Table of Contents

Jakita Wagner


Life Points: 79 (70 + 3 HTK)

Drama Points: 10

Experience Points: 0

Attributes (25 Points)

Strength: 5 + Commando (1) + Century Baby (3) = 9

Dexterity: 5 + Buff (1) + Century Baby (2) = 8

Constitution: 4 + Buff (1) + Commando (1) = 6

Intelligence: 4

Perception: 3

Willpower: 4

Qualities/Drawbacks (25/4)

Quality Cost Level (if applicable)
Buff Girl 4 (No penalty to intellect)
Commando 4
Century Baby 5
Fast Reaction Time 2
Acute Vision 2
Attractiveness 2
Natural Armor 10
Hard to Kill 0 Level 3 [From Commando]
Situational Awareness 0 [From Commando]
Total: 29
Drawback Value Level (if applicable)
Honorable 2 Serious
Recklessness 1 Mild
Violent Impulses 1 Mild
Total Obligation* 0 [ From Commando]
Total: 4

Century Baby: *Jakita is the child of at least one and possibly two 'Century Babies'. [Century Baby package: up to five attribute points to be divided between at least two Attributes, no final Attribute can exceed ten.]

Total Obligation: *Jakita routinely risks her life in pursuit of the goals of the Planetary organization.

Skills (40 + 2 points from Buff Girl )

Acrobatics: 2 (+2 Buff Girl) = 4

Art: 0

Computers: 2

Crime: 3

Doctor: 1

Getting Medieval: 7

Gun Fu: 4

Influence: 3

Knowledge: 2

Kung Fu: 7

Languages: 1 (German)

Mr. Fix It: 1

Notice: 3

Occultism: 1

Science: 1

Sports: 0


- Has a +3 bonus to Survival Tests (Hard to Kill, from Commando).

- Has a +2 bonus to any Perception-based roll to sense trouble or danger in the immediate surroundings; this bonus also applies to resisting any Crime or Acrobatics rolls made to sneak up on her (Situational Awareness).

- Every physical attack that lands has 10 points of damage subtracted before modifiers are applied– Natural Armor.

Combat Maneuvers/Damage

Maneuver Roll Effects
Aim 3 + 7 Adds SLs to next attack
Punch 8 + 7 (18 + SL) Bash damage
Kick 8 + 7 - 1 (20 + SL) Bash damage
Sword 8 + 7 (36 + SL) x 2 Slash/stab damage
Decapitation (sword) 8 + 2 - 5 (36 + SL) x 5
Grapple 8 + 7 +2 Grapples opponent
Disarm (with weapon) 8 + 7 - 2 Disarms opponent
Dodge 8 + 7 Avoid attacks
Parry (HTH) 8 + 7 Stop attacks
Parry (with weapon) 8 + 7 Stop attacks; damage HTH attackers
Feint (HTH) 3 + 7 Add SLs to next attack
Feint (with weapon) 3 + 7 Add SLs to next attack