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Kitty Korner

Character Type: Fledgeling Champion

Homo felinus

Life Points: 43 [34 + 3 levels of HTK]

Drama Points: 10

Born in the 31st century, the cat-girl known as Kitty Korner is not an over-elaborate in-joke at anime's expense, no matter what you might think a cheerful young woman whose peppy personality and determination to be the most cheerful, helpful, customer-service-y customer servicer EV4R at the Char Loft are annoying sweet.

However, she's also faced her share of foes and fiends. Can't get a job at the Char Loft as a Barista in Training if not, right? Watch out when the happy smile turns to…. happy smile and katanas. Go team Loft! Peace out, bb!


[20 points worth]

Strength: 3

Dexterity: 5 +2 = 7

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 3

Perception: 3

Willpower: 3 -1 = 2


30 points' worth [20 points +10 more from Drawbacks]

Attractiveness Level 2 [2]

Barista-in-Training [4]

Char Loft Rank 5 [Barista in Training]
Contacts: Barista's Handbook and Barista's Walkie
+1 bonus to Knowledge and Occultism
Total Obligation to the Char Loft
Demonic Tutor: The Boss

Hard to Kill, level 3 [3]

Situational Awareness [2]

Teleporter [10]

Example: Kitty rolls to try and teleport after a customer who's running away from paying his bar tab. She rolls a 7, then adds her Perception (3) and Acute Vision bonus (3), for a total of 13 – that's three success levels. She could teleport up to forty feet in the direction of the tightwad.

Catgirl [9 pts]

Acute Senses: Hearing [2]
Acute Senses: Sight [2]
Acute Senses: Smell/Taste [2]
Fast Reaction Time [2]
Retractable Claws [2]
+2 to Dexterity
-1 to Willpower
Antisocial Impulses: Violence [-1]
Mild phobia of all canines/caninoids, including wolves and werewolves in wolf form [-1]


[10 of 10 pts' worth]

Adversary: Kitty is on the run from the current government on Betelgeuse IV, blamed for the last ruler of the planet's death [-1]

Clown [-1]

Covetous [-1]

Resources: Level -2 [-4]

Honorable, mild [-1]

Reckless, mild [-1]

Addiction, mild [1] [Catnip Gum]

Kitty is addicted to bubblegum. Specifically: chemically-laced, habit-forming, synthetic catnip bubblegum of the future. No, really. She is. So the next time you think it's half-cute and half-annoying that she chews bubblegum constantly while talking to you, just keep in mind she's getting her daily fix. And be glad she can use the Loft Doors to jaunt back to her own time period for another pack.


[20 points worth]

Acrobatics: 3

Art: 1

Computers: 2

Crime: 0

Doctor: 0

Driving: 1

Getting Medieval: 5

Gun Fu: 1

Influence: 1

Knowledge: 2 +1 = 3

Kung Fu: 2

Languages: 0

Mr. Fix-It: 0

Notice: 1

Occultism: 0 +1 = 1

Science: 1

Sports: 0


Kitty usually keeps her twin katanas within reach under the bar. They are named Toshiko and Jimmy, and are not magical or special in any way, shape, or form… besides being, you know, big sharp swords. Each katana weighs three pounds without the scabbard (an additional one pound each.)

Katana (single): 4 x STR 3 = 12 points slash/stab


Maneuver Roll Effects
Claw 7 + 2 6 + SL Slash/stab damage
Kick 7 + 2 - 1 8 + SL Bash damage
Katana Attack 7 + 5 12 + SL Slash/Stab damage
Off Hand Strike -1 Use second katana for extra attack
Decapitation 7 + 5 - 5 (12 + SL) x 5
Through the Heart 7 + 5 - 3 (12 + SL) x 4
Disarm 7 + 5 - 2 Disarms opponent
Dodge 7 + 5 Avoid attacks
Parry (HTH) 7 + 2 Stop attacks
Parry (Katana) 7 + 5 Stop attacks; damage HTH attackers
Feint (Katana) 3 + 5 Add SLs to next attack