Pacific Rim Alliance

A military alliance formed as a counterweight to both the People's Republic of China and the Transpacific Socialist Alliance. PRA nations tend to be highly developed Fourth and Fifth Wave democracies with strong national cohesiveness and medium-sized militaries.

The PRA has two 'tiers' of membership. The first tier includes those nations that can provide significant economic and military support to the alliance. As of 2155, first-tier members of the Alliance include Australia, Japan, Korea, the Phillippines, and the Union of Alberta and British Columbia.

The second-tier, 'associate' members include nations which agree to cooperate in mutual defense but which can project little force beyond their borders. Other second-tier nations are those whose association is more diplomatic than military. Second-tier members include Brunei, East Timor, Fiji, Moluccas, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Thailand, and Tonga.

The alliance's goal is to maintain the status quo in the Western Pacific. International concerns include military and trade rivalry with China, Japanese, and Korean upset over TSA information piracy, Australia's support for emergent independent anarchosocialist and democratic microstates in the Indonesian archipelago, TSA support for emergent nanosocialist movements in the second tier, and sometimes prickly relations between the Union of Alberta and British Columbia and its Canadian and United States neighbors.

The PRA is strictly a military alliance, and while members do have strong trade and cultural ties with one another, national rivalries between Korea and Japan and differences in socioeconomic policy between Japan and Australia make any economic or social union unlikely to occur in the foreseeable future. In recent decades, most PRA nations have shied away from space colonization, preferring to invest in underwater habitats, of which the most impressive is Elandra. Australian and Japanese scientists were, however, actively involved in Europa exploration. Japan is the PRA nation with the most active space program, with major corporate holdings on Luna, orbital factories, and asteroid bases, often in partnership with the European Union. Korea and Australia also have some orbital factories, commercial spacecraft, and space defense platforms.

Quick Facts: Pacific Rim Alliance

Population: 470 million.
Gross Domestic Product: $27.5 trillion (2155 estimated).
Government Type: Military and diplomatic alliance. Most members practice some form of open democracy, although the second-tier or 'associate' members include several constitutional monarchies.
Typical Control Rating: Varies widely in the range CR 1-5. Most members have CR 3-4. Australia has CR 1 for most matters, but CR 5 for weapons ownership and use.