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Rianna of Clan Perenni

Mortal Badass Normal

Life Points: 45

Drama Points: 20

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 5
Constitution: 3
Intelligence: 3
Perception: 4
Willpower: 3

Banked Experience:
Gun Fu: 2


Rianna is four feet tall, with slender pointed ears, medium length brown hair, and light blue eyes. She typically wears a sturdy-looking leather jacket over a somewhat tattered-at-the-edges navy blue cotton shirt, with a pair of brown pants, a belt with multiple snap-open pockets, and a pair of black soap shoes rounding out the ensemble. She wears a small pouch around her neck that she uses to store money, and a large pouch at her belt that apparently is used to store other items.


Rianna hails from an MMORPG (and world) named 'Apystlia', from the town of White Reeds, which in its heyday was a highly popular game that maintained over 3 million users simultaneously. Unfortunately, it has not aged well; the original lighthearted theme of the game took a darker turn through several expansions (Caverns of Steam brought about the Kraftsmen, insane goblins that built gigantic machines with which to destroy the land; Riftbearer introduced the Maccavians, entities that sought to disrupt the ties of the world itself in order to rebuild it; and Heavensfall brought about the death of most of the world's deitific figures at the hands of the Maccavians.) Whether this drove players away to the point that nobody was interested in Apystlia anymore, or whether the company finally pulled the plug, or whether the Maccavians were really just the visible form of a more disruptive entity, Apystlia became unstable, and finally, simply ceased to exist.

Rianna, of course, knew nothing of the why or how of her world's demise, merely that she was stepping through a portal in her clan's meeting hall that led to a battleground, and instead of finding herself in the midst of a fray, she found herself in the middle of the Char Loft – and unable to return home despite repeated attempts.


World Package: MMORPG Character [Inhabitant of Apystlia]

Attractive +1 [1]
Female MMORPG characters are built more for looks than for fighting form, and even the diminutive Rianna has a cutely charming appearance to show it.

Resistance to Pain 2 [2]
While she definitely doesn't enjoy being hurt, Rianna can soak up a surprising amount of harm without much more than a grimace.

Regeneration [1]
Rianna regains 3 LP per hour 'naturally'.

Revolving Door Death [5]: (Unique Kill Variant)
Inhabitants of Rianna's world have a Unique Kill condition required to permanently destroy them; the body must be killed, and the soul must then be consumed by the Flames of Maccavia. If otherwise physically killed, a soul will emerge from the corpse; this spirit cannot interact physically or magically with others in any way, and if not captured quickly, will inevitably return to the place they most recently have associated with 'home', returning to life (and corporeal form) once they have regenerated to positive LP totals. Recently respawned characters will have basic clothing (thanks to decency requirements), as well as their Money Pouch and Gear Pouch, but all equipment not stored in their Money Pouch or Gear Pouch is left behind on the corpse.

Apystlian Ethical Code [-3]
Combination of Minor Honorable, Minor Covetous-Wealth, Minor Covetous-Power)
Apystlian heroes are motivated by money and power, respectively, and always seek to gain more of both. Heroes look to become champions, champions look to rule their own clans, and clans seek to rule battlegrounds and nations. This means that a Willpower (doubled) roll is required whenever the opportunity to gain wealth or standing is presented, with penalties based on the amount of loot or renown to be had.

Minority (Video Game Character) [-1]
While almost nobody is entirely outcast in the Char Loft, the fact that Rianna is a character from a game, however nonexistent, will frequently count against her.

Racial Package: Faelinn

Dexterity Boost [1]
Faelinn are innately dexterous and make excellent thieves or ranged attack specialists.

Acute Hearing [2]
Those cute pointy ears aren't entirely just for show; Rianna receives a +3 to Hearing checks on account of her Faelinn heritage.

Recklessness (Mild) [-1]
Faelinn are prone to reckless acts whenever they think they can get away with it; they are likely to show off their heroic nature by charging headlong into danger - after all, to the victor go the spoils!

Class Package: Ranger

Skill Boost (Getting Medieval) [2]
+2 to Getting Medieval skill, and must have at least one level of Getting Medieval on top of that.

Skill Specialty (Longbow) [2]
You receive a +2 to use Getting Medieval for the purposes of archery, and can fire with exceptional speed, perform unusual tricks, etc.

Skill Speciality (Tracking) [2]
You can follow the tracks and trails of those you hunt, usually in the wild.

Cross Discipline (Wilderness Knowledge) [1]
Rianna can use the Wilderness Survival skill to compensate for lack of Knowledge about a wilderness subject in general, as she has an intuitive understanding of the way things are from her experience.

General Drawback [-1]
Willpower doubled minus penalty to resist helping a natural entity in need.

Personal Abilities

Bullseye [1]
Rianna has developed her ranger skills to the point where she can take extra time to aim more accurately than normal.

Fast Reaction Time [2]
Rianna is quick on her feet and doesn't often get surprised.

Hard to Kill 5 [5]
While she looks small and unassuming, Rianna can take quite a beating before being successfully driven from her body.


Resources - Hurting [-4]
Rianna's sole source of income is what she can hunt or craft and sell, and unfortunately creatures aren't as likely to drop money around these parts for no good reason.

Obsession (Severe - Return Home) [-2]
Rianna is terrified about the fact that she simply can't seem to return home, and will continue to be insistent that her world does exist, and must just be unreachable for some other reason. This is also a partly a delusion, since as far as anyone can tell, her world simply no longer exists…


Acrobatics: 3

Art: 1

Computers: 0

Crime: 1

Doctor: 1

Driving (Riding): 1

Getting Medieval: 5 (7 with bow)

Gun Fu: 0

Influence: 2

Knowledge: 1

Kung Fu: 1

Languages: 0

Mr. Fix-It: 1

Notice: 4

Occultism: 1

Science: 0

Sports: 0

Wild Card - Wilderness Survival: 5


Rianna currently has equipped:

The Gear Pouch currently contains: