Table of Contents

Chapter 13: Options and Tweaks

This chapter contains assorted nonsense drafted in from other rulebooks that may be interesting for developing certain campaigns, or detailing out things beyond that set in the main system.

Endurance Points

Endurance Points measure the character’s ability to withstand fatigue and exertion before collapsing. Like Life Points, Endurance Points use Constitution and Strength, but they also use Willpower, taking into account that some people can push themselves past normal physical limits through the sheer force of will. The more Endurance Points a character has, the longer he can run, lift things, swim, etc. As the character exerts himself, he starts losing Endurance Points. When Endurance Points are reduced to 0, the character sooner or later passes out from exhaustion. In some cases, light damage from non-lethal attacks is subtracted from Endurance Points instead of Life Points.

Endurance Points are determined by adding Constitution, Strength and Willpower together, multiply by three, and adding 5 to the result. The formula is best written as ( (Constitution + Strength + Willpower) x 3) + 5. The human range is 14 to 59.


This Attribute represents how fast a person can run at maximum speed. It only comes into play on the few occasions when running speed will be a consideration, such as when a character is chasing or being chased by somebody.

(Constitution + Dexterity) x 2 is the speed in miles per hour (for kilometers per hour change the multiplier to 3). The human range is 4 to 24 mph (6 to 36 kph). Half that amount is the number of yards (meters) that the character runs in a second.

Essence Points

Essence is the amount of spiritual energy the character has within himself. It measures, basically, the strength of the character’s soul and life force. Essence is also the binding force of reality. This means that inside each human being are the building blocks of Creation. Inspired Miracles can channel Essence for a variety of powerful effects. Although Essence is used primarily in the performance of Miracles, it can also be temporarily drained by strong emotions (like fear and hatred), and by the attacks of some supernatural creatures. Totally draining a human being of Essence can lead to his death.

Formula: Add the character’s Primary Attributes together. The Inspired often have extra Essence, due to their greater control over the flows of primal energy. This extra Essence can be purchased during character creation.

Additional Qualities or Drawbacks


You know the routine - make a phone call to the right people and you get information, special supplies, some cash, or even the proper make-over regimen. This Quality gives your character those phone numbers. The more helpful the contact is, the higher the Quality’s point value. For any and all Contacts, the Director determines whether or not the Contact is available at any given time. Generally, the more time your character has to reach or get word to her Contact, the more likely the Contact will come through.

A Contact that only provides hints, rumors, or gossip costs one point. If the Contact usually provides reliable information and helps the character out in small ways (offering a ride, letting the character spend the night over, or getting a background check on somebody), this Quality sets you back two points. Actual allies who help the character in any way they can run three to five points, depending on the Contact’s resources.

Contacts within other governmental or private organizations (other than the Character's own) can give the agent access to their Profession's Pulling Strings. This connection does not provide the agent with any Influence, and any Influence Tasks required to access them suffer a –2 penalty. The GM may increase the penalty if the character requests access to the Contact’s Pulling Strings more than twice per month.

Due to the varying levels of security and value of the Pulling Strings granted, the Contact Quality Cost List shows modifiers to the cost of the Contact for different agencies (if the agency is not listed, Pulling Strings access is never available). For example, a Contact usually worth two points (reliable) who also provides access to Pulling Strings from his DEA Profession, would cost four points. Contacts who do not provide Pulling String access cost the normal amount. The GM should feel free to adjust these or create his own. Losing the Contact for any reason also severs the agent's ability to access the Contact's Pulling Strings.


Agency Quality Modifier
ATF +2
Bureau of Prisons +1
CDC +2
CIA +3
DEA +2
DIA +3
FBI +2
ICE +2
OER +1
Ranch +4
US Air Force +1
US Army +3
US Marshal Service +2
US Navy +1


Reputation is everything, and the character has made an unforgivable mistake that has ruined his standing. Being responsible for the death of a colleague, abandoning a partner in the field, having a history of failure on missions, being the public scapegoat for a major disaster, and so forth are examples of possible reasons. Generally this failure means that he suffers a –1 penalty on all Influence Tasks relating to the group from which he is disgraced, and those who know of the character's failure react poorly to him in social situations.


It is the nature of conspiracies that disloyalty exists. Infiltrators are asked to perform simple tasks, such as passing on secret knowledge and membership names, and much harder things, such as helping others infiltrate, sabotaging the target organization, or even becoming a martyr for the cause. No one character can know exactly what he will be called upon to do; it all depends upon how influential he becomes in the target organization and what the needs of his core organization are at that time. Each character should choose an organization or Profession he is “loyal” to and one he is infiltrating. He should also decide on a type of infiltration as detailed below.

Spy: Exact circumstances of the espionage vary widely. The spy may have started working in the loyal organization and then was assigned to infiltrate the other. Or he may have always worked at the infiltrated organization and become disillusioned with it, selling out and changing his allegiance to the other, loyal, organization. Regardless of the situation, the character has access to the Pulling Strings of both groups, although calling upon the Pulling Strings of the loyal organization may endanger his cover (at the Chronicler’s discretion). Thus, those Pulling Strings should be accessed only in the direst situations. Spy costs three points.

Double Agent: Some conspirators are loyal to no one but themselves. Each organization believes that the agent is loyal to it, but they are mistaken. Although all groups know the agent has contact with the others, he explains that he is feeding them false information - a dangerous and tense game, keeping both sides guessing about his value. Given the security risks, as soon as he loses his value, his life is almost always forfeit. The agent can work for more organizations than the spy, gaining access to the Pulling Strings from each, but this also multiplies the chances of being caught. Due to the difficulty of getting any of the groups to trust him, increasing the agent’s Influence Quality (for any group) after character creation costs double. Double Agent is a four-point Quality.

Severed Ties: Sometimes an agent has to sever his connections to his previous organization or employer. He can still exert influence through contacts and favors, however. Severed Ties is a two-point Drawback.

Traitor: The agent has been forced out due to disloyalty or having failed the department or agency. Normal organizations treat him with hostility; militant or criminal groups target him for harm. He may no longer use Pulling Strings that are specific to the agency he has left. Traitor is a three-point Drawback.


The character has some sort of legal status that allows him to arrest criminals, requisition search warrants, and carry out other law enforcement activities. Criminals who attack or obstruct characters with the Force of Law will probably face greater penalties than they would for attacking average citizens.

4 points: This is roughly equivalent to the power held by a modern federal agent in the United States, or a police sergeant within their jurisdiction in the Pulp Era. If it's legally accessible to someone with law enforcement powers, they can access it, whether it be a warrant to wiretap a phone line or your cell phone records for the last three years, and they can usually obtain the warrant while waiting to see if you're home.

3 points: The character is authorized to perform arrests, conduct searches with proper warrants or probable cause, access information as necessary, and perform other actions in line with law enforcement powers. Modern police detectives and old-fashioned hard-bitten street cops tended to have this sort of power. Corruption has made restrictions come hard and fast on this in modern times, though.

2 points: The character is authorized to perform arrests and conduct searches with proper warrants, as well as to access basic police databases (DMV information and such). Privileged information such as private phone records is still off limits to them, however, without a warrant and some Influence. This is the power given to modern beat policemen and Pulp-era federal agents.

1 point: The character is legally authorized to perform arrests and can access certain information for investigative purposes, although criminal prosecution and other police proceedings are still a matter for actual law enforcement. This is the role taken by most private investigators (past and present), as well as bail bondsmen and bounty hunters.



The character has connections and can make things happen. Dependent upon the type of Influence Quality the character possesses, this may be money, fame, military rank, or a favorable view from the government. At higher levels, this character can make or break careers or get away with murder. Powerful people return his calls and he is often able to get things done that would normally take weeks of red tape to accomplish, if at all. When an character tries to use any of his Pulling Strings, the character's Influence Quality is added to the Task needed to access the favor. The higher his Influence, the easier it is for him to get things done.

Either Military Rank, Resources, or Status (or a combination of all three) is necessary to garner significant levels of Influence. Influence level can never exceed one half of the character’s combined levels in any of these areas, so to have an Influence 5, the character must have a minimum 10 Status levels, or six Resources and four Status levels, or four Status, three Military Rank, and three Resources, etc.

A character's type of Influence Quality is usually defined by the character's Profession. They are:

In some cases, the character may hold some Influence through a secret organization, in which case he will have a second, covert Influence Quality of that organization’s type. The character’s standing within his own profession or neighborhood is always stronger. Influence is integral during cell creation.

Example Time: Dora Saffron is an FBI agent. She therefore gains the Influence (Law) Quality as part of her Profession Package. Through her work, her Influence has increased to level three. She is also infiltrating an occult organization as part of a long-running undercover operation. She has been accepted by the occult group for some time now and has gained a second Influence Quality, this time in Paranormal. On her sheet, Saffron has Influence (Law) 3 and Influence (Paranormal) 1. Both of these Types of Influence are considered during cell creation.

The level of Influence may be added as a bonus to certain Tasks - usually Influence rolls, or specializations thereof - if the GM feels it is appropriate. This can depend upon the type of Influence, and such a bonus may be modified if the agent has a high Influence though not necessarily in the correct area. If an agent has more than one Influence Quality, the most suitable should be applied, not necessarily the highest.

Example Time: Saffron tries to use her Influence to intimidate a suspected criminal; she adds her Law Influence to her roll. If the suspect was part of the military and knew he could use his armed services record to avoid criminal prosecution, Saffron's Law Influence might still be used, but at only half its level (round down).

A description of the various levels of Influence follows:

Level One: Most of the Influence is localized, either to the character’s professional or geographical area (if civilian). He can throw his weight around and get results, knowing wealthy or powerful people who will hear him out, albeit briefly. Government agents should typically have at least this level of Influence due to their Professions' connections.

Level Two: The character can fix most legal problems with a few phone calls (up to minor felonies) and by greasing a few palms. When he calls other important people, they listen.

Level Three: At this level, the character stands at the center of a network of favors and obligations. He can almost get away with murder, but lesser crimes are certainly glossed over as long as they are not exposed publicly. His Influence extends over other powerful people who exert their own Influence on his behalf, provided he remembers the favor and reciprocates at a later date.

Level Four: The character can make or break anyone; if his connections are right he could have people killed and get away with it. Nobody refuses a call from him, and he is almost above the law, but not quite.

Level Five: Most people of this Influence level are not in the public eye. They can exert influence on every level.

Level Six+: These levels are reserved for heads of government departments, heads of Mafia families, and even Presidents or Royalty.


Some characters have more than one identity. This false person comes complete with such records as a birth certificate, a social security number, and a credit rating. Only characters with criminal, espionage or law enforcement connections are likely to have this Quality, because convincing papers require access to good forgeries and computer records. Each fake identity costs 2 character points. Note that characters traveling under aliases or who have purchased a fake driver’s license do not need to purchase this Quality. Each Multiple Identity grants a set of papers and records that pass all but the closest scrutiny. Most police organizations will be fooled by the fake identity; an all-out investigation by such agencies as the FBI or NSA would reveal the truth.


The character has attained some degree of fame within a certain group of people. This publicity is definitely unwanted, even if its cause reflects favorably on him. Whether it is for good or for ill, being easily recognized is not an ideal situation for someone who is trying to keep his business private. The player should detail the event or situation that brought the character his fame and the type of people who are likely to recognize him. If the character is a Secret Service agent, he may be known among government officials or law enforcement for thwarting an attempt on the president’s life. If he is an occultist, he may be recognized by viewers of a particular pseudo-news television program due to a flashy exposé on the occult. The GM should approve this, of course. If the character comes into contact with people who may recognize him, the GM should make a Difficult Perception Test to determine if that happens.


Due to unbreakable promises, a desire to repay an extreme favor, blackmail, or some other means, the character has become someone else’s lackey. Each adventure, the GM may, in the role of the master figure, make any kind of demand on the character, even asking for the outright betrayal of the agent’s friends or associates. The character must decide whether to do what is requested. The level of the Drawback (Mild, Serious, Extreme) reflects how detrimental these demands are. The GM may suggest a Difficult Willpower Test (with a modifier equal to the value of the trait) to avoid what is demanded. Should the GM ever decide that the hold over the character is broken, the actual results depend upon the exact nature of the hold. Blackmail has greater negative after-effects than the demands of a former lover.


This is a variation of the Minority Drawback; it affects the way your character is treated by members of their organization or major social circle. Something has called their loyalty, patriotism, morality, or other values into qusetion, and this leads others to believe they cannot be relied upon. This might be due to biology – supernatural entities and Lab Rats tend to engender the belief that someday they're going to turn on everyone around them. Perhaps your character disobeyed orders. Maybe they've got Mental Problems - oddly, some people have a hard time trusting a psycho with a gun.

Being Under Suspicion has a variety of effects. The members of your character's squad may be able to overlook a questionable past, for instance, but other agents consider them a security risk. People automatically assume the worst about them, and are quick to blame him for things that go wrong. He may also have trouble obtaining equipment, information, or assistance that normally are readily provided. With time (and experience points), your character may be able to clear their name, but until then they're going to be the black sheep of the group.


At some point in the character's past, he was abducted by aliens. The exact details of the event are to be decided by both the player and the GM. Still, whichever race or group abducted him, they know all about the character and his history, and someone is certainly watching them. They receive a Skill Specialty: UFOlogy to Occultism (+2 to rolls based around alien lore), the Mysterious Connections Quality or Contacts Quality at level 1, and a one-point Adversary. Whether the Connections or Contacts (and the Adversary!) are aliens, conspiracy theorists, or government officials depends on your world.


Almost all humans have an innate connection to Seepage and can call upon five rudimentary psychic abilities (Hunch, Intuition, Ken, Read Aura, and Second Sight). These abilities are discussed in detail in the Paranormal section. If the character purchases or gains the Psychic Burnout, Psink, or Void Drawback, he loses his Basic ESP abilities in favor of the new disabilities. If the character possesses full psychic powers, some supercede their Basic ESP counterparts.


A benevolent supernatural spirit has attached itself to the character and is acting as the character's protector. The reason for such an “attachment” varies. The spirit could be that of a close relative who vowed to care for the character, or it could be the result of a spell or ritual. The character need not even be aware of the reason for the spirit’s strange affinity, or even of the existence of the spirit.

Regardless of the cause, the spirit attempts to help in situations that threaten the character’s life. When such a situation occurs (the spirit does not manifest for insignificant dangers), the player may roll D10 and add the Seepage Level of the area. Success (a result of nine or higher) means the spirit manifests itself briefly to aid the character. One caveat, however - the forces of the supernatural are unpredictable, and if the result of the die is a one, the spirit turns hostile for a moment. The GM may then use the spirit’s powers to harm, rather than help, the character. In these cases, the spirit will most likely act indirectly, by drawing attention to the character.


The evil counterpart of Guardian Angel, Haunted is when a malevolent spirit has attached itself to a character for the purpose of driving him mad. The purpose of the haunting is seldom the death of the victim, perhaps because the fiendish spirit would perish along with the host. The possible causes of a haunting are as varied as those of a Guardian Angel.

Whatever the source, the Haunting manifests in a similar way to the Guardian Angel. During any particularly dangerous or critical moment, the Chronicler rolls a die to determine whether the spirit will intervene. The Haunt is also subject to the same unpredictable change of heart, and if the result of the roll is a one, the spirit may consider the threat to the host too great and act to the character's advantage.


The individual survived an experiment by the secret government agency MKULTRA. The agent remembers this time only vaguely, with partial memories of strange countries and laboratories buried deep beneath the ground. These flashes of memory are haunting at best and the character knows that at some point he will be killed, but by whom and why are impossible to tell. The character’s greatest fear, however, is that the tests are not done - that someday he will wake up in a cold sweat and a month, a year, or longer will be missing from his memory. Every year, the agent must roll a Simple Willpower Test. Failure imposes another mental Drawback (chosen by the GM).

The agent can gain numerous Drawbacks this way over the years. Suggested Drawbacks include Amnesia, Emotional Problems, Flashbacks, Psychological Problems, and Sleep Disorders (Recurring Nightmares). This Drawback cannot be taken by someone with a MKULTRA Profession.


While 99% of humanity possess psychic abilities in the form of Basic ESP, only a relatively small number of individuals demonstrate advanced psychic powers. Only characters recruited from certain backgrounds (e.g., Project MKULTRA, Project Rasputin, and CAPS) may take advanced psychic disciplines during character creation. It is possible for almost anyone to develop these powerful disciplines later in the game, however. Characters with the Psychic Void, Psychic Burnout, Supernatural Focus, or Psychic Sink traits may not purchase Psychic.

All psychics have the ability to perceive the presence of supernatural energies or creatures. By succeeding at a Simple Perception Test, a psychic can sense if a supernatural being is near and can detect strong flows of Seepage in an area or object. This sensing is not precise. It does not tell the character exactly what or who is emanating an excess of paranormal energies, although the greater the number of Success Levels of the Test, the more information the psychic gains.

The Psychic Quality is required for any character wishing to purchase a psychic power.


At one point in the character’s life, he possessed psychic abilities. Tragically, that power was ripped from him by some disastrous event, making him a Psychic Burnout, a variation of a Psychic Void. This burnout could have been caused by an overdose of drugs (particularly the variety used by MKULTRA to enhance psychic powers), psychic trauma (such as contacting a powerfully psychic but hostile mind), physical trauma to the brain, or some other reason. Whatever the cause, the Psychic Burnout is irreversible and the ex-psychic must live with only a vague remembrance of the power he once knew. One mild advantage is gained through this tragedy, however. The former psychic still possesses the mental discipline that allows him to shield his thoughts from prying minds. Someone born a Void would never be able to develop that skill. The ability to shield his thoughts, paired with the usual difficulty “reading” a Void psychically, makes a burnout very difficult to affect with psychic powers. A character with this trait may not have Psychic, Supernatural Focus, Psychic Void, or Psychic Sink. He also loses his Basic ESP abilities.


Certain people have strong psychic bonds to other individuals, which allow them to psychically target the linked person with abilities regardless of distance. Characters with a psychic link share a close emotional bond. Family members, particularly siblings (especially twins), partners, and couples, have demonstrated this psychic link. When a player chooses the Psychic Link Quality for his character, he must decide who the character is linked to and why. The other party involved often has a similar link, but not always. In relatively rare cases, an individual may have a link to several people (most often family members), so characters may have multiple psychic links. A character with Psychic Void, Psychic Burnout, or Psychic Sink may not have this trait.


Within the already small population of Psychic Voids exists a group of individuals with even more uncommon abilities. In addition to all Void traits, these individuals actually drain the power of paranormal phenomena around them. Aegis parapsychologists label them Psychic Sinks, or Psinks for short.

Anyone attempting to use a psychic discipline or ESP ability near the Psink operates at a weaker strength and ability, and finds his Essence drained slightly. The powers of supernatural phenomena are reduced in the presence of a Psink as well. Even the supernatural powers of the Infused are reduced when a Psink is present. If a psychic or the psychic’s target lies within the range of multiple Psinks, the effects are cumulative! The draining effects of a Psink are covered in Chapter Five: Paranormal.

This Drawback may be purchased multiple times, increasing the effects of the Psink’s draining abilities. For example, purchasing the Drawback twice (and gaining eight points) results in double the draining effects.


Often referred to as Voids, Psychic Voids make up the small percentage of human beings that possess absolutely no psychic potential and are completely incapable of extrasensory perception. These individuals are often loners who have difficulty relating to other humans on any level. Voids cannot use Basic ESP or develop advanced psychic disciplines, and are unable to perceive the more subtle supernatural phenomena, particularly Telepathic Illusions.

Psychics find it difficult to “read” or affect Voids with psychic abilities such as Clairvoyance and Telepathy. Whenever a psychic attempts to target a Void with any psychic ability or ESP, the Strength of the discipline being used is effectively reduced by one.


Some people possess a strange and rare link to the supernatural world. These individuals somehow focus the energy of psychic Seepage into the immediate area, greatly increasing the likelihood and power of supernatural manifestations. It is quite possible that the Focus has seen a ghost at some point, and may have been witness to some of the stranger aspects of the supernatural, such as fish falls or perspective-warping vortices. Sometimes the presence of the Focus is enough to provoke a supernatural manifestation in and of itself. Such “random” manifestations may work to the Focus’ advantage or may be dangerous, even lethal. More information on Supernatural Foci can be found in Chapter Five: Paranormal.

This Drawback may be purchased multiple times, increasing the effects of the Foci’s provocations. For example, purchasing the Drawback twice (gaining 10 points) results in increased Seepage, bigger manifestations, and more bizarre occurrences. Characters with the Psychic Void, Psychic Sink, Psychic Burnout, or Psychic Qualities may not be Supernatural Foci.

Profession Quality Packages

These quality packages provide careers for characters, including the qualities and skills these characters would have as part of their job.


The ATF enforces the Federal laws and regulations relating to alcohol, tobacco, firearms, explosives, and arson. In January 2003, the enforcement section of the ATF was transferred to the Department of Justice.


These agents are the rank and file of the ATF. They risk their lives going through doors to apprehend gun runners, drug dealers, and other criminals. Field Agents are generally trained to work as part of a team, and it is teamwork that makes it possible for them to execute operations with minimal loss of life.

Skills: Acrobatics +1, Gun Fu +1, Crime +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, CEASEFIRE, Fingerprinting, SWAT


Investigators have the primary responsibility of gathering sufficient information to apprehend individuals who break laws under ATF jurisdiction. This investigation may consist of searching through preexisting records, speaking with suspects, or doing field work. Once they have a reasonable case, they pave the way for the appropriate warrants so field agents can execute an arrest.

Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Research/Investigation +1, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, Fingerprinting, Search & Seizure, SWAT


The BDS protects diplomatic personnel against violent assault. It also handles testing and updating of the security of all overseas diplomatic facilities, and provides trained security personnel for those areas. The Bureau is known as a smaller and more private version of the Secret Service; its agents share a reputation for seriousness and even-tempered, dedicated service to the country. The BDS is a division of the Department of State.


Advance Agents of the BDS investigate and assure the security of foreign sites, not only in governmental facilities, but also in civilian meeting halls and hotel rooms. Advance Agents do not have duties as glamorous as those of bodyguards, but their work is vital to the safety of American diplomats and visiting dignitaries.

Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Research/Investigation +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Mobility, Official Agendas, Security Protocols


Bodyguards at BDS provide safety to persons or facilities important to the State Department mission. These individuals have a higher profile and greater risk than their counterparts, the Advance Agents, but both work hand in hand to ensure the security of diplomats.

Skills: Dodge +1, Guns (Handguns) +1, Martial Arts +1, Notice +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Mobility, Official Agendas, Security Protocols


The BIR works to determine all possible threats and responses to diplomatic missions all around the world. It runs a computer network that is updated daily and informs government employees of threats. Working closely with all the other American intelligence agencies, as well as with the nation’s allies, the BIR is able to track and coordinate action to protect American diplomats and citizens from harm overseas. The BIR is a division of the Department of State.


BIR Analysts are in charge of researching information gathered through various resources and collating that data into useful forms. They are experts at sifting through the overwhelming details of various diplomatic missions to determine which areas need further study and which ones may prove to be risky ventures.

Skills: Computers +1, Humanities (Law) +1, Research/Investigation +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: Mobility, Official Agendas, Security Protocols


BIR Field Service Agents travel into foreign countries to estimate the conditions and to perform on-site research into local problems that might not show up on paper or by satellite. These agents rely on their personal experience to determine the risk factors present in any given setting, and may have some ability to blend in with the locals to gain accurate information.

Skills: Language (Type) +1, Research/Investigation +1, Streetwise +1, Survival (Urban) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: Mobility, Official Agendas, Security Protocols


The mission of the Federal Bureau of Prisons is to protect society by confining offenders in prisons and community-based facilities that are safe, humane, and secure, and that provide work and other self-improvement opportunities to assist offenders in becoming law-abiding citizens.

Conspiracy groups have some interest in recruiting Bureau of Prisons officials or corrections officers. They most often recruit prisoners. These prisoners are offered good time credits, prison privileges, and/or probation if they agree to join a conspiracy cell. Of course, these operatives are watched carefully and eliminated at the slightest hint of a security leak. Further, they are usually treated as highly expendable, which they are. Sometimes the deal offered by them is better than jail. A convict’s Influence and Status Qualities reflects his standing in the underworld; his Resources are generally ill-gotten gains and schemes.


Individuals who have been convicted of “white collar” crimes as well as crimes without physical harm to person or property are considered to be nonviolent criminals. These individuals tend to specialize in some kind of burglary, impersonation, forgery, or theft. A few of those who have been incarcerated in Federal prisons are “sprung” to serve a particular purpose. For that reason, they gain access to certain Pulling Strings, which no street criminal (no matter how powerful) would have.

Skills: Disguise +1, Escape +1, Streetwise +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Criminal) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Adversary (Law Enforcement) 1, Secret (Criminal) 1

Pulling Strings: Chop Shops, Criminal Resources, Funding 1, Safe House


Individuals who have been imprisoned for violent offenses, such as murder, rape, assault, and battery, are considered to be violent criminals. These criminals usually have some skill with weapons or some ability with brawling or martial arts. A few of those who have been incarcerated in Federal prisons are “sprung” to serve a particular purpose. They gain access to certain Pulling Strings, which no street criminal (no matter how powerful) would have.

Skills: Brawling +1, Dodge +1, Guns (Handgun) +1, Streetwise +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Criminal) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Adversary (Law Enforcement) 2, Secret (Criminal) 1

Pulling Strings: Chop Shops, Criminal Resources, Funding 1, Safe House


As the head of a federal prison, the warden is empowered to contain inmates using reasonable means. He also has access to a number of subordinates and to all the files on present and past criminals. Depending on his motivations, this power may be used in a variety of ways, perhaps to construct a power base or to rise in the ranks of the prison system. Immersed in the criminal element and making contacts with other wardens, the warden becomes privy to much in the criminal sphere of influence, despite the fact that he is employed by the law.

Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Humanities (Law) +1, Notice +1, Streetwise +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement or Criminal) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 2

Pulling Strings: Attorney, Chop Shops, Criminal Resources, Safe House


Since 1956, the Center for Advanced Paraphysics Studies has been focused on gathering knowledge in the realm of parapsychology and the supernatural, collating this information in order to deal with the rise of paranormal activity throughout the Cold War and onwards to the modern day. Supposedly, all known evidence of government experimentation in ritual magic, psionics, etc, was in the MKULTRA project, but if such a thing did exist, it might be in a project like this. Likewise, if any other country had such a project, it might be managed in such a manner.


The CAPS Field Explorer is, in many ways, a highly specialized field researcher for archaeology and anthropology. As such, he has a smattering of skills to enable him to perform research and to investigate the validity of that research in the field.

Skills: Occult Knowledge +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Parapsychology) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Paranormal) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Corruption Treatment, Occult Library, Pool Data


The CAPS Occultist devotes his life to learning the secret of Seepage and how to manipulate it during the course of powerful rituals. Occultists follow varying beliefs about the nature of the supernatural, but they all have unfailing curiosity about these phenomena.

Skills: Occult Knowledge +2, Research/Investigation +1, Rituals (one Type) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Paranormal) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Corruption Treatment, Occult Library, Pool Data


The paranormal scientists and researchers affiliated with CAPS are exposed to everything from supernatural beasts to the subtle power of psychics to the devastating ways of rituals. These individuals examine the supernatural world to gain a greater understanding of how it impacts everyday events. They may have some facility with rituals or psychic ability, or they may not.

Skills: Occult Knowledge +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Parapsychology) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Corruption Treatment, Occult Library, Pool Data


CAPS psychics are especially adept at understanding and adapting to psi energy. These abilities make it possible for them to enter others’ minds, to read emotional auras, and to gather impressions about distant times and locations.

Skills: Occult Knowledge +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Parapsychology) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Paranormal) 1, Psychic, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total).

Pulling Strings: Corruption Treatment, Occult Library, Pool Data


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are charged with the prevention and control of infectious diseases. The CDC conduct medical research and publicity, aid in the control of epidemics, and track infectious diseases.


A scientist working for the CDC specializes in the investigation of dangerous diseases and often works with very lethal doses of viruses. As such, this individual makes biohazard control an integral part of his training, unless he wants to become an inadvertent test subject. Often, CDC scientists are called to assist in the field, and in keeping with this need, some scientists learn a modicum of skills to make their stay in the field more effective. In some situations, this may even require the scientist to enter into hostile territory to evacuate patients who suffer from an outbreak. The ability to perform data-gathering under such conditions is much appreciated.

Skills: First Aid +1, Medicine (Diseases) +1, Medicine (Biohazard Control) +1, Science (Biochemistry) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: CDC Labs, Dangerous Toxins, Dangerous Virus, Hidden Cures, Quarantine


The Central Intelligence Agency is charged with collecting, collating, and analyzing foreign intelligence. The CIA works closely with the DEA and the FBI on drug law enforcement and counterterrorism. The CIA also liaises with the intelligence and security services of friendly governments, sharing intelligence information and providing advice and training when requested. CIA recruits quality people in nearly all fields of study. Scientists, engineers, economists, linguists, mathematicians, secretaries, and computer specialists are but a few of the disciplines continually in demand. Some are specialists - physical and social scientists, doctors of medicine, lawyers, etc.


An agent working for the CIA is trained to use other governmental agencies to retrieve information about foreign countries. Often, obtaining this information requires the agent to engage in a number of risky missions. The CIA works hard to protect its agents and will generally disavow any knowledge of wrong-doing. As such, agents are sometimes not very popular with their counterparts in other agencies, but they persist in their duties, believing they are working for the general good.

Skills: Dodge +1, Guns (Handgun) +1, Research/Investigation +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: CIA Caches, CIA Maps, CIA Training Facilities, Lab/Workshop, Mobility, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


CIA Analysts gather information from a variety of sources, which they pass along to agents or superiors. The analysis might reveal a situation that needs further investigation or it might confirm suspicions about certain activities. Technicians are often brought into the field to obtain first-hand information about the situation, and they are trained to handle themselves well if the situation becomes volatile.

Skills: Computers +1, Electronic Surveillance +1, Research/Investigation +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: CIA Maps, Lab/Workshop, Mobility, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


Project CYGNET specializes in remote viewing and psionic warfare. CYGNET remote viewers are among of the best in the world. Each one is instructed in both psychic and practical matters to ensure that all are as useful as possible to the cause and to their assigned cell. CYGNET operatives may be called upon at any time to task sites related to another cell’s operations. CYGNET remote viewers are typically attached to a government intelligence organization, conducting top-secret reconnaissance. Almost every legitimate agency may be considered a candidate for CYGNET attachment. Psychics may be assigned to a cell that has a particular need.


The goal of Project GRAYBEARD is to bring psi to the battlefield and make it a new tool for warfare. The project specifically works to develop Telepathy and Telekinesis. While GRAYBEARD has not achieved all of its goals, it has been successful in creating a number of psychic agents. Like CYGNET agents, GRAYBEARD operatives are usually attached to active government intelligence organizations. Again, any legitimate government agency may have a Graybeard operative in its ranks. Graybeard operatives are also assigned to cells that have infiltrated or desire to infiltrate those organizations.


THOTH is a supercomputer accessible only by Project CYGNET members. THOTH is programmed to sift through all available databases to correlate and analyze information gained from CYGNET remote viewers and other psychics. By cross-referencing all its databases, THOTH is able to find the most likely event, person, or place related to the information fed into it. THOTH has access to the NSA's and CIA's databases, generally available sites on the Internet, and HERMES, but only for purposes of identifying remotely viewed locations. THOTH is accessed through specially encoded uplinks.

In addition to standard reports that must be filed on a regular basis, CYGNET operatives are expected to upload information gained from all psychic sources into THOTH.


Remote Viewers are highly trained psychics with powers that are prized in the intelligence world. They are called upon to provide advance intel for other agencies, spy on secret locations, and listen in on conversations half a world away. All CYGNET Professions must choose a second agency as their assignment. The following are not eligible as assigned agencies: CAPS, Project MKULTRA, and Project Rasputin.

Due to the stresses on the psychics’ mind, it is common that they have an Emotional or Psychological Problems Drawback.

Skills: Notice +2, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Psychic (usually Clairvoyance), Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Experimental Psi Drugs, Funding 1, Psi Labs, THOTH


Although not psychically able, the Scientists and Parapsychologists conduct most of the research, helping the Remote Viewers with their training and investigating the psychic phenomena. All CYGNET Professions must choose a second agency as their assignment. The following are not eligible as assigned agencies: CAPS, Project MKULTRA, and Project Rasputin.

Skills: Occult Knowledge +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Parapsychology) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), and Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Experimental Psi Drugs, Funding 1, Psi Labs, THOTH


GRAYBEARD Operatives are field agents who are highly trained in all areas of psychic ability, specializing in fields that can be used in psi warfare.

Skills: Notice +1, Research/Investigation +1, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Psychic, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Emotional or Psychological Problems (choose one Mild), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Experimental Psi Drugs, Psi Labs, THOTH


The DEA is the division of the Department of Justice charged with investigating and apprehending major domestic and international drug criminals, while addressing the growing problem of drugs and violence in communities across the United States. Its methods range from extensive surveillance and undercover work, both in America and abroad, to SWAT team assaults on large drug operations. The DEA regularly conducts paramilitary interdiction and search-and-destroy missions on foreign drug operations.


These professionals monitor suspected drug criminals, obtain information through undercover work, and arrest those in violation of the law. Agents may specialize in one facet of these duties. Generally, the duties of a DEA Field Agent are fraught with risk to life and limb, and agents work to be in peak condition at all times.

Skills: Guns (Handgun) +1, Research/Investigation +1, Streetwise +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, Asset Forfeiture, Fingerprinting, SWAT


A DEA Analyst gathers information about criminals, suspicious activities in foreign countries, flight logs, ship movements, crop production, and all manner of information that relates to the manufacture and distribution of illegal drugs. This data can be communicated to Field Agents, who follow up on leads and information.

Skills: Computers +1, Electronic Surveillance +1, Notice +1, Research/Investigation +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: Asset Forfeiture, Fingerprinting, SWAT


Forensic Scientists employed by the DEA to determine the exact nature of drugs being smuggled across the border. These individuals may work with consultants to study new kinds of drugs, or they may choose to specialize in a field of research conducive to investigating new organic-based and synthetic drugs.

Skills: Medicine (Forensics) +1, Medicine (Pharmaceutical) +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Biochemistry) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious) Pulling Strings: Asset Forfeiture, Fingerprinting, Lab/Workshop, SWAT


The DIA is a combat support agency of the Department of Defense (DOD) responsible for collection and analysis of foreign military intelligence. They deploy globally with other agency operatives and combatants to defend national security interests and provide strategic updates to defense planners, policymakers, and combatants.


This agent gathers information about foreign military activities, either through direct infiltration of a specific country’s defense system, immersion in a country’s population, or use of reliable contacts in strategic positions. Field Investigators typically “go to ground” for extended periods of time so as not to compromise their affiliation with the DIA, and as such they are well trained to survive on their own for months at a time.

Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Research/Investigation +1, Stealth +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Contacts (choose one Type) 1, Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, DARPA Labs, NIMA Support, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence), Stopping Investigations


Intelligence Analysts for the DIA spend most of their time crunching numbers, decoding messages, and looking for predictable patterns. They are responsible for monitoring movements of foreign military forces and noticing trends in hostile activities abroad. These individuals draw from a wide array of subjects to predict and to understand the mobilization of military forces, including psychology, political science, statistics, and engineering.

Skills: Computers +1, Notice +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Cryptography) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, DARPA Labs, NIMA Support, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


The DTIC was created in 1945 to facilitate and co-ordinate defense-related research programs. Today, the DTIC supplies information on planned, ongoing, and completed defense-related research to U.S. government agencies and their contractors. The scope of DTIC’s collection centers on defense-related material but stretches into nearly every science and discipline, including biology, chemistry, energy, environmental sciences, oceanography, computer sciences, sociology, logistics, and human resources. One of the principal DTIC resources is the Information Analysis Center (IAC) program. The 12 IACs collect, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate worldwide scientific and technical information in clearly defined, specialized fields or subject areas. IACs enable client scientists to keep abreast of the enormous and fast-paced developments in a wide range of scientific and technical fields.


Analysts collect, analyze, and distribute technical information in very narrow fields of study, some of it unclassified, and some of it at varying levels of classification. These analysts work to be at the forefront of technological developments and may even come into contact with alien technology from time to time.

Skills: Electronics +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (choose one Type) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: DARPA Labs, Grants, Intelligence Agency Control, NIMA Support


IAC personnel keep abreast of the enormous and fast-paced developments in a wide range of scientific and technical fields. They establish and maintain comprehensive knowledge bases that include historical, technical, scientific, and other data and information collected on a worldwide basis. These individuals run experiments and conduct studies to verify the feasibility of a number of technologies, including highly classified ones.

Skills: Electronics +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (choose one Type) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: DARPA Labs, Grants, NIMA Support


The FBI is the principal investigative arm of the Department of Justice, with jurisdiction over more than 200 categories of federal crimes. Top priority has been assigned to five areas: counter-terrorism, drugs/organized crime, foreign counterintelligence, violent crime, and financial crime.


Field Agents conduct investigations of federal crimes, receiving rigorous training in a number of areas. Agents may work independently, as members of a team, or with state/local law enforcement while pursuing their investigations. Generally, they are held to very high standards, in an attempt to ensure that their loyalties are not compromised. They perform their duties efficiently and effectively, without undue influence.

Skills: Guns (Handgun) +1, Research/Investigation +1, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: FBI Forensic Laboratory Analysis, Fingerprinting, Quantico Training Facility


These individuals use a variety of research methods to piece together information that may help both Field Agents and other officials in the successful investigation and prosecution of federal crimes. Intelligence Analysts decode encrypted files, track behavioral patterns, manipulate photographic or video images, or sift through mounds of documents.

Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Notice +1, Research/Investigation +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: DNA Database, FBI Forensic Laboratory Analysis, Fingerprinting, Lab/Workshop, Quantico Training Facility


These scientists have access to one of the most comprehensive crime laboratories in the world. This allows them to perform a wide range of tests from ballistics to medicine to chemistry. Most scientists specialize in a single field, relying on their counterparts for assistance when required. Generally, FBI Forensic Scientists are the cream of the crop from across the country, and competition is fierce for this type of position.

Skills: Medicine (Forensics) +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Forensics) +1

Qualities: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: DNA Database, FBI Forensic Laboratory Analysis, Fingerprinting, Lab/Workshop, Quantico Training Facility


With the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the functions, expertise, resources, and jurisdictions of several once-fragmented border and security agencies were merged and reconstituted into Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the DHS’s largest investigative bureau. The agencies that were either moved entirely or merged in part, based upon law enforcement functions, included the investigative and intelligence resources of the United States Customs Service, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the Federal Protective Service, and the Federal Air Marshals Service.

ICE is the investigative arm of the Border and Transportation Security Directorate (BTS), the operational directorate within the DHS tasked with securing the nation’s borders and safeguarding its transportation infrastructure. The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has assumed the task of protecting the country’s borders within the DHS’ command. The largest component within the DHS, the BTS employs more than 100,000 men and women.


The Border Patrol is responsible for maintaining control of U.S. borders. It is a highly mobile force of uniformed agents who spend most of their time patrolling 8,000 miles of international boundaries in vehicles, aircraft, or boats, as well as on horseback or on foot. These agents apprehend more than a million illegal aliens per year.

Skills: Driving (Cars) +1, Guns (Handgun) +1, Streetwise +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, Border Control, Criminal Tracking, Vehicle Check


Customs Scientists ensure that merchandise (both exported and imported) has been accurately identified in order to protect tax revenue and ensure fair trade. Some scientists are hired for their expertise in a specific field, usually medicine or technology, to ascertain whether the contents of shipments are accurately represented by the accompanying documentation.

Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Forensics) +2

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, CEASEFIRE, Criminal Tracking, Customs Analysis, Search & Seizure


Intelligence Analysts collect, evaluate, analyze, and disseminate information relating to all ICE missions. More often than not, Intelligence Analysts find themselves wading through mounds of documentation and paperwork related to the validity of alien residence in the United States. All agents report to the Headquarters Command Center, which maintains communications between offices 24 hours a day.

Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Computers +1, Research/Investigation +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Border Control, Criminal Tracking, Intel Files, Vehicle Check


Investigators focus on the enforcement of immigration laws within the interior of the United States. Plainclothes special agents investigate violations of immigration law and aliens involved in criminal activities. Agents often participate in multi-agency task forces against narcotics trafficking, violent crime, document fraud, and organized crime. They also try to identify incarcerated aliens who are deportable as a result of their criminal convictions. Agents monitor and inspect places of employment to apprehend unauthorized alien workers and to impose sanctions against employers who knowingly employ them.

Skills: Research/Investigation +1, Streetwise +1, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, Border Control, Criminal Tracking, Intel Files, Vehicle Check


Special Agents investigate suspected violations of narcotics smuggling, money laundering, child pornography, customs fraud, Intellectual Property rights, and arms exporting laws. Special Agents also have unique border search authority that allows them to search, without warrant, any person, conveyance, or article at or near any U.S. border.

Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Humanities (Law) +1, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, Border Control, Criminal Tracking, Customs Analysis, Search & Seizure


During its “official” CIA lifetime starting in 1952, MKULTRA researched and tested a variety of mind-control techniques, hypnotism and electroshock, toxins and drugs, and other highly dubious enterprises. The test subjects were more often than not unknowing or unwilling. In 1963, Project MKULTRA was officially terminated. The most promising lines of research, including all the psychic programs, were relocated and suborned by Aegis, currently housed at a medium-sized complex several miles away from the Ranch on the Nellis Range. Research findings are disseminated using HERMES, and a synergistic approach is encouraged. The pooled but independent research team structure has yielded impressive results in the areas of submerged personalities, psychic disciplines, psychic drugs, and behavior modification. MKULTRA has produced a number of psychically active operatives. These personnel are some of the most important and valued of Aegis assets.


These agents have training in both spycraft and psychics, which means they are quite crafty and deadly. They are given a wide berth, due to their level of intensity and the frenzy with which they pursue their roles. Almost all operatives have some history of psi drugs, usually resulting in fierce addictions. MKULTRA Operatives live on the edge and are usually monitored by their superiors.

Skills: Research/Investigation +1, Stealth +1, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Psychic, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Addiction (Psi Drugs) 4, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Experimental Psi Drugs, MHIC-EDOM, Mind Control Drugs, Psi Labs


The standard MKULTRA individual is a psychic, specifically trained to retrieve information using less orthodox means. These psychics often employ devices and drugs to make their tasks easier, and some individuals become reliant on these resources to function. Psychics are also constantly undergoing new types of training in attempts to develop new psychic talents.

Skills: Notice +1, Research/Investigation +1, Surveillance +1.

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Paranormal) 1, Psychic, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Addiction (Psi Drugs) 4, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Experimental Psi Drugs, MHIC-EDOM, Mind Control Drugs, Psi Labs


These individuals are responsible for training the psychics and operatives of MKULTRA, and they work on the development and refinement of new psychic talents. They are also responsible for monitoring MKULTRA agents’ talents and abilities and selecting individuals for specialized training and/or treatment.

Skills: Instruction +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Parapsychology) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Experimental Psi Drugs, Mind Control Drugs, Psi Labs


The governmental about-face after the Roswell incident raised real public controversy, and the Air Force was forced to commission a second study on the UFO phenomenon. This 1952 program, Project BLUEBOOK, was to be the definitive governmental statement. The Powers That Be determined that direct control of BLUEBOOK was too risky, so it established a more secretive screening program entitled Project MOONDUST. All UFO reports and “alien” downed aircraft were reviewed by MOONDUST first, and a “sanitized” version of the material was handed on to BLUEBOOK. Not surprisingly, the Condon Report (named after the physicist heading the study group) revealed that no conclusive evidence supported the existence of alien life. Project BLUEBOOK then closed its doors to the apparent satisfaction of the general public. MOONDUST, however, continues to this day and has become the first response team for downed UFOs, alien technology, and alien subjects. The remaining legitimate, overt portion of Project MOONDUST is called Project BLUE FLY. BLUE FLY’s official duty is the retrieval of crashed foreign spacecraft, satellites, and missiles. For most of its existence, BLUE FLY was directed at fighting the Warsaw Pact, but of late it has evolved into more of a space-oriented search and rescue operation. As with the rest of MOONDUST, BLUE FLY is entirely under Their control, whoever They are.

A large contingent of MOONDUST personnel is situated at a complex several miles from the Ranch on the Nellis Range. A series of smaller teams, however, are scattered about the country and at foreign bases to allow for the quickest response time to downed space vehicles.


Most Moondust missions contain a Linguist, who is responsible for surmounting any language or cryptological obstacles encountered. Usually trained in a number of languages, the individual is expected to breaking codes and make basic interpretations of novel communications. In deciphering the meaning of different types of equipment and documentation, they can expedite the retrieval of the most important elements if the team is unable to collect everything at the site.

Skills: Language (Type) +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Cryptography) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Hyperlingual 1, Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, BLUE FLY Transport, Lab/Workshop


On Moondust missions, the Ops Specialist ensures that the team operates safely and effectively to, from, and at the crash site. The specialist is responsible for planning insertion and extraction, and for overseeing the efficient retrieval of alien craft. He is also ultimately responsible for deciding when to abort the mission or to call in for assistance from HQ.

Skills: Research/Investigation +1, Tracking +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 1, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, BLUE FLY Transport, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


Tech Specialists gather data, material, and photographs at the site and “cleaning” the site for any possible public attention. The specialist’s attention to detail is what makes the retrieval so valuable and so seamless. By gathering information about the crash site, conditions of the craft, etc., it is possible to use this information to reverse-engineer some of the craft’s less operational systems, thus saving researchers valuable time.

Skills: Myth and Legend (UFOlogy) +1, Notice +1, Research/Investigation +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, BLUE FLY Transport, Lab/Workshop, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


The National Air Intelligence Center (NAIC) is a scientific study group that researches and exploits any data or wreckage retrieved by the Moondust/BLUE FLY teams. The NAIC is a legitimate, broad-based agency entrusted with a great deal of weapons development and analysis, and is responsible for USAF computer security. The NAIC Engineer seizes whatever information can be provided by the extraction team and uses it to reverse-engineer and modify the technology retrieved.

Skills: Electronics +1, Engineer (Alien Tech) +1, Science (Physics) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, BLUE FLY Transport, Funding (+2 Levels), Lab/Workshop


BLUE FLY pilots specialize in transport, quick response, and stealth insertion and extraction. They are prepared at a moment’s notice and are able to do their job as unobtrusive as possible, both in the air and on the ground. Many BLUE FLY pilots also fly missions related to their stated purpose, retrieval of foreign craft.

Skills: Pilot (Helicopter) +1, Pilot (Jet) +1, Stealth +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 3, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, BLUE FLY Transport, Specialized Aircraft


NASA is responsible for the coordination and advancement of civilian space exploration and study. NASA consists of the Headquarters Offices located in Washington, D.C. and a number of research centers scattered about the county. Aegis primarily recruits from the Human Exploration and Development of Space Enterprise (HEDS), the Office of Aeronautics and Space Transportation Technology (OASTT), and the Office of Space Science (OSS).

Human Exploration and Development of Space Enterprise (HEDS) claims to be dedicated to opening the space frontier and to extending human life into the far reaches of space. The Office of Aeronautics and Space Transportation Technology (OASTT, also known as the Aeronautics Enterprise) is supposed to push technological boundaries and to sustain U.S. leadership in civil aeronautics and space transportation. The Office of Space Science (OSS) is tasked with solving the mysteries of the universe, exploring the solar system, discovering planets around other stars, searching for life beyond Earth, and charting the evolution of the universe and understanding its galaxies, stars, planets, and life.

Neither NASA nor the Air Force is engaged in day-to-day UFO research. At least, that is the story they want disseminated to the public. In truth, selected NASA individuals review UFO-related articles, evaluate UFO-type spacecraft drawings and reports of UFO sightings, and consider applications for employment in the field of aerial phenomena investigation. NASA is a vital resource in any effort to combat extraterrestrial operations. NASA maintains a fleet of spacecraft, NASA astronauts are uniquely qualified to operate in micro-gravity environments, and NASA researchers have been designing and analyzing spacecraft for decades. NASA’s focus on space also makes it the perfect platform for monitoring and maintaining secrecy about alien activities in and around our planet.


Administrators inform the public about the viability of space travel, the possibility of habitat construction, and the necessity of space research. With the amount of negative publicity regarding “wasted money” at NASA, they face a difficult task. When they are not involved in public outreach, they are sifting through information from recent shuttle missions and satellite imagery to further space exploration.

Skills: Research/Investigation +1, Science (Physics) +1

Qualities: Influence (Military or Civilian) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret SDI Gun Stars


The HEDS Ground Crew maintains the space shuttle and rockets used for NASA missions. The ground crew has a great deal of access to the base and equipment used for the missions. These individuals range from engineers in charge of assembly of the shuttle to the men who clear the launch pad of debris.

Skills: Electronics +1, Engineer (Space) +1, Mechanic +1

Qualities: Influence (Civilian) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret SDI Gun Stars


These specialist astronauts perform scientific experiments aboard space missions. Each individual is trained for a specific role on a single flight, and their expertise is related to the mission. These specialists include not only scientists, but also pilots and other support staff. All individuals receive intensive training in zero gravity, and most individuals hold some type of advanced academic degree.

Skills: Acrobatics +1 and one of the following skills to reflect specialist area: Piloting (Space Shuttle) +1, Science (Astrophysics) +1 or Systems Operations (Communications) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret SDI Gun Stars, Specialized Aircraft


These individuals create schematics for space-travel assets and work closely with corporations that plan to take advantage of space exploration, either for leisure travel, cargo shipment, or communications operations. Engineers work at adapting current technology for more space-worthy ventures and often use remote sources of information, such as alien technology (knowingly or unknowingly), to further their research.

Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Computers +1, Electronics +1, Engineer (Space) +1, Science (Astrophysics) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, Lab/Workshop, Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret SDI Gun Stars


Technicians work with OASTT Engineers to jury-rig components and to create workable prototypes to promote corporate investment in space exploration and travel. They often find themselves with access to odd pieces of technology and may use them in an attempt to tinker with pre-existing technology to improve upon it.

Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Engineer (Space) +1, Science (Physics) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, Lab/Workshop, Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret SDI Gun Stars


These engineers are responsible for the development of space technologies, including many that will benefit non-space science programs. One of the biggest advances has been the Telerobotics program, which lead to the development of the Mars Pathfinder Sojourner rover. They are actively creating robots for future missions.

Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Engineer (Space) +1, Science (Robotics) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret SDI Gun Stars


Space Science Technicians construct devices according to the schematics provided by engineers and make modifications depending on the outcome of a number of test runs. They provide feedback based on those trials. Their practical expertise and creativity usually leads to viable suggestions, so they are often included in brainstorming group sessions.

Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Engineer (Space) +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Physics) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Satellite Surveillance (Standard), Secret SDI Gun Stars


The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) is responsible for centralized coordination, direction, and performance of highly specialized intelligence functions. As the nation’s cryptological organization, NSA employs this country’s premier codemakers and codebreakers. A high-technology organization, NSA is on the very frontiers of communications and data processing. In addition, NSA is one of the most important centers of foreign language analysis and research within the government.

As the world becomes more technology-oriented, NSA’s mission becomes increasingly challenging. This mission involves the protection of all sensitive information that is stored or sent through national security systems. NSA professionals go to extraordinary lengths to make certain that our government systems remain impenetrable.


The United States’ premier codemakers and codebreakers, NSA Computer Scientists are on the very frontier of communications and data processing. These agents design cipher systems that protect the integrity of U.S. information systems, while searching for weaknesses in adversaries’ codes.

Skills: Computer Hacking +1, Computer Programming +1, Computers +1, Electronic Surveillance +1, Electronics +1, Science (Cryptography) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Hyperlingual 1, Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: “Blanket” Wiretaps, “Codebreaker” Supercomputers, Computer Security Database


These field hands of the NSA monitor and analyze the communications of the nation. Intelligence Analysts provide information on individuals’ and groups’ backgrounds to support their conclusions. They work hand in hand with the Computer Scientists in controlling the information flow across the world.

Skills: Computer Hacking +1, Computers +1, Electronic Surveillance +1, Research/Investigation +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: “Blanket” Wiretaps, Computer Security Database, NIMA Support, “No Questions Asked,” Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


The Department of Energy is responsible for providing scientific, educational, and institutional leadership in the promotion of efficient energy use, diversity in energy sources, and a secure national defense. For the most part, the divisions of the Department of Energy are administrative and regulatory.

The Office of Energy Research, however, administers projects in high energy and nuclear physics, biological and environmental research, basic Energy sciences, fusion energy sciences, and computational and technology research. These scientific areas provide significant information and technological developments.


Office of Energy Research staff are constantly experimenting with alternative energy sources and with finding ways to make current energy resources more efficient. They are responsible for tracking energy usage and projecting a timeline until current natural resources are exhausted. They also complete research in related fields, such as organic chemistry, in attempts to understand how forces of nature access and exhaust resources.

Skills: Computers +1, Medicine (Type) +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Type) +2

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence, Science & Research, or Military) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1

Pulling Strings: Lab/Workshop, Species Identification


The Ranch was established as a top-secret base of operations in 1952 on the Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range in Nevada. It is the nesting ground for a number of individual shadow organizations, in a variety of different areas. A few of these personnel know about some of the others; many are unaware of any other part of the conspiracy. This increases security and keeps operatives on their toes.

Groom Lake operates as a standard military base. Soldiers, scientists, technicians, and politicians with the proper clearances have access to the regular operations and specially staged portions of the base. On the other hand, plenty of room is available at the sprawling complex for isolated laboratories, test facilities, shooting ranges, and electronically locked offices. These are where operatives perform their duties.

Professions at the Ranch focus almost exclusively on supernatural, paranormal, alien, or conspiratorial threats, depending on whatever campaign you happen to be running. The pilots who test-fly alien aircraft are almost always part of the conspiracy, as it is very difficult to hide alien technology in a spacecraft. Scientists and researchers at the Ranch become part of the conspiracy if their work is valuable and sensitive enough. Both serve crucial roles in expanding the conspiracy's knowledge of alien technology and physiology.


These individuals are charged with creating, manufacturing, repairing, and constantly debugging all the state-of-the-art technology that is developed on the Ranch. They generally have some kind of specialization related to a specific technological field, but a number of scientists also engage in cross-training to expedite research and to formulate cross-divisional hypotheses.

Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Science (Type) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, Lab/Workshop, Mobility, No Trace, Ranch Analysis, Specialized Aircraft (Aurora)


Nearly every piece of technology constructed and tested on the Ranch has something to do with aeronautics. The test pilots are the hot dogs of the sky, pilots crazy enough to fly highly experimental aircraft. Without these guys, countless developments and advances would never have been perfected. Their Piloting (Aurora) skill covers craft, including the Aurora, that may be reverse-engineered from alien tech and therefore may not behave in the same way as regular jet aircraft.

Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Piloting (Aurora) +1, Piloting (Jets) +2

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 3, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Alien Technology, Mobility, No Trace, Ranch Analysis, Specialized Aircraft


As early as 1939, Stalin authorized and funded a highly secretive group of psychic and occult researchers headed by a celebrated Russian psychic, Wolf Gregorievich Messing. This group greatly aided Russia’s war effort and unknowingly worked with the Watch against the Secret Doctrine Nazi occultists.

Thereafter, the paranormal group was reformulated and refocused toward psychic research. The group was headed by Dr. Sergei Markova, whose 10-year-old daughter Tatyana was the star subject. Stalin also ordered the elimination of any outsiders who displayed psychic tendencies. Tatyana, who had developed into a brilliant young physicist and powerful psychic, took over the project in 1954. Stalin humored Markova when she asked to label the group Project Rasputin.

In 1958, one of Khrushchev’s first official acts as Premier was to triple funding for Project Rasputin and focus it principally toward Cold War spy activities. By this time, Markova’s ground-breaking team had developed rudimentary psychotrons (psychic-enhancing devices). In 1977, Markova achieved her greatest triumph, presiding over the launch of the psychotron satellite Alexis and the development of a training program for the cosmonauts who would be its operators aboard the Mir space station. A year later, Markova and key documents relating to her research disappeared. The Soviets blamed the CIA, but the U.S. government could not uncover those responsible. Rasputin continued operations as a Soviet program until 1991. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the general breakdown of Russian government and society, Project Rasputin found itself unfunded and friendless. Many of Rasputin's major participants were coopted or neutralized shortly afterwards.

Today, Rasputin operates in a number of facilities across the U.S., particularly at a research complex several miles from the Ranch on the Nellis Range. These research teams and psychic subjects are not all aware of the Conspiracy but are monitored by the Conspiracy just as MKULTRA teams are.


This individual is trained in psychics, with an emphasis on psychotron use. A number of these agents were recruited in 1991 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and it is not uncommon for Rasputin agents to have connections in Russia or Eastern Europe.

Skills: Electronics +1, Science (Parapsychology) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Psychic, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Occult Library, Psi Labs, Psychotrons, Satellite Alexis


These individuals train the psychics and operatives of Project Rasputin, work on the development and refinement of psychic talents, and are responsible for engineering psychotrons. These researchers help bridge the gap between science and psionics, but their discoveries are closely guarded secrets, kept from the mainstream research publications at all costs.

Skills: Instruction +1, Research/Investigation +1, Science (Parapsychology) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Paranormal or Research) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Occult Library, Psi Labs, Psychotrons, Satellite Alexis


The United States Air Force exists to preserve the peace and security of the United States by maintaining air, space, and cyberspace superiority. In less buzzword-infested terms, the Air Force is responsible for using its air power to move troops quickly, perform tactical strikes on targets, perform search and rescue operations, deter nuclear attack, and destroy adversaries on all territories.


The Air Staff is responsible for Air Force preparedness, personnel, and support. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force serves on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and advises the President and Congress on military plans and operations. Air Staff Officers directly influence USAF unit organization, planning, and supply.

Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Computers +1, Instruction +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 3, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Military Aircraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


Intelligence Officers are responsible for gathering information, both domestic and abroad, relevant to the technological advances, security measures, and personnel assignments within the USAF. The data gathered are used for threat assessment and for mission planning, as well as for more mundane issues, such as efficient use of resources and budgeting.

Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Military Rank 1, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, DARPA Labs, Military Training Facilities, Mobility, NIMA Support, No Trace, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


Pilots are the backbone of the USAF, and most pilots are proficient with a handful of aircraft. Many pilots choose to specialize, either in terms of mission types or aircraft. They generally keep themselves in top physical condition so they maintain optimal performance under adverse conditions.

Skills: Computers +1, Pilot (choose one Type) +2

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 3, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Military Aircraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility, Specialized Aircraft


USAF Technicians perform tasks not only related specifically to aircraft, but also for communications systems, data retrieval and analysis, weapons targeting, and mission specifications. Technicians are almost always enlisted personnel. In a few cases, civilians may be hired to provide specialty expertise.

Skills: Electronics +1, Engineer (Type) +1, Mechanic +1, System Operations (Communications) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Military Rank 1, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Military Aircraft), DARPA Labs, Mobility, Specialized Aircraft


Individuals on the Secretariat staff control the training and operations of the Air Force and liaison with the President and his staff. Congressional members and other governmental officials also access the Air Force through the Secretariat.

Skills: Bureaucracy +1, Instruction +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 5, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Military Aircraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility, NIMA Support, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


The United States Army is the ground forces of the US Military, serving to act in active military confrontations, protect the homeland as the Army National Guard, and train for reservist duty as the Army Reserves. In addition to combat personnel, the Army has a number of technical support officers, artillery handlers, special forces, armored units, and engineering forces.


Helicopter pilots are trained to maneuver their aircraft in a number of highly adverse conditions, such as poor visibility, difficult weather patterns, and enemy hostility. Pilots are generally given specific missions but are expected to improvise as needed in order to complete their assignments. Helicopter pilots provide support, extraction, and transportation for Army forces.

Skills: Mechanic +1, Notice +1, Pilot (Helicopter) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 3, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Military), Military Training Facilities, Mobility


Intelligence Officers are responsible for gathering information, both domestic and abroad, relevant to the technological advances, security measures, and personnel assignments within the Army. The data gathered are used for threat assessment and mission planning, as well as for more mundane issues, such as efficient use of resources.

Skills: Research/Investigation +1, Stealth +1, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Military Rank 3, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, DARPA Labs, Military Training Facilities, Mobility, NIMA Support


Rangers are the most elite force the Army has to offer. They are experts at stealth and maneuvering behind enemy lines. Rangers are trained to survive in all manner of settings with a minimum of resources. When operating as part of a team, each member has some kind of specialization, as well as a number of cross-trained skills.

Skills: Demolitions +1, Guns (Assault Rifle) +1, Stealth +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 1, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Military), Military Training Facilities, Mobility, NIMA Support, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


Army Technicians perform a wide range of tasks, including maintaining communications systems, providing for data retrieval and analysis, improving weapons targeting, and gathering mission specifications. Technicians are almost always enlisted personnel. In a few cases, civilians may be hired to provide specialty expertise.

Skills: Computers +1, Electronic Surveillance +1, Electronics +1, Mechanic +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Military Rank 1, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, DARPA Labs, Military Training Facilities, Mobility


Each of the 95 federal districts has its own federal Marshal, who heads USMS operations in that district. As part of the Justice Department, the duties of the Marshals Service include asset forfeiture, court security, investigation and apprehension of federal fugitives, custody of federal prisoners, transport of federal prisoners, and protection of witnesses. The Marshals Service is responsible for the management and disposal of seized and forfeited assets bought with the proceeds of drug trafficking and organized crime. It has primary jurisdiction nationwide in conducting and investigating fugitive matters involving escaped federal prisoners, probation, parole, and bond default violators, and warrants generated by DEA investigations and other related felony cases. Given the Marshals Service’s wide range of duties and specialized investigation and operations capacities, Aegis has targeted it for recruitment. Although no federal Marshals have time to devote to actual cell operations, a number of junior and senior Deputy Marshals are part of Aegis cells.


Deputy U.S. Marshals carry out hundreds of special missions yearly related to the Service’s broad federal law enforcement and judicial security responsibilities. Generally, Deputy Marshals are hand-selected for specific tasks, depending upon their abilities and their tenure with the USMS.

Skills: Guns (Handgun) +1, Humanities (Law) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Serious)

Pulling Strings: Asset Forfeiture, Back-Up, Fingerprinting, Search & Seizure, SWAT


The Special Operations Group (SOG) is a specially trained and highly disciplined tactical unit. In the Missile Escort Program, these individuals provide security and law enforcement assistance to the Department of Defense and the U.S. Air Force during the movement of Minuteman and cruise missiles between military facilities. In the Judgment Enforcement Teams (JET), select persons receive special financial training and are assigned to the Financial Litigation Units of certain U.S. Attorney offices. Generally speaking, the members of the SOG specialize in a single task over an extended period of time, which results in the USMS being willing to fund extensive training.

Skills: Guns (Handgun) +1, Notice +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Asset Forfeiture, Attorney, Back-Up, Fingerprinting, Search & Seizure, SWAT


Neither Aegis nor the NDD has devoted significant resources to infiltrating the Navy. Indeed, when either organization has tried to push recruitment into the Navy, it has met an inexplicable resistance and several significant security breaches have resulted. At present, Aegis limits itself to the naval aviators and space programs and certain special forces. NDD has made inroads in the U.S. Marine Corps. Neither has managed a toehold in the higher political or administrative structure, or the major command groups.


Intelligence Officers are responsible for gathering information, both domestic and abroad, relevant to the technological advances, security measures, and personnel assignments within the U.S. Navy. The data gathered are used for threat assessment and for mission planning, as well as more mundane issues, such as efficient use of resources and budgeting.

Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Military Rank 3, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Watercraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility, NIMA Support, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


It takes a careful combination of skills to be able to take off and land on a runway the length of a seagoing vessel, but naval aviators are adept at doing just that. Their ability to launch from an aircraft carrier makes them one of the most mobile, if shortrange, forces in the world.

Skills: Piloting (Helicopter) +1, Piloting (Jets) +1, Sports (Parachuting) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 3, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Watercraft & Aircraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility, Satellite Surveillance (Intelligence)


Sailors comprise the backbone of naval military forces serving on destroyers, battleships, carriers, submarines, and a variety of support craft. All sailors receive basic training before proceeding into specialties. Most sailors become proficient at serving on a specific type of ship, and some become specialists in communications, weapons systems, and navigation.

Skills: Guns (choose one vehicle weapons Type) +1, Piloting (Boat) +1, Piloting (choose one Type) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 1, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Watercraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility


Often considered the most elite classification of Navy personnel, SEAL teams operate under the cover of darkness and silence as they make their way through deep waters to arrive on distant shores or to wreak havoc with enemy vessels. These individuals develop expertise with a variety of physical skills but are also entrusted to make split-second decisions and to find ways of surviving on their own, so they must possess substantial intellect as well.

Skills: Demotions +1, Guns (Assault Rifles) +1, Piloting (Raft) +1, Sport (SCUBA) +1, Stealth +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Military) 1, Military Rank 1, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Watercraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility, NIMA Support


Technicians are responsible for the maintenance and upgrading of systems on naval vessels. These systems include computer, power, propulsion, SONAR, weapons, life support, and communications. Some of the maintenance and upgrading occurs in dry-dock, but more often than not, these tasks are ongoing and are completed while the vessel is under sail.

Skills: Computers +1, Electronics +1, Systems Operations (SONAR) +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Science & Research) 1, Military Rank 1, Resources (Middle Class), Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Cheaper Vehicles (Watercraft), Military Training Facilities, Mobility, NIMA Support


The Secret Service protects the lives of the President and Vice President of the United States and other important government officials and their immediate families. The Secret Service also provides security at a number of government buildings, including the White House complex, the Treasury Building, and Treasury Annex. Their connections to the Treasury Department remain, despite the Secret Service becoming part of the Department of Homeland Security in January 2003. The Secret Service is also charged with the detection and arrest of any person committing any offense relating to coins, currency, stamps, Government bonds, checks, credit/debt card fraud, computer fraud, and false identification. Since the security debacle that resulted in Aegis’ part in the Kennedy assassination, Aegis has been particularly careful about recruitment in the Secret Service. Most Secret Service operatives are deep-cover moles who do not engage in field work and who report directly to a member of Aegis Prime.


These agents are charged with monitoring counterfeiting, money laundering, and other crimes. They are granted access most about federal buildings, using hidden passageways to facilitate easy movement, and are granted high levels of security clearance.

Skills: Electronic Surveillance +1, Research/Investigation +1, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Intelligence) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Extreme)

Pulling Strings: Criminal Tracking, Governmental Access, Intel Files, Official Agendas, Sending Presidential Orders


These agents surround the President and other important personnel in the U.S. government. They also provide security for most major federal buildings and are aware of the movements and agendas of almost all major governmental officials. For the most part, these individuals receive physical training similar to that received by enlisted soldiers.

Skills: Driving (Cars) +1, First Aid +1, Guns (Handgun) +1, Notice +2, Surveillance +1

Qualities/Drawbacks: Influence (Law Enforcement) 1, Resources (Middle Class), Status 1, Obligation (Total)

Pulling Strings: Criminal Tracking, Governmental Access, Intel Files, Official Agendas, Sending Presidential Orders

Pulling Strings Qualities

Pulling Strings are special Qualities. They provide abilities that require certain authorizations, unique contacts, or restricted resources. Pulling Strings are granted to a character from his employment or his chosen Profession, a secret society membership, or his personal background. The Game Master has the final call whether any given character can use any given Pulling String. It is important to remember that Pulling Strings are specifically tied to an employment sector, a job, a secret group, or a personal history - if a person loses his job, is shunned by colleagues, or “disappears” from society, those Pulling Strings may no longer be accessible.

As a rule, Pulling Strings are only valid on a single specific world, and possibly in a single specific jurisdiction. See individual strings for more information.

In most cases, a Task roll must be made before the character can access the Pulling String. This signifies the process of making calls, convincing people to helping, or just filing the necessary paperwork so as not to arouse any suspicion. When making any of these rolls, add the character’s Influence Quality to the result — those with greater Influence get things done that much more easily. GMs may also add negative modifiers to this roll based on adverse circumstances. If a character is outside his normal area of operations, if cell phone coverage is spotty, if desired facilities, equipment, or resources are unusual in the area, or if personality clashes are present, a -1 to -6 penalty can be applied.

When accessing a Pulling String, a dice roll of one indicates a drastic failure. Not only is the requested assistance denied, but the agent loses access to the Pulling String for D6 x 2(6) months. This could be due to accidentally exposing the connection, triggering an internal investigation into resource management, losing the trust of a confidant, ruffling feathers in a particularly egregious way, or any other reason the GM may decide on. The agent can re-establish the connections required through weeks of paperwork and glad-handing, but another failure as drastic as this results in losing the Pulling String permanently.

A list of Pulling Strings starts below. The costs listed are for purchasing the Pulling String as a Quality separate from those granted with a Profession package. If the Pulling String normally requires a certain type of Influence Quality or a specific Profession package, that is indicated. A character without those rerequisite may purchase such a Pulling String at double the cost.

The costs of Pulling Strings are generally lower than those of other types of Qualities, as they are usually called into play less frequently. Abusing a Pulling String by calling upon these favors too often can lead to its loss, or worse plotline ramifications (e.g., investigation by Internal Affairs).



With a few calls to the right people, the character can obtain help of the less-than-reputable kind. An Intelligence and Streetwise Task enables the character to call on the skills of a criminal specialist in one area, such as safecracker, cat burglar, art forger, etc. The specialist arrives within D6(3) days and works on a single job. If the services are needed in a rush, the time can be shortened to D6(3) hours at a -2 penalty to the Task. Less skilled accomplices who can hold guns or look menacing require no roll. Five unskilled thugs arrive in D6(3) hours and work for one day. Asking these “gentlemen” to arrive within an hour requires a Task and imposed a -2 penalty.

Criminals are open to bribes, and offering D10(5) x $1,000 for the specialist or D10(5) x $100 for the thugs improves all rolls by +2. Doubling this bribe gains a +4 benefit, and quadrupling it results in a +6 bonus. Each accomplice who has been caught or killed in the last month results in a -2 penalty to any subsequent roll. Keeping the specialist for an additional job or the thugs for an additional day requires an additional Task, rolled at the end of the first job (specialist) or day (thug). Each additional job/day requires another roll, with a cumulative -2 penalty. For example, at the end of the second job, a -4 penalty is applied to keep the specialist on for a third job.



Pilots, as well as aircraft maintenance personnel, keep tabs on where they might be able to obtain repairs or complete small modifications on aircraft. As a consequence, they often network with friends to obtain access to a workshop. To work relatively undisturbed in a Poor quality aircraft workshop requires no roll. Two Success Levels in an Intelligence and Piloting Task provides access to a Good workshop; three Success Levels upgrades that to Excellent. An Intelligence and Piloting Task also grants access to a private hanger. More than two Success Levels on this roll provides access to a private runway, so takeoffs and landings can be held in secret.



Whether from the capture of an alien, recovered wreckage, or some alien “feeding” technology from the shadows, Aegis has a small stockpile of specialized items. The items available vary and only one request can be made per week using a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. The item is lent for a “mission” or a period of testing depending on the reason for the request. If another request is made, the Task suffers a -3 penalty per outstanding item.

The modifiers to be applied to the roll requesting such items should be determined by the Chronicler depending on the importance of the item and the demands on that item. An alien skullcap that acts as a warning device might have a +2 bonus to the roll, but a silent psychic spaceship would suffer a -6 penalty to the roll or worse.

Delivery time depends on how far from the item storage place the character is at the time of request. If in the same town or city, the item is delivered or dropped off in an hour. Delivery within the same country is 24 hours (or less if the Chronicler feels it could arrive more quickly). Transport to another country takes two days, and the Task suffers a -2 penalty.

Damaged, destroyed, lost, or absconded devices result in a visit by some very dangerous internal security operatives. They will ask pointed questions regarding the device. Unless they are completely satisfied with the character’s answer, the character loses access to this Pulling String for D6(3) months, and may suffer a permanent reduction of his Influence Quality (by means best left unmentioned; the reduction depends on the importance of the item).



The character has the ability to detain almost any person. While flimsy or trumped-up charges will be dismissed in due course, the character can hold a person for at least D6 x 4(12) hours. This time may extend much longer if there is some evidence that the person is guilty of the charges he is brought in on. To hold someone for more than one hour, the character must succeed at a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. This roll is modified inversely by the target’s Influence Quality. For example, if the target has Influence 1, the penalty is -1. Some have Pulling Strings or very good lawyers that can have the charges dropped quickly, but even these individuals must still spend a minimum of four hours in custody while the necessary paperwork is completed.



Financial and asset forfeiture activity is an integral part of law enforcement. Many different agencies confiscate materials that are determined to be a tool for, or the proceeds of, illegal activities such as drug trafficking, organized crime, and money laundering. Either through their own organization or an auction house, many of these items are sold back to the community, although some do “disappear” before ever making it to the auction block or evidence lockers. With this Pulling String, characters may gain access to items that require the Criminal sphere of Influence. All items’ costs are modified by -1 RP, down to a minimum of one RP. Items that already cost one RP are doubled in quantity instead.



In the course of their missions, characters are sometimes called upon to perform actions of questionable legality. A few of these operatives have the misfortune of getting caught. Being able to call upon a good attorney is key to minimizing the repercussions of these breaches of law. With access to top-notch lawyers, judges sympathetic to the “needs” of the group, or the right amount of bribes and blackmail, getting through these tough times becomes easier. A successful Willpower and Bureaucracy Task supplies the character with a good lawyer for any matter that does not involve significant threats to the security of the secret organization. For more serious cases, the Task has a -2 penalty.

If the character has really “screwed the pooch,” passing the Task with a -4 penalty may get the case assigned to a “friendly” judge and dismissed for one or more technical reasons in D6 x 2(6) months. In the meantime, the character is advised to tread cautiously. Any organization is very reluctant to use its judicial resources in this manner. It is left up to the Chronicler’s discretion as to the availability of federal judges even if the Task is made. If the “friendly” judge is used, it is likely the organization will be unable to use this ability again for some time, and as a consequence, the character’s effective Influence is reduced by one permanently.



The police are already on patrol all over the city — one phone call brings them running. Knowing the codes the police use can assure that at least two squad cars arrive within D6 + 10(13) minutes. If the individual making the call is part of a federal lawenforcement agency, this request will be seen as standard procedure, as long as there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate the call was warranted. Individuals with ties to the local police department do not have to answer any questions from their back-up. Others will probably be questioned on their jurisdiction and what they are doing in town.



Military-related personnel gain access to military facilities much more easily than civilians do. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task is required, modified by the accessibility of the base. For access to the nonpublic areas of a recruiting office or a Reserves base, the Task gains a +2 bonus. To enter any base with normal security, there are no bonuses or penalties. High-security bases and weapons testing sites incur a -1 penalty. To get inside the Pentagon or other areas of high security, including secret bases, suffers a -3 penalty or more at the Chronicler’s discretion.



The NSA is exempt from the federal law prohibiting unauthorized domestic wiretaps and usually maintains a huge number of active taps. These taps are generally related to national defense, but can range pretty far afield. With a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task, the character can call on the NSA to monitor a group of phone lines for specific information. For example, all phones in a particular town or metropolitan neighborhood could be monitored for a particular person’s voice. Or all calls into or out of a specific company’s offices (throughout the country) could be watched for mention of “Flight 815.” The blanket wiretap can be set up in D6 x 2(6) hours, and the taps can be left in place for up to one week.



MOONDUST/BLUE FLY specializes in stealth insertion and extraction. A BLUE FLY transport can be called to arrive at the caller’s location in six hours without a roll. Response time may be shortened, requiring a suitable Willpower and Bureaucracy Task at the Chronicler’s discretion. Success results in the transport arriving at a continental U.S. location within an hour. For other locations, a penalty is applied to a similar Task equal to half the number of time-zones away from the continental U.S. For example, a drop/pickup in France would apply a -2 modifier (four time-zones away from the east coast of the U.S.). Travel is by jet, which should be taken into account when calculating travel times. Insertion is via parachute drop and pick-up is by stealth helicopter, so the team had better be prepared.



Most countries are very serious about monitoring their borders. The need to prevent illegal aliens, terrorists, and drug smugglers from entering has grown exponentially, especially within the past decade. With the right contacts in a specific country, getting in and out is as simple as finding the location of border patrols or scheduling them to “forget” to patrol a specific location at a designated time. Finding out where the border patrols will be in a specific 24-hour period in the next week is a Perception and Bureaucracy Task. To get the patrol not to cover a certain area for a four-hour window is a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. Countries with high security (e.g., Italy, Germany, Algeria, South Africa, China, and most countries in the Middle East) incur a -2 penalty to all Tasks. This Pulling String pertains to only one country, and the player should identify which one each time it is granted or purchased. CDC LABS 2-POINT PULLING STRING PREREQUISITE: INFLUENCE (INTELLIGENCE, MILITARY, OR SCIENCE & RESEARCH) The Centers for Disease Control laboratory and medical facilities in Atlanta are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Samples sent from field operatives receive biological, medical, toxicological, and virological testing and analysis, and the results are returned within a week. No roll is necessary. The testing time may be expedited with a successful Willpower and Bureaucracy Task (one Success Level = 84 hours, two Success Levels = 42 hours, three Success Levels = 21 hours, four Success Levels = 10 hours). If the substance or item under analysis is alien, supernatural, or “unknown,” the answer is received in six weeks and may not be conclusive. Again, testing time may be shortened (one Success Level = three weeks, two Success Levels = 10 days, three Success Levels = five days, four Success Levels = 60 hours). All analysis times may be halved (round down) if the characters can devise a convincing explanation that an outbreak has begun or is suspected.



The CEASEFIRE program allows local police to match projectiles and shell casings recovered in seemingly unrelated occurrences. As an element of this program, the ATF utilizes a unique ballistic comparison system known as the Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS). This system enables firearms technicians to digitize and automatically sort bullet and shell casing markings. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task grants the character access to this system. If the gun has been used since 1995 in a crime where a bullet was left behind, the character must pass a Perception and Research/Investigation Task (-2 for a major city, +2 for a small rural town) to see if it is in the system. If it is in the system, the character can learn where, when, and how the gun was used and who used it in the incident on record.



Being a driver or pilot, or knowing one who can do the “shopping” for the character, reduces the cost of all vehicles by two RP. While characters with any Influence Quality type may purchase this Pulling String, the vehicles available are limited by the sphere of Influence used. For example, a character in the Navy would find watercraft cheaper, whereas most agents with law-enforcement Professions would find automobiles of all varieties cheaper. The Chronicler has the final say on which type of vehicle is more accessible to the character.



Either by working in a hospital or pharmacy or by having a contact in one of those places, the character can obtain medications with few questions asked. Any over-the-counter drug may be secured without a roll. For harder-to-access supplies, a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task must be made, with modifiers depending upon the type of medication requested. Any prescription drug has a bonus of +2, a roll without modifiers obtains any illegal drug that has medical uses, and a -2 penalty is required for any other illegal drug. Psi drugs cannot be obtained. One vial of the drug is secured (or some volume about that size). If more than a single vial is needed, a -2 penalty is applied for each additional vial requested. Drugs are available in D6 x 3(9) hours, or D6(3) hours at -2 to the Task. If this Pulling String is used more than once a month, each additional use suffers a -2 penalty.



Give the character a day and just about any vehicle, commercial or private, can be acquired and modified to taste. Cabs, ambulances, delivery vehicles, armored cars, police cruisers, boats, and planes are all possible. Any type of vehicle that can be purchased through the Criminal type of Influence can be had at three fewer RP, to a minimum of one RP. A vehicle may also be converted (from painting to armor plating to customization) in 6 - (Influence Quality) days, to a minimum of one day.



Reportedly, the CIA set up more than two thousand secret equipment caches overseas between 1950 and 1978. Although many of these have been recovered, some still exist. The character can attempt an Intelligence and Research/Investigation Task to unearth information leading to the location of an arms cache with D10(5) RP of military or surveillance gear. This cache is nearby but well hidden, and takes D6 x 2(6) hours to open up. The equipment is well stored, and, while old, is workable.

With two or more Success Levels, the character can gain information leading to a facility of up to D6 x 3(9) RP, which can then be cleaned up and used as a base for up to a month before the local authorities begin to ask questions. If the Task dice roll is one, the cache has already been cleared out.



The CIA uses people and satellites to map the world in excruciating detail. Censored versions of these maps are released to the public. This character has access to the “uncensored” maps of the world without a Task. For maps with secret military and sensitive installations marked, a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task must be passed. Areas that do not “exist” can be located with a -2 penalty to the Task. All maps arrive in a week. Each -2 penalty applied to the Task reduces the time delay by half (round up).



The CIA runs a number of training centers in Virginia. At “Blue-U” in Arlington, tradecraft skills such as breaking and entering, disguise, photography, and certain cryptographic sciences are taught. The Warrenton Training Center teaches communications and signals intelligence training and is home to the CIA’s secure communication network. Camp Peary or “The Farm” is where paramilitary techniques are taught. Demolitions, heavy weapons, and jungle warfare training are provided at a base in North Carolina. The CIA also runs paramilitary training bases out of Guatemala for underwater demolitions skills and in other nations throughout the world for other clandestine skills. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task (each additional Success Level allows the agent to be joined by one of his cellmates) must be made for the character to receive a week’s intensive instruction in any one Hand Weapon, Gun, Language, Survival, or Stealth skill. The training facility acts as an instructor (see Instruction skill, p. 106), with Intelligence 4 and Instruction 5. The facility can give instruction up to level five. One week of intensive instruction gives the agent 30 hours of training, equivalent to 3 sessions of Instruction. Experience gained in this way must be spent on the skill instructed.



In musty storerooms and old offices of city and town government buildings, plans and blueprints may be found. These documents show detailed floor plans as well as electrical, plumbing, heating/cooling, and ventilation systems. Some municipality records are kept in better shape than others, and some officials are more helpful than others. Also, the older the building is the less likely that records exist for it. While certain buildings such as correctional facilities are exempt from public disclosure, buildings such as banks and stores are not. In all circumstances, the local government in the area where the building is located must be contacted.

For buildings constructed since 1980 federal and state laws guarantee that the records exist. No roll is needed to gain access to these records. Buildings constructed from 1960-1979 are less extensively recorded. The existence and condition of blueprints depends on when the appropriate city instituted fire safety laws regarding building plans. On a roll of three or less on D10, no records exist; four to seven means the records are there but in bad condition; eight or more means the records are well preserved. If the building was constructed from 1920-1959, records exist only if nine or more is rolled, and the records will not be in the best of condition. Before 1920, records exist only if the building is historical or important (Chronicler’s discretion). Such records may be stored in another location, such as a museum or a private collection. Regardless of the age of the building, the municipal clerk may call the building owner to ask permission to release blueprints. To avoid this “courtesy call,” a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task is required (add a +2 bonus for public buildings). High-security buildings, such as correctional facilities, may be unavailable (Chronicler’s discretion) or at least require -2 on the Task to avoid the courtesy call.



One of the NSA’s most prized acquisitions is a giant supercomputing facility in a remote corner of the Arizona desert. The custom-built supercomputers housed at the facility are designed specifically to break codes and computer passwords as quickly as possible. Even the most secure encryption or password schemes in use today can usually be broken in a matter of hours by these computers. Access to the facility is highly restricted. Logging onto the system via telecommunications link requires an Intelligence and Computers Task. Any Computer Hacking Tasks performed while connected to the “codebreaker” supercomputer gain a +3 bonus and take only one quarter of the usual time.



Codebreaking and electronic security (particularly circumventing electronic security) are the lifeblood of the NSA. The NSA provides security procedures and recommendations for the rest of the government and the U.S. military. Its people know computer security; they wrote the book, quite literally. The NSA computer security manual is the hacker’s bible, and the agency maintains a constantly updated database of security holes and weaknesses for internal use only. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task and a telecommunications connection allow the character to access the agency’s database. This grants a +3 bonus on any Computer Hacking Tasks, and cuts the time by half (round up). NSA Professions may combine this Pulling String with the “Codebreaker” Supercomputer (with separate Tasks) and gain +6 on Computer Hacking rolls, but the time is only quartered.



Corruption Camps are intensive encounter groups intended to strengthen the body against corruption. Once a month a request can be made to attend one of these camps. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task, with a -2 penalty per four extra personnel brought along, entitles the character to one complete week. As a result of the bolstering there, the next roll against Corruption gains a +2 bonus. CORRUPTION TREATMENT 2-POINT PULLING STRING PREREQUISITE: INFLUENCE (PARANORMAL) Aegis’ CAPS facilities have created a program for treating corruption. Gaining access to the treatment program requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. The subject must be brought to the proper facility and left there during treatment. Over time, the parapsychologists and occultists identify and expunge successive stages of corruption. Each stage removed requires the subject to endure three months of treatment and succeed at a Difficult Willpower Test. The treatment cannot remove the Corrupted by Supernatural Drawback, however. Decreasing the time between rolls to one month is possible, but that intensive level of retreat is likely to leave its mark. The player must select a mental Drawback worth at least two points, and the character does not gain any points for doing so. The cure is not perfect. If the person ever again fails a Corruption roll, all of the previous Corruption stages return, and a new level is gained.



There are many subcultures around the world — the Black Panthers, the environmentalists, the Goth scene, and computer hackers to name a few. With this Pulling String, it takes D6(3) days to find a contact with the right knowledge in whatever country is chosen. To reduce the time to find a contact to D10(5) hours, an Intelligence and Streetwise Task is required. The roll only grants the character access to someone who is willing to help. The contact may want some compensation for his time, determined by the Chronicler and by what the character is asking.



The FBI’s counterintelligence division maintains files on every U.S. government official with any security clearance whatsoever and conducts regular surveillance of these individuals every few years to ensure they are not double agents. They also maintain surveillance of foreign dignitaries and foreign-born residents of the United States. As such, their files are quite extensive and useful. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task grants full access to the filing system. CRIMINAL RESOURCES 1-POINT PULLING STRING PREREQUISITE: INFLUENCE (CRIMINAL) Because the character has a number of underworld connections, RP spent on Influence (Criminal)-prerequisite resources count double. For example, two RP would translate into four RP when purchasing such items. Items that the Chronicler feels are extremely rare are typically not available, no matter what their cost. Any time the character attempts to generate RP, a dice roll of one means that the local police have been tipped off. The ramifications of that slip-up are left to the Chronicler.



The character can access dozens of databases on criminal activity as well as standard documentation, such as rap sheets. If he has a legitimate reason, such as working on a case connected to the search, a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task is needed. If not, a -2 penalty is imposed, and a -3 penalty if he does not want any evidence of the search left behind. This allows access to licenses, gun permits, housing permits, criminal records, fingerprinting, credit card tracing, and other forms of background information. Some information may not be available. For example, accessing a fingerprinting database will be futile if the subject under investigation has no fingerprint record. The Chronicler determines what evidence is available.



Customs scientists conduct a wide range of analyses to ensure that imported and exported merchandise has been properly identified. A successful Willpower and Bureaucracy Task gains a full analysis of a piece of known technology, material, or substance. The results are returned in a week. Higher Success Levels halve the testing time (two Success Levels = 84 hours, three Success Levels = 42 hours, four Success Levels = 21 hours, five Success Levels = 10 hours). If the substance or item under analysis is alien, supernatural, or “unknown,” the answer is received in six weeks and may not be conclusive. Again, higher Success Levels decrease testing time (two = three weeks, three = 10 days, four = five days, five = 56 hours).



Working with state and federal agencies, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) seeks to prevent exposure to hazardous substances from waste sites. The agency conducts public health assessments, health studies, surveillance activities, and health education training in communities around waste sites on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Priorities List. ATSDR has also developed toxicological profiles of hazardous chemicals found at these sites. The character can obtain a profile of any known hazardous material without a roll within 24 hours. Further, a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task (with a penalty equal to the Strength level of the toxin) secures a single vial. These materials may not be effective on alien or supernatural physiology, although with sufficient study and time they may be modified to be.



As the primary caretaker and researcher of viruses, CDC labs are veritable stockpiles of the most dangerous viral enemies of humankind. The character may gain a profile of any known virus without a roll. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task supplies a sample of a dangerous virus, and a similar Task with a -2 penalty gains access to a deadly virus. These materials may not be effective on alien or supernatural physiology, although with sufficient study and time they might be modified to be.



The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) serves as the central research and development organization of the DOD and is primarily responsible for maintaining U.S. technological superiority. The DARPA pursues imaginative and innovative research and development projects with significant military application. Characters with research questions can gain access to DARPA labs, databases, and personnel on a strictly top-secret basis. This aid generally results in increased and faster breakthroughs. All research projects (see p. 161) using DARPA facilities gain a +2 for purposes of the breakthrough test, while the modifiers remain the same for the associated skill Task. This Pulling String can be purchased only by DOD Professions.



The Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) contains DNA profiles derived from crime scene investigations and from individuals convicted of crimes. CODIS enables state and local lawenforcement crime laboratories to exchange and compare DNA profiles electronically. CODIS officially began as a pilot project in 1990, but this history is a fiction for public dissemination. Secretly, CODIS has been operating for more than 30 years, and the FBI has secured innumerable blood samples from hospital patients, newborn babies, and other sources. CODIS is installed across the nation and has a database of tens of millions of individuals. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task grants the character access to the system. If the sample is not from someone with a criminal record since 1990, any Research/Investigation Task using the system suffers a -5 penalty .



This enables a character to learn various details about a country’s or region’s political or economic situation. A successful Willpower and Bureaucracy Task reveals major political information or details on the economic situation known to the public. Additional Success Levels reveals more information such as names of aides, financial backing, and the names of the key figures who are running the show (if they are not apparent to the public). Very high Task results may gain secret or blackmailable data about these VIPs. The character gains this information within (10 - Success Levels) hours.



Over the years, MKULTRA scientists and other researchers have developed a battery of designer drugs that augment psychic powers. Each year, the developers increase the potency and duration of these drugs and seek ways to minimize their side effects. The job is not done — all of the psi drugs still retain some form of unpleasant and sometimes lethal side effects. The character has immediate access to supplies of psi drugs. The first vial requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task, and each additional vial requested in the same week imposes a -2 penalty. Delivery time is dependent on the distance from an Aegis psychic facility or other storage facility. If within a state or two, delivery time is D6 x 2(6) hours. Delivery anywhere else within the United States is up to 24 hours (D6 x 4(12) or Chronicler’s call). Delivery to another country imposes a -2 penalty to the request Task and the length of time is D6 x 2(6) days. Each vial contains enough psi drugs for six doses. Psi drugs are covered briefly in Chapter Six: Classified and in depth in the Paranormal Sourcebook.



The FBI has one of the largest and most comprehensive crime laboratories in the world. It is the only full-service federal forensic laboratory. A scientific analysis of a normal-priority sample can be gained without a Task in seven days. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task secures a sample priority treatment, returning the analysis within 24 hours.



The Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) provides state-of-the-art fingerprint identification and criminal history data services, and dramatically improves the support services that the FBI provides to federal, state, and local law-enforcement and criminal-justice agencies. An Intelligence and Research/Investigation Task locates any U.S. citizen who has a previous criminal record or law-enforcement background. A penalty of -4 or more is applied if searching for a United States citizen who has no criminal record (the fingerprints may have been taken for some other reason and included in the database), or any individual from a country with diplomatic relations with the United States if such a person has a criminal record. A foreign national with no criminal record may be identified only after applying a penalty of -8 or more.



A connection with a journalist grants the ability to push news stories to the forefront, and conversely to help bury stories in the paper. The story must be somewhat factual, otherwise the journalist runs the risk of losing his reputation or job. That does not mean, however, that the story can’t be altered slightly to “correct” certain misstatements or “refocus” the piece. Pushing a newsworthy item (but not necessarily true story) even further into the spotlight requires no roll. A Willpower and Smooth Talking Task with a +2 bonus is required to push a marginally newsworthy item. An unmodified Task is required to push a remotely believable story to front-page news, and the same Task with a -2 penalty is required to push an unbelievable or apparently impossible story to the forefront. In order to bury a story, reverse the difficulty modifiers, with burying a newsworthy story suffering a -2 penalty and burying an impossible and unbelievable story needing no roll. If the story is not factual or at least does not have the major points covered with “facts,” it can come back to haunt the character.



The character can gain access to money from his Profession. This money can be used for a variety of purposes, ranging from bribes to lodging to new equipment. Money is siphoned through a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. A character with Funding 1 gains $1,000 with no roll once a month. An unmodified Task gains a character ten times that amount per month. If the character desires a different amount, each $1,000 above or below $10,000 applies a -1 or +1 modifier. If desired, the character can attempt to cover his paper trail better by applying a -1 or greater penalty. This penalty is also applied to any Investigation/Research Task that attempts to trace the character’s financial maneuvering.

For each level of Funding Pulling String, $1,000 is added to the “no roll” amount, $10,000 to the base unmodified roll amount, and $1,000 to each increment of modifier. Thus, someone with Funding 3 gains $3,000 without a roll or $30,000 with a successful unmodified roll. Each -1 or +1 modifier applied increases or decreases the $30,000 amount by $3,000. The following table summarizes.

Funding Level Base Amount Modifier (+/-1)
1 $10,000 $1,000
2 $20,000 $2,000
3 $30,000 $3,000
4 $40,000 $4,000


On a Task dice roll of one, someone noticed the financial shenanigans, and that may lead to an investigation. Note that Funding is different from the Resources Quality. Funding is used purely for missions or investigations - professional use. Resources are the agent’s private funds for personal or conspiratorial use.



Doors that were previously locked are often opened for friends who have powerful politicians to assist them. On a successful Willpower and Bureaucracy Task, the character can arrange a fact-finding tour to any legal or public area for up to six people, within D6(3) days. With three or more Success Levels faster access (within D6 x 2(6) hours) is provided. A -2 modifier is applied for access to restricted areas; -5 for highly restricted areas, equipment, or files. The target is notified beforehand and will have performed as much damage control as possible before the inspection arrives. Finally, applying a -4 modifier to any of these tasks allows the group to leave with “physical evidence,” such as photos and small portable objects, although the members of any group that has been so “inspected” will probably be pretty angry.



Every scientific endeavor must be funded, and grants are a good way to obtain ready cash. When a research project has some merit to a funding organization, the requesting character may receive a grant. Once every six months, the operative can make a grant check with a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. If successful, he receives 20 RP worth of resources that can be spent on labs/workshops, staff, and/or equipment related to specific research, expeditions, or other related science projects.

Every grant comes with $10,000 in disposable income. If no useful results are forthcoming to the granting organization over the next few months, the equipment will be repossessed, staff will stop receiving salaries and leave, and lab space will be torn down and returned to the grantor. If results are forthcoming or partially reveal new technology, the character can make an additional grant request every six months until the project has reached its conclusion or the flow of useful information stops. If results lead to breakthroughs in new technology, new sciences (such as nanotechnology), or proof of alien existence, all resources may be retained by the character.



The CDC has discovered several effective treatment protocols for the most dangerous biohazard agents. These cures are kept in special vaults deep inside USAMRID. A character with this Pulling String may attempt to get his hands on one of these cures. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task secures one vial, and there is no chance of getting another for three months regardless of success or failure. Failure results in an investigation by the CDC and possibly anti-terrorism agencies. The cures are panimmunity factors - they work on the most dangerous biohazards, but are hideously difficult to manufacture without major lab work and months of development time. A single dose stops the progress of any illness unless the patient rolls a one on a D10. A single vial of the panimmunity factor would be worth a fortune, and if it became public that the character or his friends possessed it, any number of groups would come hunting for them very quickly. No one could allow a story like this to break, and any attempt to tell the press would lead to a firestorm of intrigue and strike teams from friend and foe alike.



With various connections in intelligence, law enforcement, and media agencies, information can be found on a subject/target that was investigated at some point. No roll is required to reveal information that is available in the news, while a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task reveals information that would require interviewing the friends and associates of the subject/target. Higher Success Levels uncover more information. Two Success Levels reveal criminal background information, along with known contacts of the subject, typical hangouts, patterns of living, close friends, and personal information. Three Success Levels reveal all information that has been collected on the subject/target through legal means and any information that is classified. Finally, four or more levels reveal all information collected using any means possible. Much of this latter information would not be admissible in a court of law (it may have been gathered through paranormal means), but the agencies holding it knew the true value of it and so hoarded the data anyway. It takes D6 x 4(12) days to get the information. Reducing the time to D6 x 2(6) days applies a -2 penalty to the Task roll; D6(3) days incurs a -4 penalty.



The office of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) coordinates activities within the intelligence community. Characters with this Pulling String may divert or cancel minor projects with no roll, and major projects with a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. The Chronicler may impose a modifier of +3 to -3 depending upon how the character explains this to his peers and superiors.



A character can gain access to a laboratory or workshop of any particular type. No roll is required for a Poor Quality workspace. One Success Level on a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task grants access to an Normal workspace, two levels a Good Quality one, three levels an Excellent one, and four or more Success Levels a Superb one. The character has access to the place for one week. Each additional week requires a repeat of the Task roll. Each workspace is dedicated to a single field; obtaining a place with multiple fields incurs a -2 penalty per additional field. Of course, using the workspace can draw the attention of other workers in the area. Private use adds an additional -2 penalty and may require the character to work late in the evening or early in the morning. The Chronicler may decide that certain facilities are not available in the area (there are only so many particle accelerators in existence, for example).



Reliable information on any law-enforcement character, court employee, or prisoner can be retrieved without a roll. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task grants a personal interview with that person or unrestricted access to a federal facility at the character’s convenience. Apply a -2 penalty for highly classified persons or places and a -4 penalty for people who aren’t supposed to exist, such as witness relocation program beneficiaries. It takes (D6 x 3) + 24(33) hours to obtain the information, get access to a building, or set up a meeting with an individual. Each successive Success Level halves this amount of time (round up) (assuming the person or place is nearby).



A character has unlimited access to a library of a general nature or one specific to an academic subject. A Normal quality library requires no roll. A single Success Level on a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task grants access to a Good quality library, two Success Levels an Excellent one, and three or more levels a Superb one. The character has access to the place for one week. Each additional week requires a new Task. Private use requires an additional -2 penalty and may require the character to work late in the evening or early in the morning. The Chronicler may decide that certain facilities are not available in the area.



With access to dozens of top-notch medical and treatment centers around the county, medical supplies are easier to come by for this character. All medical facilities cost two RP less; any medical staff (doctor or lab assistants/nurses) are one RP cheaper; drugs and scientific and medical equipment are all one RP less; and any special vehicles that are medical in nature are three RP cheaper. An item that already costs one RP is doubled in quantity instead.


PREREQUISITE: CAPS, MKULTRA, OR RASPUTIN PROFESSION The character has access to a storehouse of some of these rare devices. To borrow one of them requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task, and the device is lent out for only one week. Delivery time is dependent on how far from the item’s storage area it must be taken. If in the same town or city, the device is delivered or dropped off in an hour. Delivery within the same country is 24 hours (or less if the Chronicler feels it could arrive more quickly). Delivery to another country applies a -2 penalty to the Task, and the arrival time is two days. Damaged, destroyed, lost, or absconded devices result in a visit from some very dangerous internal security operatives, and a possible loss of access to this Pulling String for D6(3) months or more (at the Chronicler’s discretion).



Some of the finest training and education facilities in the world are administered by or directly affiliated with the DOD. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task provides individuals with instruction, each additional Success Level allows the agent to be joined by one of his cellmates. The training lasts roughly a week, and the following skills can be trained: Acrobatics, Brawling, Climbing, Demolitions, Dodge, Driving, Guns (any), Hand Weapons (any modern), Mechanic, Piloting, Stealth, Survival, and Tracking. The training facility acts as an instructor, with Intelligence 4 and Instruction 5. The facility can give instruction up to level five. One week of intensive instruction gives the agent 30 hours of training, equivalent to three sessions of instruction. Experience gained in this way must be spent on the skill instructed.



In secret, MKULTRA scientists have created a stable and effective series of mind-altering drugs. These drugs act quickly (within a few Turns) and may be administered through ingestion, contact, or injection. Although the primary effects are damaging enough, scientists have succeeded in eliminating all but the most insignificant side effects. A drugged person must make a Difficult Willpower Test with a penalty equal to the number of doses applied. If this roll fails, the victim suffers the effects of the particular drug for one hour per dose. The character must succeed at a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task to secure four vials (six doses per vial) immediately. If additional vials are sought within a one-week period, apply a -2 penalty for each. Delivery time is dependent on how far from the nearest MKULTRA storage area the character is. If in the same town or city, the drugs are delivered or dropped off in an hour. Delivery within the same country is 24 hours (or less if the Chronicler feels it could get there more quickly). In another country, the request roll is penalized by -2 and the time is two days. The Chronicler and player can determine the exact drug effects, but all produce some mental Drawback, such as Amnesia, Emotional Problems, Flashbacks, Psychological Problems, Sleep Disorders, etc.



Using special travel connections, the character can go anywhere in the world. No roll is required for movement within the United States or its territories. Travel to an allied country requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task with a +2 modifier; travel to a non-allied country gains a +1 modifier. A -2 penalty (or a Task with a +2 if no roll is normally required) is applied if the character is bringing a team, or if the travelers are bringing more equipment than they can carry, such as vehicles, heavy weapons, or extra boxes of equipment. Using this “highway” of transportation is not difficult but is slow. From the point of securing transportation to the point of arrival is D6 + 2(5) days. Higher Success Levels reduce the time taken. Two Success Levels restructure priorities and reduce the time to (D6 x 4) + 24(36) hours. Three levels or more result in a travel time of (D6 x 2) + 12(18) hours, but the equipment and personnel must be ready and willing to make a parachute drop instead of landing and unloading.



The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) provides timely and accurate imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information to the DOD. With the help of operatives in NIMA, the character can gain access to the best domestic and foreign maps. No roll is required for any general map of domestic areas. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task is needed if the map desired includes service roads, trails, and detailed landmarks, or if it is to include geographical details located on private property. A -1 penalty is applied if a general map is required that covers a foreign country, -2 if the detailed equivalent is needed.



The National Maritime Intelligence Database (NMID) provides complete maritime information on harbors, imagery of coastal regions, maps of the sea bottom, etc. It encompasses all manner of maritime intelligence including naval, merchant marine, environmental, scientific, and technical information and can output data, images, signals, and acoustic recordings. Physically found at the National Maritime Intelligence Center (NMIC) in Suitland, Maryland, where it is maintained and updated, it can be used for online queries, regular updates on particular topics, and dissemination of essential information when required. A character can obtain a highly detailed map of any domestic oceanic or coastal area including all possible topographical information immediately without a roll. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task is needed if the map desired includes foreign areas. A -2 penalty is applied if the map covers classified or secret domestic locations, -4 if classified foreign areas are requested.



Every news outlet keeps a “morgue” of old stories, both those that were released and those that were not. The information may include videotape, confidential sources, still pictures, and evidence gathered by the original journalist. Accessing these archives requires no roll, but an Intelligence and Research/Investigation Task and 48 man-hours is needed to turn up useful information. Two Success Levels uncovers something in 24 man-hours; three Success Levels brings information to light in 12 man-hours. A failure results in no information or possibly some misleading information, at the Chronicler’s discretion.



The NSA is exempt from many federal laws, and this breeds an attitude among its staff that they are above the law. A few phone calls and a successful Willpower and Intimidation Task sidetrack or halt any governmental investigation into claimed NSA activities or projects within D6(3) hours.



When necessary, certain military flights can be erased from existence. To have a flight removed from the logs and all other records, along with orders sent out to quiet those who worked the airfields, a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task is necessary. A +2 modifier is applied for secret or stealth military aircraft, as less of their movements are recorded “officially.” Any aircraft which was involved in an air incident (attack, near miss, or actual collision) is much harder to hide — a -2 penalty is applied.



A good occult library is invaluable to a ritualist. Access to a Normal quality library requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. Success provides the character with books or personnel who can teach three to five different rituals (determined by the Chronicler). The higher the success, the better the facilities available. Two Success Levels grant access to a Good quality library (six to twelve rituals). An Excellent library requires three Success Levels and has between 13-18 rituals. Superb libraries require at least four Success Levels and have between 19-24 rituals. No one library has information on every known ritual.



No roll is necessary for the character to acquire details of security measures, agendas, and travel routes for any lower-tier government official whom the Secret Service protects. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task must be made for a member of the Presidential cabinet or a former President and family, with a penalty of -2 for the President and Vice-President and their families. Two or more Success Levels allows the character to make minor security modifications, such as having himself stationed at a crucial point or making sure a particular building is overlooked by the advance team.



The character knows how to navigate dozens of databases with public and not-so-public records. No roll is needed for legitimate work, such as working on a legal case that is connected to the search. Otherwise, an Intelligence and Research/Investigation Task is required. Two Success Levels or more are needed if he does not want any evidence of the search left behind. This allows access to licenses, gun permits, Social Security records, criminal records, fingerprints (for domestic criminal records only), credit card tracing, and other forms of information. Some data may not exist - for example, accessing a fingerprint database is futile if the subject under investigation has no fingerprint record. The Chronicler determines what information is available.



Some “magical institutions” keep records on the locations of Pools and Loci, and even what causes them to become agitated and when. Data can be accessed with a Willpower and Rituals Task; apply a penalty of -6 or more for information on a Locus. To learn when the location is agitated requires 3 or more Success Levels.

If the Task is successful, the source also provides a time when the area will not be in use in the next 24 hours. If the character calling on this Pulling String is willing to do a favor for the group giving the information, the initial roll gains a +2 bonus and the character is able to choose a time during which he will be granted exclusive access to the location. As only a certain number of magical institutions exist throughout the world, trying to find and contact one outside the character’s base of operations is much harder (all Tasks suffer a -4 penalty).

Some Pools and Loci are shared or used by other groups. In this case, even if one group tells the location and plans not to be there so the character’s group can use it, this does not mean other group(s) are as understanding. The Chronicler should adjudicate such situations.



Press passes are available for many invite-only affairs. The difficulty of getting into the event depends upon how much attention the event is seeking. An event with great public exposure requires no roll (political party conventions, ribbon-cutting ceremonies). An event that has some celebrities and big-name attendees and/or seeks public exposure requires a Willpower and Smooth Talking Task (movie premiere, candidate fundraiser, auto show). A -1 penalty is imposed on the roll for an event with many celebrities and big-name attendees that wants coverage but does not want the media crawling all over (major candidate fundraiser, high-exposure sports event). An event that is publicly known but considered private would impose a -3 penalty (presidential party, House of Representatives caucus). All events that are unknown to the general public or that have closed attendance lists would impose a -6 penalty (private celebrity’s or politician’s party, Super Bowl). A -1 penalty is imposed per additional pass sought.



Members of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) office have access to intelligence projects being run by all members of the U.S. intelligence community. To request dossiers on any current, past, or planned Confidential project requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. Higher security classifications (Secret and Top Secret) impose -3 and -6 penalties respectively. This Pulling String also allows the character to control the budget and resources allocated to that project with a similar Task.



The character can gain access to a laboratory that offers unique psionic research possibilities and state-of-the-art psychic equipment for accurate testing. Each lab has personnel who can help the character learn certain psi skills or develop his psi powers. The training facility acts as an instructor, with Intelligence 4 and Instruction 5. The facility can give instruction up to level five. One week of intensive instruction gives the agent 30 hours of training, equivalent to three sessions of instruction. Experience gained in this way must be spent on increasing or learning the power instructed.



Psychotrons and psychotronics are applied psi engineering. Access to a Third Order psychotron requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. Getting a Second Order psychotron imposes a -2 penalty to the Task; securing a rare First Order psychotron suffers a -6 penalty, if available at all. If in the same town or city, the device is delivered or dropped off in an hour. Delivery within the same country is 24 hours (or less if the Chronicler feels it could arrive more quickly). Delivery to another country imposes a -2 penalty to the Task, and the delivery time is D6 x 2(6) days. Damaged, destroyed, lost, or absconded devices result in a visit by internal security personnel and a temporary loss of access to this Pulling String (or permanent loss if a First Order psychotron was involved). Psychotrons are discussed briefly in Chapter Six: Classified (see p. 228) and in depth in the Paranormal Sourcebook.



The FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia houses superior training facilities used by the FBI, the DEA, and other agencies. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task provides individuals with instruction at these facilities; each additional Success Level allows the agent to be joined by one of his cellmates. The training lasts roughly a week, and skills that can be trained are Acrobatics, Brawling, Climbing, Computers, Dodge, Driving, Electronic Surveillance, Guns (any), Hand Weapons (any modern), Research/Investigation, Stealth, Streetwise, and Tracking. The training facility acts as an instructor (see Instruction skill, p. 106), with Intelligence 4 and Instruction 5. The facility can give instruction up to level five. One week of intensive instruction gives the agent 30 hours of training, equivalent to three sessions of instruction. Experience gained in this way must be spent on the skill instructed.



When CDC discovers an outbreak or potential outbreak of an infectious disease, it may send a team of doctors to quarantine the affected party or area for diagnosis and treatment. Local and state law-enforcement agencies and the National Guard enforce this quarantine, if necessary. The quarantine may last anywhere from 24 hours to a full week, dependent on the severity and lethality of the outbreak. Quarantining an individual or family requires no roll. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task quarantines an apartment, office building, or complex. Cordoning off a small town or neighborhood imposes a -2 penalty to the Task. A large town quarantine suffers a -4 penalty; an entire city, a -6 penalty. Any major cities would be impossible to quarantine absent Presidential authority and a national emergency. Imposing quarantine, particularly of a large area, is by no means a low-profile endeavor. Operatives using a quarantine to help cover up activities should be prepared for the inevitable media interest and publicity, as well as official inquiries by other government agencies.



The extensive Ranch laboratories and scientists/technicians are always on call to analyze alien technology or other materials. A scientific analysis of a piece of unknown technology, material, or substance can be gained in a week with a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. Each additional Success Level halves (round up) the time this analysis would take. Whether the analysis produces any meaningful results is at the Chronicler’s discretion.



The FBI’s National Security Division undertakes random surveillance of U.S. citizens who are entrusted with security clearances of any kind. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task is required to launch a basic surveillance operation on a target. Chroniclers should apply penalties depending upon the target’s Influence Quality, reflecting the difficulty of requesting surveillance on high-ranking individuals, or those with high security clearances. Full surveillance requires an additional Intelligence and Surveillance Task and includes full bugging of offices and home and round-the-clock video monitoring.



Various law-enforcement agencies, criminal organizations, and other groups maintain secure low-profile locations. To gain access to a safe house that has room for six people requires no roll. If no one is searching for the individuals, holding out at the safe house is only a matter of how long the “owner” allows; a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task at the beginning of each week ensures they can stay. If someone is searching, the comings and goings for food and supplies eventually draw notice. After D6 + 2(4) days, the Chronicler decides whether the safe house remains so. For locales where a safe house would be difficult to set up, such as busy office areas, open waterfronts, rural areas, or foreign lands, a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task is required with a -2 penalty on the roll. On the other hand, traffic in and out is less noticeable, and the initial “safe” period is (D6 x 2) + 2(8) days. Setting up additional safe houses requires an additional Task for each.



The largest and most ambitious psychotron ever built is the Alexis satellite designed by Project RASPUTIN’s greatest scientist, Dr. Tatyana Markova. Alexis is capable of various psychic abilities that can affect whole areas. Using a HERMES request, access to the satellite’s capabilities requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. A visit to a RASPUTIN facility (scattered throughout the United States) applies a +2 bonus. Even if successful, on a roll of one or two on D10, the desired ability is unavailable. It takes about seven days to recharge the psychic batteries, and therefore the satellite cannot be used more than once each week. Successful access and proper charging allow the character to direct an astronaut to prepare the device and maneuver it into position. This takes a variable number of hours (D10 + 12(17)). The satellite remains in position for eight hours; a separate Task keeps it there an additional D6 x 2(6) hours, when it must be moved. When activated, the satellite affects everyone in an area from ten yards to one mile (chosen by character) in radius. Optionally, the character could schedule the satellite for one week in the future; this guarantees that the abil-

ity will be available and the satellite will be in position. This awards a +3 to the Task using HERMES, and +4 for visiting a RASPUTIN facility. Alexis’ specific capacities are briefly discussed more in Chapter Six: Classified (see p. 229) and in more depth in the Paranormal Sourcebook.



Spy satellites listen to cellular communications, TV and radio broadcasts, and any other form of communication that travels to and from other satellites. Communication satellites cannot monitor landlines or cordless phones that do not use satellites. They follow all important traffic around the globe, including major cities and military bases. To reposition one to a more limited or specific target requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task with a -2 modifier.

A communication satellite monitors all traffic coming in and out of its target area; the smaller the area, the more likely the computer or technician will be able to pick up a voice or phrase. An area like a warehouse would require a Perception and Electronics Surveillance Task to find any information (if relevant information exists). A Task involving a small city block would suffer a -2 penalty. A small village, military base, shopping mall, or any area equivalent to a small block, but having high communication traffic, imposes a -4 penalty. A town, industrial zone, or commercial zone of a city, a large military base, or something equivalent in size would carry a -6 penalty; a large city, a -8 penalty. A metropolis such as NYC would be impossible.

All communication surveillance can be directed to the characters if they have a satellite uplink for a live communication feed of the observed area. This is primarily used to listen in on the communications of a target.

Archives of communications are organized by the subject of the observation. Unless the character is researching something of past importance, his subject is not in the archives (Chronicler’s discretion on whether it is “of past importance”). To search through declassified archives requires a Perception and Research/Investigation Task, older classified archives impose a -2 penalty, ongoing and recent transcripts or recorded data bring a -4 penalty. Most communications files cover a block or smaller area, usually a single building.



These satellites are the highest tech possible and have been available only since the late 1980s or early 1990s. They can focus on tiny details, down to the date on a penny. The satellites use a number of different sensors that simultaneously capture images in black and white, color, infrared, radar, and ultraviolet. This allows analysts to determine shape, density, temperature, movement, and chemical composition.

Since these satellites are reserved only for special operations, their archives are very specific. They still view sites important to the observing agency, but focus on the main sections and persons in those areas. They are used to take photos of ongoing intelligence operations and to confirm results of those missions. During wartime, they pinpoint targets so that the military can make surgical strikes and special ops teams are not caught by surprise. The archives are organized by the subject of the photo; unless the character is researching something of past importance, his subject is not in the archives (Chronicler’s discretion on whether it is “of past importance”). To search through declassified archives requires a Perception and Research/Investigation Task, classified but no longer active archives impose a -2 penalty, and classified images of ongoing importance a -4 penalty. Most images are five yards by five yards for high detail and five miles by five miles for broad detail. New photographs can be scheduled with a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task as often as every 10 seconds.



These photo archives date back to the late 1960s and continue through the present. Many countries now sell their satellite images and/or their archives to companies or individuals. Furthermore, private companies raise their own satellites into space for “special services” to anyone who pays. Gaining access to the archives or current images requires no roll. Archived photo resolution vary, but most high-detail photos are 50 yards by 50 yards (but can go down to 10 yards by 10 yards), and most broad-detail ones are 50 miles by 50 miles (but can go up to 100 miles by 100 miles).

Unless the subject desired was important to the observing agency (Chronicler’s discretion on whether it is “important”), a Perception and Research/Investigation Task is necessary to find anything relevant. One Success Level means that a broad-detail photo was found. D10 x 10(50) sets the detail in miles. Two Success Levels or more means the spot was photographed in high detail. D10 x 10(50) determines the detail in yards.



The most secret and rarest of spy satellites are equipped with video capabilities. These satellites record the movement of a nation’s enemies, its own important government officials, and other events and places that are deemed important enough to be watched in detail. Available since the mid-1990s, these cameras are top-notch and can zoom in to get fine details in a oneyard by one-yard area. Because these satellites are generally focused on specific areas, repositioning requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task with a -2 penalty. If already positioned appropriately, no roll is necessary to direct live video feed from the positioned satellites to the characters (if they have a satellite uplink). This technique is used primarily to coordinate the activities of ground personnel and to track suspects. The archives are organized by the subject of the observation. Unless the character is researching something of past importance, his subject is not in the archives (Chronicler’s discretion on whether it is “of past importance”). To search through declassified archives requires a Perception and Research/Investigation Task, classified but no longer active archives imposes a -2 penalty, and ongoing and recent video a -4 modifier. Most images will be 10 yards by 10 yards for high detail and 10 miles by 10 miles for broad detail.


Satellites surround our Earth and monitor its surface. They roam the skies taking photos and listening everywhere; they look upon our lives with such detail that privacy is rapidly becoming something of the past. All of these images are stored in computer storage banks the size of farms. The banks are housed in secret locations under the control of the intelligence agency of whatever country controls the satellite.

Gaining access to satellite records usually requires the character to physically visit the location in which records are stored. Recent records (the last 12 months) are stored at the main location of the agency or at one of its branches that is equipped to view the data. Records more than a year old are stored in archive facilities. To have the files shipped requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task and takes (D6 x 2) + 6(12) hours via courier in the same country. Shipping to a foreign country imposes a -2 penalty and takes (D6 x 2) + 12(18) hours. To have them sent through the Internet incurs an additional -2 penalty.

Time spent searching the files depends on the specificity of the information sought. The character can look through the data himself or can assign an operative from the intelligence agency to do it (at a risk of exposing the agent’s intentions). Having someone else do the work requires an separate Willpower and Bureaucracy Task and adds D6(3) days to the delivery time (each additional Success Level halves this time, round up). A specific location on a specific day would require one hour or so to look through the photos, while a specific location for a period of months might take days to look through. Similarly, a broad section of the world such as Europe on a specific day would also require days to leaf through all the images. The Chronicler should decide the timeframe based on the information sought.

If searching for the specific voice of a known person who has been recorded, the job can be assigned to a computer and takes D6(3) days. Communications can be turned into transcripts and a computer can search them for specific phrases or patterns; this task takes D6(3) days. Communication searches can be focused on more precise locales than image searches, such as the communications being transmitted to and received by the occupants of a single building. Monitoring the communications of a small town would be considered a very large and complex search.

The subject matter of files varies. Archives during the Cold War from both the United States and the Soviet Union focus on each other, enemies of the countries, and major cities of any nation. Major events of the time such as wars, war games, peace conferences, intelligence operations, and so on would be covered. Archives of more recent surveillance follow the same lines, with expansion to major shipping lanes; ports, military bases, and capitals of enemies and allies alike; sporting events or any large gatherings of people likely to be struck by terrorist actions; airports; weather events; and natural disasters. Most photos focus on the military movements of enemies, known terrorist locations, and intelligence operations on foreign soil. Within its own territory, it is likely that a country’s satellites focus on all major cities and military bases to watch or record any actions taken against them, along with any major event that takes place within the country. Most of these records are photographs going back to the late 1960s and limited video going back to the early 1990s. Communication surveillance is quite limited when searching back further than the late 1980s. The detail of photos also varies. High-detail images cover objects such as vehicles, buildings, and equipment. Broadly detailed photos are of military bases, industrial parks, sea ports, and so on. The character may request a certain resolution, or the Chronicler may provide it. The detail in the photo provides a bonus to Research/Investigation Tasks according to the Photo Interpretation Bonus Table (but not all satellites can achieve all possible image area sizes). Of course, at a very fine resolution the important images may be outside the frame of the photo. Also, with broad resolution images, the subject must be large scale enough to be identifiable (e.g., weather patterns, armada movements). Having a satellite scheduled to observe a specific area usually requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. If it is an important area to the observing agency, it is observable in D6 x 10(30) minutes and is recorded for D6 + 6(9) hours. If the spot is not a priority, it takes D6(3) hours to reposition a satellite, and images are available for D10(5) hours before it needs to be moved back to its normal orbit. Additional Success Levels add an hour to the observation time.



The character can arrange the search and seizure of any public or private area. If the search is essentially legal (reasonable suspicion of illegal activity can be shown), a successful Willpower and Bureaucracy Task secures a warrant for an entire, or part of a, standard private home or small business. A -2 penalty is imposed to search all or any part of a large residence or company, and a -4 penalty for any part or the entirety of a corporate headquarters or major compound. There is a additional -1 penalty to the Task for areas that are not owned by American citizens, areas owned by illegal/quasilegal agencies, and illegal searches or searches without justification. If more than one of these situations exist, the penalties are cumulative. Finally, the level of publicity of the area or the search (no media, out in the woods, public approves of the search, massive media presence, etc.) may modify the Task at the Chronicler’s discretion. Absent exceptional cause, law-enforcement agencies cannot move against military sites or federal property.



The U.S. has placed two prototype killer satellites into orbit. These satellites are equipped with magnetic rail guns capable of destroying aircraft and missiles. The guns fire metal projectiles roughly the size and shape of hockey pucks. Few technicians in the military and at NASA are aware that the two satellites, designated GS Fred and GS Ginger, even exist. A Willpower and Bureaucracy Task is required to ready either satellite for activation. Once prepped, the satellite remains in a state of readiness for eight hours before returning to its powered-down dormant state. The satellite also returns to the dormant state after it is fired. After the satellite has been assigned a target, a variable amount of time is needed for repositioning (D6 x 4(12) hours). Any vehicle, structure, or landmass may be targeted, but the satellite is unable to lock onto anything smaller than a compact car. Once the target has been acquired, the satellite may malfunction (roll of one on D10). Otherwise, the satellite fires a projectile. The satellite’s has Dexterity 2 and Guns (Rail Gun) 8. A -2 modifier is applied to any target smaller than a house, and a penalty is applied if the target is moving (-2 for an average car going 50mph to -6 for a flying jet fighter). Whatever is hit is destroyed.



On a successful Willpower and Bureaucracy Task, the character can circumvent any other federal agency as long as some form of diplomatic threat can be reasonably foreseen (apply a -2 penalty if the target is a military agency). If the character needs extra support, he can actually requisition help from these federal agencies. Another Willpower and Bureaucracy Task (-2 again for a military agency) gains access to any nonclassified facility or property that the agency normally has use of. This loan lasts for no more than one week, and the material must be returned in good condition or an extensive internal investigation will be launched. SENDING PRESIDENTIAL ORDERS 1-POINT PULLING STRING PREREQUISITE: SECRET SERVICE PROFESSION By orchestrating duty rosters and the Presidential agenda with a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task, Secret Service operatives can arrange to be in the right place at the right time to send forged presidential orders and directives. Depending on the importance of the orders, they may be found to be fraudulent in a few hours or may remain undetected for days. The repercussions of the false order also vary depending on its importance. For example, a Presidential stay of execution may go unnoticed for a few days, and even after it is discovered it will quite possibly be ignored. On the other hand, a Presidential directive to prepare for war with France will probably not last through the hour, and the operative better have a really good reason for causing the resulting international crisis.



Requesting the use of a specific aircraft requires the character to have access to a long runway or a military base. Further, these aircraft are moved only at night to limit the viewing of unauthorized personnel. Aircraft are only lent for a period of one mission or testing period as outlined in the request for the vehicle. Military aircraft that are presently available include the SR71 Blackbird reconnaissance craft, the B2 Spirit stealth bomber, the F117 Nighthawk stealth fighter, and the F/A22 Raptor stealth fighter. Other aircraft may also be made available. This requires a successful Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. Rare experimental craft such as the Aurora impose a -4 penalty, and any captured operational alien craft a -8 penalty. If the character’s team does not have the necessary piloting skills, requesting a team for the craft incurs

a -2 penalty. Delivery time is dependent on how urgent the request is. In any event, the vehicle will not be available for D6 + 6(9) hours. Being flown to another country imposes an additional -2 penalty, and time is no less than two days. Damaged, destroyed, lost, or absconded craft results in a visit by hard-faced internal security agents, a loss of access to this Pulling String while the incident is investigated, and even more dire repercussions.



The Office of Energy Research’s Human Genome Program (HGP) is the lead automated high-throughput DNA-sequencing program in the country. Unofficially, the program has been broadened significantly. Grey, Saurian, and a few highly guarded Atlantean DNA samples are being analyzed as well. Recently, this program was expanded to include animals and some cryptozoological creatures. With a successful Willpower and Bureaucracy Task, a character can have a DNA sample secretly analyzed. A full report on the sample (not always conclusive) is delivered in D6 x 2(6) days. Higher Success Levels halve (round up) the time of the analysis.



Many police investigations go unsolved or are dropped due to understaffing or faulty procedures. An investigation can be forcibly sidetracked for these reasons using a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. Modifiers depend upon the agent’s involvement in the case or how exposed the case is to public scrutiny, at the Chronicler’s discretion.



Certain religious cults, occultists, and warriors have been fighting the supernatural for centuries. It is no surprise that they have managed to accumulate extensive files on supernatural occurrences and locations, including information on some of the older and more prolific demons. Obtaining information about any of these subjects is dependent on what information the character is looking for. The rarer information is possessed by the most powerful occultists, and it is well guarded and not usually shared. This Pulling String is treated as a contact. The agent must bribe, smooth-talk, or convince the information holder through various meetings in order to uncover the information he needs.



The character has access to SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) teams, consisting of six highly trained, fully armed and armored men who have statistics equivalent to the soldier staff member (see p. 123), equipped as the Chronicler sees fit. To call a team to an ongoing violent situation requires no roll. In a situation where there is no clear danger requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task. If the use of the SWAT team needs to be a secret, a -2 penalty is applied. There will be repercussions if the actions that the SWAT team takes are difficult to cover up, such as dozens of bodies, blown-up buildings, or other hardto- explain events.



Those who delve into ancient manuals usually maintain a number of specialists in a variety of living, dead, and arcane languages. These personnel may be called upon to translate any text in any language. The time required to translate depends on the Success Levels of an Intelligence and Research/Investigation Task (one level = a month, two levels = a week, three levels = three days, four levels or more = a day). Particularly long, obscure, or important texts may multiply that translation time by a factor determined by the Chronicler.


PREREQUISITE: INFLUENCE: ANY Access to DMV databases can reveal vehicle and owner information, as well as outstanding warrants and traffic tickets. To have a license plate traced requires a Willpower and Bureaucracy Task — this provides the owner’s name, address, Social Security number, phone numbers, and description. Getting information on outstanding warrants and traffic tickets requires two Success Levels.

Training Quality Packages

Racial Quality Packages

Unsorted Qualities and Drawbacks


The character has a superhuman grasp of science and can use it to construct and utilize all manner of wondrous and useful gadgets. Characters with the Gadgetmaster Quality can use the Gadget rules described later in this chapter. There is one restriction on the number of levels in the Gadgetmaster that may be purchased: the character’s Mr. Fix-It and Science Skill levels must both be greater than or equal to his Gadgetmaster level. For example, a character with Mr. Fix-It 3 and Science 4 would be limited to three levels in Gadgetmaster until he increased his Mr. Fix-It Skill.


The Gift denotes a connection with the Otherworlds, a connection that allows the character to sense things that are hidden from others. All the Gifted have the ability to perceive the presence of supernatural energies or creatures. By succeeding at a Simple Perception Test, a Gifted character can sense if a supernatural being is near, and can detect strong flows of Essence in an area or object. This sensing is not precise. It does not tell the character exactly what or who is emanating an excess of magical energies, although the Success Level of the Test gives the Gifted character more information.


While all human beings have Essence, the Inspired generally have a greater amount. Their connection to the Otherworlds has strengthened their souls, making them living beacons of energy. Having a large Essence Pool is both a blessing and a curse. While Essence can be used to affect the world in many ways, it also attracts the attention of evil and supernatural beings who feed on other’s Essence.

Every level of Increased Essence Pool adds 5 points to the character’s Essence Pool. This can be done multiple times. After character creation, a character can increase their Essence Points pool by 2 points by expending 1 experience point. This makes it more cost effective to build up Essence slowly over time during the course of their lives. Essence can be purchased after any game session where Essence were used, to indicate a strengthening of the character’s spirit as a result of the trials they have endured. Any character with the Gift Quality can increase his Essence Pool.


The Inspired can transcend the limits of the flesh, and become a tool of a Greater Power. They are Inspired to fight the forces of darkness, and dedicate their lives to this purpose. The Inspired may use their own inner strength under the delusion that their power comes from without, or they may truly be the instruments of an omnipotent being. The important thing is that they must hold dearly to the tenets of their faith, and must never go against them.

If an Inspired character breaks a commandment or hesitates in his faith, he temporarily (or even permanently) loses the capability to perform miracles. Furthermore, the powers of the Inspired can only be used in ways that serve the Higher Power the character worships. Characters with Inspiration are able to channel Essence using their link to a Higher Power. Most Inspired consider this Higher Power to be the “True God.”

The Gift Quality is a prerequisite to purchasing Inspiration. An extended discussion of Inspiration powers can be found in the Magic section under Divine Inspiration.


A character with Mentalism can affect the world around him - including the minds of the people in it - using the force of his own preternaturally strong will and perhaps a detailed knowledge of human consciousness and biology. The most potent benefit of the Mentalism Quality is the ability to purchase Mentalism Powers (which requires the expenditure of additional points). For more information, see the Mentalism rules.


(in testing)

You are naturally capable of using all of your limbs in combat without difficulty. This includes the normal benefits of Ambidexterity, but in addition you may make one attack with each extra limb (including legs), to a maximum of four, at only -1 to hit per extra attack instead of -2. However, innate weapons that are -not- limbs (for example, a jet of fiery breath) or require time to 'reload' do not receive any benefits from this advantage.

For example, Garath the Gladiator has four arms. With Omnidexterity, he could attack with all four arms; the first attack would be at -0, the second at -1, the third at -2, and the fourth at -3. Omnidexterity can make for a very dangerous opponent indeed.

Homebrewed Qualities and Drawbacks

This is where any custom-tailored Qualities and Drawbacks exist, particularly templates for strange species. Included is the math behind determining the costs involved, for those who want to see what went into a particular Quality. Check 'em out.

Animalistic Werewolf: 11-point Quality / 17-point Quality

Your character is afflicted with the curse of an animalistic werewolf; you transform into a particularly large wolf during the full moon. There are advantages and disadvantages to this capability.

Whether in human or wolf form, you receive perks for unlocking your inner beast.

Both forms have Acute Taste/Smell and Acute Hearing automatically. If they already possess this, it stacks with the effects of this Quality. [+4 points]

Both forms receive a +1 to Con and two levels of Hard to Kill, and can purchase up to ten levels of Hard to Kill total. [+3 points]

When a wolf, you receive a +1 to Str, +2 to Dex, and a -2 to Int (minimum 1). If this reduces your Int to 1, you behave like a normal wolf when in wolf form (which limits the range of activities and strategies you can perform). If your Int remains 2 or higher, you can act with a modicum of human intellect even when transformed. [+0.5 points]

When human, you receive a +3 to Str. [+1.5 points]

Either form has access to Regeneration (restoring up to your Con in Life Points every hour.) [+1 point]

Whether human or wolf, you are also extremely vulnerable to silver; silver weapons inflict double normal damage (triple if a slashing or bullet weapon); however, since they are less effective than normal weapons, subtract three points from the base damage (before multiplying) to a minimum of one point. You also take one point of damage per Turn you are in contact with a silver object; bullets or other fragments that embed themselves into the skin inflict one point of damage per Turn until removed by a successful Doctor skill roll or until they have been expelled by the body (after inflicting ten points of damage for a single bullet, or twenty points of damage for multiple bullets or pieces of fragmentation.) [+3 points]

You are capable of passing on your lycanthropy, either through classic sexual reproduction or through infection. If you bite someone while in wolf form, or otherwise engage in fluid transfer (this means kissing or sex for those of you who missed health class, among other things), the would-be victim must pass a Willpower (doubled) roll, or catch your affliction. This is generally considered a Drawback, as this means you can transmit it accidentally or without being aware of it. Furthermore, people who acquire this Quality may develop a large number of Drawbacks to help pay off some of the cost (mental breakdown, anyone?) [-1 point]

Animalistic lycanthropes retain self-control while transformed, although they tend to have an altered personality in this state and may not always act in the best interests of their human side. However, these lycanthropes are not stupid; they will flee confrontations, or fight if necessary, and will focus on self-preservation (and preservation of pack members).

Animalistic lycanthropes automatically transform during the full moon, and may also transform automatically if they are sufficiently frightened for their lives; a good rule of thumb would be if they fail a Willpower (doubled) roll in particularly stressful situations, the beast may come out. [-1 point]

Lycanthropes who were born to the power, or those who have had sufficient practice, can also voluntarily transform, without requiring the intervention of the full moon; this raises the cost of the Quality by six points.

To purchase Qualities or Drawbacks that only affect the human or wolf side (particularly mental problems) total up the cost of all Qualities or Drawbacks that only affect one side of you, and then halve the final cost (rounding up if positive, or down if negative.)

EXAMPLE THIS: Fitch has a few problems - when he's human, he has a strong tendency to use LSD (Addiction: 3 points) and suffers from deep Depression (2 points). He looks forward to the full moon because it helps him deal with these problems, but his wolfy side is surprisingly Covetous (Conspicuous, Minor, 1 point), attempting to draw attention to itself whenever possible. The total cost of these Drawbacks is 6 points; halved, this brings the total cost of his Drawbacks to 3 points.

EXAMPLE ME AGAIN: Logan loves being a werewolf. While he's not as strong in wof form as he is in human form, he makes up for it with boosted Regeneration (boosted up to Con per turn; 5 points) and five extra levels of Hard to Kill (5 points). Because these only apply in wolf form, the cost is halved, for a total of 5 points of extra Qualities.

Char Loft Staff Member: Variable Quality

Being a staff member at the Char Loft (or other businesses owned by the boss) carries certain obligations and duties, but also can provide certain perks. Even the lowest of the low tends to have the support of a powerful patron on their side who will intervene in their affairs for their own good (sometimes whether they like it or not!)

Most staff members have access to some or most of the computer and electronic systems, dimensional Windows, Doors, and most importantly, the Library – although access is usually restricted to the most unpleasant stuff unless you have a good reason to access it, and your contractual obligations typically keep you from using what you can access to cause more trouble than the Boss really wants you to.

All versions of Char Loft Staff Member provide the Immortal Quality [0]; you effectively never age until you leave the company (ideally under friendly terms). You are considered beholden to the Boss as a form of Demonic Tutor [-2] - and while he may not guide you towards evil, per se, he is often as manipulative and meddling (and receives the benefits of immunity against you and your works). You also receive an Important Obligation [-1] towards the Char Loft and the boss - the hazards of working in an interdimensional coffee shop are surprisingly numerous, and you may have more strenuous requirements depending on your duties. This means that being an employee of the Char Loft is a 3-point drawback before the advantages are taken into consideration; the costs listed include these drawbacks automatically.

Staff Member Qualities do stack with racial or professional qualities. Some Staff Member Qualities have minimum requirements.

This advantage comes in several varieties, which have different point costs:

Char Loft Grunt:

You are one of the working-class heroes who takes care of basic functions around the Char Loft. Whether it's working in the kitchens, waiting tables, cleaning floors, or otherwise performing the menial minimum-wage-esque duties involved in an interdimensional cafe operation, you are one of these unfortunates.

You have an effective Char Loft rank of 3 [3] - putting your priorities above those of the customer base, but below those of the more well-liked employees, and guaranteeing you some level of support should you need it. You also generally enjoy some freedom from the dangers of actually coming into contact with outsiders unless you so desire.

Being a Char Loft Grunt is effectively a 0-point Quality; the benefits and drawbacks balance out.

Char Loft Maintenance:
Minimum Str 3, Dex 3, Per 3, Mr. Fix-It 2

You are one of those unlucky souls who has to work the maintenance department of the Char Loft. You repair things, fix what's broken, haul what must be hauled, and generally do whatever is necessary to keep things running.

You receive a +1 to Mr. Fix-It (on the job training) and +1 to Gun Fu (on the job training). [2] You also have an effective Char Loft rank of 4 [4] - you can demand assistance from the staff, though usually it must be relevant to your work. This is effectively a 3-point Quality.

Boss's Employee:
You work for the boss in some other capacity - maybe you happen to be a succubus with a head (or other parts) for law, or you are a renowned alchemist who is working on a potion that could change the world, or maybe you just do work that doesn't relate to slinging coffee.

You have an effective Char Loft rank of 3 [3] - you are recognizable as an employee of the Boss, and receive a certain base level of respect as a result. You receive a +1 bonus to any two skills related to your duties for the Boss (these may not stack) [2], and you must have at least two ranks in these skills. You may have a higher level of Obligation than standard, though this must be taken separately as part of your Drawbacks. This is a 2-point Quality.

Char Loft Barista in Training:
Minimum Int 2, Will 2, Per 2, Knowledge 1, at least one combat skill

You are a 'barista on probation' - either a recent hire, or simply not competent enough to fulfill the obligations of a full-fledged barista. You are responsible for serving customers (and dealing with their insults and occasional attacks), and don't receive as much support and assistance as a full-fledged barista. Also, you often get called up at odd moments, and have little direct control over when you might be called in to serve. This is called 'job experience', or more quietly, 'a reason to work for promotion'.

You have an effective Char Loft rank of 5 [5], which means that you have some actual control over the functions of the Char Loft; you can access its equipment and extradimensional spaces without being brutally dismembered or tormented, service its customers, and manage day-to-day operations. You also have two points of Contacts [2], which represents the assistance of the Barista's Handbook (answering typical questions) and the Barista's Walkie (which they can use to call in help from the higher-ups … who may or may not help the poor barista-in-training.)

As part of your training, you receive a +1 bonus to Knowledge and Occultism, as you receive extensive training in a variety of subjects, mundane and supernatural, whether you like it or not, and tend to pick up more from on-the-job training. This is enough to ensure that even baristas in training are familiar with basic precepts of the supernatural, and have a reasonable chance of knowing (or knowing how to look up) most trivia. [2]

All of these are offset by a Total Obligation to the Char Loft, as your life is frequently at risk while on duty, and you cannot choose to avoid it - if the Boss or Manager wants you to work, you'll be there whether you like it or not. [-2]

In total, being a Barista in Training is a 4-point Quality. You can pay to upgrade to a full Barista later (+3 Quality Points) if you can meet the basic requirements; this will give you access to WC: Genre Savvy, reduce your Obligation by one point, increase your Contacts by one point, and raise your Char Loft Rank by 1.

Char Loft Barista:
Minimum Int 3, Will 3, Per 3, Knowledge 2, at least one combat skill at rank 3

You are a full-fledged and all-powerful barista! Okay, this might not be the most visually impressive job in the world, but it does give you access to most of the powers of the Char Loft, and puts you on equal terms with other baristas. You can call up lesser staff members with impunity (within reason), and while you can't violate the rules of the Char Loft with impunity, you can bend them within reason when serving the needs of the Char Loft.

You have an effective Char Loft rank of 6 [6], which means that only a Manager or the Boss can outrank or override your relative authority, and they'll typically side with you over customers. Furthermore, you have three points of Contacts [3] - aside from the Barista's Handbook, you can also call up help from other staffers (and while they may not be thrilled, they'll usually come help out if you need it).

Your training (on and off the job) is extensive - you receive a +1 to Knowledge and Occultism [2], and can put points in Wildcard: Genre Savvy.

Wildcard: Genre Savvy: You are familiar with the intricacies of fictional worlds to the point where you can use this in any 'genre-heavy' world you recognize for various purposes. In particular, Perception + Genre Savvy will give you insights as to the origin of a particular person or object; Intelligence will give you an idea on how to best respond to a genre situation.

All of these are offset by a Major Obligation to the Char Loft, as your life is frequently at risk while on duty, but at least you can usually find some way to take time off, or get someone to substitute for you in case you have to do something. (Of course, there are always exceptions.) [-1]

Being a Barista is a 7-point Quality.

Climate Adaptation: 0-, 1-, or 2-Point Quality

The level of this Quality depends on how adapted you are to your environment.

For 0 points, you are from a climate that is either significantly colder than temperate, or significantly warmer than temperate. (As such, this may also be referred to as 'From the Frozen North' or 'From the Blazing South', respectively.) Accordingly, when in settings that resemble your native climate and which are extreme enough to require a Con check, you receive a +2 to your check. Conversely, however, you suffer a -2 penalty to Con checks if in the opposite sort of climate, due to your lack of familiarity with extreme heat/cold.

For 1 point, you are familiar with the usual range of climates, but have learned to tolerate one extreme of temperatures; you gain the +2 bonus to Con checks on your chosen climate. For 2 points, you are tolerant of both extremes, and receive a +2 bonus on Con checks for any climate.

If you want further benefits, you may take Resistance: Heat or Resistance: Cold.

Limit Breaker: 1-Point Quality

This quality allows a human or other being to exceed the normal statistical maximum of 6. Mortals who take this Quality immediately become Champions (in power level, if not in deed), whether they like it or not.

Natural Linguist: 1-, 2-, or 3-Point Quality

Requirements: Languages 3

You are naturally adept with languages, and tend to pick new ones up easily. Having mastered linguistic theory, you can learn additional languages for 5 experience points apiece, instead of by buying up the Languages skill. This does not increase your Languages skill; it merely allows you to acquire languages more easily once you have already shown significant talent in this field. This costs 2 points.

Reduce cost by 1 point if you are only adept in learning either written or spoken forms of languages in this manner, and cannot do both. The cost to learn a new language remains at five experience points.

Increase cost by 1 point if, if you manage to get three successes on an Int + Languages roll and have the experience points handy, you can 'buy' a new language immediately, even in the middle of a dungeon or other adventure instead of through arduous study.

Night Vision: 2-Point Quality

You have exceptionally keen eyes, able to see as long as there is even a hint of light in the area. You suffer normal penalties if blinded or otherwise enshrouded by complete darkness; however, darkness penalties are negated as long as there is at least some form of light available (starlight, a distant candle, a small LED, etc).

Reduce this Quality by 1 point if Limited. Common limitations include:

Rougarou: 14-point Quality

Your character has received the voodoo blessing of the rougarou, a form of werewolf created by ritual who calls the bayou its home. This has a number of advantages, although its practitioners tend to be on the eccentric side.

In human form, you receive a +2 to Strength, +1 to Dexterity, +1 to Constitution, and +1 to Perception, and your statistics can exceed 6. [+6]

You also receive Acute Sense of Smell. [+2]

Rougarou are in tune with the magic of the world, and receive Sorcery 1 [+5] - and can choose to buy more.

They are vulnerable to pure iron (inflicts double normal damage) and wolfsbane (disrupts acute sense of smell if within 50 feet, causes 1 point of damage per Turn if exposed directly via touch or smoke). [-3]

They receive both Situational Awareness and Fast Reaction Time whenever they are in swampy territory. [+2]

They can transform into a wolflike humanoid form that receives several additional benefits and modifiers: (costs are halved) An additional +1 to Strength and Dexterity, and -2 to Intelligence. [0] Natural Toughness (AV 4 vs blunt trauma) [+1] Natural Armor 1 (Armor Value 1) [+0.5] Small Claws (2 x Str slash/stab damage) [+0.5]

Seeing an enraged rougarou in were form generally calls for a Fear Test at -4, unless you are familiar with lycanthropes. [0]

Rougarou are created through voodoo ritual magic; they are not infectious.

Synergy: 2-point per Level Quality

Maximum Level: 5

Some people are so in tune with each other that they simply perform better when it comes to each other. In many cases this is due to magic or psionic abilities, but there are cases of people who were seemingly connected to each other by love or blood even in the real world. This Quality is meant to simulate some of its more favorable effects. It can be purchased after character creation.

Synergy must be declared on a specific individual or object, and has a number of benefits:

Note that Synergy is not necessarily limited to living beings, just individual targets. An engineer may have Synergy towards his favorite machine, for example, or a professional wheelman may have Synergy towards their car… In this case, the Synergy only needs to be purchased by the living side of the equation, of course, and the effects remain similar; the owner may get a Willpower + Synergy roll to notice someone attempting to mess with his lucky gun even if he otherwise would stand no chance, and would receive a bonus equal to Synergy to shoot at targets or repair the gun when it jams.

(Pricing logic: A +1 to Attributes costs 2 points per level; this bonus is somewhat more universally applicable in some aspects, and much more limited in others, and requires both people to own it for best effect.)

Time Travel Device: 3 or 5-point Quality

Combination of the following traits:
The Time Travel Device (Level 6 Super Science Item) [12]
Uncontrollable Power [-5]
Obligation: Time Patrol [-2]
Limited Use: Once Per Day [-2]
Immortal [0]
Must have a minimum 5 in Science to use or operate the device.

While possessing the Time Travel Device, the user is able to voluntarily travel forward and backwards in time. Since part of the effect is that it eliminates temporal inertia, aging is greatly retarded. Side effects include occasional random time jumps if the user remains inattentive; this is mostly at the whim of the GM, but attempting to resist the pull of the timestream requires a Willpower (doubled) roll with penalties between -1 and -6 or worse. A Intelligence + Science roll (and ten minutes of meddling with the Time Travel Device) can temporarily negate these penalties. Results on a failed roll should be anywhere from inconvenient (accidentally warping to a point five minutes in the future) to distressing (abruptly dropped into the middle of the French-American War.)

The device can also manipulate space to a lesser extent, allowing the user to travel a distance in miles equal to half the temporal distance in years traveled at their option. If this is not used, the user remains in (roughly) the same location they were in before traveling.

The device can only be utilized once per day and requires a full 24 hours to cool down between attempts. Involuntary use (due to 'Uncontrollable Power') counts as a normal use (and thus, the user is stuck in time for a minimum of 24 hours.)

To utilize the device normally, one must achieve at least one success level on an Intelligence + Science roll. Temporal and spatial drift tends to occur, however - this is more or less up to the GM, but a rule of thumb of 100% - (20% per Success Level over 1) is a good start. The device takes fifteen minutes to 'dial in' on a particular location, though this can be reduced to ten seconds (two Turns) if the location is dialed in in advance, or if 'random destination' is chosen (essentially, forcibly triggering the Uncontrolled version of this power.)

The device does not function at all in stabilized-reality dimensions, or in dimensions where time is forcibly linear. In dimensions where time is multidimensional, this device may function uncontrollably whenever used!

The device functions as an ordinary pocket computer when not being used for more prosaic purposes.

This device is the exclusive property of the Time Patrol, and owners are expected to follow the rules and guidelines of that organization. Stolen versions typically replace the Obligation with an Adversary; versions not created by the Time Patrol may eliminate the Obligation entirely, although homegrown temporal travelers should expect to be distrusted by the temporal police.

Touch of Imbalance: 2-Point or 4-Point Quality

Through a touch, the user can attempt to tap into the vital force of an opponent in order to gain a combat advantage. This requires a touch against bare skin (Dexterity + Kung Fu, at no penalty for normal degrees of clothing - the difficulty of finding an exposed spot is balanced by the fact that it's easier to touch than to injure; gamemasters may assign penalties or bonuses for special circumstances at their whim, and there must be exposed (ie, entirely uncovered) skin to contact for this power to work at all.) Defending against this attack uses a normal Dodge or Parry roll.

Assuming the touch lands, the user can invoke a Willpower + Occultism roll, resisted by the target's Willpower doubled. Success results in the user gaining a +1 per SL (max 5) to their next roll made within (one minute per +1), and the target receiving a similar -1 per SL (max -5) to their next roll made within (one minute per -1). If the target resists successfully, however, the effects are reversed; the user receives the penalty, based on the target's success roll.

As this move attempts to disrupt the balance of a person's vital energy and exploit it, it cannot be used on anything without a vital spark; this typically includes undead, magically animated, robotic, and extradimensional entities, either because they lack the necessary vital force or because the existing force is incompatible with this power. Variant versions that focus on another target type (a Touch of Imbalance that works on magical entities - and has no effect on non-Sorcerous types, or a Leechline that drains power from mechanical entities and has no effect on others, for example) may be taken instead.

This power may not be used again until at least ten full minutes have passed, and as such cannot be 'stacked'. Effects immediately expire if either the user or the target is killed, and may expire under other circumstances as the gamemaster sees appropriate (typically, the end of a sustained combat.)

Targets automatically resist against this effect, though they may choose not to avoid the touch. Beings with resistance against supernatural powers can apply it normally. The user cannot use this on friends and loved ones (unless they have levels of Cruelty or succeed in a separate Willpower (not doubled) roll.)

For 4 points, this Quality provides its effects on the next roll made, essentially providing Good Luck / Bad Luck when used, regardless of what it may be. For 2 points, this Quality only affects the next roll of one specific attribute - for example, Willpower. This allows for more direct focus, but limits its applications.

Vengeance Upon Thee: 2-point Quality

This two-point Quality takes effect only when the character who possesses it is dead; anything that causes the character to return to life instantly negates the effects of this Quality. When Vengeance Upon Thee is invoked, the person directly responsible for the death of the character suffers under a curse that gives them an effective Bad Luck 3 (or, in certain circumstances, another three-point Drawback). This curse is lasting, and can be removed by only very powerful magics, by the death of the cursed (note that returning the cursed to life will not reinstate the curse), or by restoring the Quality-bearing character to life.

While Bad Luck can never directly cause someone's death, it can cause miscellaneous misfortunes that impede progress or cause problems - in place of using it to penalize a die roll, a GM of a particularly bent mind may decide to inflict one minor misfortune or problem per -1 of Bad Luck per session, or one major misfortune or problem per -3 of Bad Luck per session. This is cumulative with any pre-existing Bad Luck possessed by the victim, and is not negated by Good Luck that character may possess.

Vampiric Regeneration: 1-Point Drawback or 0-Point, 1-Point, or 2-Point Quality

This replaces the 1-point form of Regeneration found in the Vampire template, and if used takes the place of that power (typically the 'Cannot Heal Normally' version.)

A vampire with Vampiric Regeneration feeds - and lives - off of the blood of humans or other creatures. In short, the vampire uses the Vampire Bite maneuver to bite into, and then feed from, their victim, consuming the target's LP and regaining 1 LP per 3 LP the subject has lost. (The vampire inflicts 3 x Strength damage per round, and regains Strength damage per round in return.) The average human (with 26 LP), if very carefully tapped, would provide a vampire with 9 LP of healing before passing out, or 12 LP if drained completely to death.

Regenerating lost digits, eyes, ears, and such requires an equivalent of 1/4 of the vampire's LP in Vampiric Regeneration; regenerating lost limbs requires an equivalent of 1/2 the vampire's LP. Healing from disfigurement, dismemberment, etc does not take place until all LP lost from other sources has been recovered. Parts that are merely broken or crippled instead of severed outright take half as much LP to restore in this manner.

Disfiguring injuries (such as from fire, holy weapons, and other possible vulnerabilities) recover at 1/20 the normal rate; a limb burned off would require a massive 10 times the vampire's LP in Vampiric Regeneration to restore.

Gruesome Example: A vampire with 80 LP gets brutally dismembered by his enemies, has his eyes burned out, and is left to burn to death in the sunlight. Fortunately for him, his faithful minions rescue him, but he is in very bad condition (-10 LP).

Assuming they get a steady crop of humans to feed him (12 LP recovered apiece), they first must restore his health (90 LP). This takes 8 unfortunate lives.

Next, recovering the limbs. Each limb counts as half his LP (40 LP) – since he's missing multiple limbs, they all heal more or less simultaneously (160 LP) – so another 14 people must die before our unfortunate fanged friend can wiggle his fingers and toes again.

Finally, the eyes - they'd normally require 1/4 of his LP each to restore (20 LP x 2 = 40 LP), but since they've been burned out, this is multiplied by 20, for a total of 800 LP. A massive army of 67 people must be fed to him in their entirety to restore his sight.

In total, this vampire was fed 89 people to restore all that damage. Hope nobody noticed… and that the minions are loyal enough to bother.

Other Food Sources

Typically, vampires can eat other vampires; there are rumors that doing so may result in a compulsion similar to an Obligation if done too often. (Specifically, legends put it at a 0-point Obligation after the first bite, with an additional point of Obligation per bite thereafter until Total.) On the other hand, biting a vampire with unique powers may also justify access to unlocking these powers for your own. Which is true, if either, depends on where you come from and where you are.

Werewolves and other entities of supernaturally cursed blood, as well as many demons, are generally nonpalatable to vampires – for new and unusual demons, your GM is free to decide on his own whether or not a vampire can eat a particular demon. Demon blood in particular can have very unusual effects on vampires, from healing them to adding mental drawbacks to giving strange new powers temporarily to setting them on fire. Obviously, a good Occultism roll is recommended before experimenting.

Vampires can exist on the blood of animals - however, animals typically provide less sustenance (a common rat provides about 2 LP, a dog provides about 4 LP, and a sheep provides about 6 LP; horses and cows provide roughly 10 to 15 LP), and in most cases, do not taste nearly as good. In certain vampire circles, eating animals is akin to eating fast food – you can live off of it, but not comfortably or well.

For those vampires who have the sense to stockpile the red stuff (one way or another), one pint will provide roughly 2 LP of healing. Blood substitutes such as bloodmelon juice provide roughly half the effect - a 32 ounce glass of bloodmelon juice also provides roughly 2 LP of healing.

A skilled Doctor roll can salvage a disfigured limb, stitch a severed limb back on, or fix other grievous damage up in such a way as to hasten recovery times (reducing the LP needed to restore a disfigurement, dismemberment, or grievous injury by 10% per success level, at GM's option).

The cost of Vampiric Regeneration depends on the side effects: for a two-point Quality, a vampire also recovers LP equal to Constitution every day whether they feed or not, and suffers only minor ill effects from lack of feeding, treating 1 LP of Vampiric Regeneration as one meal for purposes of the effects of meals missed.

Lower this by one point if the vampire cannot heal normally. This means that any injury will remain, fresh and bleeding, until the vampire has received at least one point of Vampiric Regeneration. In particular, Doctor skill can limit bleeding, but cannot restore LP.

Lower this by one point if the vampire loses LP equal to their Constitution automatically when they have not fed, or if they are already at 0 LP or less, they temporarily lose one point from their highest attribute instead. Attribute points lost can be restored by recovering 10 LP with Vampiric Regeneration.

Lower this by one point if the vampire has poor self-control when feeding from a living target; they must always check Willpower (doubled) to stop feeding; if severely injured, the check is against Willpower (not doubled.) Vampires with poor self-control tend to suffer from Cruelty and other fun vampire habits, making them less-than-pleasant to be around.

Worldlocked: 1 or 2-point Drawback

For whatever reason, you are locked into a particular world and cannot leave it by any means. For a 1-point Drawback, and requires that you designate a particular world. For a 2-point Drawback, you are restricted to a specific area of a particular world. In Char Loft, this is typically used for employees or people living in World's End. Some of these are people who are worldlocked because their homeworld simply no longer exists, while others are worldlocked by mystical compulsion.

World's End inhabitants - the people who live their day-to-day lives in the town that doesn't exist - tend to have the 2-point version of this Drawback; they are specifically limited to World's End, and cannot leave (either to travel to other dimensions, or to enter the Char Loft proper), though they can enter any building in town.

Char Loft employees may have the 1-point version (in which case, they can travel freely through World's End, Char Loft, and any other business or dimensional locations owned by the Boss), or the 2-point version (in which case they are limited to the Back Areas and to the specific location they work, such as the Char Loft.)

Regardless of the reason, attempts to remove them (voluntarily or otherwise) from the dimension will automatically fail (and instead will teleport the would-be traveller to an appropriate nearby location, such as their house or their place of work, or to a semi-random nearby location within the allowed area.)


The ability to play a role and successfully counterfeit behaviors, emotions, and other character traits. A talented actor can weep on demand, or convincingly display an array of emotions. This skill is useful both to legitimate artists and to criminals and con men.

Use Intelligence and Acting to give a good performance, and Perception and Acting to spot or judge someone else’s act.


This is the ability to use make-up, hair dressing, and cosmetics to enhance a person’s appearance. Use Intelligence and Beautician for the Task; each Success Level adds +1 to a person’s Attractiveness by hiding blemishes and enhancing a person’s good points. Modifiers to these Tasks include the materials available (+2 in a fully stocked beauty salon, -2 or worse with improvised materials) and the subject’s basic Attractiveness level.

Beautician skills can also be used to help change a person’s appearance. A skilled character can use hair dyes, contacts, and make-up to change a person’s look greatly. This skill can be used to replace the Disguise skill, or can add a +1 bonus to Disguise Tasks for each level of success in the Intelligence and Beautician Task.

Using Perception and Beautician allows the character to see how extensively a person is made up, and may be used to identify a disguise (this Task is resisted by the disguiser’s own Intelligence and Beautician or Disguise Tasks).


This skill provides familiarity with the organization of, and procedures used by, bureaucratic institutions. Use Intelligence and Bureaucracy to devise ways to make a large group or organization more (or less) efficient; use Willpower and Bureaucracy to “cut through red tape.”

Bureaucracy is employed in many Pulling Strings; no master manipulator should be without it.


The skill of breaking the rules and tricking an opponent. Mostly used in games of chance and other forms of gambling. Use Intelligence and Cheating to perform the trick, or Perception and Cheating to spot such a trick.


A character with the Climbing skill knows how best to use any surface to get to the top. Climbing Tasks use Dexterity, Strength, or Constitution, depending on the type of climb attempted.


This is the skill to penetrate computer systems through a modem, overcome protection and password programs, and steal information or inflict damage on the system.

Most Tasks use Intelligence and Computer Hacking, although spotting a specific type of defense or password system may use Perception and Computer Hacking instead.


The skill to write a set of commands in one of the many computer languages. Writing a program uses Intelligence and Computer Programming; Perception and Computer Programming is used to recognize elements of another program.


Craft covers numerous types of skills, such as those employed by carpenters, seamstresses, weavers, weaponsmiths, woodworkers, etc. When the Craft skill is purchased, a particular skill Type must be specified. At the GM's discretion, some Craft Types may overlap, but for the most part having one Type should not measurably help with another. Characters may further want to specialize. For example, Gunsmith is a Specialty of the Craft (Weaponsmith) skill. Bowyer would likewise relate to bows.

Intelligence and Craft are used to conceive and plan an item. Dexterity and Craft are tested to create an item, or repair a damaged item. Perception and Craft serve to appraise an item. Fine Arts, Electronics, Engineering, Mechanic, and other skills may be used to supplement the Craft skill. Note that devising and creating a particular item may be a time-consuming and difficult task. Often, it is far easier to simply buy a mass-produced item.


This skill is not necessary to gyrate to a catchy tune. Dancing represents training in a form of dance and includes anything from ballet to tribal rituals to high accomplishment on the disco floor. The character must indicate the specific Type of Dancing he is familiar with. Other Types have a default level equal to the Dancing -2.

Dexterity and Dancing are used to actually dance; Perception and Dancing are used to recognize a type of dance and to judge the quality of another’s performance.


The ability to set and disarm explosives. Use Intelligence and Demolitions to set up an explosive charge, Perception and Demolitions to understand the set-up of an unfamiliar bomb, and Intelligence and Demolitions (resisted by the bomber’s own Intelligence and Demolitions) to disarm an enemy bomb. Chroniclers may restrict this skill to those with access to military or espionage training.


The ability to change one’s appearance using wigs, make-up, and clothing. A high-tech spy can also use rubber masks, implants, and other gadgets to completely alter his face and even body (such high-tech aids may give bonuses of +2 to +6, at the Chronicler’s discretion). Use Intelligence and Disguise to apply a disguise, and Perception and Disguise to spot somebody else’s disguise.


The skill to set up, use, and detect electronic “bugs” — sophisticated microphones and cameras hidden in a location to spy on or detect people.

This skill is particularly useful for eavesdropping on cell phone conversations. All that is required is a tunable radio transceiver (any of the radios in Chapter Three: Ops Center will do) within range of a transmitting cell phone (one that is in use), roughly two minutes, and an Intelligence and Electronic Surveillance Task.

More generally, use Intelligence and Electronic Surveillance to set up and use a bug, and Perception and Electronic Surveillance to detect one (resisted by the operator’s original Intelligence and Electronic Surveillance Task result). Chroniclers may wish to restrict this skill to those with military or espionage backgrounds.


This skill allows a character to build and repair all manner of electronic devices and tools, and grants the character knowledge about electronic systems and the like. The difficulty of repairing an electronic device depends on how intricate the device is and how damaged it is. Constructing an electronic item is also more difficult the more advanced and complex the device. Chroniclers should apply a penalty or bonus depending on these factors. Finally, an electronic tool kit must be available for all but the most rudimentary repairs. A lab or workshop may also be required. All repair or construction attempts take time, ranging from a couple of hours to days. This too should be determined by the Chronicler.

Understanding an existing electronic device calls for a Perception and Electronics Task; repairing or constructing a device requires an Intelligence and Electronics Task. It should be noted that this skill and the Mechanic skill complement one another and are often used together.


This skill reflects the general knowledge of structural design, material strengths, and construction techniques in a variety of fields and applications. Examples of the Types of Engineering skill include Architecture, Civil, Construction, Mechanical, Electrical, and Biological. While a general Mr. Fix-It roll works for the average muddler, a true craftsman may specialize in order to develop a single talent further. Alternatively, separation between Engineering Types (and even Specialties) may be important to the storyline. The carryover between Types may allow some rolls at a large penalty (Architecture vs. Construction), but mostly it would not (Electrical vs. Biological). Planning or devising an object, structure, or device within the character’s Engineering Type demands an Intelligence and Engineering Task.


This is the ability to escape from ropes, handcuffs, and other restraints. Most of these Tasks use Dexterity and Escape, with each attempt taking between one and five minutes, depending on the complexity of the bonds. A simple rope tie would have no modifier, but complex knots might have penalties of -1 to -5, police handcuffs involve a penalty of -4, and a straitjacket/ strap/chain combo might have penalties of -5 to -8. Expert escape artists also use visualization techniques — they carefully think about their method of escape before attempting it. This is an Intelligence and Escape Task that takes two minutes; each Success Level adds a +1 to an immediately subsequent Dexterity and Escape Task.


There are many Types of Fine Arts skill, such as Drawing, Painting, Computer Graphics, Sculpting, etc. While the Art skill covers general competence, for those who want to represent fine distinction between Fine Arts Skill Types, choosing a particular type allows one to distinguish their work. In general, carryover between Types is slight, so the penalties should be large for out-of-Type skill rolls.

Rolls to conceptualize a work of art, or to produce it from memory, improvisation, or imagination require Intelligence and Fine Arts. Rendering a concept that is recorded, such as using models or plans, requires Dexterity and Fine Arts. Appreciating another’s work uses Perception and Fine Arts. The Success Levels of a Fine Arts Task indicate how good the artistic expression is.


This is the knowledge of most common games of chance, their rules and techniques, and the best strategies to win the games. A character needs both Gambling and Cheating to break the rules effectively.


This skill aids the character in dealing for goods and services, or otherwise bring two or more parties to some common ground. It may be applied when buying, selling, or bartering goods or services. Often used in a Resisted Task, each level of success modifies the price of the subject by 10 percent. It may also be used for less tangible exchanges, such as political deal-making. In such circumstances, the GM should adjudicate the result given the goal and the levels of success.

Haggling can also be used to determine whether the character is being misled or conned. Use Willpower and Haggling to get the best deal; use Perception and Haggling to spot a con.


Each of the various humanities disciplines (archaeology, anthropology, economics, history, law, political science, sociology, theology, etc.) counts as a separate Humanities Type. In some games, the Chronicler may just lump them all into one category, depending on how big a role such skills play in the course of the campaign. Alternatively, separation between Humanities Types (and even Specialties) may be important to the storyline, and a variety of penalties may be applied when trying to use a specific Type outside its range. In any event, most Humanities Tasks use Intelligence or Perception and Humanities.

Humanities Types can include many Specialties. For example, Humanities (Law) includes a number of different subjects, any one of which may be a Specialty (i.e., corporate law, environmental law, criminal law, etc.). Other than giving a character the normal +2 Task bonus for Specialties, Chroniclers may wish to penalize Tasks attempted outside the specialization. For example, a character with Humanities (Ancient History) gains a +2 bonus for Tasks involving the Spartan wars, but may incur a -1 penalty for a question concerning the Renaissance, or a -3 penalty for a question about World War I.


This skill allows the character to place a subject in a trancelike state. While in trance, the subject can recall any memory to the smallest detail, even if that memory has been consciously forgotten or even buried due to trauma or brainwashing. If the memory is particularly traumatic, however, the person may not be able to answer the questions coherently. In addition to questioning, the hypnotist may implant suggestions and commands that the subject must obey when released from the trance. Willpower and Hypnosis are used for most Tasks, usually resisted with a Difficult Willpower Test from the subject. If uncovering memories buried by earlier hypnosis or brainwashing, the Task is resisted by the Hypnosis skill of the brainwasher, sometimes modified by the Chronicler, depending upon time and technology. Most hypnosis sessions take about ten minutes.


Teaching is a skill and an art. The subject matter is important, but conveying that information in an interesting, stimulating, and comprehensive manner is the heart of the Instruction skill. The first step in using the Instruction skill is to pick a subject matter to teach. This may be any skill known by the teacher, but it must be at least two levels higher than the student’s level. If the required skill level is possessed, the teacher and student must spend a certain period of time on lessons. Every week of game time that the two spend at least ten hours studying the skill, the teacher can attempt an Intelligence and Instruction Task. The Success Levels of this Task are cumulative. For example, if the teacher and student spend three weeks working on the skill, the Success Levels of all three rolls are added together. When the teacher accumulates five Success Levels in the Task, the student receives one experience point toward improving that skill.

Thom is an accomplished swordsman (level five) and a decent teacher (level three). Pete wants to learn better technique; he has Hand Weapon (Sword) 1. Thom’s Hand Weapon (Sword) skill is more than two levels higher than Pete’s, so he may teach him. After they spend a good deal of time working together during one week, Thom tests his Instruction skill. He rolls a six, adds three for the skill level and two for his Intelligence, for a total of 11, or two Success Levels. The next week, they study together again, and Thom rolls particularly well, gaining three Success Levels. Pete gains one experience point dedicated to the Hand Weapon (Sword) skill.


The skill to make people afraid, Intimidation is used by bullies or others in most confrontational situations. A good Intimidation Task result may stop a fight before it starts by convincing the opponent that he does not want to mess with the character.

Use Willpower and Intimidation for “real” intimidation attempts, or Intelligence and Intimidation to bluff.


Every character is assumed to have level five in his native or primary language. Each additional language must be purchased as a separate Type. The skill level in a language determines not only basic fluency, but also the “thickness” of the character’s accent. Most of the time, the character need not pass a Task to see if he communicates; as long as the character knows the language, assume that he can talk in it without needing to roll. A Task roll would be necessary in situations involving highly technical or scholarly speech (which may use a lot of words the character doesn’t know) or when dealing with extreme regional accents or slang. Similarly, Tasks might be necessary depending upon the complexity of the language with regards to reading or writing.

Language Types may allow for an outside-Type roll (with small penalty) if they are in the same family (Italian, French, Spanish), but in general Types do not cross over.


Skill Level Fluency

as a foreigner and may be misunderstood. |

2 Thick accent but largely fluent; the character should have no problems being understood.
3 Slight accent; native speakers realize this is not the character’s first language.

spots the character’s accent. |

5 Complete mastery; the character can pass for a native without problems.

of the language. |


This skill covers all the basics in breaking and entering. There are two Types: Mechanical and Electronic. Most Tasks use Lock Picking and Dexterity, modified by the difficulty of the lock. Lock Picking (Electronic) uses Perception to spot and Intelligence to neutralize electronic locks and security systems. Non-Type rolls may not be attempted with Lock Picking.


This skill allows a character to build and repair all manner of mechanical devices and tools, and grants him knowledge about mechanical systems and the like. The difficulty of repairing a mechanism depends on how intricate the device is and how damaged it is. GMs should apply a penalty or bonus depending on these factors. Constructing a mechanical item is also more difficult the more advanced and complex the device is. Again, modifiers should be imposed by the GM. Finally, a mechanical tool kit must be available for all but the most rudimentary repairs. A lab or workshop may also be required. All repair or construction attempts take time, ranging from a couple of hours to days. This too should be determined by the GM.

Understanding an existing mechanical device calls for a Perception and Mechanic Task; repairing or constructing a mechanism requires an Intelligence and Mechanic Task. It should be noted that this skill and the Electronics skill complement one another and often are used together to make repairs to an item or to construct an item.


This skill covers medical knowledge, including basic surgery skills, diagnosis, and general medicine. Most doctors also specialize in one type of medicine, such as cardiovascular, surgery, or neurosurgery. These are treated as Specialty skills. Most doctors are aware of sterilization procedures to keep areas free from infection, but full Biohazard Control as used by the CDC, etc. is treated as a Specialty skill.

Diagnosis Tasks use Perception and Medicine, general treatment calls for Intelligence and Medicine, and surgery uses Dexterity and Medicine.


This is knowledge of the mythology and folklore of a specific culture or nation. This skill can be used to identify supernatural creatures, but the information gleaned from myth and legend may be completely wrong or at least very inaccurate. Each culture or nation is a separate Type. Some general patterns can be discerned from cross-societal study, but there is little in the way of carryover for non-Type rolls. The study of extraterrestrial encounters classes as Myth and Legend (UFOlogy), while the study of strange creatures such as Bigfoot is grouped into the Myth and Legend (Cryptozoology) skill.


This is the skill of taking another person’s hard-earned money or things from his person without him noticing it. Most rolls use Dexterity and Pick Pocket, resisted by the victim’s Perception and the highest of his Notice, Streetwise, or Pick Pocket skills (if any, or Perception alone — not doubled — otherwise).


This is the ability to interrogate, spot lies, and otherwise extract the truth from people. This skill is soon learned by police officers, private investigators, and investigative reporters. Most interrogations should be roleplayed. If a Task or Test is needed, how well the player roleplayed the interview should give him bonuses or penalties of +5 to -5, at the Chronicler’s discretion. Tricking somebody into revealing something uses the questioner’s Intelligence and Questioning, resisted by a Simple Intelligence Test. Spotting a lie uses Perception and Questioning, also resisted by a Simple Intelligence Test. Breaking a victim’s will to resist uses Willpower and Questioning, resisted by a Simple Willpower Test. The use of torture and drugs may give bonuses of +1 to +6 to the questioner’s Task.


This skill allows a character to seek out information or follow a series of clues and leads to a reasonable conclusion through deduction, source checking, going to libraries, searching on the Internet, and the like. Alternatively, this skill can be used by the character to do legwork — running down leads on a story, questioning contacts and sources of information (the latter would incur some penalties; this aspect would best be left to the Questioning skill).

In all cases, the use of this skill takes time. The amount of time is determined by the Chronicler, based on the nature of the search being undertaken by the character. Most uses of this skill involve Intelligence and Research Tasks. In other cases, it is possible that Constitution and Research (in the case of searching through dusty old tomes for long periods or walking the length and breadth of a library for the better part of a day), or Perception and Research (in the case of researching obscure facts in voluminous materials, such as finding a certain name in a room full of documents) can be used.


The skill to ride horses, carts, chariots, and other animals or animal-driven vehicles. Each type of animal or vehicle requires a separate Riding Type. Depending on the difference in conveyance, the Chronicler may allow some carryover between Types. Riding a burro is not hugely different from riding a horse; driving a cart bears no relationship to steering an elephant.


The skill to perform rituals and ceremonies of a particular culture, religion, or mystical group (each counts as a separate Type). Rituals that require dancing or other complex physical activity use Dexterity and Rituals; most others use Intelligence and Rituals to remember all the appropriate steps or activities involved. There is no carryover between Rituals Types. For the properly trained, rituals can be a path to supernatural power (see p. 198), and with concentration a trained ritualist can sense the flow of Seepage in the area.


There are two Types of Running, with no carryover between them. The first one is Running (Marathon). This skill covers running for endurance and distance. A good marathoner can cover ten or more miles without stopping. The best runners can cover that distance in about two hours. A character with Running (Marathon) can use this skill and his Constitution Attribute to resist the effects of fatigue after a long period of extensive physical activity. Also, add one Endurance Point to the character’s pool for every level in Running (Marathon).

Running (Dash) trains the character to increase speed for short distances. On a dead run, use Constitution and Running (Dash) to increase maximum running speed. Each Success Level acquired adds +1 to the character’s Speed Attribute.


Each science (Botany, Cryptography, Chemistry, Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, etc.) counts as a separate Science Type. In some games, the Chronicler may just lump them all into one category, depending on how big a role such skills would play in the course of a campaign. Alternatively, separation between Science Types (and even Specialties) may be important to the storyline, and a variety of penalties may be applied when trying to use a specific Type outside its range. See the description of the Humanities skill for more information (p. 105). Most Sciences Tasks use Intelligence or Perception. Science (Cryptography) is of particular use in a conspiracy game. Deciphering electronically scrambled transmissions requires about 15 minutes of intercepted communications, a computer with cryptography software, and an Intelligence and Science (Cryptography) Task. This Task may be resisted by a similar Task by the person sending the transmissions.


This is the ability to make oneself sexually attractive to other people by saying the right things and putting on the right act. Intelligence is used, modified by any Charisma or Attractiveness bonuses or penalties the character might have. Other skills may give bonuses to Seduction attempts. For example, previous Tasks using Beautician and Smooth Talking add their Success Levels to the Seduction attempt.


While everybody can try to sing, this skill is necessary to do it right. This skill reflects the training of the character’s voice. Use Constitution and Singing for the quality of the song, Intelligence and Singing to remember every verse of a long or complex song, and Perception and Singing to recognize and measure the quality of someone else’s singing.


This is the ability to perform sleight of hand and legerdemain, and is known mainly by stage magicians. With this skill, a character can fool the audience into looking at one thing while he does something else.

Most Sleight of Hand Tasks use Dexterity, and are resisted by a Perception Test (Simple or Difficult depending on the circumstances) or a Perception and Notice Task. To plan a complex magical trick (e.g., sawing a woman in half, diverse death traps) requires an Intelligence and Sleight of Hand Task, often supplemented by assorted Craft skills to actually build the contraptions or gadgets needed.


This skill allows the character to lie convincingly or to confuse and deceive others. This skill is commonly known by con men, salesmen, and politicians. Use Intelligence and Smooth Talking for most Tasks.


This is the ability to move quietly and to take advantage of cover and concealment. Most Task rolls use Dexterity and Stealth; Perception is used to find good hiding places.


This skill allows a character to sway or influence an audience, be it one individual or a group of people, from one emotion to the next by means of a tale. It can be used for the purpose of educating an individual or a group of people, as well as merely for entertainment. In some cultures, storytelling is the means by which knowledge and lore are passed down, so the skill has uses for some primitive societies, but it is also quite useful under certain circumstances when dealing with Myth and Legend, Occult Knowledge, and the like. The character may tell a tale that is true or fictional, although the audience will generally not know the difference. The character must constantly be aware of how the listeners are reacting to the tale and thus may alter his pacing and volume, or even change the course of the story to elicit a better or greater response. Storytellers use Willpower and Storytelling Tasks. The Success Levels dictate the effectiveness or entertainment value of the story. If the people listening to the story are familiar with the tale, they may resist the attempt of the storyteller character to influence them with a Difficult Willpower Test.


General knowledge of the lore and rules of the streets. A character with this skill knows how to behave in a given situation, knows the names and most of the faces of the more notorious local members of the underworld, and can identify most illegal transactions and operations. Use Intelligence and Streetwise to recognize a local street name, gang color, or criminal, and Perception and Streetwise to spot trouble or detect criminal activities nearby.


This is the ability to follow and keep people under observation. A character with Surveillance can attempt to keep sight of a target while following him through a crowded street, and remaining unobserved. By the same token, this skill allows a person to know if he is being followed or observed. Use Perception and Surveillance for either activity.


This is the skill of living off the land. Each kind of terrain requires a separate Type. Attempts to use a Survival skill in the wrong place or type of terrain are at a -3 penalty. Common Types include Forest, Mountain, Jungle, Desert, and Arctic.

In general, Willpower and Survival Tasks are required, but Intelligence or Perception may be used on occasion. Those attempting Survival Tasks without a survival kit or the proper gear suffer -3 to -10 penalties.

The repercussions of failed Survival Tests are detailed on the Temperature Effects Chart.


General categories for environmental conditions are given. Chroniclers should decide which apply.

Damage is taken in Endurance Points until those are exhausted, then in Life Points.

Extremely Cold: Strength -3, Dexterity -3, Constitution -3, Willpower -2; D8(4) points of damage per Turn; frostbite occurs within minutes of exposure.

Very Cold: Strength -1, Dexterity -1, Constitution -1, Willpower -1; 1 point of damage per Turn; frostbite may occur after 30 minutes of exposure.

Cold: Dexterity -1; 1 point of damage every 30 minutes; frostbite might occur after a few hours of exposure.

Hot: 1 point of damage every 30 minutes.

Very Hot: Strength -1, Dexterity -1, Constitution -2, Willpower -2; 1 point of damage per minute; may suffer heat exhaustion.

Extremely Hot: Strength -3, Dexterity -3, Constitution -3, Willpower -2; D4(2) point of damage per 30 seconds; will suffer heat exhaustion with any strenuous activity.


Swimming allows a character to stay afloat and to move in the water without drowning. Floating is a Constitution and Swimming Task with a +1 or +2 bonus when fully clothed, +5 or more with little or no clothing. Each two EV (see p. 115) of equipment or weight effectively reduces a character’s Swimming skill level by one.

If the Task is failed, the character sinks and drowns in a number of Turns equal to his Constitution. Shedding clothing or equipment (which requires one Turn) allows a character to attempt the Task anew.

If the character succeeds, he stays afloat and may swim at a speed equal to his Swimming skill in yards per Turn. Swimming is an exhausting activity. Floating with little clothing uses one Endurance Point per ten minutes. Floating while fully clothed uses one Endurance Point per minute. Swimming unclothed takes one Endurance Point per minute at half-speed and five Endurance Points per minute at full speed. Those who swim clothed, or who carry equipment when they swim, use double the Endurance cost and move at half-speed (round down).

Towing another person while Swimming imposes a -1 modifier, doubles the Endurance cost, and halves the swimmer’s speed (round down).


This is the skill of operating and understanding complex devices — radar sets, advanced communication systems, sonar devices, etc. Each Type must be learned separately:

Communications, Electronic Warfare, Encryption, Radar, Sonar. Systems Operation Tasks use Intelligence and the Systems Operations skill. Systems that require a fine ear or eye (sonar, for example) use Perception and Systems Operations instead. Using an unfamiliar system (anything the character has not trained with) incurs penalties of -1 to -4, depending upon the difference between the systems.

Radar operation uses Perception and Systems Operation, but only objects with cover (nothing high in the air) or stealth, or small objects require a Task. Locking on with a missile uses Intelligence (or the vehicle’s Accuracy) and Systems Operations.


This skill has five basic Types, but others may be added as desired. Throwing (Knife) includes all small, edged weapons. Throwing (Axe) covers any top-heavy object with a longish handle. Throwing (Spear) is used for long, pointed objects. Throwing (Net) is for large, entangling objects. Throwing (Sphere) provides expertise in targeting rocks, grenades, or any such hand-sized object. The latter also defaults directly to Sport (Baseball), if that skill is possessed. No benefit carry over to Tasks outside of the particular Type. All Tasks use Strength and Throwing.


This is the skill used to follow the trail of an animal or person, usually in wilderness terrain, but also in an urban setting if snow or dust is present in enough quantity to leave a trail. Most Tracking Tasks use Perception and Tracking; attempts to hide one’s tracks use Intelligence and Tracking.


Trance enables the character to enter a meditative state that transcends physical limitations. Among other things, someone in a trance can withstand pain, hunger, and thirst better than the average human being. A trance is also helpful when sensing the influence of the supernatural.

To enter a trance, use Willpower and Trance. If successful, the character becomes extremely focused on the matter at hand, which gives him a -2 penalty on all unrelated Perception Tests. On the other hand, the character is not affected by pain and shock penalties, and he gains a +2 bonus on all Tasks and Tests he is concentrating on. A character in Trance also regains Essence at double the normal amount per hour of meditation.


This is the knowledge to detect, disarm, and set traps, snares, and the like. It is commonly known by Special Forces soldiers, guerrillas, hunters, trappers, and others. Use Traps and Intelligence to devise a trap, Traps and Perception to detect a trap, and Traps and Dexterity to disarm a trap.


This skill covers all methods of healing not widely accepted by Western science, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, etc., each of which is considered a different Type. The effectiveness of each type of unconventional medicine is determined by the Chronicler. If the skill is effective in treating disease and injury, use the same skills and effects as the conventional Medicine skill.


As the Medicine skill, but applied to animals. A veterinarian can treat humans but is at a -3 penalty to all Task rolls and can never gain more than two Success Levels.


When trying to exceed Strength limits (see p. 34-35), Weight Lifting is very helpful. Use Strength and Weight Lifting instead of a Simply Strength Test, or, if the Strength Attribute is higher than the Weight Lifting skill, add one third of the Weight Lifting skill level (rounded up) to the base number.


This skill allows the character to construct and write entertaining and/or meaningful accounts and narratives. The character is able to write text in a convincing manner to suit whatever goal or presentation is required. Types of skills can include Academic (learned expositions of the arts, humanities, or sciences), Advocacy (legal arguments, ad copy, or promotional materials), Creative (such as novels, poems, and plays), Journalistic (informative discussions of newsworthy topics), and Technical (precise descriptions using nomenclature specific to a certain technology). Some carryover exists between Types, and cross-Type penalties should be in the -3 to -5 area (as long as the proper lexicon can be found — a creative writer working up a legal document is lost if he does not know the proper terms). Using an Intelligence and Writing Task, the character is able to write documents, items, notes, or whatever the type of specialization implies. The quality of the writing depends on the Success Levels obtained. The Success Level of such a work cannot exceed the writer’s skill, however. Using a Perception and Writing Task, the character can critique writing of the style with which he is familiar.