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Random, Prince of Amber

Character type: Master Champion

Age: Pretty old. Do you know how hard it is to calculate these things when one travels through worlds that move at different speeds?

Appearance: On the surface nothing seems out of the ordinary with this short, jaunty little blond man, freckled, mischievous blue eyes sparkling as though he's always laughing. He's usually seen wearing t-shirts with loud band logos or inappropriate jokes, along with worn jeans and comfortable sneakers, which makes him look young and roguish, like a grad student on spring break. He's probably got a very small knife underneath there somewhere, just for safety's sake, but otherwise he doesn't carry much out of the ordinary, although he's never short on cash. Don't be fooled, though, because those eyes are sharp, and no Prince of Amber lasts long if he isn't prepared and on the alert.

Drama Points: 13

Life points: 64 (58 + 2 levels HTK) (Current in Jungle: 35)

Experience Points: 9

Banked Experience:
Gun Fu: 4
Getting Medieval: 3
Mr. Fixit: 3
Art: 4
WC: Sign Language: 1
Notice: 2
WC: Tactics : 1
Influence: 1


Strength: (5+2 P.O.) 7

Dexterity: (5+2 P.O.) 7

Constitution: (3+2 P.O.) 5

Intelligence: 4

Perception: 5

Willpower: (3+2 P.O.) 5


Immortal +0

Promised One +16

[Hard to Kill 2

Fast Reaction Time 2

Nerves of Steel 3

Regeneration: Con LP per hour 1]

Situational Awareness +2

Vengeance Upon Thee +2

Resources (Level 2) +4

Age (Level 3) (6)

Total (20 QP + 10 DP) 30


Clown -1

Antisocial Tendencies, Deceit -2

Mental Problems, Paranoia -1

Reckless -1

Obligation -1

Magical Family -2

Fear of Commitment -1

Secret -1

Total 10


Acrobatics +5

Art +2

Crime +3

Driving +4

Getting Medieval (6 (8SP) +1 P.O.) +7

Gun Fu +3

Influence +3

Knowledge +4

Kung Fu (4 +1 P.O.) +5

Languages +3

Notice +5

Total (30 SP + 3*4 (Age)) 42



- Has been outlawed from Rebma on penalty of death

- Has eight, count 'em, eight competitive, paranoid, vicious older brothers, and four older sisters, and that's just counting the legitimate ones

- Has been around for a long time to accumulate plenty of minor enemies

- 2-point drawback toward minions of Chaos

Qualities and Skills

- Secret: Unacknowledged son, Martin

- Immortality: Note that Ameberites do appear to grow old, but so very slowly that, when combined with the ability to move through other worlds at different rates of time, they often give the appearance of not aging.

- Art: Applies to his talent at drumming.

- Driving: Random can drive automobiles just fine, but he also likes to hang-glide.

Canon Note: This is PRINCE Random, not King, so none of the events presented in canon have occurred.