Table of Contents

Paragon (Teenaged Djinn)

“She WOULDN'T come! D'you think I LIKE wearing these clothes?!”

Drama Points: 12

Experience Points: 32

Banked Experience:

WC: Sign Language: 1 [4 more needed to next level]

Occultism: 5 [5 more needed to next level]

Notice 4 [4 more needed to next level]

Sport: 2 (3 more needed to next level)

WC: Pokemaniac: 1 (4 more needed to next level)

Willpower: 4 (21 more needed for level 5)

Perception: 3 (17 more needed for level 4)


Strength: 4

Dexterity: 4

Constitution: 5

Intelligence: 5

Perception: 3

Willpower: 4

Life Points: 76

Jubilee -

Life Damage: 43

Fatigue Damage: 18


Djinn [23]

Pyrokinesis 3 [9]
Increased Life Points 2 [2]
Good Luck 1 [1]
Hard to Kill 2 [2]
Sorcery 3 [15]
Reduced Damage (Fire-Based: 1/5 damage) [5]
Vulnerability: Water (Double damage) [-2]
Supernatural Form (Being of Fire) [-1]
Supernatural Senses: Basic [1]
Must obey True Name if invoked (Treat as lvl 3 Hypnotism to resist) [-2]
Phobia to Water (Severe; -3 to resist) [-3]
Pentagrams can ward off or contain [-1]
Antisocial Impulses: Deceit (Mild) [-1]
Mental Problems: Recklessness (Mild) [-1]
Immortal [0]

As a djinn, Fritz can start fires at will using Willpower + Pyrokinesis + die roll, inflicting Willpower x SL damage fire damage and possibly setting things alight. He can also do other forms of combative magic using Sorcery and/or Occultism, although he is very unlikely to cast or use any sort of water-related magic and will avoid it where possible.) Djinn have a racial compulsion to be deceptive and tricky, and must specifically work to overcome this tendency.


Teenager [-2]

Covetous: Mild [-1]


Acrobatics: 4

Crime: 5

Languages: 5

Notice: 3

Occultism: 5

Influence: 5

Knowledge: 5

Kung Fu: 2

Gun Fu: 2

Driving: 1

Wild Card (Demolitions) 4


Willy's Lucky Tattoo: A tattoo of blue fire, spelling out the name 'Imogene'. Temporary +2 to fear checks whenever at least one other person fails theirs. Works as long as the tattoo is visible.

Aurelian Vampire Party Favours

Wee brass medallion depicting a cake with four candles, topped with tiny gems, and inscribed: William's birthday, 1884

A pack of trading cards for the collectible demon trading card game that Spike and the other fledges of his world enjoy, containing: A Sphynx (common), a Sandworm (rare), a Madrid (rare), a Brownie (common), a Ghoul (common), a Kappa (common)

What at first appears to be a plain Victorian umbrella– although most Victorian umbrellas aren't bright orange and don't appear to have red and yellow flames painted on them. However, when the rubber handle grip is unscrewed it is revealed to contain a tin of ointment labeled “Dr Sparks's Water Repellent Unguent”. The instructions state that the ointment is to be 'liberally applied' to all exposed skin, and will act as a water repellent for up to 24 hours. It is specified as being “Ideal for Efrits, Djinni, Firebrats, Imps, and other Infernal Creatures”.