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Name: Rex Mason

Profession: High School student, athlete

Height: 5' 10”

Weight: 185 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blond

Life Points: 40

Drama Points: 22

Experience Points: 4

Citizenship: 2

Banked XP: 1 point in GunFu

Banked XP: 1 point towards Con

Banked XP: 1 point towards Sports


Strength: 2 +1 from Athlete quality = 3

Dexterity: 3 +1 from Athlete quality = 4

Constitution: 2 +1 from Athlete quality = 3

Intelligence: 2

Perception: 3

Willpower: 3


* Athlete (4 points)

+1 to all physical skills +2 levels of Sports (1 more level must be purchased) -1 on all rolls relying on Int stat (int-based skills included, Sports is an exception to this)

* Charisma 2

* Good Luck 2

* Hard To Kill 2

* Attractiveness 2 (Quality gained from Drawback Points)


* Showoff (2 points)

* Teenager (2 points)

* Covetous: Lechery ( 1 point)





Crime: 2

Doctor: 1


Getting Medieval: 2

Gun Fu:

Influence: 3


Kung Fu:


Mr. Fix-It:

Notice: 3



Sports: 4 (baseball) (2 levels from Athlete, 2 more from skill points)

Background Summary

The only son of Walter and Stacey Mason, Rex has inherited his father's good looks and his mother's charm. When combined with a true talent of baseball, the future seems bright indeed. He is an adequate student and exceedingly popular.


Image is everything. He takes pride in his looks and puts in the required effort to maintain them, except when looking active and athletic would be more appropriate. (Athletes are allowed to look dirty and be sweaty when playing or practicing.)

Most important is that he be seen to be doing the right things, at the right time. Knowing the right people, but being friendly and accessible to everyone – it's expected that star athletes will interact with the public, after all.

In private, however, he's not above using his influence to convince people to take some of the flak in less glamourous situations, or maybe inciting a little malicious harassment. If he just happens to know the harasser, then it's perfectly okay to step up and intercede on behalf of the harassed. Picking on people isn't nice, after all!


Rex will carry a baseball with him most of the time. He's kept it as a souvenir for many years – it's the same ball that earned him his first strikeout in peewee baseball. He also has a signed Warren Spahn baseball that he keeps on his shelf at home. It is the last thing he sees before he goes to bed and the first thing he sees when he wakes up. He has aquired a habit of making his hair 'artfully mussed' whenever there are pretty girls around.



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