The Many Worlds of Char Loft

This is a repository for source information on the background worlds of characters, NPCs, and adventures, for use by enterprising players who want to learn a bit more about the background of a particular world

Note that in the context of this wiki section in particular, 'world' is used to encompass the scope of a setting, whether that setting spans galaxies, a single planet, or just a small regional area. As such, sections may be expanded as the scope of the world expands. Also note that several worlds may contain similar or identical regions due to crossovers of material - multiple separate universes based on the Legend of Zelda series, for example, that developed in separate ways, or various Earth worlds that make reference to major cities such as New York City despite having different timelines.

Providing more detail here allows you to more easily share information with other players, making hosting adventures in this world easier on all concerned, letting you fill your world with background by posting images and descriptions of major sights, and even giving others the opportunity to create characters in the world you have created!

This link gives a basic multi-page template that you can make use of when developing your world for Char Loft Wiki. It is by no means comprehensive, but is meant to fuel creativity and inspire thoughts on the sort of information you might want to provide when discussing your world.

List of Worlds