Table of Contents


Character Type: Badass Normal

Life Points: 45

Drama Points: 21

Experience Points: 0

Banked Experience:
Notice: 3 (6 needed for next level)
Getting Medieval: 2 (4 needed for next level)
Pokemaniac: 1 (4 needed for next level)
Knowledge: 2
Science: 2

Trophies: Firebright


Str: 2

Dex: 3

Con: 3

Int: 4

Per: 4

Will: 4


Demonic Tutor (2)

Obligation: Major (the Loft)

Down With The Man: -2 vs. cops and other authority figures (-1) homebrew Disadvantage

Adversary: General Nuisance: Ex'es (mostly belonging to other people) [-1]



Situational Awareness

Hard-to-Kill 5

Good Luck 1 (1)

Contacts (3) [Barista's Handbook, Barista's Walkie, other staff members]

Char Loft rank [6] (barista-in-rotation)

Nerves Of Steel

Fast Reaction

(Note: NoS grants +4 vs fear checks. Fast reaction adds another +1. Fast Reaction adds +5 to init. rolls when called for.)


Acrobatics: 2

Computer: 3

Crime: 3

Doctor: 1

Getting Medieval: 3

Gun-Fu 2

Influence: 4

Knowledge: 4 (base 2, +2 from Qualities)

Kung-Fu 2

Notice: 3

Occultism: 4 (base 2, +2 from Qualities)

WC: Wilderness survival 1

WC: Genre-Savvy 1


Maneuver Roll Effects
Punch 3 + 2 4 + SL Bash damage
Knife 3 + 2 8 + SL Slash/Stab damage
Feint (Get Med) 3 + 3 Add SL to next attack against target
Dodge (Acro) 3 + 2 Avoid damage using Acrobatics
Dodge (Get Med) 3 + 2 Avoid damage using Getting Medieval
Aiming (Gun) 3 + 2 Add SL to attack against target; attack occurs at end of round instead of at beginning

Gotta Crush 'Em All

Aside from the normal equipment carried, Steve also has the following:

Pokemon: Voltorb (?)
Current Stats:

Stat # Effects
Lev 1 PokeSkill: 1
HP 28 LP: 28/28 PP: 28/28
Atk 17 Str 1, +3 to phys attack damage
Def 21 End 2, Armor 4 vs phys attack
SpAtk 22 Int 2, +4 to spec attack damage
SpDef 22 Will 2, Armor 4 vs spec attack
Spd 16 Dex 1

Unisystem Stats:
LP: 28/28
PP: 28/28
Str: 1
End: 2
Dex: 1
Int: 2
Will: 2
Per: 2

Moves Known:

Move Name Attack Roll Effects PP Cost
Charge Next move inflicts double damage if Electric; Spec Def +1: Armor +8 vs Special moves. 3
Tackle 1+1 Normal/Physical: Inflicts 25+3+SL damage 2