Table of Contents


The adventures of the Motley Malones of Tresendar Manor.


Results of Downtime Accumulated

When the party is split or otherwise away from home, this keeps track of how long individual groups have been gone – this helps determine what gets done by the time they get back. For example, if group A leaves for a total of five days and group B for a total of 10, group A will return to find five days of work has been done in their absence, and can spend five days in town doing their own thing while waiting for group B to return.

Gellen's Advice

Gellen of Blackfeet is the advisor to Herbert Malone, and is organizing his finances and opportunities. As such, he will make notes on the various tasks available, and will manage the manor's budget.

Development Opportunities

Line of Credit

The Lionshield Coster has accepted a set of trade goods from the group and is using it as a line of credit for the needs of Tresendar Manor.

Current Value: 56 gp

Goblin Messenger Service

The goblins living at Tresendar Manor are beginning to organize to have their wolfriders available to Phandalin as a messenger service. They currently have two wolves, and will probably want to acquire more, and possibly set up a kennel. Hunting will be impacted when the wolfriders are absent, but hopefully the payment for courier service will more than make up for it.


Future Expenses:

Profits: The PCs get 50% of profits to pay off loans, and 10% of the profits from the business venture thereafter. Current payment: 4 sp, 36 sp remaining on loan.

Earnings Notes:

Messengers routinely charge 1 cp per mile the message travels; this means a messenger would charge 4 sp (for forty miles) to deliver a message to Hightower from Phandalin, or 8 sp if instructed to get a reply. A normal human messenger walking at medium speed would travel 3 miles an hour and travel eight hours per day, and thus would take roughly two days to arrive at their destination. The wolves travel at 4 miles an hour; this gives goblins an advantage in delivery speed over foot messengers. Assuming the goblins remain actively working, they earn on average 32 cp per day (x2 for two messengers, /2 for no pay for the route back.)

Cragmaw Caravanserai

Lhupo and two acolytes lead the Viper Blade tribe of goblins, numbering nine men and four women, and are maintaining control over Cragmaw Castle now that the hobgoblins and bugbears have been removed.

After some thought, Sildar has suggested that if the Viper Blade tribe is being left in charge of the ruined castle, perhaps it might be rehabilitated into an inn or lodging house; this would give the Viper Blades a productive trade, although he cautions that there should probably be others working there as well if only to ensure that the goblins actually run a safe establishment. While no progress has been made towards this goal yet, the thought is an interesting one.



Earnings Notes:

Squalid inn stays would cost 7 cp per night, and equally squalid meals would cost 3 cp per day. This means a poor traveler would spend 1 sp per day to stay here; the building is currently not developed enough to offer better hospitality.

Wave Echo Mine

This mining claim was found by the Rockseekers, of which the party has rescued two of three - Gundren and Nundro, specifically (Theodren is dead, unfortunately). Gundren is organizing the mining expedition now that the cavern has been successfully cleared.

Potential Profits:

Tresendar Manor


The party has lodgings being planned for them within the Manor given time and development, but currently tend to bunk in one of the common areas when they return from field work.

Greg, the nothic, lives within the Caverns below the manor. He tends to eat the dead bodies brought to him, and has a small nook in the crevasse below where he stores his valuables. He also has developed an unlikely friendship with Sierra, who brings him books to read and plays chess against him, and has a human following him around who believes he is a soulmate from a past life.

The goblins currently live in Poor conditions; this is enough to keep them as comfortable as one would expect, but isn't really the best standard of living. This costs 2 sp per day to maintain normally, but they are effectively receiving it from the Malone manor in exchange for services rendered.

The wolves of Malone live in a warren that has been established for their caretaking when they are not on business. Fluffy is Peri's wolf, and they are learning to work together when going on long expeditions. The others are named Biter and Fang, and work as messenger wolves.

Augur's giant spider, Kitten, has established a space in the upper region of the caverns where it rests between adventures. She also has strands of webbing that reach down along the floor in places where she might capture the occasional bit of vermin.

Rooms - Underground

The Cavern

This is a natural cavern with bridges that span a crevasse below. The crevasse is where Greg lives, chewing on bones or meat dropped in by the goblins. Greg is not particular about the source of the meat.


The cellar contains roughly 600 man-days of non-perishable food, as well as two barrels each containing 40 gallons of oil, and a cistern 10 feet wide and 15 feet long, designed to fill up to 8 feet deep full of fresh rainwater. (1 cubic foot is about 7.5 gallons; the cistern is 1200 cubic feet and therefore holds 9000 gallons of fresh water, should it matter in a seige.) The food supplies are enough to last the goblins roughly 40 days without hunting and gathering; however, they maintain enough food to survive without impacting this supply.

The Cellar also has a 250-gallon giant barrel (a tun, formerly used for holding large amounts of ale) with a tap in one end. It is manually filled with water that is heated by a flameskull trapped within an iron chest, and is used to produce hot water on demand.

Storage Room

This storeroom still has a couple of beds in it, in addition to some of the provisions accounted for in the cellar tally.


This crypt contains the earthly remains of four prior Tresendars - three male, one female. The one without a sarcophagus was a Tresendar family mage who died in Wave Echo Cave.


The cells contain no occupants at this time.


The armory contains weapon racks, and the party is storing the weapons found elsewhere that they are not personally using here.



The quarters contains four double-bunk beds which goblins sleep in when not on duty or out and about; the goblins keep their personal possessions with them when not resting.

Common Room

This area is used as a gathering and cooking area, and has a fire burning in it at most times. There is also a table with four chairs here.


This storeroom has various crates and various packing and shipping supplies left over from the Redbrands' control of the area.

A packed crate that has not been shipped out has thirty beaver pelts (rough trade value 2 gp each).


This is a functional alchemical laboratory with bookcases that contain various treatises on alchemy, as well as a few local texts. One in particular describes the Phandelver Pact that was responsible for the mining of Wave Echo Cave in days long past, and the magical forge made to manufacture magical arms and armor on the mining site.


This room has a large four poster bed, a desk and chair, and an unlocked treasure chest. It is not currently being used.

Exit Tunnel

The exit tunnel to the surface from the caverns has been reinforced with the addition of a basic 'garage door' style door made of wood sections operated by pulley with an internal locking mechanism and a few bells that ring as the door is opened or jostled. It probably won't keep out any determined invaders, but will deter things from just wandering in when closed and locked, and will probably be noisy enough that intruders will be detected. The goblins keep it closed but not locked when they are working outside, and lock it up for the night when not.

Rooms - 1st Floor


This room was once a kitchen, as noted by the places for preparing food, cooking fires, and cabinets for storage. The goblins are working to rebuild the walls around it so that the entrance to the manor cellar isn't quite so plainly visible.


The garden has a small variety of herbs and vegetables that the goblins are attempting to cultivate. Nothing usable has grown yet, but the initial results are encouraging.


Tile stonework tub: Elyssa is currently using this tub to do laundry in.

Fencework: The goblins have erected a simple fence around the manor lands, with an opening for the path the wagon takes to enter the property area. It doesn't have a gate yet, but the goblins seem to be industriously working to develop the patch of land they've been assigned to defend.

Party Wagon

22 man-days of rations remaining

Merchant's scale (exact weights of objects)

Healer's kit (10 uses)

Holds party inventory when not in use

Party Treasury


Vials of 'Elessandra' perfume (10 gp each, 2 vials)

two carnelians (10 gp)

Cask of Dwarven Brandy (20 glasses; 1 glass = +1 HP; two glasses in an hour = Poisoned status)

Platinum ring [75 gp]

Two riding horses (75 gp each)

Tresendar Artifacts

Tresendar platinum signet ring [50 gp]

Tresendar platinum signet ring [75 gp]

Four skeletal remains (two noble men, one wizard man, one noble woman)

Mormesk Memorial

1100 cp, 160 sp, 50 ep, 3 diamonds worth 100 gp each, wooden pipe with platinum filigree (a gift from Alora Sunstrider, elven evoker). These are Mormesk's treasures, and are set aside to help fund a memorial to him and the others who died in the cavern.


Potion of Healing x 4 (heal 2d4 + 2 HP)

Potion of Vitality (removes all exhaustion, cures poison and diseases, maximize any Hit Die spent to recover HP within the next 24 hours)

Party Specific Information

Clara and Sierra

The Stones have family in Hightower, father George Stone and mother Flora (a half-elf).

Party Specific Possessions


Staff of Defense

Wand of Magic Missles: 7 charges, regains d6+1 charges per day. Roll a d20 if using the last charge; on a 1, the wand is destroyed. Casts magic missle spell (1 charge for 3 missles, 2 charges for 4 missles, 3 charges for 5 missles.)

Scroll of Charm Person

Scroll of Fireball


Boots of Striding and Springing: Move speed 30 feet, not reduced by encumbrance or armor, jumps are 3x farther.


Scroll of Silence

Scroll of Revivify

Lightbringer: +1 mace, can light up via command 'Sunrise' and shut off via command 'Sunset'. Inflicts 1d6 bonus radiant damage to undead when lit.


Helmet and Gauntlets (protect vs criticals to head/hands)


Helmet and Gauntlets (protect vs criticals to head/hands)

Dragonguard: +1 breastplate, offers advantage against breath weapon attacks by dragons.


Fine Quarterstaff (weighs 1 lb, stylized feathers, worth 10 gp)

Blackfeet Finances

The goblins have 12 sp in group earnings from their various local efforts.

Cragmaw Finances

The goblins here are not yet turning a profit.

Rough Locations of Important Places

Other Useful Knowledge

Known Races

Aarakocra: Birdfolk that are most commonly seen in high mountain regions or particularly tall forests, but seldom interact with others. The Aarakocra of the Beastwood have a long-standing conflict with the Tabaxi.

Aasimar: These entities are supposedly the descendants of angelic beings and mortals. They are rumored to come to Avylian from other continents, or perhaps the heavens themselves.

Bugbear: These savage-looking hairy beasts are considered hostile by many, and tend to avoid habitation within civilized areas.

Dragonborn: These scaly creatures resemble dragons greatly, although they lack the wings of their forebears. They are known to inhabit the arid regions to the far south.

Dwarves: Dwarves are commonly found in the mountains and foothills of Avylian, as well as anywhere a need for stoneworking exists.

Elves: Known for their love of beauty, their incredibly long lives, and their talents. Many elves live in the northern forest known as the Faebridge, but others live in major cities or occasionally in smaller developments.

Genasi: Rumored to be the descendants of mortals and elementals, these beings carry the power of elemental fire, air, earth, or water in their blood. They are rarely seen in Avylian.

Gnomes: These diminutive tinkerers are valued as expert machinists, and as such usually work in major cities, seldom forming their own communities.

Goblins: Common in Avylian, but typically treated with hostility and suspicion and not usually seen outside of caves and forests.

Goliath: These mountain-dwelling giants eke out a quiet existence, and seldom visit Avylian, as they are often mistaken for ogres or giants.

Halfbreeds: A number of other halfbreeds exist, typically a cross between human or elven and another species. These are most common in civilized areas where interbreeding is likely to take place.

Halflings: These demihumans are found mostly in quiet villages where they can be left to their own devices. They are uncommon in Avylian otherwise.

Humans: The most populous race, everyone's second best friend, as it were. Many of the inhabitants of Avylian are human, but a diverse assortment of other races exist, mostly in civilized regions.

Hobgoblins: These savage warriors live up to the goblinoid ideal and tend to push around goblins as their smaller cousins; many are barbarians, raiders, or soldiers in a malevolent army.

Kenku: These wingless bird creatures live in the swamps of Avylian, and are rumored to exist elsewhere. They occasionally are seen in larger cities, but are sasociated with plagues and death in folklore.

Kobolds: These cute little lizards claim distant draconic descent, and tend to live underground away from conflicts with other races. They are very seldom seen aboveground in Avylian.

Lizardfolk: These strange lizard men and women are inscrutable by most normal standards, coldblooded and sinister in appearance. They inhabit the swamplands, jungles, and deserts of Avylian for the most part.

Orcs: Orcs are traditionally known for taking what they want by force, and for respecting only those whose strength matches or exceeds their own. This makes them unlikely to engage in trade, although some examples of orcish merchants and scholars do exist.

Ratfolk: Humanoid rats that do not get along well with Tabaxi, who are known as merchants and thieves.

Tabaxi: These catfolk hail from the southern forests known as the Beastwood, and are not typically seen outside of it unless wandering on their own.

Tieflings: These entities are supposedly the descendants of demonic beings and mortals. They are seldom trusted and usually find themselves shunned by 'goodly' folk.

Tortle: These nomadic humanoid turtle-like creatures find themselves the subject of great curiosity, and are known to inhabit coastal regions, swamps, deserts, and other natural areas.

Wanderkin: These magically inclined pointy-eared demihumans tend to wander, and as such have as much chance of being found in an isolated redoubt as in the most populated cities.

Yuan-ti Purebloods: These serpentine individuals resemble humans but their fangs, snakelike eyes and forked tongues may give them away. They are known to possess psychic powers, and are strictly carnivorous.

Known Deities

Milochan Nation

The Milochan Nation is ostensibly dedicated to the worship of the Traveler, a pseudo-benevolent deity who expects his chosen people to manage the world in his stead. (There are rumors of a splinter group organized by someone claiming to be the Son of the Traveler attempting to start their own benevolent religion, which have been cracked down on severely as heresy against the Traveler's name and lineage.)


Mistress Mugabi: Worshipped as the goddess of opportunity, she speaks to the faithful in dreams and portents.


Bast: Goddess of Max's tribe, known amongst some scholars as part of a larger pantheon.

The Continent of Avylian

The continent of Avylian is fairly large and covers a broad variety of climates, ranging from temperate to tropical, with the southernmost regions becoming arid past a mountain range.

Delgado Kingdom

The primary country is the Delgado Kingdom, a somewhat loose alliance of feudal nobility and baseborn guild-members. There is actually a King and Queen of Delgado, but they actually do not directly own much in terms of property; much of their power is symbolic, along with possessing the Divine Right to command others and the holy powers thereupon. In consideration of Divine Right, the ranks of nobility are as follows: King/Queen, Prince/Princess, Duke/Duchess, Marquis, Count/Countess, Baron/Baroness, Knight, Esquire, Gentleman/Maid. All ranks Duke and below and their families are classified in the general category of Lords/Ladies, who are members of the Lords' Alliance, ensuring the protection of the Kingdom and coordinating with the King's Court.

The King and Queen of Delgado are at the top of the symbolic hierarchy, and rule based on the Divine Right of Authority from the god of order, Vargan.

There are currently two recognized Delgadan Princes, and three recognized Delgadan Princesses, in line for the throne.

The Dukes and Duchesses are the highest rank below the monarchy, and serve as his advisors in times of peace and war.

The Marquises manage frontier territories, and thus command respectable power in these territories in exchange for their vassalage to the Crown.

Counts and Countesses are responsible for the largest hereditary territories and wield great political power in Court, and often hold gatherings for other Lords and Ladies.

Barons and Baronesses control hereditary territories and effectively act as governor in that area.

Knights are honored men and women of the Crown who are entrusted with land and responsibility after having provided important service to the Crown, usually of noble birth.

Esquires are minor nobles with recognition within the Court, the first step above the Gentlemen/Maids of the family.

Gentlemen/Maids are minor nobles without land ownership, typically lesser branches of noble families.

Nobility does not necessarily include (or preclude) paladinhood, but many non-nobles who become paladins do so in part to seek a place in the nobility, as it provides evidence that they have been accepted by the gods.

Other Distant Countries of Note

There are three other countries that occupy the continent – the southernmost region is the Avek'Ni, over the Dragontooth Mountain range, consisting of a broad swath of desert that eventually turns into dusty plains. To the northwest along the coast is a tropical jungle and swampland region that is under the control of the Scalewardens, and is named the Nivorak Span. Finally, the far north is a hilly / mountainous region that is dominated by various dwarven and gnomish clan territories, and is collectively referred to as the World's Backbone.

The Forces of Malone

A quick summary of all of the forces available to the Manor Malone:

Political Alliances and Connections