Jonathan Alexander Geoffry Fitzroy Somerset (Johnny Summers), Bookseller

Character Sheet

Vital Statistics

Height: 6' 1“ - Weight: 175 lbs - Eyes: brown - Hair: brown

Life Points: 57

Drama Points: 20

Experience Points:

Citizenship: 0


Strength: 4

Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 4

Intelligence: 2

Perception: 3

Willpower: 2


Attractiveness: 3

Bullseye: 1

Charisma: 3

Photographic Memory: 2

Fast reaction time: From commando

Situational awareness: 2

Commando: 4

Hard to kill (3 levels) +2 levels purchased

3 point obligation to Navy


Clown: -1

Cruel: -1

Fear of commitment: -1

recurring nightmares: -1 (war dreams, zombie ex-wife)

dependent: -2

love: -2






Doctor: 1

Driving: 3

Getting Medieval: 2

Gun Fu: 4

Influence: 3


Kung Fu:


Mr. Fix-It:

Notice: 2




WC (Tactics): 5

Background Summary Jonathan Alexander Geoffry Fitzroy Somerset was born to an aristocratic family in England. His Father was an American, and the family soon moved to California. His Mother died when he was young, and Johnny decided to disown his British family and focus on being an American.

He returned to England and fought during WW2, earning medals for valor as well as a Purple Heart. While recovering from his injuries, he met an American Nurse and fell in love. When she told him that she was going to have a child, he managed to have some family jewels sent to him, and he gave her one of his Mother's rings. The two were married, but shortly after, his new wife was sent back to the US, and discharged from the Army.

Johnny sent money, and instructions to purchase a home, so they could be together when he returned. He didn't come back until the end of the war, and instead of a house, happy wife and child, he returned to an apartment, and an unpleasant wife who'd given his daughter to Grandparents to raise. Johnny got his daughter from his wife's parents, returned to Pleasantdale, and bought a nice house for his family. He now went by the name Johnny Summers, and went back to being as American as possible.

He bought a bookstore near the university, and settled into a quiet job there, trying to forget all he saw in the war. He and his daughter were both well liked, but his wife grew more and more unpleasant as the years went by, she was even unfaithful a few times. Johnny was entertaining the idea of a divorce when the zombie attacks started. His wife was bitten fairly early in the invasion.

Johnny and his daughter both seem fairly happy, though most of their time is now spent at the bookstore and their home.

Their daughter, Elizabeth Caroline Jonathan Fitzroy Somerset, was a mostly well adjusted teenager, and somewhat popular at school.


Johnny believes in equal rights for all, which is part of the reason he mostly avoids his side of the family. He gave his wife the chance to work, but she wanted to stay at home. He was okay with that and spent more time at the bookstore, eventually taking his daughter with him. He is gregarious and cheerful, easily making friends, and sales at his store. He is a big flirt, and manages to attract many women, though it never progresses beyond flirtation for him.

Since the zombie invasion he has remained armed, and has taught his daughter how to use a rifle. He is in the process of digging trenches around his bookstore and his house. He is also on the hunt for boards to reinforce his chain link fence.


Johnny usually masks his pain with jokes and cheerfulness, so he is rarely taken seriously. He is fiercely loyal and it takes a lot for him to write someone off. He saw something terrible in the war, as a result, he suffers from what we would now consider PTSD. The current zombie situation has put him back into commando mode. He's digging trenches, and trying to get his daughter to wear his old fatigues.

He's still mostly cheerful, so it's hard to tell if he's actually going mad, or if it's all part of some elaborate ruse.


Johnny lives in a four bedroom home in the Historic district, with his daughter, Libby. The house has two stories and a large back yard, and is surrounded by a fence. The grass is always cut, and a neighbor of his planted flowers for him a while back.


House Car Bookstore Rifles Ammo shovels sandbags canned food books

NPC Relationships