Table of Contents

Sebrina Elmsby

Character Type: Badass Normal

Life Points: 49

Drama Points: 20

Experience Points: 0

Basic Attributes

Strength: 3

Dexterity: 4

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 5

Perception: 3

Willpower: 2


Acute Hearing [2] (+3 to hearing-related Perception rolls)

Attractiveness 2 [2]

Cross-Discipline [1] (Wrench Wench: Can use Mr. Fixit to fix items that normally require Science to fix)

Fast Reaction Time [2]

Hard to Kill 5 [5]

Hero [1]

Situational Awareness [2]

Night Vision [2]

Char Loft Maintenancething [3]

Char Loft Rank 4 [4]
+1 Mr. Fix-It [1]
+1 Gun Fu [1]
Immortal [0]
Demonic Tutor [-2]
Obligation (Important) [-1]


Honorable (Minimal) [-1]

Tragic Love [-4]


Acrobatics: 1

Art: 0

Computers: 1

Crime: 2

Doctor: 1

Driving: 0

Getting Medieval: 2

Gun Fu: 3

Influence: 2

Knowledge: 4

Kung Fu: 3

Languages: 1 (Feline, English)

Mr. Fix-It: 6

Notice: 3

Occultism: 2

Science: 0

Sports: 0


Sebrina Elmsby is a Felinoid, an anthropomorphic feline humanoid with slightly elongated hands compared to humans, as well as distinctly catlike facial features. Her fur is mostly orange, with streaks of lighter coloration along her arms and legs and ringing her tail, and a distinctly lighter patch of fur on her front torso. She has bright blue eyes, and typically wears hospital green coveralls festooned with tools, rubber boots, and thick rubber gloves in keeping with her role as maintenancething. (She wears much prettier dresses during her off hours.)

The Cult of Sa Birina, Embodiment of Bast

Much to Sebrina's great regret, she has a devout worshipper and quasi-ex-boyfriend by the name of Kotar I'abnis, who is dedicated to building temples in her honor. He thinks she is the living embodiment of Bast, although she has little interest in the actual outfit that would be involved:


Sebrina and her family (four brothers, four sisters, mother, father, and grandfather) came to the Boss's employ approximately eight years ago; their grandfather was a talented mage who had used his abilty to reach beyond the living world to seek sanctuary for his family from the coming bloodshed that was tearing their world apart. While it meant living in a strange land and working for a strange master, as it turned out, it was probably a wiser decision than staying to face the Harvesters.

Sebrina has a very close-knit family, each of which has taken on work for the Boss in order to maintain the clan's status and their general well-being; while some of them are still in mourning for friends and family lost, most have embraced their new lives. Of the family members she has mentioned, her grandfather, Davinco Elmsby, is as mentioned a proficient mage and spirit medium who currently works as one of the Boss's private Librarians, specifically the section on life and death magics. Katarina, one of her sisters, is a professional courtesan who works at the Elysian Kiss; Melina is a gadgeteer who does machine work for the Boss's vehicle fleets; and Regina is a seamstress who makes clothing the old-fashioned way for worlds that destabilize magical constructs, for special customizations, or for bespoke work. As for brothers, she's mentioned Arturo, a rough-and-tumble warrior who fights with sword, shield, and claws, and Davino, a merchant who handles currency and materials trading between worlds for a price.