Getting Away

There are several ways to leave the scene of clandestine activity. You can, of course, kick out the doors, burn rubber, and generally make a noisy getaway. This nearly always means a chase! Alternatively, try one or more of the following tricks.

Sneak Out: Apply the rules under Getting In to get around anything blocking your exit – but don't roll for locks, alarms, and so on that you've already defeated. If you make all the necessary rolls, congratulations! You're back in the outside world.

Blend In: After sneaking out – or before sneaking out, if you wait for a shift change, you're raiding the back room of a gangland nightclub, there's a convoy of trucks leaving the secret base, etc. – you can blend in and get lost. Roll against Dancing at the crowded club, Driving in a captured vehicle, Savoir-Faire (High Society) if slipping down to the ambassador's ball after stealing his files, and Shadowing for other throngs. Use Stealth to stow away on a mook's vehicle. In all cases, apply BAD if guards are keeping watch. Success means a clean escape. Failure… doesn't.

Smuggling: If you've taken something, also roll for Holdout when trying to blend in on foot. Typical items (and skill modifiers) are microchips and thumb drives (+4); letters (+2); films (+1); audio cassettes, floppy disks, and optical disks (0); and file folders and data tapes (-1). To move large items (nukes, statues, etc.) that can't be carried without a vehicle, use Smuggling instead – but first roll vs. Freight Handling to load your cargo quickly, with failure meaning you're noticed! See Subtlety for more on Holdout and Smuggling.