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Zombie Crisis Special Maneuvers Handbook


RECRUITMENT is a full-round action that requires you not be in the range of attackers. You can reasonably attempt to recruit people if there is a Named NPC near you, or a crowd of Faceless Masses that may be amenable to surviving as part of a group with you instead of their normal activities. If successfully recruited, individuals will accompany you and obey basic orders; orders that defy their normal definitions of duty, obligation, or personal safety may require another roll.

Faceless Masses

RECRUITMENT of Faceless Masses requires a non-resisted roll vs Willpower + Influence. If you achieve any successes, you receive one Faceless Mass NPC per success point. There may be a penalty to the roll determined by the GM and the situation; rallying a crowd while people are spontaneously combusting is more difficult than dealing with a single visible threat, and recruiting for an attack on Evil Corporate Headquarters is very difficult unless there is a clear and present desire amongst the masses to join the fight.

These Faceless Masses will take instructions (within reason) and will otherwise act to protect themselves. People with firearms will use them; people without weapons will try to find them; people who are told to stay close will stay close and not wander off stupidly; etc.

Faceless Masses have typical stats, skills, and equipment for the situation; Faceless Mass soldiers in a battleground will still be carrying their service loadout, for example, while Faceless Mass people in an average crowd are probably unarmed.

Faceless Masses are affected by Citizenship, Charisma, Attractiveness, Status, Rank, Minority, and other relevant drawbacks and qualities that would affect 'an average member' of the group; these are added to the PC's roll.

Faceless Masses are under the control of the GM, and may turn out to be Named NPCs under the right circumstances. You never know when you might discover a diamond in the rough.

Named NPCs

RECRUITMENT of Named NPCs requires a resisted roll; Willpower + Influence vs the Willpower of the NPC doubled. Also, most Named NPCs have a higher-than-average willpower (3 to 5), so this is generally harder than influencing a group of Faceless Masses. As with Faceless Masses, the roll may suffer a penalty based on the situation (you want me to come with you to do WHAT?!).

Named NPCs have decided for the time being to heed your advice and will use their skills and abilities to help the party. Named NPCs with relevant skills will use them and will bring up situations where they may be applicable if asked or if they feel it is important (someone who can pop open a lock may not admit to it at first, but if it's open the door or get eaten…) Named NPCs with weaponry will use them in their own defense or when ordered.

Named NPCs are affected by relevant qualities and drawbacks that would affect their reactions, including Citizenship, Charisma, Attractiveness (if of an appropriate gender), and Status or Minority (if they're concerned about such things); these are added to the PC's roll.

Treating Named NPCs well or poorly may provide bonuses or penalties to future Influence rolls related to them. Likewise, certain events may temporarily automatically 'recruit' Named NPCs or Faceless Masses to your cause, or even make them avoid you!


GIVE ORDERS is a full-round action that requires you to not be in the range of attackers. You can reasonably attempt to give orders if there is a Named NPC near you, or a crowd of Faceless Masses that may be amenable to obeying orders from you instead of their normal activities. If successfully recruited, individuals will accompany you and obey basic orders; orders that defy their normal definitions of duty, obligation, or personal safety may require another roll.

While recruiting requires that people accompany you, giving orders tells them to go do something more immediate (within the next one to five combat rounds). As such, it is usually much easier to carry out.

Faceless Masses

GIVING ORDERS to Faceless Masses requires a non-resisted roll vs Willpower + Influence. Rank adds directly to the roll, if you outrank them, and their level of Obligation doubled is also added to your roll (people who have sworn their lives to your cause already are likely to listen to what you have to say if you're in charge of their destinies, and all.) Citizenship, Charisma, Status, and Minority are other strong modifiers that take a role; the appropriateness of the order to the situation will also play a factor. (Ordering mechanics in the Army under your command to prioritize fixing a plane is very easy. Ordering a group of average New Yorkers to do anything beyond telling you off is very hard.) A further penalty is involved if the orders would be unduly hazardous or unusual (sending New York police officers to fight Cthulhu, ordering your Boy Scout Troop to raid an Army base, etc.)

Named NPCs

GIVING ORDERS to Named NPCs is handled similarly, except that Named NPCs have the ability to resist with Willpower doubled, especially if they disagree with the orders, and will remember the ramifications thereof. As above, Rank and Obligation play strongly into your ability to command others, but Citizenship, Charisma, Status, and Minority also play strong roles, and the appropriateness of the order is also a factor. (Giving your Named NPC secretary an order to go get coffee doesn't usually require a roll at all. Telling her to do so while the world ends around you, well…)