253 CP incomplete
4 CP unspent
ST 10 [0] DX 16 [120] IQ 12 [40] HT 12 [20]
HP 10 [0] Will 12 [0] Per 12 [0] FP 12 [0]
Basic Speed 7
Basic Move 7
Thr 1d-2, Sw 1d
1 point towards GCWE-PD Contact - While the GCWE-PD isn't entirely thrilled that the Hellraisers aren't 'neutralized', they are thankful that you rescued their people and saved an officer in critical condition. (Contact: Law (Police) skill 12, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.)
2 points towards Hellraiser Contact - The Hellraisers are basically getting a less strongly contested base area and their people back. A few of them are likely to hold grudges, but they'll shut up if Bael tells them to. (Contact: Streetwise skill 15, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.)