Table of Contents

Valentine Varner (OLR Version)

Basic Information

Character Type: Fledgling Champion (Human)

Drama Points: 10

Life Points: ???

Experience Points:

Banked Experience:


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 4

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 6 (+2 brainiac, +1 artist)

Perception: 5 (+1 artist)

Willpower: 4


Artist (2 pt)

Accute vision (2 pt)

Attractive +3 (3 pt)

Big Damn Hero (3 pts)

Brainiac (4 pt) + 2 int , +1 per, +4 know Obsession: music trivia

Fast Reaction Time (2pt)

Good Luck 4

Hard to Kill 5

Resist: Demonic Power 3

Situational Awareness (2 pts)

Drawbacks: Emotiona problems: Dependancy (1) Emotional problems: Insecurity (1) Honorable (minimal) (1) Love (2) Advisary: Guardians (5)

Acrobatics: 2

Art: 2 (+1 artist)

Computers: 2

Crime: 1


Driving: 2

Getting Medieval: 1

Gun Fu:

Influence: 4

Knowledge: 3 (+4 brainiac)

Kung Fu: 1

Mr. Fix-It: 1

Notice: 2

Occultism: 1

