Table of Contents

Our Last Resort: House Rules

Character Creation

This section stores information on how various Qualities and Drawbacks are handled in OLR.


While a person can develop a normal adversarial condition against a specific individual or small group, the following sections list the effects of having some of the major enemies of the game as direct Adversaries.

For sections that include an 'Identify' column, this is the modifier an average member of the group would take on an Intelligence + Notice roll to pick you out of a crowd of otherwise innocent individuals, assuming you are undisguised and not doing anything to draw attention to yourself, and the group has no immediate reason to BOLO (be on the look out).

The Guardians

The Guardians are the Big Bads of Our Last Resort if ever there were any. Therefore, there are several levels of Adversary one can take with regards to the Guardians, each with its own effects.

Drawback Level Effects Identify
-1 Level 1 The Guardians are aware of your existence, may be keeping tabs on your overall activities, and may be suspicious of your activities if you are found somewhere you shouldn't be. While they are unlikely to detain you without cause, they may be watchful of you if they recognize you or if you are brought to their attention. However, the beat Guardian isn't likely to recognize you, unless you're particularly unlucky. Many citizens are on this level of Adversary just by virtue of having odd hobbies, enjoying music, having a significant government clearance level, or just cutting the wrong person off in traffic. -4
-3 Level 2 The Guardians have you on an active watch list; you've drawn suspicion for your activities, and while they don't technically have a reason to bring you in yet, they're probably bound to come up with one sooner or later. People at this level may be 'detained' for questioning at any moment, as soon as some Guardian decides it's worth the bother… or just wants a snack. -2
-5 Level 3 You are actively wanted by the Guardians, whether because you've done something that actually causes them problems, or you've escaped arrest (from them, not just from law enforcement), or you've just really irritated a Guardian in power. While they may not want to necessarily kill you outright (converting you might be more useful, or someone in the higher-ups might want to interrogate you personally), they will do what is necessary to bring you under their power, and won't particularly object if you suffer an unfortunate accident along the way. In the unlikely circumstance that they can't justify arresting you on sight, they will bide their time and wait for an opportunity to acquire you through other means… +0
-7 Level 4 The Guardians hate you. No, seriously, the Guardians want you dead, and they aren't particularly concerned with how they have to accomplish this. If you're lucky, they might not execute you if they happen to incapacitate you first, but they won't be shooting to capture. However, they may focus on pushing their law enforcement contacts to handle the apprehension part, if they're feeling particularly devious (or if they're certain that simply opening fire would draw too much attention.) They will do whatever is necessary to make your life as difficult to impossible as they can. Good luck. +2

Having the Guardians as an Adversary also gives you the effects of having Law Enforcement as an Adversary at one level lower (and vice versa), free of charge, as they tend to collaborate.

The Guardians

The Guardians are the Big Bads of Our Last Resort if ever there were any. Therefore, there are several levels of Adversary one can take with regards to the Guardians, each with its own effects.

Drawback Level Effects Identify
-1 Level 1 You aren't wanted by the authorities, but they're definitely interested in you. You might just be 'one of the usual suspects', or perhaps you're a suspect in a significant case. Average beat cops aren't likely to know you personally, but there's probably at least one cop who personally makes it their business to know who you are and what you do. -4
-3 Level 2 You have a warrant out for your arrest. While you haven't been actually convicted of anything - innocent until proven guilty - the legal system would definitely like to have words with you, and would prefer you not be on the street at the time. Alternately, you may be free of all charges (or paid your debts to society), but cops will still eye your every movement suspiciously. After all, a leopard rarely changes its spots… -2
-5 Level 3 You are on the run from the police, and they are actively searching for you. Whether this is for crimes you've actually committed or fictitious events concocted by the Guardians, police will go out of their way to arrest and detain you. Citizens may be willing to call in information about you if you are spotted. In short, you are a wanted criminal, and even an escape to another country may not be good enough to keep you safe. +0
-7 Level 4 You've made America's Public Enemy list. Your face is on America's Most Wanted, and your face is on those posters in the post office. Law enforcement officials of all stripes are after you, and you will be hunted wherever you go. +2

While law enforcement isn't necessarily evil, the era of global communications makes them much more efficient at tracking and coordinating activities. Combine that with most law-abiding citizens' desire to bring criminals to justice, and law enforcement is a powerful Adversary to have.

Guardians tend to cooperate with law enforcement (when it's convenient), and as such, having Law Enforcement as an Adversary also gives you the Guardian Adversary at one level lower.