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William the Bloody ‘Spike’ Aurelius

Character Type: Fledgeling Monster (Vampire)

Age: 4 years undead

Appearance: Spike appears to be a rather slender human boy in his mid-teens, with unruly blonde hair that has a tendency to curl despite his best efforts to subjugate it. His youthful enthusiasm for games and sport and his stature in comparison to his Sire's, as well as Angelus's tendency to treat him like a young adolescent, enhance the perception of his being a youth. Spike has intense blue eyes, a strong jaw and prominent cheekbones, and a deceptively innocent expression. He generally is dressed in dark wool trousers, black leather boots, a white button-up shirt and braces. At times he also wears a waistcoat and jacket. Occasionally Spike is coerced into dressing like a 'respectable' gentleman of the Victorian era, but greatly prefers to dress informally. He carries a sharp lock-blade knife, and a couple of lock-picks upon his person at all times.

Drama Points: 11

Life Points: 63 (currently at 46 LP for Skald adventure)

Experience Points: 0

Banked Experience:
Doctor: (6 more needed for next level)
Getting Medieval: 3 (7 more needed for next level)
Occultism: 3 (7 more needed for next level)
Mr. Fix-It: 2 (6 more needed for next level)
WC: Tactics:
WC: Sign Language: 3 (2 more needed for next level)
Willpower: ( more needed for next level)
Science: (6 more needed for next level)
Acrobatics 5 (3 more needed for next level)
Notice: (10 more needed for next level)
WC: Chainsaw: 1 (4 more needed for next level)
Constitution: 2 (28 more needed for next level)
WC: Pokemaniac: 1 (4 more needed for next level)
WC: Trusty Funded: 4 (1 more needed for next level)
WC: Dragons
WC: Desert Survival 1 [4 needed for next level]


Strength: 6

Dexterity: 7

Constitution: 5

Intelligence: 3

Perception: 4

Willpower: 3


Immortal 0

Vampire 15

Attractiveness 1

Fast Reaction Time 2

Good Luck 3

Natural Toughness 2

Situational Awareness 2

Nerves of Steel 3

Pain Resistance 1

Hard to Kill 1 +2 = 3


Anti social impulses

Cruelty 1

Deceit 2

Violence 2

Covetousness 1

Dependent 2

Honourable 1

Recklessness 1


Acrobatics: 3

Art: 2

Crime: 3

Doctor 2

Driving: 1

Getting Medieval: 4

Gun Fu: 1

Influence: 1

Knowledge: 2

Kung Fu: 3

Languages: 1 (Latin)

Mr Fix-it: 3

Notice: 4

Occultism: 4

Science 2

Sport: 3 (Cricket)

WC: Tactics: 4

WC: Wilderness Survival 1

WC: Dragons 1


Tactical Shotgun [20 Bullet damage, holds eight shots, one shot per Turn]

2 loose shotgun shells

Bulletproof Jacket [Armour Value 4, 12 vs Bullets, torso only]

Serrated Knife [2 x Str Slash, can decapitate grappled opponents)

2 Hand-axes, balanced for throwing

1 Short Sword

1 Catapult

2 Dozen ball bearings

3 Throwing daggers

Monty's Doctor Kit (+2 to any Doctor rolls)

1 Charm shaped like a Firebright, on a leather thong, which when held and the command Word 'Firebright' will provide a light source- the charm may also be thrown and used as an explosive device, although this will destroy it. (Reward from The Lady for the Vamphater Island adventure)

Gris gris bag: will give a +2 to “Resist Demonic Powers” (specifically, attempts to enthrall him or dominate) if Spike has it on his person.

Gotta Crush 'Em All

Aside from the normal equipment carried, Spike also has the following:

Pokemon: Ekans ('Pants')
Current Stats:

Stat # Effects
Lev 1 PokeSkill: 1
HP 27 LP: 27/27 PP: 27/27
Atk 24 Str 2, +5 to phys attack damage
Def 20 End 1, Armor 4 vs phys attack
SpAtk 19 Int 1, +4 to spec attack damage
SpDef 22 Will 2, Armor 5 vs spec attack
Spd 22 Dex 2

Unisystem Stats:
LP: 27/27
PP: 27/27
Str: 2
End: 1
Dex: 2
Int: 1
Will: 2
Per: 1

Moves Known:

Move Name Attack Roll Effects PP Cost
Wrap 2+1 Normal/Physical: Inflicts 7+5+SL damage every turn for (2 turns if roll was 1, 2, or 3; 3 turns if roll was 4, 5, or 6; 4 turns if roll was 7, 8, or 9; 5 turns if roll was 10). Treated as a Grapple for Unisystem rules. 4
Leer Defense Down: -8 armor vs Phys attacks 4


- Has a +2 bonus to hearing and smell/taste-based Perception rolls (+4 when involving blood) (Vampire)

- Takes only one-fifth damage from bullets (Vampire)

- Recovers from injuries at the rate of five Life Points every hour (fire damage regenerates at the rate of five Life Points per day) (Vampire)

- Is vulnerable to sunlight, holy symbols, stakes through the heart, and beheading. (Vampire)

- Has a a bonus of +1 on Willpower Tests to resist fear. (Due to Fast Reaction)

- Is immune to fear except when confronting the strangest supernatural manifestations, and gains a +4 bonus to rolls even then. (Nerves of Steel)

- Has a bonus for Initiative purposes (+5 if using dice to 'roll for initiative'), modified by common sense (Fast Reaction).

- Has a +4 bonus to Survival Tests (Hard to Kill).

- Has 4 points of Armor Value against blunt attacks (Natural Toughness).

- Gains a +2 bonus to any Perception-based roll to sense trouble or danger in the immediate surroundings; this bonus also applies to resisting any Crime or Acrobatics rolls made to sneak up on him (Situational Awareness).

- Has a +1 to Consciousness Tests (Pain Resistance).

- Has a +4 to Survival Tests (Hard to Kill).

-Charloft Rank '2'- 'Lifetime Customer'

-Successfully ate a scorpion on the Egyptian adventure


Maneuver Roll Effects
Punch 7 + 3 12 + SL Bash damage
Kick 7 + 3 - 1 14 + SL Bash damage
Pick Locks 7 + 2 Used to attempt to open locks
Feint (Kung Fu) 3 + 3 Feint with bare fists; add SL to next attack if not resisted
Feint (Get Med) 3 + 3 Feint with a melee weapon; add SL to next attack if not resisted
Aim (Gun Fu) 4 + 1 Aim a gun; add SL to gun attack, but attack occurs at end of round
Gun Shot 7 + 1 Fire a gun; semi-automatic fire uses one roll (each extra bullet uses roll -1 cumulative)
Knife 7 + 3 12 + SL Slash damage
Parry 7 + 3 Defend against attacks; also inflicts damage on HTH attackers if successful
Dodge 7 + 3 Get out of the way of attacks
Groin Shot 7+3
Head Butt 7 + 3 - 2 12 + SL Bash damage; attacker takes damage if failed
Spin Kick 7 + 3 - 2 16 + SL Bash damage
Slam Tackle 6 + 0 Cannot be Parried; target takes 12 + SL damage and is knocked down if they fail to resist w/Str (not doubled) roll; can automatically grapple torso or legs if successful
Grapple 7 + 3 + 2 Body grapple gives -1 to all actions; limb grapple gives -2 to use limb; neck grapple sets up for Choke/Break Neck

Spike- +6 camel (roguish, shaggy) Name: Turk (fierce)