Table of Contents


“I do not want to knock three or four people out to get them across a damn corpse bridge.”

Character type: Monster Journeyman

Drama Points: 12

Life Points: 66 [54 + 4 levels of HTK]



Strength: 4

Dexterity: 6

Constitution: 5

Intelligence: 3

Perception: 4 [+1^] = 5

Willpower: 2



Vampire (16pt)

*Ellis has the 2-point version of Vampiric Regeneration instead of the template-standard Regeneration


Fast Reaction Time

Hard to Kill [+2*]: Level 4

*Bonus due to Vampire quality

Natural Toughness

Resistance [Pain] Level 2

Situational Awareness


Adversary: Chevaliers [-2]

Emotional Problem: Loner [-1]

Mental problems: Cruelty [-1

Mental problems: Paranoia [-1]

Minority: Campy Queer*

*Yes, that is a technical term


Acrobatics: 1

Art: 2 [+1^] 3

^Bonus due to Artist quality

Computers: 0

Crime: 2

Doctor: 0

Driving: 1

Getting Medieval: 1

Gun Fu: 0

Influence: 1

Knowledge: 1

Kung Fu: 1

Languages: 1 [French]

Mr. Fix-It: 2

Occultism: 1

Notice: 3

Science: 0


- Has a +2 bonus to hearing and smell/taste-based Perception rolls (+4 when involving blood) (Vampire)

- Takes only one-fifth damage from bullets (Vampire)

- Uses consumed blood to heal injuries; also recovers 6 LP a day (Vampiric Regeneration, 2-pt version)

- Is vulnerable to sunlight, holy symbols*, stakes through the heart*, and beheading. (Vampire)

(*Ellis is only vulnerable to holy symbols wielded by those of genuine faith; stakes through the heart immobilize Ellis but do not kill him. This increases the cost of his Vampire quality by one point, to 16.)

- Receives -1 penalty to Willpower rolls to resist fear or losing his temper, or otherwise letting his emotions rule. (Artist)

- Has a a bonus of +1 on Willpower Tests to resist fear, neatly canceling out the fear bit above. (Due to Fast Reaction)

- Has a bonus for Initiative purposes (+5 if using dice to 'roll for initiative'), modified by common sense (Fast Reaction).

- Has a +4 bonus to Survival Tests (Hard to Kill).

- Has 4 points of Armor Value against blunt attacks (Natural Toughness).

- Gains a +2 bonus to any Perception-based roll to sense trouble or danger in the immediate surroundings; this bonus also applies to resisting any Crime or Acrobatics rolls made to sneak up on him (Situational Awareness).

- Has a +2 to Consciousness Tests (Pain Resistance).


Carries on his person at most times:

If going into light-to-moderate battle, Ellis may supplement these with:

If expecting heavy battle, Ellis's preferred gear is:

Found in the field:

Temporary equipment:

Combat Maneuvers/Damage

Maneuver Roll Effects
Hand Axe or Sword/Machete 8 + 6 (20 + SL) x 2 Stab/Slash damage
Punch 8 + 2 (10 + SL) Bash damage
Kick 8 + 2 - 1 (12 + SL) Bash damage
Knife (regular) 8 + 6 (10 + SL) x 2 Slash/stab damage
Knife (regular), thrown 8 + 6 - 1 (8 + SL) x 2 Slash/stab damage
Throwing knife, thrown 8 + 6 (8 + SL ) x 2 Slash/stab damage
Decapitation (hand axe or machete) 8 + 6 - 5 (20 + SL) x 5
Called Shot/Target Limb (hand axe or machete) 8 + 6 - 2 (20 + SL) x 2 S/S; special applies, see rules
Brain Shot (hand axe or machete) 8 + 6 - 4 (20 + SL) x 3
Through the Heart 8 + 6 - 3 (20 + SL) x 4, 5 for vamps
Vampire Bite 8 + 2 (10 + SL) x 2 Slash/stab, Special follow-up, see Rules
Disarm (with weapon) 8 + 6 - 2 Disarms opponent
Aim (with bow) 5 + 6 Aims
Aim (with gun) 5 + 3 Aims
Dodge 8 + 6 Avoid attacks
Parry (HTH) 8 + 2 Stop attacks
Parry (Weapon) 8 + 6 Stop attacks; damage HTH attackers
Feint (HTH) 3 + 2 Add SLs to next attack
Feint (Weapon) 3 + 6 Add SLs to next attack
Garrote (Special) Multiple rolls, see explanation