Table of Contents

Elijah Snow

Journeyman Champion

Life Points: 46

Drama Points: 10

Experience Points: 0

Attributes (22 Points)

Strength: 3 + Century Baby (2) = 5

Dexterity: 3 + Century Baby (1) = 4

Constitution: 3 + Century Baby (1) = 4

Intelligence: 4 + O.I. (1) = 5

Perception: 4 + O.I. (1) = 5

Willpower: 4 + Century Baby (1) = 5

Qualities/Drawbacks (20/10)

Quality Cost Level (if applicable)
Century Baby 5
Occult Investigator 4
Situational Awareness 2
Reduced Damage 3 Versus kinetic attacks; halves damage
Age 2 One century's worth
Immortal 0
No Scent 1 Emits no scent
Good Luck 1
Heat Subtraction 12 See Miscellaneous
Total: 30
Drawback Value Level (if applicable)
Honorable 2 Serious
Serious Obligation 2 To the Planetary organization
Addiction 1 Coffee
Loner 1
Adversary 1 (Many, but primarily the Four)
Recurring Nightmares 1
Paranoia 1
Obsession 1 Figuring out what Planetary wants from him
Secret 0 Comes from Age– Elijah has had extensive memory modification, which he himself does not realize
Total: 10

Century Baby: Elijah Snow is a 'Century Baby', and has enhanced attributes as a result.

Heat Substraction: Descriptive text coming

Skills (25 + 4 from Age, + 2 Occultism )

Acrobatics: 1

Art: 0

Computers: 1

Crime: 2

Doctor: 1

Getting Medieval: 1

Gun Fu: 4

Influence: 3

Knowledge: 3

Kung Fu: 3

Languages: 3 (Japanese, German, Arabic)

Mr. Fix It: 1

Notice: 4

Occultism: 0 + 2 = 2

Science: 2

Sports: 0


- Has a +2 bonus to any Perception-based roll to sense trouble or danger in the immediate surroundings; this bonus also applies to resisting any Crime or Acrobatics rolls made to sneak up on her (Situational Awareness).

- Gets a +1 to Fear tests (Occult Investigator).

- When presented with an opportunity to learn something supernatural, he must do it unless they make a Willpower (doubled) roll, with penalties of -1 to -5, depending on how valuable the find is (Occult Investigator).

- Takes half damage from kinetic attacks (Reduced Damage).

Combat Maneuvers/Damage

Maneuver Roll Effects
Aim (with Gun) 5 + 4 Adds SLs to next attack
Gunshot 4 + 4 (12 + SL) x3 Bullet damage
Punch 4 + 3 (10 + SL) Bash damage
Kick 4 + 3 - 1 (12 + SL) Bash damage
Sword or other weapon 4 + 1 (16 + SL) x 2 Slash/stab damage
Grapple 4 + 3 + 2 Grapples opponent
Disarm (with weapon) 4 + 1 - 2 Disarms opponent
Dodge 4 + 3 Avoid attacks
Parry (HTH) 4 + 3 Stop attacks
Parry (with weapon) 4 + 1 Stop attacks; damage HTH attackers
Feint (HTH) 5 + 3 Add SLs to next attack
Feint (with weapon) 5 + 1 Add SLs to next attack