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Religion Advisor

The Church of the Traveler

A major hostile religion within the campaign, the Faith of the Traveler is focused on extending the Traveler's Reach as far and wide as it can manage. Formerly a church focused on the Arcydean pantheon, the Church has gradually reduced its deitific population to focus (at least, ostensibly) on worship of Arc, the Wanderer; keen-eyed individuals note that they don't even quite do that. The Traveler's holy symbol is of a boot clad in steel, representing the Traveler's fortitude in roaming the lands.


The Church of the Traveler is a well-organized holy order, with divisions mostly based on job role:

The Church of the Wanderer

The Faith of the Wanderer is decried as a blasphemous sect of the Traveler – by those who are not in said sect, generally. They profess to have contact with Arc, the Wanderer, and are led by a prophet who claims to be the son of Arc and one of his champions, Tamara. Joshua has twelve disciples - Judah, Katherine, Reginald, Rhiannon, Ketsuo, Boudica, Sheila, Frederick, Manuel, Petra, Victoria, and Alvin. Arc's holy symbol is a jade disc or coin with a pentacle on one side and a swirling vortex on the other; recent incarnations of this symbol include a hole in the center for a cord to pass through, so that it can be easily worn as a pendant. The symbolism is ancient, with the coin representing the choices one must make in life, the vortex a symbol of his connection to the Void and to passage between worlds as well as lands, and the pentacle a symbol of his protective nature. The Wanderer is known to have a wife, the Wings of Chaos, Shydi, as well as a number of consorts.

The Church of Vargas

The deity who grants divine authority to those who rule in Avylian, for the most part, Vargas is more commonly known as Ghamao in older tests, and is the god of justice and war. He is the deity whose divine authority supports the king and queen of Delgado, and to a lesser extent the Lords' Alliance. The clerics of Vargas are vigilant in watching against the incursion of the Traveler, knowing all too well the dangers that a potentially false variant of a religion can cause.

The Church of Faen

Also known as the Blue Lady, or Silathra or Destiny by those who study ancient texts, Faen is the goddess of divinations and predictions, and is commonly known as the goddess of fate - although she is likely to benevolently help people escape negative fates. She was originally symbolized by the red moon of Century, but after its destruction during the Reign of Tears, her religion has undergone major transitions in the following generations. Her current holy symbol is that of a deck of tarot or playing cards with blue markings of a constellation pattern on the back; the pattern is that of four interwoven strands forming a rope that then unravels into three strands.

The Church of Alshira

Synonymous with the afterlife and the home of the gods, Alshira is also the goddess of dragons, reptiles, and most other scalykind. Her worship has mostly faded as dragons have become less common in the civilized territories of Arcydea, but is seeing a revival as a dragon by the name of Amy Edgecross is teaching dragon cultists that there actually is a dragon goddess for them to worship.