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Quencessetianobayolocaturgrathadadeyyilungbarrowmas Gabriel Tyler (Quences)

Basic Information

Character Type: Fledgeling Champion (3/4 Human, 1/4 Time Lord)

Age: 14

Appearance: Quences is very thin and lithe with high cheekbones and full lips. He is tall for his age, at 67 inches. He has short messy brown hair and light brown eyes that fluctuate to grey or green with the clothing he wears. His thick eyebrows are distinctive, especially as he expresses his emotions through them so often. The resemblance to his father is uncanny, though his eyes and lips are clearly his mother's. He is left handed and has a habit of tucking his tongue behind his front teeth when smiling. He usually dresses in tight blue jeans, brown Chuck Taylor trainers, a t-shirt with some sort of print on it, and a blue hoodie with brown pinstripes.

Drama Points: 10

Life Points: 41


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Constitution: 5

Intelligence: 5

Perception: 3

Willpower: 3


Attractiveness: +1 (1 point)

Cross Discipline: Paranormal Physics (1 point)

Cross Discipline: Garage Gadgeteer (1 point)

Fast Reaction Time (2 points)

Good Luck (2 points)

Hard to Kill (1 point)

Resistance: Poison (5 points)

Situational Awareness (2 points)

Telepathy (5 points)


Emotional Problems: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (2 points)

Honourable (1 point)

Obligation: Torchwood Minimal (0 points)

Teenager (2 points)

Uncontrollable Power: Telepathy (5 points)


Acrobatics: 2

Computers: 4

Crime: 2

Gun Fu: 1

Influence: 1

Knowledge: 1

Languages: 2 (French, Gallifreyan)

Mr. Fix-It: 4

Notice: 2

Science: 4

WC Artillery: 1

WC Demolitions: 1




- Can add +1 to any activity (usually Influence skill rolls) where persuading people is a factor. (Attractiveness)

- May use Science skill instead of Occultism skill for purposes of casting spells. (Paranormal Physics)

- May use the Mr. Fix-It skill instead of Science when trying to develop Superscience inventions. (Garage Gadgeteer)

- Has a a bonus of +1 on Willpower Tests to resist fear. (Fast Reaction)

- Has a bonus for Initiative purposes (+5 if using dice to 'roll for initiative'), modified by common sense (Fast Reaction).

- Has a +1 bonus to Survival Tests (Hard to Kill).

- Has a +5 bonus to any Constitution rolls to resist the effects of poison. (Poison Resistance)

- Gains a +2 bonus to any Perception-based roll to sense trouble or danger in the immediate surroundings; this bonus also applies to resisting any Crime or Acrobatics rolls made to sneak up on him (Situational Awareness).

- Can use Telepathy.

- Whenever Quences is angry, scared, or otherwise stressed, a Willpower (doubled) roll is needed, with penalties from -1 to -6, depending on how stressful the situation is. If the roll fails, the Telepathy goes off at random. (Uncontrollable Power)