Sapient Rights

E.U. is the European Union and states with similar politics, such as Switzerland.

Islam includes the Caliphate and many other Islamic nations.

PRA is the Pacific Rim Alliance and several unaligned states, such as Russia, that have similar 'middle of the road' policies.

SAC is the South African Coalition.

TSA is the Transpacific Socialist Alliance.

USA is the United States and most North and South American states that are not part of the E.U., PRA, or TSA>

Dun. are the Duncanite stations.

Trans. includes several avowedly transhumanist microstates (mostly space habitats) such as Luna City and Seventh Heaven.

Pan-Sapient Rights Table

Model/Race China E.U. India Islam PRA SAC TSA USA Dun. Trans.
Bioroid I C+ I+ I+ I C I I I C
NAI N N* N* N* N N N N N N
LAI A A* A* I* A A A A A A
SAI I+ C* N* C* A A+ A+ A A C
Shadow V V* A* X A V V V A V
Fragment I+ I*+ I+ X I I N I A I
Ghost I+ C*+ I+ X C C A C C C
EI-LAI W* W* W* W* W W W* W* A W
Rogue X X X X X X X X X C+
Xox X X X X X X X X A C+
Uplifted Animal A I A A A A A A A I

A: Animal/Slave. The entity's legal status is similar to a pet or domestic animal. It must be under control of a legal owner, or it can be considered a stray and subject to arrest. Neither the law nor public opinion will sanction the entity's abandonment or actual torture, but they do permit exploitation, laboratory experimentation, resale, or humane destruction.

C: Citizen. Legally a person. A shadow, SAI, or LAI with this status should be an EI or have the 'No master' limitation on his Reprogrammable Duty.

I: Inferior. Possesses some civil rights, but is not treated as an adult. May be subject to a period of de facto indenture to a legal guardian, or restrictions on reproduction, marriage, residence, voting, etc.

N: Nonperson. It is considered a thing, protected solely by property laws, and must have an owner. Killing it is vandalism, not assault or murder.

V: Variable. Treat as either an LAI or an SAI, depending on shadow's model.

W: Wild Animal. It may roam designated habitats or preserves (real or virtual), or be kept in captivity, but if identified outside these areas, authorities will attempt to contain or destroy it. Legal hunting may be allowed.

X: Abomination! If discovered by authorities, it will be incarcerated or destroyed for the good of society.

* If in a bioshell, treat as X, except that a E.U. ghost may occupy a bioshell based on a clone or bioroid clone of his original body.

+ Restricted. The government tightly controls the right to create (and own, if it is an animal or nonperson) the entity. A security clearance is usually required.

One who is owned by or indentured to someone will owe his master a Duty. If he is an AI, then he will have Reprogrammable Duty with no limitation on it. If he is a bioroid, uplifted animal, ghost, or EI, then he will have either an Involuntary Duty (if he doesn't want to be owned) or Sense of Duty (Master) (if he is content with his lot.)

A character who is breaking the law (for example, an entity residing in an area where it is considered an abomination, or a stray or runaway animal/slave or nonperson) needs Secret (Imprisonment or Exile) or (Possible Death), and possibly Zeroed. If he is discovered, or is already on the run, then he will have law-enforcement personnel as an Enemy.

If a character visits an area where he would be better treated by law or custom, he can often apply for asylum as a refugee. Visiting an area where one's civil rights are reduced is perilous without Diplomatic Immunity.