Table of Contents

Agent Taylor Ashi



Type: Mortal - Badass

Qualities (/15)

Time Travel Device: 5-point Quality

Combination of the following traits: The Time Travel Device (Level 6 Super Science Item) [12] Uncontrollable Power [-5] Obligation: The Thomas Agency [-2] Limited Use: Once Per Day [-2] Immortal [0] Must have a minimum 5 in Science to use or operate the device.

While possessing the Time Travel Device, the user is able to voluntarily travel forward and backwards in time. Since part of the effect is that it eliminates temporal inertia, aging is greatly retarded. Side effects include occasional random time jumps if the user remains inattentive; this is mostly at the whim of the GM, but attempting to resist the pull of the timestream requires a Willpower (doubled) roll with penalties between -1 and -6 or worse. A Intelligence + Science roll (and ten minutes of meddling with the Time Travel Device) can temporarily negate these penalties. Results on a failed roll should be anywhere from inconvenient (accidentally warping to a point five minutes in the future) to distressing (abruptly dropped into the middle of the French-American War.)

The device can also manipulate space to a lesser extent, allowing the user to travel a distance in miles equal to half the temporal distance in years traveled at their option. If this is not used, the user remains in (roughly) the same location they were in before traveling.

The device can only be utilized once per day and requires a full 24 hours to cool down between attempts. Involuntary use (due to 'Uncontrollable Power') counts as a normal use (and thus, the user is stuck in time for a minimum of 24 hours.)

To utilize the device normally, one must achieve at least one success level on an Intelligence + Science roll. Temporal and spatial drift tends to occur, however - this is more or less up to the GM, but a rule of thumb of 100% - (20% per Success Level over 1) is a good start. The device takes fifteen minutes to 'dial in' on a particular location, though this can be reduced to ten seconds (two Turns) if the location is dialed in in advance, or if 'random destination' is chosen (essentially, forcibly triggering the Uncontrolled version of this power.)

The device does not function at all in stabilized-reality dimensions, or in dimensions where time is forcibly linear. In dimensions where time is multidimensional, this device may function uncontrollably whenever used!

The device functions as an ordinary pocket computer when not being used for more prosaic purposes.

This device is the exclusive property of the Time Patrol, and owners are expected to follow the rules and guidelines of that organization. Stolen versions typically replace the Obligation with an Adversary; versions not created by the Time Patrol may eliminate the Obligation entirely, although homegrown temporal travelers should expect to be distrusted by the temporal police.

Drawbacks (7/10)

*talentless (-2)
*obligation (-2) The Thomas Agency
*honorable -2
*recurring nightmares -1

Skills (25/25)


Name Modifier Damage Type
B.Neck Str+Kung/M 4xStr Ba
Choke Str+Kung/M Str-1 Ba
Str+Kung/M Str Ba/S/S
H.Butt Dex+Kung-2/C-2 2xStr Ba
Kick Dex+Kung-1/C-1 2xStr+1Ba
Punch Dex+Kung/C 2xStr Ba
Tackle Str+Sport/M 2xStr Ba
T.Down Str+Kung/M Str Ba
UFeint Int+Kung/B
Decap Dex+Medi-5/C-5 SL-5
MFeint Int+Medi/B
MWeaponDex+Medi/C Dam
OHStikeDex+Medi-1/C-1 Dam
T.Slit Dex+Medi-5/C-5 4xDam
Aiming Per+Gun
CBShot Dex+Medi/C 16 S/S
F.Draw Dex+Gun-3/C-3
GunShotDex+Gun/C Dam Bu
GAkimboDex+Gun-2 2xDam
TWeaponDex+Medi-1/C-1 Dam
Dodge Dex+Acro/C
Parry Dex+Kung/C



A typical ray gun utilized by typical futuristic warriors. Wielding this puppy requires a normal Dexterity and Gun-Fu Roll, or the Combat Score. The gun fires beams that do 15 points of base damage (Beam type). This inflicts triple damage (after modifiers and armor are applied) to living tissue, and any armor (natural or worn) that gets in the way of the beam protects with only half of its Armor Value unless specifically made to resist Beams. Blaster pistols hold twenty shots on a full charge, and use normal pistol ranges.



2 xp for desert rescue, one gold scarab pin