Table of Contents

Katie Wilson, Housewife

Character Sheet

Katherine the Great - PB Grace Kelly

Katherine the Great - Character Journal

Katherine the Great - Pleasantdale

Vital Statistics

Height: 5' 5” - Weight: 128 lbs - Eyes: Blue - Hair: Blonde

Life Points: 38

Drama Points: 24

Citizenship: +3

Experience Points: 3

Banked XP:

Constitution: 1


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 2

Intelligence: 3

Perception: 3

Willpower: 3


Attractiveness +3 [3]

Charisma 2 [2]

Fast Reaction Time [2]

Good Luck +5 [5]

Hard to Kill 4 [4]

Hero [1]

Nerves of Steel [3]


Addiction: Habitual Drinker [-1]

Clown [-1]

Covetous: Ambition (Mild) [-1]

Emotional Problems - Dependency [-1]

Honorable: Minimal [-1]

Minority: Female [-1]

Tragic Love [-4]


Acrobatics: 2

Art: 1

Computers: 0

Crime: 1

Doctor: 1

Driving: 0

Getting Medieval: 2

Gun Fu: 0

Influence: 2

Knowledge: 4

Kung Fu: 0

Languages: 0

Mr. Fix-It: 0

Notice: 5

Occultism: 0

Science: 1

Sports: 1

Background Summary

Katie Wilson married her high school sweetheart and settled down to become a housewife, only to find that a life of being the good wife wasn't nearly as exciting or appealing as she thought it would be. Still, she keeps her home tidy, prepares meals for her husband, listens to his stories, does as she's asked, and masks a sense of sadness under a smile kept bright by a slight alcohol problem. Her happiness comes from her weekly bridge club games, where she spikes the lemonade with rum and vodka, and from friendly gossip with the neighbors.

Special Items

Liberty Lemonade

Take an empty gallon pickle jar, and pour in a two-quart pitcher of lemonade, then mix in one pint of vodka and one pint of rum. Fill to the top with ice, then cap the pickle jar. Wrap with a small bath towel, then take turns shaking it until the towel freezes to the jar. Open the jar and serve in punch cups. Remember to stand up slowly after drinking, girls.

The Good Wife's Guide

The Good Wife's Guide

NPC Relationships

Katie is married to Chester Wilson, a Fuller Brush salesman and former football linebacker. Unfortunately, while she is still fond of him, he doesn't really 'connect' with her on an emotional level, which brings a certain amount of discord to their marriage. Unfortunately, this is the era when divorce is out of the question.

Katie's parents, Elisabeth and Gerald Morgan, are also both still alive and well, and living in Pleasantdale. Elisabeth Morgan is a former World War II computer and current UNIVAC programmer, and her husband, Professor James Morgan, is a mathematics professor at Pleasantdale Valley High and also works as a UNIVAC programmer. Neither discusses their current employment.

Chester Wilson, NPC

Chester Wilson PB Joe Stydahar

Life Points: 57

Drama Points: 20

Strength: 4

Dexterity: 4

Constitution: 4

Intelligence: 2

Perception: 2

Willpower: 2

Banked Experience:

Doctor: 1


Athlete [4]

Hard to Kill 5 [5]

Resources: Middle Class [2]

Contacts: The Boys at the Office (Gossip) [1]

Resistance: Pain 2 [2]

Natural Toughness [2]

Nerves of Steel [3]

Skill Specialty: Brush Seller [1] (+2 to Influence for sales, can use to gain entry to houses)


(-1 to Intelligence attribute rolls excepting for Sports)

Bad Luck [-2]

Dependent: Wife [-2]

Humorless [-1]

Covetous: Wealth (Mild) [-1]

Schmuck [-2]

Delusion: Moderate (Minority Inferiority) [-2]


Acrobatics: 0

Art: 0

Computers: 0

Crime: 1

Doctor: 1

Driving: 2

Getting Medieval: 1

Gun Fu: 2

Influence: 4

Knowledge: 1

Kung Fu: 2

Languages: 0

Mr. Fix-It: 1

Notice: 1

Occultism: 0

Science: 1

Sports: 5

Chester Wilson is a reasonably well-to-do door to door brush salesman for the Fuller Brush Company. He is married, currently has no children, and is reasonably uninterested in having any at the moment. He is a broad-chested fellow who isn't exactly the brightest in the world when it comes to numbers, but can still quote sports figures like anyone's business, and is actually an excellent salesman when he puts effort into it. He is currently considering volunteering to become the town's Civil Defense Coordinator as a precursor to running for mayor in a few years.

Chester drives a powder-blue Hudson Hornet four-door sedan.

Chester's Car - 1952 Hudson Hornet

Elisabeth Morgan, Former Computer / Current Programmer

Elisabeth Liddell Morgan is technically classified as a 'teaching assistant' rather than a professor at Pleasantdale University, but is one of the few people in the Eastern seaboard with familiarity with computers - human and mechanical - her lesser-known job on campus is as a UNIVAC machine programmer, and she often accompanies her husband to university functions, where she is 'surprisingly quick-witted for a woman', as one professor has back-handedly complimented her. Despite the challenges of her position in society, she remains even-tempered and polite under the worst of circumstances.

Notes on Univac for later reference:

Skill Specialty: Codebreaker: You receive a +2 to all skill rolls involving the decryption of patterns and codes, from shopping trends to complex cryptological sequences.

Skill Specialty: Mathlete: You receive a +2 to all skill rolls involving mathematical expertise and generally can do normal mathematical problems in your head where others would need a calculator.

Security Clearance

Charisma +1

Attractive +1

Computers: 4

Mr. Fix-It: 2

Knowledge: 3

Professor James Morgan, Professor of Mathematics

James Morgan is a talented mathematician and thinks he is a talented jokester. He's right on at least one count, and his generally personable demeanor causes people to let him think he's amusing. He met his wife when she moved to Pleasantdale in 1932, and a romance blossomed that resulted in their marriage and the birth of their daughter, Katherine. Although he has picked up some bits of knowledge regarding the UNIVAC programming system from his wife, he doesn't have clearance to use the machine, and respects her need to keep her work life separate from her home life. They both get along very well, and are surprisingly nonjudgmental for their time; James sees himself as above such concerns. Unfortunately, this attitude strikes a few of his co-workers as 'suspiciously un-American', and one or two of his colleagues are actively making complaints about his comments regarding acceptance of others.

Skill Specialty: Mathlete: You receive a +2 to all skill rolls involving mathematical expertise and generally can do normal mathematical problems in your head where others would need a calculator.

Charisma +1

Good Luck 3

Talentless [-1]

Clown [-1]

Computers: 1

Science: 3

Knowledge: 3

Mr. Fix-It: 1

Gun Fu: 0

Kung Fu: 1

Getting Medieval: 2

Art: 0

Doctor: 1

Sports: 0

Influence: 2