recognized by any demonic entity that looks at your aura or attempts to cast a spell on you. [4p]

Danger Sense: You can't depend on it, but sometimes you get this prickly feeling right at the back of your neck, and you know something's wrong… If you have Danger Sense, the GM rolls once against your Perception, secretly, in any situation involving an ambush, impending disaster, or similar hazard. On a success, you get enough of a warning that you can take action. A roll of 3 or 4 means you get a little detail as to the nature of the danger. Danger Sense represents the realistic ability to process subconscious sensory input and alert you to the fact that something is wrong. It can warn you of ambushes, sniper fire, booby traps, and muggers lurking in dark alleys. It may be the secret to the survival of many successful gunfighters - more so than Luck, which also impacts activities that aren't life-threatening. [15p]

Combat Reflexes: You have extraordinary reactions, and are rarely surprised for more than a moment. You get +1 to all active defense rolls, +1 to Fast-Draw skill, and +2 to Fright Checks. You never 'freeze' in a surprise situation, and get +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise or mental 'stun.' Your side gets +1 on initiative rolls to avoid a surprise attack - +2 if you are the leader. Combat Reflexes gives you a finer perception of time, allowing you to hone your defenses, move a little faster, and process threat information fast enough to avoid being completely surprised by a rapidly unfolding combat situation or uncanny events. It is often taught using realistic training techniques. [15p]

Animal Empathy: You are unusually talented at reading the motivations of animals. When you meet an animal, the GM rolls against your IQ and tells you what you 'feel'. This reveals the beast's emotional state - friendly, frightened, hostile, hungry, etc. - and whether it is under supernatural control. You may also use your Influence skills on animals just as you would on sapient beings, which usually ensures a positive reaction. [5p]


Chummy: You react to others at +2 most of the time. When alone, you are unhappy and distracted, and suffer a -1 penalty to IQ-based skills. [-5p].

Honesty: You must obey the law, and do your best to get others to do so as well. In an area with little or no law, you do not “go wild” - you act as though the laws of your own home were in force. You also assume that others are honest unless you know otherwise (make an IQ roll to realize someone might be dishonest if you haven't seen proof). This is a disadvantage, because it often limits your options! Make a self-control roll when faced with the “need” to break unreasonable laws; if you fail, you must obey the law, whatever the consequences. If you manage to resist your urges and break the law, make a second self-control roll afterward. If you fail, you must turn yourself in to the authorities! You may fight (or even start a fight, if you do it in a legal way). You may even kill in a legal duel or in self-defense - but you may never murder. You may steal if there is great need, but only as a last resort, and you must attempt to pay your victims back later. If you are jailed for a crime you did not commit, but treated fairly and assured of a trial, you will not try to escape. You always keep your word. (In a war, you may act “dishonestly” against the enemy, but you will not be happy about it!) However, you are allowed to lie if it does not involve breaking the law. Truthfulness is a separate disadvantage. Honesty has its rewards, of course. If you stay alive and in one place long enough for your honesty to become known, the GM should give you +1 on any noncombat reaction roll - or +3 if a question of trust or honor is involved. This is essentially a free Reputation. [-10p, 12 or less].

Phobia: The Void. You are afraid of the Void, and need to make a self-control roll when exposed to it in some fashion; if he fails, roll 3d, add the amount failed by, and look up the result on the Fright Check Table. This result affects you immediately. If you succeed, you have mastered your Phobia for now, but are at -2 to DX, IQ, and skill rolls while the cause of your fear persists. [-5p, 12 or less]


Perks each cost 1 point, and generally offer a limited but significant advantage.

Deadeye: You’re a natural sniper. You can accurately gauge range, windage, thermal effects, and so on, allowing you to attempt Precision Aiming without special equipment. Since you aren’t fooling with ballistics tables, spotting scopes, etc., you may reduce the total time required to claim your Precision Aiming bonus by 10% (round up) after all other calculations. You may buy this perk several times; each level improves your margin by 10% (to a maximum of Deadeye 3, with a 30% reduction).

Concealed Carry Permit: A Concealed Carry Permit allows a civilian to carry a concealed handgun and use it for legally justified self-defense. Even with a permit, schools, courthouses, airports, private enterprises, etc., may forbid you to have a concealed weapon on their property, either turning you back or hanging onto the gun until you leave. Individuals with suitable social advantages – typically Legal Enforcement Powers or Military Rank – don’t need this perk for equipment used “on the job.” This only applies for the state of Louisiana.

Pistol-Fist (Guns): You can roll against Guns (Pistol) to pistol-whip people. Treat this as a punch with brass knuckles. You can also parry melee attacks at (shooting skill/2) + 3, and even use this parry when slapping aside guns in close combat.

Eye for Distance: You can accurately gauge distances within line of sight without using tools. Error is around 5%; where relevant, the GM will secretly roll 2d-7 for the percentage, keeping negative numbers. The only combat effect is that you don’t need a rangefinder to benefit from rules that require one.

Influence Shtick (Disarming Smile): In any sticky situation where Diplomacy is a possible solution, you can just smile and shrug by way of an Influence roll.


Limit of 5. Each quirk is worth -1 point.

Responsive: A mild case of Charitable. You are able to imagine the feelings and motivations of others – and all other things being equal, you are inclined to help them.

Mild Obsession: Music Trivia. You are particularly interested in music trivia and find it difficult to resist sharing your interests, resulting in an occasional -1 reaction penalty or worse from those who really dislike music or trivia.

Minority: Bisexual. While your sexuality does not usually limit your rights, it can occasionally result in a -1 reaction penalty or worse from less open-minded individuals.

Love. You are in love with someone; while they are too powerful to qualify as a Dependent, and may even be a PC, you will suffer an occasional -1 penalty to resist giving in to pressure, whether to threats placed against your love or the more goodnatured requests love places on you.


Equipment and Property

On Person

Concealable Vest (wearable under clothing, protects torso, DR 12 vs piercing/cutting, DR 5 vs other damage. 2 lbs.

Survival Knife. This is a heavy hunting and fighting knife, with a serrated section for sawing. It has a hollow hilt to hold a few useful survival items, including a small compass, firesparking rod and steel, plastic bags, fish hooks, and a length of cord for snares or other use. The 0.5-lb. sheath holds an emergency poncho that can double as emergency shelter.

Colt 2000 Government Pistol (.45): Guns/Pistol [14] to hit, 2d pi+ dmg, Acc 2, Range 150/1,600, Wt. 2.8/0.5, RoF 3, Shots 7+1, 3 turns to reload. Min ST 10, Bulk -2, Rcl 3, LC 3. Includes attached tactical targeting light/laser (150-yard range, 0.25 lb, +1 to hit if you can see dot, +1 to target Dodge if they see it (but can be used for intimidation!), use most favorable of -3 or actual darkness penalty within 100 yard beam, can be used to blind targets if they fail a HT-4 check and look directly into light (lasts 10 seconds x margin of failure).

Undercover Holster: Concealable holsters are padded, designed to soften the hard edges of a hidden handgun. Most are worn inside the pants, with a shirt over the top of the gun (Bulk -2 or worse), or on the ankle (Bulk -1 or 0 only). -1 Fast-Draw (Pistol), +1 Holdout. 1 lb. LC4.

A silver chain which may be worn around one's neck. Affixed to the chain is a coin, which has been severed in half. The coin seems to be a very old one. This seemingly interesting little curio is actually a charmed artifact. The artifact will grow warm when the possessor of the other half is in danger.


Safe House in Alaska. This safe house was established by Val's paramour, Ellis, as a place to bolt up when things get too harsh; it contains a large amount of weapons and ammunition, as well as being a comfortable place to live.

Mansion in New Orleans. This location is currently unsafe for Val to use personally due to the NOVA threat, and instead is part of his independent income (he rents it out.)

Small House in World's End. This location is safe, and the place Val currently lives out of. Property values in World's End are fairly low, but it's still a good place to keep things.

Cadillac. This souped-up old car used to belong to Ellis, and currently belongs to Valentine. It is parked in World's End, having been brought there by Val during his exit from New Orleans proper.

At Home

2 boxes of Shotgun Shells [20 shells each]

4 boxes of .38 Ammo [20 bullets each]

3 boxes of .45 Ammo [20 bullets each]

2 boxes of rifle ammo [10 bullets each]

First Aid Kit: This kit gives +1 (quality) to First Aid. It contains a can of spray-on bandage (ten uses) plus a section of sterile gauze for larger injuries (ten uses), four emergency doses of fentanyl as painkiller, scissors for cutting, suturing needle and thread for stitches, foot powder (one week supply, +2 to resist fungal infections of the feet when used), insect repellant (10 uses, +3 to resist catching insect-borne diseases), sunscreen (four use bottle, DR 2 vs sunburn for 2 to 4 hours), salt tablets (50 tablets, helps prevent dehydration, giving +1 to HT rolls to avoid FP loss due to heat, use one tablet per quart of water), ammonia inhalants (ten doses, allows an HT roll to recover immediately from stun/unconsciousness), analgesics (100 doses, negates -1 in penalties for Pain after adjusting for pain thresholds), antibiotic ointment (ten doses, +4 to HT rolls vs bacterial infection), antimalarial pills (p. 226), and water purification tablets (50 tablets, treats one quart of water per tablet, tastes awful but safe to drink). The kit weighs 3 pounds including the additional elements Val has added.

Anniversary Crossbow: Crossbow skill [15] to hit, Fine quality (+20% range). Range 216 yards, 1/2D 288 yards, Acc 4, 6 lbs, 0.06lb per bolt. RoF 1, 4 turns to reload. Reflex Sight (0.25 lb, +1 to hit at ranges up to 300 yards when used, reduce darkness penalties up to -3).

Naval Dirk: Shortsword skill [15] to hit, sw [1d+2] cut damage, 2 lbs.

Quiver of ten bolts (0.6 lb)

Healing Mushroom (if eaten, restores 2d HP to user)

A Charm shaped like a Firebright, on a leather thong, which when held and the command word 'Firebright' is uttered will provide a light source for one hour. The charm may also be thrown and used as an explosive device, although this will destroy it (it explodes as an incendiary grenade)

Souvenir Jubilee Penny (“Jubilee Island: The Most Fun You'll Have All Year!”)
This odd coin looks normal, but can strike supernatural and ethereal entities. It can be thrown or loaded into a sling or prodd and inflicts normal damage, but hits insubstantial creatures and does Used as a sling pellet, it inflicts 2 x Str damage, and an extra 2 x Str damage to supernatural creatures (and hits normally intangible creatures.)

A toy crossbow which shoots soft bolts (no damage except to dignity)

Unconverted Fragments

This all comes from the original sheet at:

Basic Information


Unconverted Qualities

Hero: Once per game session, your character can give someone else +10 on any one test. Best of all, he can do it after the player has made his test. This costs the good guy a Turn (only thing he can do that Turn), however, and he must explain what he’s doing to help his friend. This could be anything from a few words of encouragement, a helping hand up a cliff-edge, or distracting a bad guy so that his companion can get in a lucky shot. [may be unnecessary with Cinematic CP Spending?]

Bullseye: Execptional aiming with one weapon type… possibly convert to Bowmaster (Gunslinger low-tech variant) or Weapon Master? Discuss with Laura.