Table of Contents

Our Last Resort

Character Builds

Everyday Joe (Adult Mortal)

This is your statistics for the unfortunate on the street who's stumbled into this thing the hard way. They don't have special powers, they don't have a special destiny, and they're stuck in the crossfire all the same. The upside? They get Drama Points more easily (by earning or buying them). The downside? They're going to need them.

Chosen By Fate (Fledgeling Champion)

You've been chosen by fate to work on the good side of the conflict, but you don't really know much about what you're doing. Maybe you're just a human who's got a role to play in this conflict, or a supernatural who has yet to embrace your true potential. Any way you look at it, you've got a lot of work to do.

Up For The Challenge (Journeyman Champion)

You have a modicum of power, and are not afraid to use it. You may not have asked for this job, but you're ready to put your skills to the test for what you believe in - or just for your own survival.

I Was Born Ready (Master Champion)

You have years - possibly decades or centuries - of experience on your side, and you've chosen to enter this fight on the side of Good. You're the one most likely to see the front line of any fight… and that's the way you like it.

Almost Beneath Me (Four-Color Paragon)

While you are not the biggest, baddest thing in town, you can probably take a Guardian in a fair … or even a completely unfair … fight. You are Legend – and you're going to make certain that intelligent or not, these Guardians know and fear you.

Humanity's Last Resort: The Big Players

The Guardians

The Guardians are perhaps the least secretive of players on the global field at the moment. Founded in 1985, the Guardians have been steadily recruiting and building power in an effort to establish themselves as a sort of supernatural benefactor to the human race. However, unlike other such organizations, this particular organization has gone public in a big way, starting with their 'coming out' announcement in 2009. They're being lauded as the saviors of humanity, and they're actually coordinating major advances in medicine and electronics. They are already one of the greatest charitable organizations on the planet, and have Guardian Centers in most major U.S. cities and in many countries across the globe. They have offered their services to law enforcement, rescue, and military services, and are involved in outreach programs for everything from third-world warlords to inner city youths.

Of course, the flip side of that is that many of the Guardians' overall plans and goals are involved in establishing greater control over the populace, establishing a demonic hierarchy of one-world-government, and opening gates to other dimensions to invite the Dark Ones in. All of which, of course, are bad things.

At the moment, the Guardians in uniform are focused on presenting the benevolent side, while those outside of the uniform are focused on mopping up those that will not convert to the Guardian cause, keeping that which cannot be destroyed at bay, and bringing about the rise of the true masters of the Guardian cause (whatever THOSE are).