Table of Contents

Eric Lancaster, Mechanic

Eric Lancaster, PB Henry Cavill

Lancaster Industries - Character Journal

Lancaster Industries - Pleasantdale

Character Sheet

Vital Statistics

Height: 5' 7“ - Weight: 174 lbs - Eyes: Blue - Hair: Brown

Life Points: 38

Drama Points: 21

Citizenship: +3

Experience Points: 4


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Constitution: 2

Intelligence: 4

Perception: 2

Willpower: 2


Eidetic Memory 2 [2]

Cross-Discipline: Percussive Maintenance (can use Mr. Fixit in place of Science to repair complicated machinery… mostly by knowing where to hit it) [1]

Skill Specialty: Vehicle Mechanic (+2 to vehicle Mr. Fixit) [1]

Hard to Kill 4 [4]

Resistance: Poison (2) [2]

Situational Awareness [2]


Covetous: Lechery (Mild) [-1]

Honorable: Minimal [-1]


Acrobatics: 0

Art: 0

Computers: 0

Crime: 0

Doctor: 1

Driving: 3

Getting Medieval: 1

Gun Fu: 2

Influence: 0

Knowledge: 2

Kung Fu: 1

Languages: 3 [French, Russian, German]

Mr. Fix-It: 5

Notice: 2

Occultism: 0

Science: 1

Sports: 0

Background Summary

Eric Lancaster served with distinction as a mechanic for the British Royal Air Force during World War II, tweaking machinery from Allied and Axis powers alike into service for the war effort. After the end of the war, however, he received an offer to work for Vito Marchese, whose B-17 he'd worked on during the war, and gladly accepted. He currently lives in the town of Pleasantdale, where he puts his mechanical skills to use doing what he loves most - fixing electrical and mechanical maladies, and handling all sorts of interesting parts and vehicles without seeming too concerned about where they came from or where they're going. He usually remembers to show up to church and to social events, although sometimes he needs some reminding. While not a gung-ho commando during the war, he was diligent in his training, and has kept up on his marksmanship due to the concerns of a potential war on the horizon.


Eric does not honestly believe in the savagery of the Russians (or the inferiority of women or minorities), and is mildly uncomfortable at the extent of some American extremists. A purring motorcycle is much more easily understood to him. He is a staunch Catholic, and keeps a medal of Saint Eligius around his neck for luck. He believes in the importance of maintaining one's combat readiness, and maintains weapons he is familiar with - the Lee Enfield Bolt-Action .303 Magazine Rifle and Enfield Mk 2 revolver - in case of a Communist attack. He also occasionally participates in local hunting activities as part of the community to keep up his training.


Due to Eric's understanding of French, Russian, and German having been picked up mostly from technical manuals and not as much from social interaction, his sentence structure when speaking foreign languages is often peculiar. While still perfectly understandable, it does make for an amusing accent to native speakers of the language.


Eric currently rents a small apartment near his place of work, and puts most of his money into his 1952 Thunderbird motorcycle and his various personal projects and tools. He lives comfortably, but not extravagantly, and he prefers it this way.


1952 Thunderbird

Swiss Army Knife

Lee Enfield Bolt-Action Rifle (10-round box magazine)

Supply of .303 rifle rounds

Webley and Scott Self-Loading .455 Mark I (7-round box magazine)

Supply of .455 pistol rounds (can technically take .45 ACP ammo)

Various tools and projects

His dog, Webley

Teapot and an assortment of Darjeeling teas

Bottle of chloroform

NPC Relationships


Eric has a black Labrador Retriever named Webley that he takes excellent care of, and who has a collar and tags with Webley's name and Eric's address on them. Webley has been trained to retrieve game animals, and enjoys long walks and fetching balls, sticks, and other thrown objects. He is Eric's closest living companion, and Eric would be very upset if he were hurt or killed.