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The Pantheon of Deklar

Here There Be Deities!

The following is an incomplete listing of deities at the moment, and will be expanded as the campaign expands and characters encounter other temples.

Alshira the Dragon Mother (Dragons, Reptiles, Judgment, the Afterlife)

Alshira is the goddess of dragons in particular and reptiles in general, but few know that she has the responsibility of judging the dead and determining their worth. References to her are found in temples that provide resurrections or refer to dragons in general.

Arc, the Wanderer (Travelers, Balance, the Void)

The Wanderer is one of those odd nuts of a deity who doesn't profess his own deitificality, yet still garners worshippers and respect throughout the known lands, and has empowered clerics just as any other deity. Roadside temples often have the traveler's boot symbol somewhere in their design.

Charla, the Healer (Healing, Life, Alchemy, Travelers)

This halfling goddess is a master of potions and poultices, which puts her on the good list for Glories and commoners alike who might have need of her blessing. Her priests are often found in out of the way huts on the outskirts of towns or deep in the forests, away from civilization where they can practice in relative solitude.

Dahrune, God of Nature (Tempest, Nature)

The god of beasts and flowers and the untamed beauty of nature, people often forget that storms are amongst the deity's power. Creeping nature and flowers are his common symbol in architecture.

Donal, the Lord of the Void (Void, Order, Darkness, Monsters)

An ancient, some say primordial god, who existed long before the current pantheon of Deklar and who fills the role of the lord of monsters and the void. Although not directly evil, he is most commonly worshipped by 'evil' races that do not have a patron dragon, demon, devil, or similar entity to revere.

Fortuna, Goddess of the Sea (Sea, Tempest)

The goddess of the sea, Fortuna also dabbles in the domains of luck and storms; especially against those that incur her wrath.

Gruumsh, He Who Watches (War, Tempest)

This great god of the orcs claims that the world belongs to him and to those with the strength to take and command it. Historically, Gruumsh does this in every world where there are orcs, including Deklar, but he doesn't have a strong presence yet. Oh, but he wants to.

Helios, the Sun Rider (Light, Fire, The Sun, Flight)

The god of light, the sun, and flying, oddly enough, Helios is supposedly the legendary Titan of Greek mythology, though of course most people just know him as the one who guides the sun and warms the planet with its light.

Gareth, the King of the Afterlife (Death, Undeath, Resurrection)

The god of death and undeath, and the barrier between the dead and the living, Gareth and his reapers are feared by many, as they drag off the souls of the deceased to the afterlife. Priests of Gareth are also the best at raising the dead, to no one's great surprise, and are also fond of teaching the arts of necromancy. Of the known gods, he is the closest towards (affable) evil.

Khiala the Reborn (Healing, Rebirth, Reincarnation)

The goddess of rebirth, Khiala is responsible for bringing reincarnating souls from the afterlife to be reborn into new lives. She is also capable of returning the dead to life directly, and her priests are among the best healers in the land, second only to Charla's.

Harris Colby the Great Drunkard (Monks, Alcohol)

Holds freedom and adventure in high regard, and opposes tyranny and oppression on principle. Followers willingly accept challenges when issued, although not as a point of honor; they see no shame in retreating when necessary. The only true point of honor is their drink. That is why he is known as the Great Drunkard. Priests are known as the best brewmasters, and only second biggest drunks to the Monks that follow him, as they are Masters of the Way of the Drunken Fists. There are persistent rumors of an order of Colby monks who can use the Flaming Fists in battle and who know special techniques for fighting demons; this is likely drunken folklore.

Mekista, the Technomancer (Technology, Engineering, Construction, Artifice)

The Great Engineer, as she is sometimes called, is a very distracted gnomish goddess who is always working on multiple projects of varying understandability. It is said that she built some of the more complicated artifacts of Deklar, such as the Crown of Jewels.

Phred, the Arch-Devil (Demons, Devils, Darkness, Portals)

Despite the contradictions, an arch-devil ranks itself amongst the gods in the pantheon, as the 'god' of those few devils and demons of the mortal realm who don't serve some other master in one of the outer realms. An enigmatic, stoic figure, temples to his worship often end up in conflict with those who are a little too lawful and a little less good.

Reena, the Mage (Magic, Knowledge, Intelligence, Secrets)

The goddess of magic, venerated by seekers of magical power and holders of secrets, Reena is venerated highly by mages and clerics who also use magic in their practices. Temples of Reena are known to sell magical wands that can come in very handy indeed.

Shyassa, the Dervish (Dance, Lust, War)

The worshippers of Shyassa are not evil, as one might assume, but they are extremely dangerous combatants in a fight in addition to having entertaining ceremonial practices. Rumors about their rituals are particularly lurid, as are rumors that valkyries of Shyassa carry departed heroes to the afterlife.

Shydi, the Chaotic (Chaos, the Void, Flamingos)

This winged elven goddess is flighty and chaotic, and is wife to Arc, Herb, and Dahrune. Her favorite color is pink, and her favorite bird is the flamingo. Sacred texts involving the goddess are much less seriously minded than most other gods or goddesses, but rest assured, she is perfectly capable of imploding people who annoy or inconvenience her.

Theo, the Wise (Knowledge, Secrets, Wisdom, Magic)

The god of knowledge and wisdom, including magical power, and investigating secrets long buried, Theo is brother and friendly rival to Reena and one of Shydi's children.

Zanon, the Enchanter (Magic, Enchantment, Artifice, Crafting)

Worshippers of Zanon are amongst the world's finest at making magical items; unfortunately, especially wild magic items.