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Lance "Trigger" Costa

253 CP

3 CP unspent

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 13 [30].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 14 [5]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [5]; Basic Move 7 [0].


Earned Contacts

1 point towards GCWE-PD Contact - While the GCWE-PD isn't entirely thrilled that the Hellraisers aren't 'neutralized', they are thankful that you rescued their people and saved an officer in critical condition. (Contact: Law (Police) skill 12, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.)

2 points towards Hellraiser Contact - The Hellraisers are basically getting a less strongly contested base area and their people back. A few of them are likely to hold grudges, but they'll shut up if Bael tells them to. (Contact: Streetwise skill 15, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.)




Secret Disadvantages:


Dynamic Car (ST/HP 40, Hnd +2, SR 5, HT 12, Move 6/75*, LWt 1.1, Load 0.6, SM +3, Occ 1+4, DR 10, Loc G4W, Cost $30000

Close Assault Weapon shotgun ($800) Close Assault Weapon, 18.5mmPC 4d+4 pi++ 3 100/500 10/1.5 10 10+1(3) 11† -5 4 $800 2

Nanoweave jacket ($450)

Nanoweave trousers ($280)

Nanoweave Gloves ($30)

Armored Shades ($100)

Assault boots ($150)

Zap Gloves ($400): A zap glove looks like a heavy glove, but it contains electrical insulation (for the wearer) and a high-voltage generator. A person can attack with a zap glove by touching the victim. Boxing, Brawling or Karate allow the zap and normal damage simultaneously; Judo, Wrestling or a normal grapple apply the zap before any other effect. No attack roll is needed in social situations such as shaking hands.

A zap glove has two settings: “stun” and “kill.” Changing settings takes a Ready maneuver. On “stun,” the effect is the same as an electric stun wand. On “kill,” the zap glove does 2d burning damage and uses the rules for lethal electrical damage (p. B432). HT-6(2) aff stun effect.

UTILITY TOOL (TL9^): The utility tool is the advanced version of a multi-function pocket tool. It fits comfortably in the user’s palm. The device includes a monowire cutting blade (Ultra-Tech, p. 163) about 3” long, one or more tools to open and close common physical fasteners, and one or more tools for grasping and manipulating objects too small to be handled with fingers. The tool also has adapters for various physical data ports, and can help the user to connect two or more devices (computers or equipped with computer controls) physically; it can also serve in place of a missing or damaged transmitter for common wireless-connection types. Common utility tools cost $100 and have negligible weight at TL9^. LC is typically 6, although, in some settings, paranoid governments may give it LC3 due to the monowire edge on the cutting blade. Schools, hospitals, and ports may restrict or forbid the carrying of the tool, classifying it as a weapon due to the presence of a cutting blade on it. Used as a weapon, the monowire blade does sw+1d(10) cutting damage with Reach C, 1.

55 x 18.5mm Shotshell rounds (00 Buck) (Dmg 1d+1, RoF 10×12, Range 42/838) ( )

55 x 18.5mm Plasma rounds (18.5mm 3d+2 burn ex sur)

$2,800 pocket money

Aluminum baseball bat

Nice suit ($100)